Here we go. Jen Proud is here with me, and the parade of the clubs is going on. Lots of people here now, and he clubs in the ring. More than before,and everyone with banners, and matching shirts. It is good to see who is from where, and alarge group. Indiana has no banner, but with green shirts, lookiing great. St. Louis with only three people and no banner, everyone is working. We got a table, thank you, and chairs.
I got to talk to Bob Kish and we compared notes. He is about three years behind me in recovery, but looks great. We both lost 50 pounds, but can live with that. The sound system is no better, but Tony and I will do what we can.
They announced who won the awards, I am sure it will be bragged by their people. Joyce Eberts came by and the filming is done. I see Joan Kerner is here,and the whole gang including Spring sitting down in the assigned seats.
Chuck Ferrell came by and talked about his Juniior, and his bitch is in the Futurity fnal. Tedi got here, I told her 8:00 and I guess she is on time, they haven't started yet. Bob and Carole Moore came by and I see she is talking to Joyce Eberts. Mike Sherman is all dressed and I see the place if filling up.
Bob Kish is here to judge the Futurity Males, so he is in the ring and looking strong. I didn't look that good at that point of my recovery. Oh hell. I never looked that good even before my surgery. Don Knight came by, and there is never enough time to talk to everyone. I did talk to Frank,and we agreed, he will be glad to end the position as President. Tony has the hand held microphone, and we can't understand what he is saying. I think mine is the same, but I am not announcing yet. Sam Colvin is here and hugging everyone.
MaryEllen Kish looks great in pink. We are in the middle on risers, so it is a great view. Now Bob is going into the center of the ring. Also Vicky Roye. She in purple and Bob black.
The excitement is growing and now we begin.