Saturday, October 28, 2023

Here come the clowns

It is an hour before show time. And Al came by and had me talk on the phone to Caesar, and more people are here and starting to find a place. Candy came by and working hard. What a great job she is doing for putting on the show. It is starting to look like a dog show might break out at any minute.  

I just figured out how to make the type bigger, so now I can see what I am typing. That might not be a good thing.  I see a lot of activity from the next door venue, where the stalls are. I guess people are getting ready.  

I spent some time talking to Tony Monk.  Lamar Fredricks and I spent some time talking about the Judge's test. I am taking the third version and he failed the third time.

The bitches are in the ring and the ring isn't big enough to check them all in. They fill it. It is so cold I am shivering and I may have to stop typing.  I don't remember ever seeing this large an entry before. Tom is counting and it is good he is here to keep order.

The bitches leave and now the males. Zoe is sitting with me and someone turned in a lost camisole,  I am interested to see who comes for it.  The males fill the ring. It is going to be a long cold day. the camisole owner came by and she was as pretty as I expected.  I am a man after all.  

She kept four and excused three.  New group.   Six in there. Sheri (Moses)* brought me warmers.  Zoe gave gloves.  It is good to have friends.  But with gloves I type with one finger.    Three more and four gone for this year. A new group of seven.  She is doing a  great job and taking no time to do it.  One pass and she decides.  Then she looks again before she excuses them. On the last group she saved one.  

It started with 50 and she is keeping two or three from each group and next will have 25 or so.  What a great job of judging.  From on my high post, she is doing just what I would do.  That might not be  a good thing.  One from this group, Sophia. Just what I thought.  She fell and got up, with Comeback Kid, and now the judge excuses six.                                                  

Deb keeps three and excuses four. New group. She moved up three, looked again kept one more and excused three.  In with a new group.  Next to the last  group.  Two hours so far. She pulls four and off they go.  Keeps five.  Two leave with  dreams of Reno.

Now the last group, eight with winner's dog veteran, etc.  Gunner looks great.  She pulls out three and has five more to consider and off they go. One last chance.   Deb gives every one a good look, takes three and asks the other five to take a lap, and now for the keepers, or the chosen ones, or the selected dogs, or those with dreams of going Grand Victor still in their heads.

In they come. What a spectacular group of dogs.  Twenty three, if anyone cares.  I like 513 and 522.  I won't give you the names until the second cut.  jDeb is talking to them in groups and has the last 10 or so stand back and has 15 stacked.  She gives directions to one and she goes off to the others and now so do all but seven.  So that looks like who she is going to start with. I am off to eat lunch. Talk among yourselves.

There are keepers and not-keepers./ So far four in the "next year" group.And I have another corn dog.  Winnes dog one more two more three leave.  Seven with dreams  about to be dashed.  Pulls one and dismisses the rest.  17 so far left.

Down and back.  So far two go to the side. She is them on the down and back. Her sixed dog went to second.
She has 17 out there and they look great and she breaks out the first seven and of they  go.  Sets them aside and takes the rest of them.  It would be heart breaking to be cut now.  Moves one to the front and off they go.  Moves Sylvan up. takes the next to last to third.  She sends three to the Wonder Group and moves seven. She puts those seven aside and brings out the others,  the first ten Redemption in front. Now Redneck in front.  They get to rest. And she brings back the lowly ones.  Seven in there wondering what she is doing. Now all they want is to go Select.  Deb walks down the line,a nd they all set up and she goes to the front.  She looks at themall again walkiing back and then back to the front. She is looking at her first two, now her next two, then the next, and down the line back to the front now down to the back and they all line up she pulls one and moves him up four places to number 13l  And, that' it. Grand Victor is GCH CH Candia's Redneck Crazy V Surigo RN.