Monday, October 11, 2010

A decision

Tedi has decided she will not attend the national this year. We have four week old Magic Marker/Kirk puppies and they are starting to get socialized and she felt it was not a good time to leave them.
I had to decide if I would go without her to the national.  This is a terrible week for me to be gone from the law office, with court appointments, clients coming in, and work needed.  I also considered that without Tedi we would not show our Futurity dog, and so I would be there just to visit friends, watch the Big Show, see some new dogs, and Blog.
In the end, I have decided to go. I was in the office on Sunday to line up as much as I could, I played with the puppies more than they wanted, I checked out my lap-top and exercised my fingers.  I will work in the office and then head for the airport.
So, take fair warning, I will be in Utah, unless the plane crashes. If so, someone else will have to Blog, and be sure to talk to Zoe, she will show you how to do it.
Evan Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come together