Live Video
Keep watching this spot for reporting and commentary from the German Shepherd Dog Club of America National Specialty Show October 20th – 28th Springfield Illinois State Fairgrounds Brought to you by the combined efforts of Evan Ginsburg and the Showgsd-l Administration

Saturday, October 19, 2013
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
How the Logo Came to Be
By Gary Szymczak
I was asked by Nancy Harper to create the logo for our Centennnial. After giving it a lot of thought the slogan which is "100 Years of Service to Mankind" and never forgetting 9/11, the idea was to begin with the statue at AKC which is dog New York that was given after 9/11.
I replaced the rock with the globe, which represents service to the world, added the heart which obviously shows the heart of the GSD and then asked my pre-press/creative people to assist with the final touches. I'm proud of the fact that I was allowed to be a part of history and will never forget being a part of the Centennial.
By Gary Szymczak
I was asked by Nancy Harper to create the logo for our Centennnial. After giving it a lot of thought the slogan which is "100 Years of Service to Mankind" and never forgetting 9/11, the idea was to begin with the statue at AKC which is dog New York that was given after 9/11.
I replaced the rock with the globe, which represents service to the world, added the heart which obviously shows the heart of the GSD and then asked my pre-press/creative people to assist with the final touches. I'm proud of the fact that I was allowed to be a part of history and will never forget being a part of the Centennial.
The World Trials (WUSV) will happen October 17 - 20 at PPL Park, One Stadium Drive, Chester PA
A Press Release and events schedule can be viewed here
Representing Team USA this year are Jim Hill (Philadelphia, PA), Mike Diehl, (Marion County, Indiana) Tommy Gillies, (Indianapolis, IN) and Sean O'Kane (Danville, IL), all United Schutzhund Club of America); Chris Meverden (Tampa, FL) and Josh Markow (Jefferson GA) (German Shepherd Dog Club – Working Dog Association (GSDCA-WDA).
Tickets can be purchased at the PPL Park
Monday, October 14, 2013
The end of another year
My final thoughts as another year goes by.
The judging was the best this year that I have ever seen. Dave always does a good job, and this year showed us how great the breed type was, and how much we continue to improve our breed. It could be that we brought the best we could to him, or that he found the best of the best. But, in Specials it cannot be denied that many of those that did not make the cut, were impressive examples of the breed. Those that won, well, you had to be here to see that.
Both Morton and Gloria demonstrated that they know the way to judge our breed. They found the top of the quality that was brought to them, and again, a great deal of what we saw will encourage us to continue on the path we have been headed. The depth of quality was amazing, and if anyone wants to say our breed has gone to hell, they either didn't go to the national this year, or need to open their eyes.
Jamie always does a top job in judging and this year had a group of Juniors who were not only polished, but also showed as well in the Specials classes and the regular classes while being able to still show in Juniors. Nancy McDonald has done a fantastic job to promote the Juniors, and it is sad but understandable that she is stepping down to give that job to someone else.
I have been honored to be able to give something to the Juniors, mostly because you all supported the German Shepherd Youth Recognition Fund. I was blown away to be handed an envelope with money from the performance events for the Fund. This year more so than before I was faced with some decisions that were not easy. One person wanted me to announce as the funds came in, how much was there. The suggestion given to me was that she believed in disclosure and transparency. I think that has merit, and as she told me, if I did that, and also gave credit to those who donated, it would encourage more donations. I always have felt that who gives, or what they give is a private thing, and should not be for recognition, but rather to do it only to support the Juniors. I also feel that the money should not be an incentive to the competition, but the kids should be there only for the honor of showing and competing. Since I am a committee of one, (as I often am in my life), I am going with my opinion, right or wrong for now. I am open to ideas and will continue to consider them.
This year we awarded over $5,400.00 to a fund that will be put in a Trust Account to be given to the winner when she turns 18, or decides to turn professional. I feel not everyone will want to go to college, and so a college fund will not be set up. Again, just my opinion. I am also being told that we should limit the amount each year, and save the balance for the next year or years. I am thinking over that suggestion, as I consider all ideas. I am not settled on anything.
The show in total was more relaxed and fun than ever before. That might be a result of such good hot dogs, or maybe just I am getting old. I got to see so many old friends, and missed so many of those who did not attend. I can't name them all, but I would have enjoyed seeing Helen Fisher, Ken and Pat Downing, Rita Sandell, Bob and Nadine Grady, Tony, Daphne Hereford, Paul and Jennifer Root, and of course Summer who always keeps me smiling. Summer turns into a teenager on the 27th of this month. I hope she doesn't change as Paul Lynd says they do. (Byby Birdy). I regret not spending more time with some of my friends like Tami Howard, Doug Crane, Paula Cook, Cappy and Gloria, and so many others that were there, and I could only say hello to in passing. I would have liked to have the announcer's table open so others could sit with us, and had Flower Boy there too. But, there are always regrets, and that is normal for every National.
I was sorry that Exxon did not win his class, he is impressive. But the dog that beat him went on to become Best Puppy, and some folks did notice Exxon. Of course I had higher hopes for Icon, but he is young, and has a future ahead of him. I had picked Halston to win last year, and it took Dave to do it for her. Joey and Manny are two of the biggest supporters of good sportsmanship and two people who always have a kind word for everyone. That is the true value of this game.
I came back home without losing any weight. That is a good thing. I think it may have been due to the hot dogs there and the great lamb gyros. The food was excellent, the mood the best ever. The dogs better than ever, the crowd supportive, the judging as good as it could be, the location comfortable, and over all, another great event.
I know not everyone can attend a National. But Lana Lee works hours each day to make it work. Bob (The Voice of The National) Lindsey keeps us calm in the middle of the constant storms. It takes more than a village to put on an event like that, and the effort was rewarded.
I know there are tears for not winning. Exhaustion from the hard work. There are those who think they should have done more, or even felt they didn't get a fair shake, but that is the nature of the beast. Overall, another great year is in the books, and now we look forward to the next one.
Send me those donations for the German Shepherd Youth Recognition Fund, (I do need to think of a better name), keep breeding to improve the breed, and think what Bart will do next year with this depth of quality.
That's it for me folks, another year at the national. It is the first time I came home not thinking I never want to do the Blog again. Unless I start to limp or bite the judge, I will be there next year, and do the best I can to bring you what I see, what I think and how I feel. The nice thing about the Blog is that we all have a Delete button, feel free to use is well and often.
Thanks for listening.
Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come together
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come together
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Here are the Select Bitches
1. Halston
2. Roc My World
3. Honey Crisp
4. Pocahontas
5. Tortolla
6. Win Salls Who says
7. Stonewalls Dirty Look
8. Charmed
9. Rumor
10. Katherine Hepburn
11. Yada Yada Yada
12. Bonfire, 9 years and older
13. Maui
14. Bali
15. Cruz'n Trouble
I have to say, check what others say. Between Bob (The Voice of The National), Lana Lee and me, that is what I got. We are all cranky and upset. It has been a hard job, lots of criticism.
I feel good, I just saw Joe Bahari, and he said he reads the list. And Tim Brown also told me he reads this. So, I feel vindicated when two pilfer of the breed tell me that they read this. On to the dinner and then home so I can get into the office and put out the fires my staff has started.
Another show in the books. Don't cry for me, and give credit for Bob and Lana Lee who works their heart out.
Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come together
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come together
What I know so far
This should be fun, I have high hopes for Ruby.
I went to the Gold Page lunch. That is the first time I ate filet migon on paper plates with plastic silver ware. It was good, but unusual. It came from the same vendor who has the hot dogs. I may get one more before the show is over.
Okay, to the first group. This is going to be painful to me. I have little interest. I guess because I have nothing in there, and it is always about me. I suspect there will be a number of fantastic bitches, but since I can't breed to them, it isn't important to me.
Dave walks them for the first pass. And he says "please". It is nice to have a polite judge. Individuals.
We had lunch with Cappy and Gloria, Dr. Alice, Jane Kerner and Pam Stoesser. It is hard to find a group that laughs more than that. There are a lot of nice bitches here.
Dave says this is an honor to be here. He said this is the best group of bitches he has ever seen and that is only after his first group. I agree with him. This first group os astonishing. I like Yada Yada Yada, but there are a number of bitches just as good. Maybe the other five groups have nothing good in them. Dave says, take them around and out, nice and easy.
In comes another group. I want to mention Paula Cook . Not that she has done anything, but she likes to see her name, frankly, I don't care.
Dave is doing his thing. It is an amazing display of bitches. Anyone who says our breed is in trouble, or that we have bred into a corner, had to see those males, and these bitches. I know this is the best of the best, but it is so much better than I have seen in 40 years of watching National shows.
We are only into the second group. I hope if you are home, you have the video, and if not, get the archives. You can buy the archives after the show, even if you didn't watch it. Between that, and the tapes that Bobby does, you will see the whole show.
The group is done and Dave is checking his notes, not adding anything and sends them around again. Another group is waiting. I did like what Kent was handling.
This is amazing. People are coming up to buy dinner tickets, then up they come to sell them. I am trying to coordinate it, but it is not easy.
These tickets are getting to be crazy. People are paying me, and handing me tickets, and buying them as fast as I can sell them. In comes a new group. Martha Rinke just tole me that there are two people that like my Blog. That is one more than the last time I checked. Everyone is a critic.
But Tim Brown said he likes what I say on it. But then again, what does he know? On the other hand, he married Diane, so I have lots of respect for him, and I won't talk about her decision.
Halston is in there, and she is one I do like. She has been my favorite for years now. That is another group, and another ready to go. I think Ruby is going to lead the next group. But I am not sure. If I read it right, the crowd is behind a bitch with a history, such as already going Select.
Ruby just went around. She looked great, but what the hell do I know. I am trading dinner tickets for money. So far I have more to sell than I have buyers. Man, the quality is unbelievable. I thought it was great in dogs, but this is even more so.
I don't see Martha Simonet, and I always enjoy talking to her. I know it is a long drive, but if Jane Kerner can do it, so can Martha. That's the end of the class, and Dave walks over to them. Now Bob (The Voice of The National) is back. Off goes the class, Nice and Easy, as Big Dave looks them over, and only the first four. Dave makes some notes on just a few, looks them over and makes another note, and I think he is marking numbers. "Use the whole ring" and off they go.
Dave is walking to the ring opening, and in comes the last group, with the Winner's Bitch, etc. We are about ready for the unkindest cut of all. Eight in there, and there are problems with the streaming video. Everyone is working on it, and calling the main feed in Nebraska. They are on the phones trying to fix it.
I have to tell you, no one works harder than Lana Lee, and Bob (The Voice of The National), except for me of course. I want Bob to get part of the National next year, to get rid of him at this table. He is always interrupting Lana Lee and me. On the other hand, I intend to have Flower Boy here next year, and maybe I can stay home and sort out my sock drawer.
Dania is here talking to Lana Lee, the crowd is ready for something to happen. We ran out of candy, and I'm afraid to leave the stand, as I might miss some of the individual exams. I just went and put my arm around Yada Yada Yada. I would suspect her and Halston will be in the top five.
Done now with the last group, so now it begins.
Dave stands way back, takes out his notes and off they go, still dreaming.
Dave looks them over making notes on just a few of them. They go out, now he will bring in the first group and start destroying dreams and wishes. In they come.
He pulls Roc My World, Yada Yada Yada, aui, Pochontas and off go the others. New group. Off they go, still hopeful but not for long. Paula, (just to excite her).
Tortolla, Rumor Has It, and Cruz'n Trouble. New group, same results.
"Slow then down"
He pulls Ariel, Nobe Ca-She Katharine Hepburn, Oh My and Bearkooklyn. A new group.
Only from that group Black Magic and Halston. I knew Halston would be in there, and now the last group. Is Dave going to dash my hopes with Ruby too. I will let you all know when it is over, but I will know in a few minutes. I told Bill to slow her down, but no one listens to me,
Honey Crisp; and Love is in the Air and now another group, and I guess Ruby didn't please Dave as much as she did me.
Around they go, and who stays in nobody knows, but Dave.
Dirty Look, Who Sayha V Chablis, Bali and Fun and Games, and then there were twenty.
In front is Roc My World then Cruz' Trouble, Tell Me Something I don't Know, Tortollia, and some more. This hard since they are still being judges, and there is another half of the entry standing off to the side. He moves Tortollia up two places. There goes Yada, and let's see how she looks. That is a loose lead and Dave looks at his group and pulls her out and puts her in fourth.
Still in the first group. He takes Kent and puts her in fourth in front of Yada. He wants them to stay that way and stop down at the end, and now for his second group.
Last group goes around and they have a mess with the video. It is Chlemintine, Black Magic Woman, Halston, Katherine Hepburn and some others. How important is this pass?
Jimmie is at the end of the line with Arial. There goes Halston. She looks good to me. Maybe if someone asks me to judge they can listen to me, Dave calls her and puts her in second. Love is in The Air and nothing doing with her, and now Bearookly. Dave looks at her, and leaves her next to last, and now Jimmie with Ariel. He leaves him there and the class the way it is.
Dave yells "Easy" and thre they go. Out comes the other group. Dave checks that group, leaves them as they are and looks over the other keepers, just for a little while more. Off they go, Whole Ring Please, Slow Down. Which does he want, he can't want both?
Dirty Looks goes around. A Black with Sylvain. Dave looks and pulls her to second. Who Says takes the lap and she is fired up. Dave watches her and Puts her in third. Al goes with his bitch and here goes Abbey with hers and Dave leaves her where she is. He looks over these six and pulls Abby up to fourth. That is Bali, the Winner's Bitch.
They may have resolved the Video, a lot of hard work.
Still twenty one in there. Dave pulls Roc My World, Pochantas, Tortollia and now he takes the next four. He keeps five. Now he moves the second group. He pulls Clementine, Halston, Katherine Hepburn, and Black Magic Woman, and moves he rest of them. Seven still dreaming. Six to choose from. Honey Crisp, Rhyme, Rhume, and Dirty look. Dave looks at the about to be dismissed. Some good ones in there, but I don't think there is much hope left. He keeps Yada, Yada, Yada, Maui, Cruz'n Trouple. Now there are 16. Bob says 15, and either he or Lana are wrong. I don't care. He takes eight around.
He moves Clemintine to fifth, I am sure Christy is thrilled. And tells them to walk. Roc My World is in front for a minute, then he moves Halston in front with Pochantis in second. I know I spelled it wrong but I just don't give a shit right now. And he works the back of the class, six left. I don't think Dave will go with 15, but he could, the quality is that strong. Maui to fourth in this group. I guess there is some joy in that, being fourth at the end of the line.
Now the top onesk with Halston going up to the lead then Maui, Pochohontas, then some more. My eyes are failing and I am depending on Lana Lee who is working on the video. Dave sets the first seven aside, and takes the rest. Eight more. He gives them all a good look and moves to them. They stack and Dave looks at them, and is about to make someone happy. Isn't that all we ask for, he pulls up Yada Yada Yada to fourth in that group which would make her 11th Select if my figures are correct. He lines them all up. What a group of bitches. Still 15.
Dave works from Chlemintine back for the rest of them.
He moves them back without dismissing anyone. I think he will go 15. And now for the first group. The first seven and the winners and I think it is going to stay that way. They stack up and he moves Honey Crisp to third and he sends back the first four and looks at the last three. This is like picking the best beauty queen from all the past winners. He moves Who Says to second in his second half. Now the lead bitches with Halston in front. I have loved her for years, and thought she would win last year. Oh no, another change. He sets one aside. Now there are three. No way to pick one from the other Halston down and back. Roc My World, and now Honey Crisp, down and back. They all look clean from here. He moves Honey Crisp up one, and wants them each to lead one time. Honey Crisp in front. Dave said th ring go smaller again, and Halston goes u to the front again, and it is her and Roc My World, the two of them being evaluated.
1. Halston
2. Roc My World
3. OK, I don't have the finals, so here is what I have so far.
I am losing interest or exhausted. I am not sure which.
Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come together
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come together
Here we go. The Performance winners. The Obedience Victor for the last time, for now. Is a White. OH THE HORROR of it all. He did the work, but the membership has spoken.
Now the remembrance of those no longer with us. This is a very hard time for me. But, I guess I should be glad my name isn't there. I usually leave the building for this, but maybe I will stay here. Too many lost friends. Too soon. Bart is breaking up, and I would never be able to do this. I am going to stop typing for a minute.
I should leave for that, and next year I will.
There they go, and if anyone thinks our breed is not improving, they need to see this.
Mick Cheeks just reminded me of a comment I made on the Blog. He thought I called Diane Brown a Bitch. Just saying.
What a group of dogs in there and more to come. I see Icon, I also see Koby. I need to look further down the line, they are in the first seven in there.
They go all down one side and through the end and part of the other side. I see Martha Rinke with Pam Stoesser.
I think now it gets boring. Dave cuts them and eight in the first group. In there is Koby and Icon. At least I can get to see them early. Wow, what a load of good looking dogs. I wonder how they move. Diane Browns dog is fired up and excited, and she is baiting him. Liz Stifferman has a good looking dog, and is all in sparkles and a red skirt.
The first group goes off tothe wall, the second group heads out of the ring. I don't think he excused them, but what do I know. Now the third group, heads out, now the third group, and the fourth group with seven. So, if I figure it right, that means there are 39 dogs in there. That seems to be it.
Now the individuals, and Koby is out there. He is an impressive dog and one of my all time favorites. Ann Schultz just walked by and said she is a wreck Dave gives them a long look after they go down and back. I am sorry for a personal observation, but that is one hell of a dog.
Now Cyutas, a West Coast dog, the owners live in Vegas, with Art Sinclair. The dog went Select last year. He is a Black and seems well received.
Megabucks with Lenny, another good one. We have so may good dogs in there, it is going to be interesting to see what Dave does. I know he has no pre-thoughts, and does what he wants when it comes down to it.
I guess since you can't see what I see, I won't announce each dog. Lana Lee is doing that on the Video. Another reason to get the video. He wants Megabucks to go again.
The work being done on the video is amazing. They are always working on it, and trying to keep it up.
This is just amazing. You have to come to the National. This is nerve wracking.
Dave is taking notes and takes them around again. They they go again, and Icon is second to last and Koby is second from the front. Dave walks to them and sends them out and now call for the second group. In there is Galaxy and Titan. Two I want to watch.
Galaxy got a big hand from the crowd. Now the Titan dog. That is Bob Drescher's. We bred to him and loved the litter. I also like the dog, but the way.
Last in the group, and there they go. And they stand. Dave says one time around and take them nice and easy. I liked the first group better but I like Titan and a couple of others, and now the take another pass. Dave looks them over and makes some notes, and walks the line. It looks like he only makes notes about some of them. I don't know if it is good or bad.
On to the third group. We are through the first two groups in an hour. Dexter is there, and I have always loved him. Sheree Moses is coming by. She was able to crawl up into the bleachers, I am impressed. She is not only extraordinarily good looking but agile as well. Guardian is in there, and looks great. I sure am impressed with what Phoenix is producing.
Guardian is there now. I think he will be in the top five. Now to the end of that group. Dave says ONE TIME, and off they go. He divides them into four and four. And the other four.
And, they line up together. Dave walks over to them, and he takes out his notebook, makes some notes, looks them over and there they go, the whole group. Dave gives them all a good look. Dick Jones bring him some water, and the last group of dogs, with Bill Basu in front. He has Johnnie Black. He is a California dog owned by a really nice guy, and all black, the dog, and already went Select. Dave has them walk for the first pass. And a second pass at speed.
Ed Barritt is entertaining the crowd. He is sitting with Gloria. Van Dukman is sitting with Bill Lenord right next to us and behind Ed. That is a crowd not to upset.
Sean in there with his dog, and not much to type about right now. Sort of quiet in here. Boy, a lot of these dogs are champions. Amazing. Some of them are even Grand. Some, not so Grand.
We are getting down to the end of endless dreams for everyone. Someone will be cut soon, but for now we have about 40 handles who plan to go Grand Victor. Hope springs eternal.
When this group is done, it will be cutting time. As you reap, so shall you sow.
John Beamont is here now, as he finishes his last group, Dave, not John.
ICON MADE THE FIRST CUT, and four leave for next years dreams. Koby in there too, as expected.
Now the second cut. It is too far for me to see number so I am stuck with the dogs I know. There are four with dreams in there, and more to come. They take a pass and Dave gives everyone gets a good look and walks to the group. He points to Grayson, Galaxy, Horse With No Name and TITAN. Bob and I together again. Out goes four more.
Dave gires directions to the "still with hope dogs" and takes another group. Dave is talking to Alex, and tells them to stack, and he goes over towards them, looking and in goes Cacique, Guardian, Under Siege and that's it. Man, is this guy good. Frank DeBen was here helping, but for some reason he has to go double his dog.
Next group with Johnnie Black in front. He picks Johnnie Black and Rising Sun Bunker, Zimbabwe and no one else.
Off go the keepers for now. He takes eight, Icon and Koby are in there. Koby, Megabucks Camareigh, and Icon is at the end right now. Dave looks at him, and he excuses Icon and Razzle Dazzle. Well, maybe next year. Here goes the second half.
I liked the first group better, but again, I am not judging. Walks down to look at them, and asks for another pass, and off they go. He says, slow them down. I don't think he is overwhelmed with this group. He pulls five, but I am not sure which way he is going. I like a couple of them. Koby, Rising Son Bunker, Johnnie Black and Sanatana, (the Veteran Dog).
Now there are eleven. Koby in front. At least I can go for him if my dog is out. Dave tells them to relax. He goes to get a drink.
Dave says it is a magnificent group of males. Breed type and masculinity. There are all 11 going Select, and he is going to sort them out.
Here we go. Dave looks them over and says, loose lead and take them around and Koby looks great. One at a time. Megabucks, Camareigh, He moved Megabucks in front of Koby. Galexy, The crowd likes him and Dave walks over to them and Moves him second. Now Horse with No Name, at the end, and now Titan. He is fired up and Kent starts over. Now a better pass, Dave walks with him and pulls him up to three, now Guardian,a nd Dave walk to him and now Johnnie Black, and Dave puts him at the end. Now Rising Son with Olivia and Dave looks over what he has, brings her to sixth. Winner's dog, and a good one, Intesne Desire,and dave moves him to the end, and now the Veteran Dog, Santana.
Megabucks in front with Galaxy behind him and then Titan. Koby and Camera. He wants to see the last six and says SLOW THEM DOWN, and off they go. Dave says something and cuts the veteran dog. Now there are ten.
He sets aside the first five and takes the next three. It is loud in here. Lenny is giving directions and there goes Koby, Johnnie Black and Sylvain. I am sorry, Koby still looks good. He sets them all aside.
Megabucks, Galexy, Titan, Koby and Camareigh. Dave says, the standard likes these dogs.
Those five are in the middle, but Dave says this is not the final order, he says, nice and easy and use the whole ring. There they go.
Dave is not done yet, he is looking at Koby very closely. There are magnificent dogs.
From his last group Winner's Dog Intense Desire, and Santana. Not so good for the rest of them.
There go the end of the main group again. Titan Koby and Grayson. He moves Grayson into third, and Dave wants to see the top three, Megabucks, Galaxy and Grayson. Down and back.
There go the end of the main group again. Titan Koby and Grayson. He moves Grayson into third, and Dave wants to see the top three, Megabucks, Galaxy and Grayson. Down and back.
Galaxy in first, Megabucks in second, and Titan in third. Fourth is Koby. Now Galaxy and Megabucks and Megabucks to the front and just the two of them, and That is It. Grand Victor Megabucks.
1. Megabucks
2. Galexy
3. Grayson
4. Titan
5. Koby
6. Rising Son's Bunker
7. Horse With No Name
8. Guardian
9. Johnnie Black
10. Intense Desire.
I have to admit, I lost interest after Icon was cut, but I was blown away by the final results.
Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come together
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come together
First thing Saturday with no dogs
Well here we go. The BIG DAY!
Me and Bob Lindsey and Paublo are here. There is no one else in the ring.
I have seen so many of my old friends. Bob Eaton, Doug Crane, Debbie Hokanan, just to name a few. Then there are people like Dave Rinke and Martha, Dan Smith, even those who I talk to but never see like Lana Lee, Bob Drescher, and so many others. I miss Twyla Miner, The Tanks, and those who stayed home for one reason or another. Where is Bobbie Kindy, and I did get to see Carolyn Martello, but just for a minute.
A little drama here, they carried in China to the ring, Gloria and Leslie collided and bumped heads, Bud Drew fell, and Vivian Brown fell land broke some ribs. But, everyone is still here, sharing a laugh and meeting each other and new friends.
I gave out the gold and sliver pin to each Junior who is entered and so they could wear it all during the show. At breakfast a woman came next to me and mentioned how upset her grand daughter was, she had lost her pin. I leaned over and handed her another. Those are the things that make a national fun.
Sandy Lindsey just got here and is packing in the supplies for Bobby. Cathy Potter and Sam Colvin just got here. In walks Ann Schultz with lots of dreams, and my hopes too.
Here comes Al Martin. They moved Exxon last night, and he is getting a lot of attention. There is no power yet, but I am running on battery power, and so is my computer. The video people are back and the platform is gone. We are still working off a generator, since the power in here is not enough for the video and the rest of us. Mike McCory is here trying to find solutions to no platform for the video. They may be on the floor, so maybe I can see the show.
I don't have a spotter yet, I have burned everyone out. Harley came by with Paula on the lead. Tim Brown came by and talked about hot dogs and how good they are. I hear the program last night was interesting but long. I don't get to talk to Paula enogh, even if we are in California together.
We just made a good move. We moved our table up a level, and I can actually see. It was a group decision, and this is what Lana Lee first suggested. Cindy Tellefson came by to see if we needed any help. Evidently Paula wants more mention, but she doesn't do anything to talk about.
I just figured out that Lana Lee reads the Blog. Now I have to be more careful what I say. I saw Tim and Diane Brown with the cutest kid as I was leaving the hotel. They seem to mange at the dog show like us childless people. I can't imagine how they do that. The arena is filling up, and it is starting to look like a dog show. I see Nancy McDonald and she will have Icon, and Bill Basu will have Ruby. I hope one of them goes Select, but that is what all 80 of us hope isn't it?
The complaints are so much less for Bob Lana Lee and myself aren't doing as much to make people mad. But, of course, the day isn't over. Here comes Gary Schimshack with two massive silver trophies. Now Bob (The Voice of the National) is here, so it is time. Ann Schultz is showing off her sweatshirt and Bob brought his own water. Kris Fasano came by with her red, white and blue hat. Frank keeps changing from a suit to his regular clothes. Bill Leonard is talking to Bob in front of me, and I won't listen. But, he is bitching about the quality. He is more of a half empty type of guy. Kelly is here and in comes the clowns. Not Kelly, by the way.
I see Pat and Celeste sitting with Alex. They own Exxon and Grand Champion Asgard's Icon. I keep getting the names mixed up, since they are both about the same size. Julie Dagan is here giving information to Bob (The Voice of The National). I see Bart Barkley is in the ring.
Lana Lee just told me that the show starts at nine. CRAP!
I am sending this then going to take a nap.
Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come together
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come together
Friday, October 11, 2013
All the end
Helen Franklin is in the ring in all black with bling, and there are the four puppy winners. I had hopes that Exxon would be there, but he has a great career ahead of him. Second in that class is possible and there they are, Art, Leslie Kent and George. Frank is in there with the puppy coat.
I am not sure about that, but then again, I didn't think a Champion should have been in the Bred By Class. I was telling that to Dave Rinke and Ed Barritt. I told them I was an AKC judge and so they should listen to me. They both just walked away.
I just heard LanaLee saying if there was a problem, you can refresh your browser. What can I refresh, I need help. Where is Flower Boy when I need him. Next year I want him here at the table with us. Or instead of me.
I was surprised that Gary didn't get elected. He works so hard for this club, but now he can do what I do, and that is to help when asked, and not when required. It should be a relief for him but I will miss his voice on my board.
Bob has left the table. Now it is LanaLee and me. That should strike fear in the hearts of the membership. She with the video, and me with the Blog and a microphone. No one wanted that.
Best Puppy is Cresthaven's Marauder. That is a great puppy, and he had to be to beat Exxon. Look, I am the unofficial Blogger, so I can do anything I want.
Best Opposite Puppy is .Eagle Valley's Chloe II
On to Best Bred By Exhibitor.
In the ring is Frank Fasano and Leslie. I think the President has an advantage, but not so much in talent.
Helen looks good in her black outfit, and seems to smile more than most judges.
Frank's bitch wants to play and keeps biting the lead and Frank is doing the best he can with her, but she wants to play.
Only the two to pick from and it is going to be interesting. What do you judge by? I guess the dog. OK, I will go out on a limb and pick Leslie with Stuttgart's Single Action Army v Hammersmith.
That's all there is folks. I hope to be back tomorrow.
Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come together
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come together
We did the Veterans, and I went to get another hot dog. I think that might be my limit for one day.
In the 7 years & Under 9 years Dogs
First was Ch Trio's Johan Santana V marquis, Second is Asgard's Champion Harley Davidson v Playmark, Third is GCH Kebre Kaleefs AJ Von Hornberger, and Fourth is GCH Willowlakes Chances R. DN
Now 7 to 9 Bitches
Not much crowd reaction to the old folks. I have gotten a similar reaction to myself. I went to the archives. There is a letter from the AKC telling us we had to drop the name German from the club. I was the person who re-incorporated the club to put it back in.
They are working the young/old ladies now. Dancing Doll is in there. We sure remember her. Six in there. Morton watched one of them and shook his head. It is interesting to see him judge, there they go, walking, but a fast walk. Morton tells them to keep going, one time was not enough.
He gets his notes and sets them aside. The first two, down and back. Actually I like Dancing Doll the best, but she is in last place, just because of the entry. Two at a time, down and back. I sat with Linda Ferguson for a bit, and watched Harley. He looked just great, but got a second.
Morton is back at the front, and looking them over, one at a time. He walks down the line and has his notebook again, but doesn't make any notes. He looks at his notes.
Dancing Doll goes in front. Then Vici's Windsong, Amber's Chanel NO 5. And he takes he second and third around. They stack. The lack of crowd interest is clear, but maybe they went to get lunch, or dinner, or whatever they want.
First GCH Shadyrock's Dancing Doll, Second is Ch Vici's Windsong, Third GCH Joalle's Goldigger Of Jeseffan CD, RN, CGC and Fourth is GCH Shoal Creekd's Sangria v Barick.
Now on to the OLD OLD OLD Dogs.
9 years and over.
It is taking them a long time to get in the ring. At that age, it is understandable. I don't move that well either.
I went to see the club display. There is a letter from the AKC 1918, telling us we had to take the work German out of our name. Then a picture of JFK, Jackie and two children, John John and Carolyn and the German shepherd they showed. There were so many other pictures and maybe we could bring out a special addition of the Review with all of them for a fee. It would be worth it.
The only entry is Ch Adelhund's Midnight Cowboy BN CD RN CGC TDO TC. Good looking black. He got a first.
If you read the catalog, one of them is 22. I can't wait to see that.
The one handler is four years old. A crowd favorite. I don't think age should be a factor. Of course at 71 I don't think it should be a factor in anything. Except maybe senior discounts.
The crowd in sure behind the youngster, and he actually does a great job. He is Liz Oster's son. And, it shows.
Now the 22 year old. I suspect it is a typo, but since my Aunt is 100 and still performing magic, I guess I can accept that age. But, as I recall Casson is not that old.
That is it, the First Place is Sanhedrin's Bonfire Inverness CGC, Second is Ch Mach Pach2 Carousel Farms Caisson VCD1, Third is Ch Brownhil Kyaarah's Zoey, and Fourth is Ch Touchstone"s Outa' My Way RN.
It has been a long day and one more event to go, Best Bred By and Best Puppy.
I am exhausted, but it has been fun so far. Tomorrow is another day.
Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come together
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come together
Winner's Bitch
In come the girls, or as some say the bitches, or as some say, the sluts. It is a story Jack Newton tells.
We miss Jack and some of the others such as Twyla and Summer.
There they go. He works them in two groups, and some good ones in there. I can't predict who will win, but I can promise you that it will be the bitch Morton feels is most close to the standard.
Now up to his first five bitches. He moves two up to third and fourth. He does some arranging in the end of the class. And he cuts the class and sends seven around for a last hope. And back against the wall, and ot comes his first four, to go down and back in a class of four, looks like a chariot race. The next four, down and back together, and now just one. Sort of like Ben Hur. Six get excused to the pits for this year.
Now Kent goes to front, with Lenny, and three others Kent with and Winner's Bitch from American Bred Bitch Signatures Bali. Morton is talking to each of the five who are left.
In comes the second American Bred Bitch. The Open Bitch is the Reserve Bitch DePaul's I'm Too Sexy.
Now the Presentation classes
Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come together
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come together
Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come together
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come together
In a message dated 10/11/2013 8:36:34 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
On to open bitches.We are having a "dust up" here at the table. Everyone wants something done at some time. We are running an hour behind and there is the big presentation dinner at 6:00 and we have to be done in time and we are an hour behind so far. We want to make it up by not reading all the presentation award statements, and run everything in order. Everyone want to have their own world go first.In the meantime Morton is judging bitches. Danny Dwier is talking to Bob Eaton and Dave. Barbara and Stacy are here and watching. They may have just gotten in. Lew Bunch is buying raffle tickets, I hope they don't ask me again. I didn't win before, so I am not going to buy again. As Einstein said, the definition of lunacy is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. All the big shots are here giving instructions as to what we will do, and how it will go. Gail, Frank, and committee heads. They are changing what we were told. Now we have the WORD. Bob announced the Final Final schedule. Now let's see if it changes.I missed most of the judging, but now Morton is writing and looking over the group. Doug Crane came by and looks still like a kid. There they go walking, without Doug, and stop with Sean in front, then Diane, Lindsey, Scott, Kelly and others.I went and got Bob and I hotdogs, and we have eaten, so we now get to the final decision in the class. He now brings out his other group and is looking at his notes. Four, then the rst move up and they are all lined up with George in front, Sylvan.Lenny to first, Sylvain, Al, Kent, Scott, Jeff, Diane, Lindsey, Olivia, Kelly, Tish and Sean. That seems to be all of them. Dorothy Lynn is here now. And Morton pulls the last six out and lines them up. Hearts beating, for who knows why. They are the dump group, and even if I like some of them. Olivia is yelling at someone. She is not tactfull.The crowd goes wild, and I see a couple I like. Olivias for one. That is a nice bitch. WOW, he puts Olivia in front, and off the go again. Do I know my bitches or not? Off they go, walkiing and yes, I do likeher bitch and she moves her out a bit. Olivia and Lindsey stick with the top ones.There they go. Lenny is not walking so neither does anyone else. The first four only. Morton tells them to stack, right in front of me. Lenny, George, Al and Sylvain. Now just the last two, Al and Sylvain. Sylvain in front now, and he puts Al back in front. They are fighting for sixth and seventh. There go the first two with Kent in front then Scott. One Track Mind is leading, and now off go the last three, Olivia, Lindsey and another.Then there were six. There goes Sylvain and Scott. Scott goes in front, and now he is fourth. Kent and Sylvain in the rear, with Kent last and Scott Best Of Dump. They stack and Morton sets back the last four and off goes Lenny and George. Walking, but a fast walk. Nice bitches, but I like the second one best. Morton says to rest, and the handlers are breathing hard, and NOW GEORGE IN FRONT. That would be my choice. But, again, no one asked me.And, he reverses them back as they were. Now he tells them to take a lap and line up in the middle.One is DePaul's I'm Too Sexy, Second was Kennelwoods Crimson Shower,. Third was Shebland's Leah Carmareigh, and Fourth is iverock's One Stop Shop.Now the big decision. Winner's Dog.Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come together
Winner's Dog
Here come the winners. Each with dreams of Winner's Dog and Grand Victor, or if not Grand Victor, then Winner's Dog and Select, and if not Select Winner's Dog, and if not Winner's Dog, then Reserve Winner's Dog.
Gloria sure did pick some fantastic dogs. What a group this is. Gloria gestures to them all, and the crowd applauds and they agree.
More and more people come to talk to us. Interesting to see how I can type when everyone is talking to either me or Bob. Also, Paula is here. I like Man U Man, but again, who asked me?
What a group. There must have been good judging to get this many great ones.
Mike in second with Man U Man, and George in front with Oakley. Off they go with that line-up. Gloria gives everyone a look and Man U Man is looking even better, with Leslie behind him in third with Single Action.
She is only walking the first five, but only the first two would seem to be in contention.
That pleases the crowd and me too. Scott is pushing him, but Mike does a perfect dog with him. Both of the first two are Phoenix sons. Similar styles, but not the same type. Now up front with Scott, then Sylvain and Mike in third. Very quiet in here as Gloria thinks about it.
Scott, Sylvain, Mike, and others, and Sylvain in front. Intense Desire. The FAST WALK and there they go to the center.
Winner's Dog is Harmonia's Intense Desire. He was number four Select in Canada under Mr. Moses.
Player up front, and there they go. And they line up. That is it.
Reserve Winner's Dog is Wolf Creek's Payer of Elite Design.
On to Winner's Bitch
Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come together
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come together
Open Bitches
On to open bitches.
We are having a "dust up" here at the table. Everyone wants something done at some time. We are running an hour behind and there is the big presentation dinner at 6:00 and we have to be done in time and we are an hour behind so far. We want to make it up by not reading all the presentation award statements, and run everything in order. Everyone want to have their own world go first.
In the meantime Morton is judging bitches. Danny Dwier is talking to Bob Eaton and Dave. Barbara and Stacy are here and watching. They may have just gotten in. Lew Bunch is buying raffle tickets, I hope they don't ask me again. I didn't win before, so I am not going to buy again. As Einstein said, the definition of lunacy is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. All the big shots are here giving instructions as to what we will do, and how it will go. Gail, Frank, and committee heads. They are changing what we were told. Now we have the WORD. Bob announced the Final Final schedule. Now let's see if it changes.
I missed most of the judging, but now Morton is writing and looking over the group. Doug Crane came by and looks still like a kid. There they go walking, without Doug, and stop with Sean in front, then Diane, Lindsey, Scott, Kelly and others.
I went and got Bob and I hotdogs, and we have eaten, so we now get to the final decision in the class. He now brings out his other group and is looking at his notes. Four, then the rst move up and they are all lined up with George in front, Sylvan.
Lenny to first, Sylvain, Al, Kent, Scott, Jeff, Diane, Lindsey, Olivia, Kelly, Tish and Sean. That seems to be all of them. Dorothy Lynn is here now. And Morton pulls the last six out and lines them up. Hearts beating, for who knows why. They are the dump group, and even if I like some of them. Olivia is yelling at someone. She is not tactfull.
The crowd goes wild, and I see a couple I like. Olivias for one. That is a nice bitch. WOW, he puts Olivia in front, and off the go again. Do I know my bitches or not? Off they go, walkiing and yes, I do likeher bitch and she moves her out a bit. Olivia and Lindsey stick with the top ones.
There they go. Lenny is not walking so neither does anyone else. The first four only. Morton tells them to stack, right in front of me. Lenny, George, Al and Sylvain. Now just the last two, Al and Sylvain. Sylvain in front now, and he puts Al back in front. They are fighting for sixth and seventh. There go the first two with Kent in front then Scott. One Track Mind is leading, and now off go the last three, Olivia, Lindsey and another.
Then there were six. There goes Sylvain and Scott. Scott goes in front, and now he is fourth. Kent and Sylvain in the rear, with Kent last and Scott Best Of Dump. They stack and Morton sets back the last four and off goes Lenny and George. Walking, but a fast walk. Nice bitches, but I like the second one best. Morton says to rest, and the handlers are breathing hard, and NOW GEORGE IN FRONT. That would be my choice. But, again, no one asked me.
And, he reverses them back as they were. Now he tells them to take a lap and line up in the middle.
One is DePaul's I'm Too Sexy, Second was Kennelwoods Crimson Shower,. Third was Shebland's Leah Carmareigh, and Fourth is iverock's One Stop Shop.
Now the big decision. Winner's Dog.
Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come together
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come together
Open Dogs
In come the Open Males, and what a group of mature dogs. It gets better each day, and now the real dogs.
I see a couple that are fantastic, and the rest look good. She is working the first half and they sure are males. Great heads, and deep bodies.
Gloria is working the first group. I got to talk to Jimmy and Butch Loeb as we were watching them. They have some insight for me. Gloria walks down the line touching each of them, and on one goes down the tail. She is giving instructions and Slyvain is leading the group. His dog went fourth Select in Canada, and is a handsome dog. I like the side movement as well. There is a sable in there that I like, but for a bit of a lift in front. Otherwise he is an easy winner.
Gloria wants to see Al with a Black take a lap by himself. It is Star Wars. He is at the end of the line now, evidently she saw something she didn't like. There they all go at a trot. Gloria is looking great today, no lump from the crash yesterday.
She walks down, and then sends the out, for the next group, led by Lenny. People are coming to get their ROM pins, and Gloria is judging. And off they go.
That white wall is great. If you didn't get reserved seats, or sneak in to sit here, you miss the best view. The first out is Malawi Kaleef Von Loar, Peggy Kirtz' dog. I have seen him before and he is all male, and a good one. I thought it was just he was the first in the group, and I liked what I saw, but he seems to be one of the best in there.
Now another dog for her to judge. I guess if you are judgmental this is a good job. This is Fraizer, a Bi, but almost a black. Deck The Halls, and he is a High Voltage son. That is a great looking black.
Sam I Am. I love his son, Exxon, as everyone who is reading this drivil knows. He didn't stand, but I know the dog, but he has to be judged on this day.
Call To Arms, a Honky Tonk son. And, now Leslie with a dark Bi, Kenya I Can. Suzie Whitmer's dog. Suzie is here and I spoke to her for a minute. I had an interpreter. That is an inside joke between me and Suzie. Tedi knows.
They line up, this time by us. I like that. With my eyes, I can't see the other side of the ring, and off they go. I like one in there, not so much the others. But, no one asked me to judge which shows how bright our membership is.
They line up on the other side of the ring again. I do need to talk to Dorothy. It is all about me, or it should be. Ed Barritt is here now, so we can feel secure.
The crowd has woken up, and there is some noise. Most of it from the double handlers, bell, whistles, screams and just yells.
Now she brings out the first group, and I like the first one. Now LanaLee, Bob and I are discussing what we would have done, had we got elected. I hope Bob does get it next year. Mostly so I can try to bribe him. You notice I have said nothing bad about him yet. Too bad I won't know about the election untill after I get done typing.
Michel has a good one in there with Zac, and we all three agree. That is Gambino.
Gloria put Leslie in front, then Sean, then Phillp,, and she takes Jac to the front. Gabino does look great. She moves Take It To The Limit to third. Leslie has Kenya. They all line up and she moves Abby up one, and off go the rest, and right out of the ring, with three of them. Now there are eight.
Zac in front, Abby, George and Leslie. I missed a move. The Story Of My Life.
It is so nice to see mature dogs, and George goes to second with Thunder Road. An Aries son.
I think she is looking for a fourth. The first three stand out, and she does need a fourth, not for bridge. Oh, wait a minute. I used that joke yesterday. Well, what the hell, maybe you have forgotten. I didn't. Gloria is taking the end of her class down and back. The crowd is trying to influence her, and it isn't going to work. I know the judge.
She sets the first three off to the side, and is working with her last five, or at least that is what it looks like to me.
Out goes Leslie and Abby, and then there were six. Sylvain is in front with the Canadian Select Four dog. Then Lenny, and Kent. Boy, the crowd each has a favorite. Kent moves to second. There they go again, with the black in second and Lenny's dog is veery up, THE FAST WALK, and she is looking them over and over, and goes to the three. She puts the other three behind them and gives the instruction to go to the middle and I am sure that is it.
First is Harmonia's Intense Desire, Second isBiebtreu's Acier Noir V Kaleef, and Fourth is Tanavega's Star Wars.
Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come together
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come together
Long Coated Bitch
Here we are, another day. It is a quiet day here, LanaLee and Bob, (The.............) are here with Michel. We get here early and DD just came by to mention it.
I saw Tim Brown already, and it is ten minutes to show time.
I found out from yesterday no one got bitten. There was a full hearing, and no marks or blood. It is interesting to see what goes on. I wonder how big the bump is on Gloria's head. I doubt Leslie is hurt, she is very hard headed, or at least that is what I have been told. Cappy is here with Alice, and she looks so much stronger today.
I replenished the candy bowl. For those who don't come to the National, I keep a bowl filled with candy. That is why towards the end of the day you would notice a clear sugar rush. I am looking forward to today, as only two classes. But they are big classes, then a presentation of the Parade. I may get a chance to go out to see some of the other events. I would love to see them.
Don't tell anyone but I miss Summer and hate living without a dog. Harley will be in today, and I am looking forward to it.
The National Anthem was incredible. I wish I knew who was singing it, she is a real treat. It reminds me of Christine when she did it. I heard a couple of weeks back that Christine opened for Kid Rock in Vegas. She is working a rock band under the name of Christine Chris, and I have seen the act. She is fantastic, and if it works out, will be a real star.
It is 8:00 and there are less than 100 people in the arena. They start with Coated Open Dog. They just did the Canadian Anthem and I think that is inspiring.
I understand at the Annual meeting they voted down the by-law change for obedience dogs. I didn't follow it too closely, but I think it was going to allow three legged dogs with a docked tail from getting a parent club award in obedience, or something like that. I know nothing about performance, other than I get criticized for mine often and strongly.
I am talking to Dorothy Lynn, who is another who never ages. Theresa Royer is going to call me. I hope she isn't mad at me. Ann Schultz came by to get her ROM pin. You have to wonder why she still bothers.
Evidently Morton thought they were going to do Open Dogs first, and then the Long Coated Dogs and Bitches. Not so. So, as it turns out, Morton was eating breakfast, so we are waiting. It is almost quarter to nine, and MORTON IS IN THE BUILDING.
Here we go.
Candy and Lindsey are here and counted seven bitches in there. I didn't understand why there was only one male and seven bitches. I finally let my brain do some work, and realized there is no reason to keep a coated male. And if anyone cares, Ann Schultz has a coated bitch that blows me away. I loved her a year ago when I saw her. She isn't being shown, but she is everything anyone would want in a German shepherd. I just learned that she is No Laughing Matter of Edan, Kobe's mother.
Morton has his notebook and is making notes. More people coming in.
This is a great class, and I guess you would not keep a coated bitch unless it was special. I love these bitches. Linda More just walked through the "Very Special Area" for the announcers. It is chained off to protect the video equipment. This is the first time we have been with LanaLee. Big Dave just came by, and Debby Hokanan claimed the earring that was turned in.
Bitches walking and walking and walking. Bill Leonard came by to pitch his CD of the German shows.
Diane Brown is in there. I love that bitch. I wish I knew more about some of these, but that would require me to read the catalog and I don't want to learn anything new. My brain filled up in 1989 and since then, when I learn something new, I lose something old. Last night I had to forget my 7th grade locker combination.
They they go, and Morton wants them to walk, but it is an awful fast walk. Now President Frank Fasano is here, and he did a good job to win his class in the ring.
They stack and Morton makes notes on each one. Jamie Klute is in front, but there are a bunch of Juniors there, so I am not going to try the names.
He is picking them and in front is Waiting To Exhale, then the one I love, with Diane.
First is Makintrax Waiting To Exhale, Second is Braunhaus Gretta V Kruchenbert, Third is Kana Haus Waodain's Britany, and Fourth is Kimberlite's Arabian Night Princess HT
Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come together
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come together
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Bred By Bitches
American Bred Bitches, and this is the last group of the day. We are getting punchy up here, so it is good we are about done. Cappy is talking to Martha Rinke. Thirteen in there, an unlucky number for nine of them.
AND THEY WALK. Bob isn't interesting any more. They are going to let people work their dogs in the ring tonight after the show. But the favorite time of mine is on Friday night when all the champions come in, not groomed, and we get to see them without show poses, or handlers. I will never forget the year I was having such a great time looking at the dogs and bitches, and then in came a dog that blew my mind. After seeing him for about two minutes, I knew he would be impossible to beat for Grand Victor. That was Army.
Morton is doing his thing and each dog gets an individual exam. I guess we should expect that from judging. It is no surprise.
There is a bench show committee. Evidently someone got bit in obedience. I think they would take away the degree. If I find out what happens, and it is not likely, as they keep me ignorant if they can, I will let everyone know.
If anyone is still interested, Morton is still judging. He is still doing the individuals, and there goes Olivia, and up comes Kent. Art Sinclair is here and talking to the crowd. I see it is Lenny going around and Sylvain is up next. The crowd likes that bitch.
Now Morton is on the last bitch, and when the class is over, they will water the grass and then work the dogs in the ring. Morton is checking his notes, and going down the line, he drops his notebook, and tells them to walk. Off goes the whole class. All of them dreaming of going Winner's Bitch, and Grand Victrix. But, the odds are against it. But, anything could happen. Lew Bunch just got here. Lew said he likes the Blog, an d I am not sure why, but it still is fun for me. And they stop in the ring, and there they go again. They run and Morton looks them over. And, there they go, walking again. Morton is walking them again, but moving them as they go. The second half of the class. American Celebrety in front. Now Kelly moves to the front. I remember Goldbecker who did that, and now Sylvain goes to the front. They want me to buy a raffle ticket, and maybe if I just keep typing I won't have to buy one.
Morton is talking about how good his class is, he says they are very good and lines them up in the center. Morton says what he likes about them and points it out.
First is Signature's Bali, Second is Phil-Car's Bitsy Adams, Third is Von Hornberger's Chardonnay, and Fourth is Foothills Looking So Goo O Banjo. I write em as I see em, so if there is a typo, it is not me.
I never make a mistake, and now on to another evening of fun and frolic.
Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come together
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come together
American Bred Bitches
Bred By Dogs
A full ring in there. It looks like twelve in there. Lana Lee has fourteen. I understand that there was a collision between a handler and Gloria, so we are waiting to see what happens. I can't imagine what we would do if we have to go to the ladder system. Everyone would move up and the next highest judge would be someone with five votes. What do we have, about 18 judges here?
I sure hope Gloria is OK, but I don't want to be part of the crowd. Gloria is OK, and in the ring. That is enough drama for me.
And off they go. Lana Lee is right again, 14. This is getting to be a habit. She pulls out a black with Nancy. It is a Magic Marker daughter. Excuse me. That is Select Champion Excellent Magic Marker. He was the Futurity Victor last year, Black Bart. His litter-mate is in here Captain Jack Sparrow. I like the Markie puppies.
This is a nice class, but not deep. She is bringing in the next group. Kent in is there for the loose lead and Gloria is talking to him, Man in Black, then Leslie and that is the end of the group.
I was sitting with Big Dave Rinke, Bill Leonard and talking to Ed Barritt at the same time. I was trying to teach them about judging, but they would not listen to me. I tried to tell them that you could not show a champion in Bred By. I think, no, I know, I am right. Even if I often lean more to the Left.
That group is done, and now she starts to look them over. It is interesting in here, a lot of chatter, but it sounds more like people are talking among themselves. Maybe I should announce that there is a dog show. Off they go, and now they stop.
Now she calls for the other half with the Markie pupps in there. In they come, and so far they all have dreams. Now for the first half again, Nancy still leading. Four sent to the pits. Now there mare only a bunch left. Nine left, and four will probably place. So, the odds are against you.
Black Bart is still in there, so is Captain Sparrow. She goes down the line with a head pat, the dogs, not the handlers.
Gloria stands back and lots of double handling and there they go with Black Bart and Nancy in the lead. And Gloria really watches him and now looks over the rest of the class and now goes to look at the front again and now she stops them. Up goes Scott and then Scott, Nancy, Kent and Mike. Player in front, Spiderman, and Black Bart, and she takes the last five to look them over again. I have a strange feeling there is a lot more judging to go in this class. The last three head to the heap, including Jack Sparrow. Now there are six. Nice males. The crowd like Mike, but he is fifth right now.
Kent is yelling at his double and off they go. Scott in the lead with Player,a nd she is walking towards them but not too fast, so I think there is some change going on. Gloria stops them and goes to the front, I would put Bart in front of Spiderman, but Spiderman is a great dog, as is Player. Off they go. This might be it, she looks them over well, and goes to get the records. That should be it, if she goes as she does. Yes, they line up in the center oft he ring. And, counts them off.
First was Wolfcreek's Player of Elite Design, Second was Ponch Hill-Tantara Spiderman, Third was Laslar-Candia's Black Bart, and Fourth was Billyjo's Man in Black.
We are having fun now, and have passed the fatigue factor. So, Bring on the Bitches, and the dogs they handle.
Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come together
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come together
Bred By Bitches
Bred by bitches.
Dan Smith is in there. Nine bitches. Walking.
I just got to talk to Cappy and Betty Winthers, and Gloria and I got on the video, voice only.
I will go with that. I like the way Morton ends up, but because they just walk, it isn't exciting. If he wants to show off the dogs, to the spectators , he would have them run just a bit. But, he is intent on judging, and I understand.
It give me a lot of time to think. That is never a good idea with me. Morton is making more notes. I told him to Google "George Karavolos Evan Ginsburg". He should get a kick out of that.
I might be getting a second wind, but I feel a lot better today. I don't know about the meeting tonight, I may just wait to see how I feel then. Morton is over by us now, and Frank looks exhausted and is going down and back, two at a time. I guess that shortens the time. Frank was told to go with her over to his right, an dFrank is not smiling. Next two and Al and Sean go there, and then Jeff and Morris, and now Leslie and Trevor, and finally Joe. Everyone passes.
Off they go walking again. He is making more notes, and Bull out Frank, Sean, Leslie and Al, Frank in front. He has Frank up with the bitch who was Winner's Bitch in Canada, and went Select. Now Morton dismisses all but six. Dan in front and then the rest and that is how it goes.
First is Winsome's Crimson Hot Ember, Second is Skylyne's American Idol, Third was Stuttgart's Pistol Packin Glanna Of Janry, and Fourth was Almars Donikka.
On to American Bred Dogs and Bitches, then the day ends.
Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come together
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come together
Bred By Dogs
I got to walk around a bit and mingle with the little people. Of which I look up to. I am not sure what that makes me, minuscule, perhaps.
I got to meet Amanda Dash, and we talked for a while. I also spent a few minutes with Diane Brown. She never ages and looks great as always. Don't let Tim I said so. You have to see their daughter, what a good looking kid.
Ed is here talking to everyone, and I understand Dan is taking in a dog himself. That should be interesting.
I announced the Stud Dog and Brood Bitch presentation. I loved doing it, but I broke up at times. I can't imagine anyone who saw that thinking our breed wasn't going great. What a tremendous presentation with fantastic progeny.
Now we begin again. I hope we don't have to do this all over. I would not last.
In they come, and a big class. Bob (The Voice of the National) just went to get us both a hot dog. Pam is here next to me and it is a thrill. Now it is Pam, LanaLee and me. That is a trio you do not want to trust for anything. Pam reminded me that I had already shown her my hot spot. That has to do with computers, so don't get mixed up on that.
Bob, (The Voice), oh hell, you know who I mean, is gone, so we can do a lot of stuff we couldn't do if he were here. Sharon Newcom is here too and Ed is entertaining the crowd. Ann Schultz is talking to me. She said I need to send her a bill for the majors I gave her. I forgot to do that. I got to say hello to Butch and he is talking to Danny and Carmen who talked to me for a bit. Doris Herbert is in there, and if she can do it, I may have to think about getting back in the ring.
Six in there and Gloria is checking them over. Now that I watch them move, I may have to reconsider. Don't tell Tedi I am thinking about showing again. I have enough trouble telling her I want a new chain saw. I did sell my Harley, so I can get rid of some of my life insurance.
The crowd is quiet, and there they go for another pass. Diane Brown has a very nice male, and he looks great against the wall. It is fun not knowing who is there. This is one of the best classes, and she excuses all but four. Christy, Jimmie, (of course) Kent, Joe Beccia, and Leslie. Jimmie knows a good dog. Gloria is laughing and having a good time.
I have a deck of cards. If anyone wants a card trick to make the time go faster, just stop by and say so. I like the quality of the judging, but as I get older, I don't want to spend so much time watching dog being judged. How much time can I have left?
Bob, (The) oh hell, went to get us hot dogs. What a great person, with rain and freezing cold outside, where the food tent is.
We are going still with dogs in the ring. What a surprise. Bill Burgraff is here now, and it is good to see so many of these people. And a few I never want to see again. Overall a good thing. On balance a good thing. Jimmy stands alone and off go the others. It is interesting to see the top handlers in the Bred By class. Gloria just took the microphone to say this was the best Bred By Class she has ever seen. I agree, it is fantastic, and the best of the show.
She moves Jeff up front, Diane, Leslie, Kent and Joe. WOW! Those are five Select quality males. Now she puts Leslie in front and I can't argue with that. I could, but no one would listen anyway, and she lets But, he is at the end of the line, and now Leslie down and back and all but six go. Jeff, down and back and the crowd is behind him. Each one goes down and back and each one is getting support, so far Jeff the most, but now she is up to the front of the group. Al, but not much applause. Let's see what they think of Kelly.
Here she goes. Not overwhelming applause, but some.
Gloria goes out to the center and lets them loose. Jimmy has his stacked perfectly and she moves Jimmy to third, Leslie in fourth. Kelly is still in front, and she looks them over standing. And off they go. Kelly, Al, Jimmy and Leslie and the fast walk on the judge and she is looking and leans in and to her right, and they stop.
YES! Jimmy to second and Leslie in third. I think I might go with Jimmy, but so far no one asked me to judge a National. Shows the intelligence of our members.
And, the stack. Kelly in a great pink jacket in front, and Jimmy, Leslie and Christy. No, they stop again. Three against the wall of losers, and the four in front. Jim to the front, then Leslie, Kelly and Chtristie, and off the go, and I think that will be it, but yes, she is fast walking and looking and Leslie's is showing off. Tough group to pick from she stands and looks at them, and Jimmy is working with his to get the dog to look good. She walks down the line and thehy like Leslie's dog, and she is standing behind them and talks to the first two and has them down and back. This is exciting for the first time. Leslie is the crowd favorite. Jim's dog is all fired up. Gloria has a hard test to go here.
YES Leslie up front. The mob likes that and there they go. All of them. The FAST WALK and she is looking and they go to the center and line up. THAT IS IT!
First is Stuttgart's Single Action Army v Hammersmith, (Leslie), Second is Karizma's Morocco Kaleef Von Loar, (Jimmy), Third (Kelly), and Fourth is Ch HiCliff's Razzle Dazzle of Zytut, (Christy).
Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come together
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come together
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