Monday, October 15, 2012

Final musings

Well, another National is in the books.  It was fun.   I made some new friends, got to see those I miss all year. I saw some fantastic dogs, and bitches.  There was tragedy, Trish, (who will recover), a stolen credit card, Bob not being there to announce, and someone losing their card on the way home.
There were great things. Seeing Frank welcome everyone, watching some great new handlers, such a Brooklyn showing at their first national.  Seeing so many to quality dogs and bitches that there were 35 selects. After all, if we keep improving our breed there will always be more, not less quality animals at our national.
In the end, it is another year. We are almost home now, and it will take a few months to get back to normal, (as if I were ever normal).
This year, more than most, I saw laughter, friendship and just people having a good time. It might be a reflection of our board, (I think it is), or the lack of contraversy.  Whatever it was, this was one of the most pleasant nationals I have ever been to.
Next year, the centennial should be even better. Be there, or be square.
Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come  together

Sunday, October 14, 2012

The last and final post from the National

I am sorry I could not have posted more, but I had three entries in Specials that I wanted to follow. As you know Kirk with Summer is now Select Grand Champion Asgard's Kirkergaard.  Go Summer. 
Ruby, aka Red Squirrel made it to the last cut, so for her first National she did well.
Next year the judges in order are
I have to say, that is a great slate of judges.
I was sorry Nadine did not get back on as treasurer, but I know how dedicated she was, and that she leaves the books in good shape, and that Bill will be able to take over, and continue on as he did in the past.
Kirk and Summer had a great time, and I enjoyed myself. I missed a lot of people, more so Bob, who I used to spend all the time laughing with at the announcer's table.
But, next year, I hope to do even better on the announcer's table, and I will consider if the Blog is worth doing, with the streaming video that seems so well accepted.  It is a lot of work, and just describes what was going on, that everyone can see.
We raised $2,800 for the Juniors, and I hope to increase that next year. I already got a donation from someone here.
I considered buying a home here, just so I wouldn't have to make the drive home. But, we have other dogs to show, a litter due when we get back, and some law stuff to do.
Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come  together

Saturday, October 13, 2012

That's All Folks

Best Junior was Trevor Golden from Texas, Runner up was Summer of California.  WAY TO GO TO the FUTURE HANDLES of our breed
Signed Zoe
The bitches are standing around in the ring, waiting impatiently.
George is holding Maui's leash in front and out of catalogue order.  Like the dogs, groups of 6. The individual and once around, next
There are a total of 39 beautious bitches in the class. Lots of hooting and hollering Alys with Emma Rose riled everyone up! Sally with Diane Brown pushed the package even more.
Summer is back in the ring.  Did she leave it at all in the past hours?
Fleur De Lis with Jeff  Pyle was rousing. Scottie with Halston made them roar.
Lots more
The Veteran Bitch the younger got the crowd hopping as did mustang Sally.  I do not envy Lew having to chose between all these lovely girls!
Last group completed.  Time to bring them back in and do cuts.
Pee break time.
First group done. Moving around the second group Summer in second, Right behind Diane Brown and Sally. Third Group He moved Scottie (Halston) and the Guz (SoLike Happy) in front of Jeff. New Group.  Moved Heiress and Elsia with Kent in front of VV(Thriller).
690 646 641 647 644 .... not placed yet.
690 646 652 654 (yeah Summer) 676 680 673 647 681 688
Some cuts were made
690 646 652 651 648 
Summer made it to the last cut. He is working his first nine, and changing them time after time.  I though Halston would get it all, but let's see.
The Guz is in front with Happyanyouknow it, but now Diane Brown.  He might just be switching them, they aren't coming from the back.  Lew looks them over and the crowd tells him they like the bitch in front Halston in in fourth, and Lew goes up to the group and talks to them. He tells them all to go off to the side, and the ones standing come out.
This is a group of five, and led by Olivia, Kent in the rear.  Nice bitches. Now he pulls Jeff with an all black and leads them.  Kent in second, Olicia, Alex.  And there they go.  Lots of crowd noise.
He walks towards them and sets them aside.
Now the last few, dreams still extant.  Led by Kristy, and just four.  Once around and then back to the wall. And they all come out.
Lew calls for the microphone.
They all are going Select, 18.  Now it gets serious.
Wow, what a group of bitches.  I like that he is not limited by number, but rather the quality. And, the quality is there. There they go, the first five.  Halston is in that group.  Scott has her and he pulls Mike to the front Then Came Me.  Stomping in the bleachers, they like that, but Lew stops them and puts The Guz up somewhere. 
Now the next five.  George is in front with Maui.  Leslie is in this group and I like her bitch.  She might be too big for Lew.  He goes back to his other group, and led now by Kent, Olivia, Alex, and many others. Eight together.  Kent in the lead.
Since they are all Select, the onnly question is who takes the top.  He pulls Trevor Golden and puts him in fourth.  He looks at the other half of the group, Mike still in front.  Lew rubs his hands, and looks at them stacked.  He sets the last four aside and move George in front with Maui.
The crowd likes that.  She is a pretty thing and working her heart out.  But, Lew stops them and moves The Guz to the front.  Solik Happy, (not her mother, as I said).  He signals Jerry out and tells him something.
He takes them all together and I think that is it, and YES, Solike Happy.
Grand Victrix GCH Jagan Lenior's Solike Happy
2.   Winsom's Heiress V De Paul
3.  De Paul's Halston
4 Maui Mas Rock
5.  Whiteside's Then Came Me
6.  Ferlins Mustang Sally of Kaholli
7.  Ch Liebehiends Shebearzade V Winsome
8.  Ch Windfall's Who Says V Chablis
9.  Ch HiCliff Kenlyn Page V Cherpa
10.  Ch Scharo Fleur De Lis V Stylistic
11.  Ch Marquis Take A Bow of Acara
12.  Ch Scharo Ark Fire And Ice
13.  Ch Grey Pines' Christie
14.   Ch DePahl's Brandy
15.  Falcons DuChien's Drama Queen
16.  GCH Samuri's Jett Jackson
17.  Ch Knaufhillis Thriller V Kenlyn
18.  C-Isleh Trro's Elysia V Anne-Isle
It has been a long week. Don't take my word for any of this.  I did the best I could with double handling two champions, and Zoe did most of this.
After the dinner I will give my opinion of what I saw with 36 Selects.

Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come  together


Here We Go!
I won't be here much, I have a Dog in the first group, A Dog in the end of Specials, then Summer in Juniors and Then my Bitch on Specials.
I am mostly concerned with when I get a break for the bathroom. It is all about me.
As soon as Zoe gets here, I will try to get her on the computer. We have the obedience winners from yesterday, then the juniors to be introduced, and then THE BIG SHOW.
They all went around twice walking and now he has his first group of seven.  Now he is doing the individuals.  Icon is the first dog in, and Kirk is the last, other than move ups and winner's dog.  They all went out except the first group. Kirk's in the seventh group.  Icon looked great.
It is going to be along day. Everyone is expectant, and I see a lot of nervous people.  Bon Jovi, a good looking dog.
Now Secret Agent, The Szymczak.
Each group is being temperament tested and another group comes in. Group 2 is in now.
Jeff is getting a lot of applause
This group is lined up at different spot but the procedure is the same. Evan made me type as promised above. They are separated into groups of 7, 626 Was moved to the first group of 7. Scottie's dog got lots of applause. He is a GCH.  Lots of applause for Diane's dog as well. The group is making a pass.  Now out of the ring. In walks Group 5.
Kent has Keeper and he made the crowd come alive. 
And around they go. Group 6 to the ready ring. Evan is gone. Kurt is about to enter the ring.
We have Denali and Kirk, followed by Kona, the two Veteran dogs and Karizma's Kenya who was left out of the catalogue.
Group One is back in and running . Placing them.  Tank, Sherman, Nancy Mc Donald, Gerry Guzman. Stay in that order and stay on the side.
Group Two enter the ring. They are still in Catalogue order. Georgie is moved up front and the rest stay the same
Group Three in the ring and now moved around, Bill Basu followed by Linsay and then Christy and those are the only change.
Group Four is in the ring and Scottie and Art are moved up front.  The rest stays the same.  PASS is made. One more dog has been moved Liz Oster is moved behind Art Sinclair.
Group 5 is now in the ring again.  Kent, unknown(627),unknown(620)
Onto Group 6. 630 moved up front followed by Lenny.  Last Group now.
Group 7 - inner's dog moved up and then Maria Oster and Summer.
Back to the first group. First three to the far corner, rest back to start.
Group two - kept the first three and sent the last three back to start. Group three kept the four and sent two back to the start. Group 4 - he kept them all.  Group 5 kept first three, final three back to start. Group 6 - Kept first two and rest to start.  Last Group - first three kept, no wait, kept older vet as well. 
Last look at the dogs sent back to the starting gait.  He pulled out Leslie only and sent then group home.
Now the fun begins with about 30 nice dogs in the ring. Lew is getting ready to move them.  TAKE IT NICE AND Slow the judge requests.
There are 28 dogs in the ring. There will be three groups - ten, eight and ten.
Mikey moved in front and Bill to the end. Lew is taking turns moving each dog in front.  Now it is Jeff.  Half a lap. Move to the read.  Next dog around in the lead. Rearrange time
Bill Tank, Bill Basu, Mikey, Jeff,  Georgie, Jerry, Nancy,Sean and Lindsay .Group two into the center of the fray and the moving starts again.
Bill Tank has Bon Jovi.  He really woke up the crow and the energy appears to have been carried over to the start of Group two. Moved the group as is.
Last group of ten broken into two groups of 5. 622 (Lenny) 630 and 618(Jodi). Last 5 Winners Dog, 2 juniors, the vet and Leslie. Oder of this group is Winner's Dog, The vet with junior Handler, a Junior, Leslie and Holly Ann.
Lew is walking down this impressive line.
Down to 19. took back 610 and 608.  21 left: Now moving 586, 607, 587, 626, 602, 634, 594,601, 621,614
Bon Jovi in the lead With Bill Tank followed closely by Bill Basu on Johnie Black, then Mikey on Secret Agent.
He moved Scottie (Galaxy)and Kent(Keeper) up front . Next group 615, 617, 629, 630,627,411,636,636, 610, 608
Back to group 1. Group 2. Staring intently at the group of 10 before him, Lew remains pensive.
He cuts the last three
Merging.  617 behind 586 Rest to the rear of the group
The crowd is wild.
Winner's dog to front. The crowd goes even wilder.
First six set on the side. Moving the rest. 627 moved behind 607.  The big six are now at the forefront.  Each one gets to be lead once.
Part Two
GV - Lenny on Captain Crunch
2 - #614 Scottie on Galaxy
3- Winner's Dog Kona
4- 615 Sawyer Brown
5- 621 Kent on Keep
6- 586 Bill Tank on Bon Jovi
7- 617 Diane Brown on Hadori
8- 607 Johnnie Black
9-587 Mikey on Secret Agent
10-626 Jeff Pyle on High Voltage
11-627 Kelly Savalis on Year of the Gentleman
12-601 Sean on Broken Arrow
13-621 Kent on Keeper
14-602 Georgie on Centurian
15-634 Cyuta WITH Jerry Guzeman
16-594 Ray Barone with Alex
17-630 Fab 4
18-639 - JUNIOR SUMMER on Kierkegaard

Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come  together

select males parT ONE

Here We Go!
I won't be here much, I have a Dog in the first group, A Dog in the end of Specials, then Summer in Juniors and Then my Bitch on Specials.
I am mostly concerned with when I get a break for the bathroom. It is all about me.
As soon as Zoe gets here, I will try to get her on the computer. We have the obedience winners from yesterday, then the juniors to be introduced, and then THE BIG SHOW.
They all went around twice walking and now he has his first group of seven.  Now he is doing the individuals.  Icon is the first dog in, and Kirk is the last, other than move ups and winner's dog.  They all went out except the first group. Kirk's in the seventh group.  Icon looked great.
It is going to be along day. Everyone is expectant, and I see a lot of nervous people.  Bon Jovi, a good looking dog.
Now Secret Agent, The Szymczak.
Each group is being temperament tested and another group comes in. Group 2 is in now.
Jeff is getting a lot of applause
This group is lined up at different spot but the procedure is the same. Evan made me type as promised above. They are separated into groups of 7, 626 Was moved to the first group of 7. Scottie's dog got lots of applause. He is a GCH.  Lots of applause for Diane's dog as well. The group is making a pass.  Now out of the ring. In walks Group 5.
Kent has Keeper and he made the crowd come alive. 
And around they go. Group 6 to the ready ring. Evan is gone. Kurt is about to enter the ring.
We have Denali and Kirk, followed by Kona, the two Veteran dogs and Karizma's Kenya who was left out of the catalogue.
Group One is back in and running . Placing them.  Tank, Sherman, Nancy Mc Donald, Gerry Guzman. Stay in that order and stay on the side.
Group Two enter the ring. They are still in Catalogue order. Georgie is moved up front and the rest stay the same
Group Three in the ring and now moved around, Bill Basu followed by Linsay and then Christy and those are the only change.
Group Four is in the ring and Scottie and Art are moved up front.  The rest stays the same.  PASS is made. One more dog has been moved Liz Oster is moved behind Art Sinclair.
Group 5 is now in the ring again.  Kent, unknown(627),unknown(620)
Onto Group 6. 630 moved up front followed by Lenny.  Last Group now.
Group 7 - inner's dog moved up and then Maria Oster and Summer.
Back to the first group. First three to the far corner, rest back to start.
Group two - kept the first three and sent the last three back to start. Group three kept the four and sent two back to the start. Group 4 - he kept them all.  Group 5 kept first three, final three back to start. Group 6 - Kept first two and rest to start.  Last Group - first three kept, no wait, kept older vet as well. 
Last look at the dogs sent back to the starting gait.  He pulled out Leslie only and sent then group home.
Now the fun begins with about 30 nice dogs in the ring. Lew is getting ready to move them.  TAKE IT NICE AND Slow the judge requests.
There are 28 dogs in the ring. There will be three groups - ten, eight and ten.
Mikey moved in front and Bill to the end. Lew is taking turns moving each dog in front.  Now it is Jeff.  Half a lap. Move to the read.  Next dog around in the lead. Rearrange time
Bill Tank, Bill Basu, Mikey, Jeff,  Georgie, Jerry, Nancy,Sean and Lindsay .Group two into the center of the fray and the moving starts again.
Bill Tank has Bon Jovi.  He really woke up the crow and the energy appears to have been carried over to the start of Group two. Moved the group as is.
Last group of ten broken into two groups of 5. 622 (Lenny) 630 and 618(Jodi). Last 5 Winners Dog, 2 juniors, the vet and Leslie. Oder of this group is Winner's Dog, The vet with junior Handler, a Junior, Leslie and Holly Ann.
Lew is walking down this impressive line.
Down to 19. took back 610 and 608.  21 left: Now moving 586, 607, 587, 626, 602, 634, 594,601, 621,614
Bon Jovi in the lead With Bill Tank followed closely by Bill Basu on Johnie Black, then Mikey on Secret Agent.
He moved Scottie (Galaxy)and Kent(Keeper) up front . Next group 615, 617, 629, 630,627,411,636,636, 610, 608
Back to group 1. Group 2. Staring intently at the group of 10 before him, Lew remains pensive.
He cuts the last three
Merging.  617 behind 586 Rest to the rear of the group
The crowd is wild.
Winner's dog to front. The crowd goes even wilder.
First six set on the side. Moving the rest. 627 moved behind 607.  The big six are now at the forefront.  Each one gets to be lead once.

Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come  together

Friday, October 12, 2012

Best Puppy and a long National ends for now

It is time for the 9 and older males.
I think the Asgard dog is the best. Of course I haven't looked at them yet.
In front is Ch Norland Annie's Thunder Ht, then Champion Asgard's Winter Nights, and Ch Terra Norte's Time Traveler HSAs HSCs.
There they go. 
First is Ch Terra Norte's TimeTraveler HSAs HSCs
Second is Champion Asgard's Winter Nights
Third is Ch Norland Annie's Thunder HT

Winter Nights was the Best Veteran last year at the National.  But not this year.
On to Best Puppies.  Winding down now, with the excitement to come tomorrow.  There is a junior seminar, then we get the champions in the ring, and with any luck, to bed with dreams of a Select in our heads.
Lew is in the ring to judge, a red jacket and black pants. Club colors.  Martha Rinke walked by on the way to the food.  There go the puppies. And Lew is working the class
The 9 -12 Puppy dog Ya Gotta Know When to Hold Em wins with the 9-12 Puppy Bitch Little Bit of Bearadice  was Best Opposite.
More to come tomorrow.
Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come  together

9 and over bitches

On to the Veteran Bitches 9 and older
Only three entered, so let's see who shows up.
All six in the dog and bitch 9 year and older are champions.
I had it wrong. I made a mistake. That is twice in my life. There is a second page, so there are five in there. But, I am right about the dogs.
Helen has them take a lap, and not the individuals. 
I want to see my 9 and older dog, coming up next.  We may never end.  We keep announcing that tomorrow we do the dogs first, then the bitches.  I don't know the answer as to why.  All week it has been the bitches first.
Individuals. I have seen this before.  Tomorrow I may turn this over to Zoe. I have two champion males and a champion bitch. Not to mention a munchkin to work with.  I do admit, I want Summer to have a good time.
Helen is going to leaves them that way.
First was Ch DePahl's Brandy
Second was Ch Oak Haven Xena of Blk Forest Bn CD RAE MXP AJP
Third was Ch Mach Pach2 Carousel Farms Caisson VCD1 HSAs RA MXF MFP MJP
Fourth was Ch Kenlyns Aja V HiCliff-Kaleef
One more to go then winners.
Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come  together

7-9 year dogs

We move on to the Veteran dogs, 7 years and under 9
Harley is in here, so that should be fun. Also, Brazos, who is a great dog, at any age.
We are moving around now, only three classes to go, then Best Puppy and Best Bred By, and we get to go home. The Fasano's are putting on a party for everyone.  Maybe we need a veteran owner class.
YEAH, all here.  Eight in the veteran dog class.  That says a lot for our breed. They enter so far ahead, and then with the trip we often lose some entries.  But, not this time.
Cappy sends them back to stack.  She is judging more to the center. Only the first two are not champions.  Cappy has been taking it easy tofay, and she looks like she won't have any trouble finishing the day.  Cappy gives them all a good look and asks for the entire group to go once around the ring.  One more look and she asks for the first dog to come out; it is Alice Cooper.  Next is JoAnne with Never Ending Story, he is just over 7 but doesn't look like a veteran.  Next is Brazos; he is looking good for his age.  Next is Reward.  All of these dogs are looking good (of course this is the "young" veterans class).  Up next is Bill with Harley.  Harley gets lots of crowd support (Cappy is ignoring the crowd).  Next is Jett Jackson.  Next is Kelly with Atlanta Burning.  And rounding out the class is Kent with Marquis Stealing the Show - and LOTS of crowd support (Cappy still doesn't seem impressed by the noise). 
I see a little gray around the muzzle for all of them, but they look good.
The entire group is set, and Cappy leads the crowd in clapping for the veterans.  But back to judging.  She takes them around as a group, and the stops and takes a long look at the group of 8.  She then looks at the first half of four, and then the second group of four.  Cappy pulls the entire group together . . . looks read hard . . . and pulls out Alice Cooper, Reward, Brazos, Harley, and Stealin the Show.  Once around with the top five, and Harley and Stealin the Show move up to third and fourth.  Once around, and now Harley and Stelain the Show are in second and third.  Another pass and now Stealin the Show is up to second.  We were trying to get Harley to the front, but not going to happen.  Instead, she moves Stealin the Show to the front.  And thats the way they finish; Stealin the Show, Alice Cooper, Harley, and Reward.
Evan - Paula finally got her ribbon from the national.  I was so proud of Harley. He worked his heart out, and looked great doing it.

Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come  together

7-9 year old bitches

We get to see the Winner's Dog and the Winner's Bitch together. Nice looking animals.  We had great judging and even better entries.  So far, it is a fun national.  Today does seem a bit long to me.  And we have a party by the Fasanos for everyone.
Now we get to see the Reserve Winner's Dog and the Reserve Winner's Bitch.  I like the Reserves too, but understand the maturity of the older dogs.  Still, good representitives of the breed.
Now, on to the Old Timers.  7-9 bitches.
The catalog is all screwed up, so I will try to find out who is who.  I got it figured out with the help of Dave Coleman, and they are right. I read the number wrong. I never was good with number.
Hunter is in there with the first bitch.  All the entries showed up with the older bitches.  One didn't make it, but I missed her.  Cappy is talking to Mike Sherman in front of us, and Helen is doing her thing.  The last entry is ready to go with Al Martin, so then the judging begins. These veterans look great. But, I guess if your entry looks bad, you don't bring her.  Who says dog people are stupid?
Cappy is getting ready and looks great. I think yesterday was an aberration.   Summer helped me with the spelling.
Boy, is there a great swell of disinterest.  A little applause, but not much. 
Now they line up and Helen walks over and pulls Al and puts him in third. There they go, and I didn't realize it, but they are out of catalog order, so she must have moved them in the individuals.  Jeff in front, Sean, and Al. Walking, and there go the rest with Hunter. If Hunter walks, you are slow behind him.  She moves Hunter up to third.  She moves Kelly up to fourth, and there they go at a walk, but a little faster. I am not sure that is what she wanted, but it is what she got.  Jeff is doing a fast walk and he and Al are way in front of Hunter.  Long legs count for something. 
Helen gives them time to catch up, and she goes over to the group and looks them over.  She looks at Hunter's Bitch and then to the back and says, take them again.  In dog years, this seems like a long time, and there they go at a trot, and Helen looks them over and that is it.
First is Shhadyrock's Dancing Doll
Second is Ch Echo-Cham's Shasta Fair
Third is Liebchen's Boogie Wonderland
Fourth is Ch Todorhaus-Chablis Betty Boop RN
Now the young/old dogs
Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come  together

Winner's Dog

On to Winner's Dog
Cappy looks strong.  Karen is talking to Lou.  I don't know what is going on, but he is here to do Best Puppy.  He has been here for the entire afternoon, and I am not sure what is going on.
Here come the dogs.
I love the looks of that group.  All studly looking dogs.  Of course I was traveling with three women for two days, so I will take anything at this point.
Kent is in front with the Open Dog. I think he might be hard to beat.  Both he and the second one were outstanding.  Kelly, then Leslie, and a bunch more. If you are watching the video, you don't need to hear about it.
It seems later than it is.  Cappy looks them over and signals to take them one at a time to the center.  They each go down and back and then a trip around. The crowd likes the Open Dog. 
Today no one was injured, no one got beat up, only one judge came close to being bitten, and no one got in a car accident. Mostly a good day at the National. Knowing Trish is going to recover and knowing that Cappy is good, makes it a good day for me.
They changed judging for tomorrow. They are doing the dogs in the morning first, then the bitches.  Judging starts at 8:00.
Cappy is done with the individuals. Cappy the Open Dog the the American Bred, then the Bred By.  She pulled the 12-15 to be up there to. There they go, and she let some go.  They are still inclass order, and she has her arms crossed, looking them over and goes to the class. And lets most of them stand back, but they wait for the double handlers and there they go. Open American Bred and the 12-15.  She goes up to them and yes, she gives it to the Open Dog, Megabucks.
If you are watching on video, that is a happy dog. When he sees Sandy Anderson he goes nuts.
On to Reserve.  Olivia takes the puppy and the second Open dog comes in with Kent.  I do like that dog, Captain America.  Ken Tank walked by looking like I feel. Yes, she puts Captain in front and wants to see them together, the American Bred and the second Open dog. 
Off they go and Captain America is looking great and YES, he gets it.
Now on to Veterans with two Asgard dogs. Only the good die young.
Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come  together

Winner's Bitch

The place is buzzing. It is time for Winner's Bitch.
That is a fantastic line up of bitches.  There they go with Kent, then Destiny with the long coat, then Leslie, Joe, the amateur, Kelly, Liz Diane, (name escapes me, it must be the air), and then someone I can't see.  It must be the oxygen.
Helen stands in the center and has them come out and does the temperament test .
Leslie with Black Magic. Now Joe goes out with Roxanne.
Renatta with Brian Carstle, (maybe) I don't know that person, or maybe I can't see him.  Kelly with Rata Tat Tat.  She is another person who never got older.
Liz with Venus.  From the 15 to 18 class.
A Little Bit of Bearadice with Elizabeth.
All the winners.  There goes the last one.
She walks to the line and goes to the en and pull Liz from 15 to 18 into second and the 9-12 puppy to third. She tells them to go around with Kent in front with the open bitch.  Drama Queen.
They walk, and walk, and walk, and walk.  Do we get the tunnel?  She tells them to stop and tells them something, but I can't hear.  She wants them to take a step and stand, not posed.  She moves 9-12 into the second place.  Helen says to take them around and there they go, she is lookiing at the first few and none of the others yet, now she looks and give it to the Open Bitch, Drama Queen.  Falcon's DuChien's Drama Queen.
Reserve is DePaul's I'm Too Sexy
Stay tuned.
Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come  together

Last Class of the Day

I don't like the German Shepherd Dogs Open Other Dogs.
I guess the Other is to mean they aren't coated. But, hell, I can see that.  I see Joanna Rand, so I don't see Al, so maybe she is here without him.  Carl Anderson is watching the show. 
The Reserve seats are taken.  Boy, Frank never stops moving.
In come the Open dogs.  Nine in there. Ben Bergonia is here.  There is so much confusion that we have to set the schedual.  Now Jen is here.
Sam is in another class with Somerset Rose's Total Package.  An old friend came by, so I will back after the winners.
I was talking to Bob and Maryellen Kish and Fran Ford.  I am fortunate those folks talk to me.
In front is an Aries son, and it is Scott, then Kent, Sean, That is one handsom dog in front. He is barking like crazy at his owner.  She takes the rest of the class and Scott and Kent stand off. Those are fantastic dogs in front, and Leslie moves to fourth.  Cappy says, move the first two.  Megabucks in front, and that is a Select quality dog.  Now Scott tries to move up, but Cappy catchs him.  Kent again with Scott just behind.  Very close between those two.  Scott goes to the front with Megabucks again, and I would think that is the way it is going to go.  She stands back and watches and there they go. Now the crowd is into it. And she looks and stomping in the stand AND YES!
First is Woodsides Megabucks
Second is WeLove DuChien's Captain America
Third is Kohlein's Enduro
Fourth is Athena's Trouble On The Autobahn
On to the presentation classes.
Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come  together

Open Bitches

Open Bitches
There are eight in the ring, and I will do what I can to let you know how much fun this is.
I introduced Summer to Ed Barritt and Libby Cameron. We have a lot of fun talking about stuff that happened before Summer was born.  I also talked to Fran Ford and then introduced Summer to him. But, they met last year.
Kent is out there with Drama Queen.  Nice bitch. This is another of Jane Kerner's breeding, and Army daughter. 
Love Bandit is in there. 
Elizabeth is out there with Tortolla.  Again, Frank's doing.
Sandy Anderson says hello to Helen Franklin. It is a shame Helen isn't here, but she told me the lack of oxygen is a problem this high. I agree, even I am having trouble. I walked to the ring today, and it was so cold the air was frozen so I didn't notice the lack of oxygen. Then when my lungs defrosted, I realized I wasn't breathing.
Mike is up with Black Magic.  I probably will have Zoe blog, since I will be working with Summer.
Diane Brown brings out She Who Laughs Last.  If you are watching this on video, there is not reason to read this too, so stop it.
She wants Diane again, now on a loose lead.
Lenny is out in the middle with I'm Too Sexy.  It is very quiet and no one seems interested, even the owners of the dogs in the ring.  Cindy Bartly is in front of us, and everyone seems to have settled in.  The reserved seats are cushioned, and that alone is worth the price.
Sean with the last bitch, Black Diamond. 
They line up and Helen gives the last ones instructions and move Sean up to Third from end.
Through the tunnel.  No one can have trained for that, with the sparkle jacket, and then she watches them walk.  Helen likes them to walk. And Kent in front then Lenny and Helen walks to the front and now down the class.  There they go.
I expect some changes to be made, but what do I know?  She called them that way.
First is Falcon's DuChien's Drama Queen, Second is DePahl's I'm Too Sexy, third is Devine's Love Bandit, and Fourth is Signatures Tortolla V. Winsome's, Unless I am wrong.  Hey, this if free, don't expect too much.
Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come  together

Don't blame me

Election Results from last night curtosey of Zoe
Treasurer Bill: 488 Nadine 473
Corresponding Secretary: Laura 683 Peggy 683
Bart 678
Jim 621
Fred 566
Zoe 538
Pat 534
Pam 521
Carol 520
Theresa 516
Winners of the Open Coat
First - 515
Second - 518
Third - 516
Forth - 519
Now to Open Long Coats.
There are only two entered.
First is 402 Bestog Toderhaus Cyuse Canyon Handled by Kelly Selvalis
Second is 403 Adelhorst Winsome's Desbearate Chance Two My Heart Handled by Elizabeth Steiffelman
This was done by Zoe, now I am back,   Evan
Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come  together

Great news at the end

15 in there and I am in love with at least six of them.  What a lineup, and it isn't even the open dogs.  Cappy is in all black and looks strong.  First is Kristy with Sam I am.  It is supposed to be Nancy McDonald, but Nancy has a bad pin, and is saving herself for her Special.
Cappy is doing the individuals, and it will be interesting to watch.  Sam Israel is in there showing his dog.  There they go as a class.
I have been lugging around a 10 pound box of Sees candy for Michael Cheeks. I guess he isn't here, (it's a running gag).  I brought it from California making sure it doesn't get too hot or too cold.  I now have to figure out what to do with it. I am diabetic, so I can only eat a pound of it. I think maybe if I don't see Michael I will just hand it out to the stands.
Cappy begins the individuals now, and so now I may go read a book.  And, tomorrow is when I get bored. If you paid $25.00 for this, I guess you are watching the video and hope to see someone spook or bite the judge. Other than that it is a good time to go arrange your sock drawer.
I think I may just watch the dogs and enjoy the show.  I just spent some time with Nancy McDonald talking about Junior handlers.  We need to promote them more, but the fund I started seems to have some interest.
Everyone is milling about since it is the individuals.  Applause from one area, and I guess that might be the owners.  Lindsey with I Gotta Feeling.
Six dogs to go. And then the serious stuff.  We have the evaluations by Helen, and people are collecting them.  It is a form sheet with evaluations.  Iza is here and we need to get her to blog sometime. 
She is on the last male, so it is starting to get better in here. I see a number of people reading I-pads and I was told they are reading the Blog. I may be stupid, (shut up Flower Boy), but why not watch the show instead of reading what I babble on about?
Do you think anyone has streaming video on their I-pads?  That would be so now.
Now she takes five.  Kristi, Leslie, Frank, another young man and Zac.  She stands and watches them.  Carole Moore walked by.  They stack and give the double handlers directions, and that is where the noise comes by.  We sure have dogs that look like males. Cappy looks strong and I am so pleased.
She sends them back. There are eight long coated bitches. So, maybe I need to reconsider my position.  Like I would ever do that.
There goes the second group, Scott, Cindy, Mike, Lindsey, and Lennie  At the end.  And the last group with good people showing good dogs. It is hard to keep up with the excitement, and I am working at it.
Cappy is talking to Alex, and off they go. Kent in last for now, but not for long from what I see.  They stack and Cappy looks them over. There goes Morton, and more people coming now.  Cappy give some instruction as the go, and another trip around. 
Back to the first group and John Ayotte walked by. We are too high up to talk to us, or maybe no one wants to talk to us.  As I recall, when we were on floor level, no one talked to us either.
I see Jane Kerner talking to Pam Stoesser, and Pam might come up.
She moves Kristy up, second is Leslie and then Zac.  She takes the next group and looks them over and up goes Scotty. She only takes one.  She finds Mike.  She bings up Lenny and now the last group.  In dumpville is four so far.  The last ones are a group of five.  Bret came by and we are talking about Lee Childs books.  She pulls Liz and looks at the rest.   Four left who might make the last trip today, at least in this class.  She puts Kent in the saviours, and looks at Jeff's dog and talks to Alex.  Laureen sure looks good and better every year.  Don't some of these people ever age?
Cappy looks over the Dumpees, and there they go around again.  She pulls Cindy Tellefson and sends the rest to purgatory. She has nine left, and they are still in catalog order. She kept the best of the best, and I do like what Mike has. A real stallion dog that moves with ease.  With his size I wouldn't have expected that. You have to look above to see who it is.
I can type or read, but I can't do both.
Cappy says to take them again. And there goes Frank Fasano.  Off goes the first five.  Some yelling now. Now the second group.  Cappy says to stand and they all stack them. I thin she is about to pick.  Cappy looks like she is having fun.  Julie is here with her I-pod and filming the show.  Cappy tells them to slow down, and the judging is doing better, and faster, they they go, the first five again.
I like what Leslie and Mike have, but no one asked me. She pulls Leslie in front, thenZac, and Mike.  Christy and Scott go where they didn't want to go.Dave Coleman just came by, and off they go again.
Now the next group, led by Lennie, Liz, Kent and (nevermind) Cindy.  She keeps Lenny and Kent.  Still all in order.  There are five with dreams still alive with Leslie in front then Zac, Mike, Lennie and Kent.  Cappy is looking them over very carefully, and walking while she does it. I can't walk and judge, but she can.  Frank Fasano was just here, but we ignored him, even if he is the President.
She moved Lenny up one to third and now Mike in fourth. Leslie is leading still and I think she is going to get it.  Cappy is doing the fast walk, looking hard and she walks and she walks and she looks and she looks. They stop again.  No question, this is her keepers, and she pulls Kent out again and the dog is too excited.  She moves the dog out, he tried to bite, or at least that is what I saw. The crowd reacted.  He looks sound, so she pulls Christie out to put at the end. That dog too doesn't want to have anything to do with Cappy, so she goes back to the dump group. Scott raises his hand and goes out to Best of Dump and the Dog stands.  The crowd is excited.  What a revolting development.
Now, down a back for her picks.  The crowd likes Zac's dog, The Winner Takes It All.   Evan is making poor Zoe type now. Leslie in front, then Lenny and Zac. Leslie and Lenny doing a lap alone.  Cappy calls it. Leslie, Lenny, Zac and Mike.
First: Sunrize He's So Fine
Second: Signature's Harry Nile v Kridler
Third: Windsong's the Winner Takes All
Forth: Amber's Rascal of Schero-Lo
Helen Gleason has welcomed the first Long Coat Open Class. 8 were entered. So far 5 have entered the ring and one is being waited on due to handler changed.
515 Oak Ridge Fire Opal - Owner Handler
516 Kimberlite's Arabian Night Princess HT CA
518 Stone Rydge's Foxy Lady - Handler Bill Tank
519 Scharo's Lying Eyes - Handler is junior Mason Golden
523 Adelhost Channan Omriy Raphaela  - Handler Elizabeth SteiffelMan
The last was Zoe, so don't blame me for anything. Evan back.
I just heard. Trish Wyle is doing better and they expect a full recovery.
I am sending this so everyone knows, and we can all take a breath.

Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come  together

American Bred Bitches

American Bred Bitches
Wow!  What a lineup of bitches with Ava in front.  Now it is Bill with Ava.  I like that bitch a lot, and when she is having a good day, she is the best, in my mind.  Now it is Summer's turn with Evangelina.  There goes Rita, and I haven't talked to her today.  Jessica just walked by, and I know she has a special.  It is Black Magic Woman with Leslie.
The crowd is stunned. Or maybe just asleep.  No excitement after Bred By Males. That sounded like the Specials class.
There certainly is no pigment problem this year. I never saw so many all blacks, and the bi's.  It says something about what we did to improve out lack of pigment that we used to see. 
Now Cindy with Myrina.  I always did like this bitch, she moves with great strength, and is pretty set up.  I think Helen should like her.  Celeste came by, she owns Ava.  She is one of the nicestt people I know, except for her husband Pat.
Carolyn Martello is talking to Dorothy Lynn.  I saw Barbara and Stacy are here, and there goes Frank Martello.  Cindy is still doing the individual.
Goghn Uptown is up now, I had to say it out loud to realize what the name was.  Jeff has a great green shirt that matches his shoe laces.  I miss Michael Cheeks.  I also see a lot of people that I don't know, that is a good thing, meaning some new folks in the breed.
Brandi Rose is there and a dark bi with Susan Bancheck-Long. So many of them. Twyla Minor just went in front of me. She was smart and got a cart. I saw Paula and Harley is fine.  Ben Begornia is in front of me.
I see Gary Szymchezk. I know I will never get his name spelled right, but I so seldom spell things correctly anyway, no one will notice.
Up nest is Lenny with Bearookly Rose.  Without Frank and Kriss there would be no reason to hold this show.  They have been producing the most fantastic bitches.  One is just better looking than the other.  Sam Colvin is here talking about the Parade of Greats.  Seems they missed getting the ribbons so they will give out the ones from last year, and send the right ones.
Rita came to visit us and fun for all. 
She took her last group and I think that is it for Summer.  Helen sets that group aside, but I don't think it is her favorite bitches group.  I had to go help Summer, Tedi's Order, so I didn't post.
First is Sunrize Black Magic Woman, Second is Lonestar's Bearookly rose V. Erynbrook, third is Ch Karizma Kaleef Ava Of Cherpa, anf fourth is Keylis Let The Good Thymes Roll.
On to the dogs.
Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come  together

Bred By Dogs

Bred by Dog
There are only four entered, so I doubt this will be a big class. 
It is great to have Cappy out there and great was there.  Kelly is in front with Rolls Royce.
I went down to be with Summer and so I missed it. But the winner is Bridgelady-Hillside's The Mayor with Bonnie Nomey Second is Signature's Rocco, Third is Richters Lust Cantor Patron Gold and fourth was Northhills Rolls Royce.
I got to talk to everyone and now I am back for the American Bred Bitch Class.  I spent a few minutes with Flower Boy and Ed Barritt, but when DD and Flower Boy started talking football, I left.
On to American Bred Bitches.
Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come  together

Bred by bitch

Here we go with the awards. The Raley winners are first.
Yes, Cappy is here and says she is fine. What a great start to the day.
Vicki Roye came by to say if we need her, she is here.  Bud Drew just stopped by to ask if we could do the National Anthym.  I will have to check on that.  Frank is here doing a great job too.  He is having a cocktail party tonight in the arena free to everyone.
Now they are presenting something else. There doesn't seem to be a lot of interest.  Now the AOE.  This is the first time they are doing them in the arena at the show.   Gloria is here and says the problem with Cappy was she had no potassium.  You know, we flatlanders are not used to a mile high.  I like the AOE in the ring, but either way, it is a real honor and in my mind the top award. 
Helen has an all bling jacket. It is nothing but silver.
Bred By Bitches
Helen is looking over the class of eight.  There they go and around one time.  First is Fonseca's Angeleah.  Michelle Kaeser is here with us ayt the booth, and Helen is looking great in black dress and sequined jacket.  She tells the bitch to stand for the pictures.  Next is Jodi Fonseca's Angeleah.  Next we have Val Manning with Pastoria Of Oz.  Helen is saying not to double when she does the individuals for teeth etc.  That can destroy the dog, she is right.  Al Martin has Nicolla.  Queen of Hearts is coming up.  Lorrie Stewart came by and I thanked her for putting in her Senior Champion.  Now Lindsey Wendel with Gun Powder and Lead.  Leslie is up with Angelica of Landsend.  Last is JR with Havana.
I noticed that many of the dogs are with the breeder.  I didn't realize why, until Tony reminded me that this was the Bred By Bitch Class.  It is very quiet here.
Frank is doing a great job.  Tom Mesdag is here talking to Pat There goes the class.
Helen has them walk and Joe Baccia in front then Lindsey goes to second and now Al is in second.  Sally and Paula came by and she moves then around again and now Val is in fourth, and they keep walking and Joe does walk, not a handler walk, and Helen goes adross the ring to make her tunnel No kidding she leave about a foot for them to walk through.
Now she moves Leslie to Best of Dump.  This tghe third time around walking. And that is it.  First is Signature's Roxanne, second is Almars Nicolla, third isAlmars Nicolla, and fourth is Pastoria Of Oz. 
On to males.
Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come  together

Early on Friday

Early morning musings
I found out late last night that I am the breeder of the Futurity Victor. Who knew?
Here it is early Friday morning. I walked to the arena. Big mistake. It is about a mile and it is below 40 outside. My face is starting to thaw, and that is a good thing.
I am waiting for news of Trish and Cappy. Drama, fear, hope and joy. Another national. I heard that Nadine was not re-elected and I am sorry to hear that. She was very dedicated to our club. But, in talking to her, she informed me that we are in good financial shape, and that the last few years have turned the club around. I appreciate what she did for us.
I don't know how I can Blog in Specials. I have a dog and a bitch being shown, and while I do know that my double handling does no good, I still have a wife who insists I do it. I expect I can get some help from Zoe. I saw her at breakfast, and we will talk more later.
There are but a few people in the ring, so it gives me time to reflect. Kent is here, and so is Bill Bergraff.  Bill told me it was 35 out so no wonder I was so cold.
I was told by my provider I had used up my air card time and they were going to start billing me for extra time. So, when I got to the arena, just for laughs I decided to check. The arena is wireless, and so I am on the free network. Who Knew?
Dick Jones is here and Bob Grady in a purple suit. He outdoes himself every day with the suits.   I understand some people did make it to the general meeting last night, I was too tired to make it.
I sure miss Bob The Voice Of The National Drescher. It isn't the same without him, but Tony and I are trying to cover. Next year I hope he will be back.  I would guess there are about ten people here now, and we are 15 minutes from show time.
I wonder what today will bring?  I will try to tell the story, and you can watch it in real time.
Cappy is here and she says she feels well enough to judge. Now, you are the first to know.
Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come  together

Thursday, October 11, 2012

That's all folks

Amateur Owner Handler Bitch
When this week is over, I will remember how to spell amateur without looking at the catalog. Everyone is leaving me.  Summer and her mom are gone and coming to get Tedi. I hope I don't get lost on the way home. 
Peakes Brook Pride and Prejudice and Renata Of Stone Rudge RN.  No one seems to care, except those in the ring, the place is clearing out. It will be interesting to see what happens at the annual meeting. I will have to hear about it. I am not up to any more fun today.
I see Bill Basu, Iza and Pat Draper together.  Celeste is talking to Ha Ja.   Reserved seats, my ass.
Frank Martello went by and looks bright and eager to go to the dog show. 
The first is Renata Of Stone Rydge and second is Peakes Brook Ppride & Prejudice.
I hope you don't mind if I do two classes.
Amateur Owner Handler Dog
The only entry is Jusutaus Just an Outlaw V Tams.  If I get it wrong, blame the lack of light, and the hour.  Everyone is waiting to work in the ring after the last class.  Summer and her mom came to get me. 
Yeah, a first place.
There goes Tom Brown.  He is talking to Celeste. 
Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come  together

Novice Dogs. Finally some excitement

We are in the novice dog class.  Talk about quiet.  No one is talking. And, Lana Lee keeps saying no doubling during the individual temperament test.  And she repeated it.
She has at least 11 dogs to do. There goes Sally and Paula with Harley. Sally is the co-owner of Harley.  There a few people here, but it is getting dark, and it is getting cold.  I see Celest hugging Jean Whalen.
The One and Only is doing individuals.  I got to talk to Carlos Navara, and he is standing with Dave Rinke and Jimmie. Jimmie pointed out that we could not do the classes tomorrow when Cappy is up to it. So, we went down the voting list, and figured out who is not entered, who does not co-own anything and who was the first eligible person, and that was Lana Lee.
Now they are trying to figure out if Cappy can return to finish tomorrow.  I think she will be fine, but her health is not worth judging a dog show. With Trish in the hospital and Cappy exhausted, we need to know that our workers and friends are safe.
Only two more dogs for the individuals, and then to the judging.  Carolyn Martello is here and everyone is looking tired.  It is almost seven and two classes to go. 
This is a day that will live on in infamy. 
More individuals, not excitement. Last one in the ring, Mike.  I feel like this day will never end, then again, I am afraid it will. So many people gone, and we finally got a response from the AKC, that if Cappy can do it, she can continue tomorrow.  We will announce that, since everyone will leave before the amateur  handler class.
We are lucky to have Lana Lee to step in. She always does a good job and will do so today.
She splits the class and there go the first seven.  Now the next group of six.  Now the first group again. I think this was the largest class of the day.  In Amateur there are three bitches and one male.  Lanna laughs when someone starts to applaud. She walks down the line.  Another pass.
As long as we get out here by midnight.  She is pulling then and takes five out.  Now there are eight.  They haven't been changed as to position.  So there is more to go.  Lana looks them over and stands with her hands behind her back. She walks to the front and does down and back. 
Now out in front.  I just don't care. She pulls some and puts in order The four she wants and takes the othr four around. Dumps two from the end, and sends them out of the ring,a nd takes around her last five. 
First was Paravel's I Want You To Want me, Second was Rising Sun Bunker, third was Tacora's Dance One More Time and fourth is Woodside's Gambino.
Sorry for not more information but I am exhausted.  
Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come  together

Novice Bitches

Always something exciting happens. Cappy is exhausted and can't continue. The show must continue, so we went down the list of judges. Fourth was if course Bob Slay, since he judged this week in the Regional Show, he can't do it. So many of the others have dogs entered. We finally got down the List to Lana Lee Jorgenson-Law.
The show goes on.
Novice Bitches.
With all the excitement I missed most of it, But I did talk Brooklyn Walker was who I named as Judi Bent, which is her grandmother.  I talked to Brooklyn because she does such a good job, and we should recognize her for that.
Helen is still working and they do the individuals, so we know what was going on.
Paula was worried about Harley, but he seems to be OK.  So, it is getting more interesting.
First is RatA Tat Tat, then Von Bliebtreu, then Midnight Surigo Greenleaf, and then Devine Ms M Aramist.  Through the tunnel they go.  Interesting system. And she tells them to keep going. 
I am worried about Cappy, but maybe with some rest she will be fine.  Helen moves them around and is over to the other end, for the first time today. She continues to walk them.  Liz is in front then Nancy and then Mike and Jeff.
First was Jonah-Malibar's Rat-A-Tat Forsaloe, Second was Yoncall's Midniht Surigo Grenleaf, Third waw Catalina Von Bleibtreu and fourth was Enynbrook's Simply Sinful.
19 entered in the Novice Dog class so let's see how it goes.
Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come  together

15-18 Dogs

Jane Kerner is here.  Her bitch is a littermate to ours.  
On to the 15-18 dogs.
Seven in the ring.
Two out of Select Champion Magic Marker.
There they go with Beth Riese with Fermare, Zac with El Paso, The Mike with Geronimo, Bill has Captain Jack Sparrow, then Rocket's Red Glare, Scott with Jumpin' Jack Flash, and Nancy with Black Bart.
Black Bart and Captain Jack Sparrow are out of Magic Marker.  Litter mates.
I am not blown away by this group, but it might just be me.  Cappy is looking them over, and even the owners don't seem interested.  She moves Nancy to Best of Dump.  Cappy counts and sets aside two and has five to look at. 
She pulls Bill and Nancy to the front, the two Magic Marker puppies.  And she takes them like that.  Cappy bows to the camera and looks them over and tell Bill to bring him out.  There goes Bill with Captain Jack Sparrow.  Now Nancy with Black Bart.  The new Markie litter looks that good too.  Dave has four, and Flower Boy has the pick.
Beth has Rocket's Red Glare.  Zac with Wl Paso.  Mike with Geronimo.  I have seen this stuff before.  I have decided to just stop posting. I will let you know when something exciting happens.
There they go after the individuals, the first two, the Marki Puppies.  Now she takes the next three.  She moves Scott up one. 
The Marki's puppies went first and second. How coolis that.
First isLas Lar's Captain Jack Sparrow, the Ginsbergs are breeders. It would have been nice to spell our name right.  But, we want the win anyway.
Second is Laslar-Candia's Black Bart, breeders Evan & Tedi Ginsburg.  Of course Dave Lasater is also the breeder on them, and our co-owner on Magic Marker.
Third is Kaholi's The Fermare Of Ferlin.
Fourth is Woodside's El Paso.
This is the longest day.  And more to come.
Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come  together

15 - 18 Bitches

Back we are for the 15 - 18 Bitches.
I like what they see in their selections, but more so, those watching on video can see it too. I don't know how much of he excitement they miss. It isn't what it used to be. 
Six in there.  How long can it take to judge a dog?
A man walks into a blacksmith shop. The owner has just finished fireing a horseshoe.  He hadn't cooled it yet and the man picks it up, and drops it.
The smithee says, "Too hot for you?"
He replies, "No it just don't take long to look at a horseshoe".
First is Liz Oster with Venus.  Next is Zac with The Rising Son, the breeders of that are great people. Then Kent with Kiss The Boys Goodby, a litter mate to our Kisses Sweeter than Wine. Then it is Bill with Enchanted Tedi Bear. And then Call the Wind Moriah, then Jeff with Trinket.  There goes Zac.  I love the breeders of his bitch.
Ed is here and didn't threaten to kill me, so I guess he forgave me.  I don't understand why he doesn't age. It is depressing.
Kent takes Kisses and she is a nice bitch.
Bill has a dark by-colored.  It is Enchanted Tedi Bear.  It is so quiet here, I have to look up to see if anyone is left. Either we are all hungry or just bored.  Now the sound of one hand clapping.
Next is Judy Bent's daughter with Call the Wind Moriah. I have met her, and she is a super handler. I immediately forgot her name. It must be the air a mile high. Her mom is judging in California coming up. 
Jeff comes in with Trinket V Hillside.  I did like Moriah.  Last one in the ring and now judging.  She asks Jeff to do it again and slow down, not a chance. But at least loose lead.
She puts him in third.  Helen gives direction and Liz leads with Ken, then Jeff, Bent, and Zac and Bill at the end. Helen asks them to walk.  Paul Johnson is in front of us.  There they go With Liz in front, then Kent, and Jeff, and Brent. Don't tall her I can't remember her name. 
First is SimVar's Venus, then DuChien's Kiss The boys Goodbye, third was Charbo-Tanbark's Trinket V Hillside and fourth is Abjah C'Can CaltheWind Moriah.
Helen is describing her winners and now on to another class.
Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come  together

12-15 Dogs

I got rid of Summer so now I am back. I went to talk to people and almost just decided to stay.
Sean is with I Love You This Big Valley View. There are six in the class. Six more classes to go, and it is 4:30 already.  I missed two dogs and I will check who else is there.
I see Cindy with Cazador Of Cantar. 
Chris Jolly walked by and waved. I take my thrills where I can and now we have Kelly with Always On My Mind.
Sharlonna with Paladin Imagine My Surprise Nike Clayfield At Bay Gem.  A local California dog.  Jacquiline and Summer are here with Tony and me.
Jeff has Can I Trust U With My Heart.  And that is the last one in the class. How much longer can this show endure.  The crowd likes that dog, and so do I. That is a great shoulder.
Cappy is looking them over and Terry Rock has three littermates in this class, and there they go, Dianne, Channing Sean, Cindi, Kelly, Sharlonna and Jeff.
How do you double handle three dogs?  She takes the first four, and looks them over.  I like what Diane has in front, and very easy balanced dog.  Now Cappy sets them back and takes the other three. I don't think any prejudice, just when they entered.  Three very different dogs.  They all stack and she pulls Diane out, then Sean and Cindy then Jeff.  I love to see a good judge do their thing.
Cappy is looking at the end of the ring,a nd she looks at each dog.  She moves Sharlonna up to next to last.  She takes the last three, Channing Sharlonna and Kelly.  The last two go against the wall.
She wants to check Channing's dog again.  I think the dog is just having fun, and she puts him back in line. How excited can you get about fifth?
The handlers are all yelling at the owners, and there they go, Dianne,k Sean,k Cindy, Jeff and Channing.  No, it isn't over yet, no fat lady singing and she moves Jeff to third. It all is important. 
Down and back for Dianne Brown.  And now Sean.  And the rest all down and back, but not the fifth.
She puts her hands on the backs, so that must bother her.  She tells them to take the lap and off they go, Diane, Sean, Jeff, Cindy and Channing. And she looks determined and walks again looking and yes, that is it.  First is Keggi Fair's Ridley V Hollamor, second is Faithrock I Love You This Big V Valley View, then third is Faithrock Can I Trust U With My Heart RN, and fourth was Shadow Acres Cazador of Cantar.  I loved seeing Cindi win, or as Summer says, Miss Cindy.  She has been a big supporter of Summer and her brother.  And, a good friend.
On to another thrilling class.
Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come  together

12-15 Bitches

Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds is giving her reviews, and so those on video can hear what she has to say.  Jimmie and Sheree just walked by and here comes Tony again.
12-15 Bitches in the ring, and I thinnk I see only two so far.   I guess that is it.  Diane has Keggi Fair's Rebekka V Hollamor and Carlisle's Desert Cress with a young gild who I can't name. I have had lots of problems with names calling people by the wrong name. I told Twyla I am having a problem due to the air, and she said: "Sure, let's go with that."  I think she dissed me. 
Helen has looked at both, and that's it. Rebekka is first and Desert Cress is second.
IT'S SUMMERTIME!! (again). Now it is 12-15 dogs into the ring. We have Kirk up her in the anouncers stand. He is truly the best dog anyone could ever ask for. I am teaching new tricks everyday. His next one will be shake. He loves doing them!!
The 12-15 dogs are finally checking and going into the ready ring. Diane is first with "Ridley" Channing with 'Never Forget', Sean with Big Valley, Cindy with Cazador, Kelly with "Always On My Mind", Sharlona with Jimmy, and Jeff with "I Trust You With My Heart".
Miss. Cappy takes them out one by one for temperament. She sends them back and has them all stalked. Now, she takes them all around.
She has them stalked up again, and takes the first one out, "Ridley" with Diane. 
Where Type Movement and Temperament come  together

9-12 Puppy Dogs

Joan Tutthill came by and I see Bill Basu, walking like he still can.  I haven't seem Summer or her mother for a while but I do see that Paula has Harley now, so I don't have to worry.  I know so many aren't here, and I miss Helen Fisher, and the Ghigaleris. 
We miss Sally Haden and there are no annuals sweatshirts or clever designes I have come to expect. I just miss Sally. 
Twelve in the ring, and even dozen. This is the middle young puppy class.  I vote to stop dividing the class, but again, no one asked me.  Iza walked by and I see that Richard Sottile is here and I saw Bud Drew.  Tish Walker was here and there goes Kenny cunningham.  There aren't a lot of people here, so it is a bit quiet.
I like the way Cappy lines them up in the middle so we can see them.  Cappy talks to Karin then walks back and tells them to take a trip, Scott, Lennie, Mike Kelly, unkown, Kent, George Zack, Kristie and one more.
I am having trouble seeing in the ring. It is a combination of being tired and the length of the day. Leslie has Ironstone's Cayman.
 Next up is Lennie with Signature's Tony DiNozzo, (a littermate to guess who?) Very cool names.
Now we Mike Sherman with Got To Know When To Fold Them.  Now that was a great song and you need to listen to the words again.
Karen Taylor is in front of us, but no one notices us. In may case that is the story of my life. 
Next Kelly Sevalas with Field N's Streams.  Mike is going around and some applause, and I do like that movement, and strong back. Cappy seems to like him too. 
There goes Kelly and the overwhelming silence is deafening.  Barbara and Stacy just got here from California.  Joey came by and I told him how I loved Halston.  And I did. 
The handling on with Dublin Mudslide V Longspeak with Susan Long.  A nice bi-colored. And in the ring is Kent with Midnight Special.  Nancy McDonald walked by and I see that Summer got here, and wants to take my dog out. That dog with Kent is a nice easy mover. That is what Cappy appreciates, so we shall see. 
TRJ' Jaeger V Whitside is out there with George. Bart Bartly is here and there goes Iza came by again and I see Bobbie Kindy. She is with Nancy Hubble.  Jane Kerner is so intent on the show, we never get to talk.  George's pupyis very smooth, but on a tight lead.  He is a real energy. 
Out comes Zack with Game On At Somerset Rose.  And around he goes.  No reaction from the masses.
Scottie is there with Kennadake-Ritarrra's Flint.  A dark Bi and sure is happy. Scott signals to someone outside the ring and there he goes.  I think the crowd has falen asleep. 
Now Cristy is out there with Zytut's Corssing Rivers.  Remember these handlers because I will only do names. It is a bit of a challenge for the readers.  Only two to go and I need a beak. Nevermind why.
Edales Failure to Communicate.   Jodi Bellanger has Luke.
Then we have Blackwood's Redemption with Diane.
It's SUMMERTIME!! It's Summer Khatib taking over for Mr. E. the judge takes Blackwood's Redemption around. Now she has them all stalked. Now she takes 4 of them around. Miss.Kappy is watching them closely with her arms folded in the center of the ring. Mr .Frank Fosana waves just as she has the handlers stalk 'em up and then takes them around. Onto the next group
Redemption was excused.
Six new ones led by Kent, George Zach Scott Kristy and finally, Jody. Lemar Fredericks just walked. The judge takes the dogs around and you can hear the double handlers and their silly double handling tools. She walks over to her first group. Takes Leslie, Lenny, then Mike to the side. She stares at the others for a while stalked. She pulls out George and she is looking for something else so, takes five around, (the ones left). I believe she is underwhelmed with the ones left. She pulls out Zach, and moves Kristy up. The last three go around. She sets them back against the wall. Six to look at and five to forget. There they go with Leslie leading, Lenny, Mike, George, Zach, and Jody. She moves Mike into first George into second, and Leslie to third.
She wants to see the last three to find her fourth place dog. Sends Zach to land of broken dreams. Now, there are five.  She takes them around with Mike in front, Then George, Leslie, Lenny and Jody last. She wants to see Mike go down and back. The crowd goes wild!! Now George down and back, Leslie, Lenny, and then Jody.
She wants to look at the teeth again on "Failure To Communicate". There is a whole group of unhappy handlers in the back of the ring. The dog won't let her look at his teeth.
She moves Lenny to third. There go the last two, Leslie and Jody. She moved Jody to forth. She looks them over and there they go this could be it. That's it!! Congratulations to all of them!
First is Regency's Ya Gotta Know When to Hold Em, Second TRJ's Jaseger V Whitside, third is Signature's Tony DiNoNozo and fourth is Edales Failure to Communicate.
On to a new class.  Is anyone reading this? Summer posted the last stuff as I told her what was going on. I see Kent is eating and Ken Tank standing next to hiim with Hunter. Joey is watching and we wait for the next class.
Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come  together

9-12 Puppy Bitches

9-12 Puppy Bitches
All here.
Joanne has I'll Have Another, then Mike with This boots is Made for Gaiting, then Bill with Deuce of Clubs, One Stop Shop with Kelly, then Jerri Lee is with Diane, Elizabeth with Lil Bit of Bearadice, One Fine Day is with Kent, then Abby Scuito with Lenny, Leslie with Poinsettia, and last but not leasst Lindisfarne of Peters Elite an unknown handler. At least to us.
I went down to talk to the Guz, but we were right under a microphone, so we were careful.  Helen is still doing the individual and I love the name of this bitch Abby Scuito.  Reading it takes a minute to connect the name to NCIS. Great name, and Lenny has the bitch and there she goes.  Down and back and seems to have too much energy.  And down and back again. She keeps scrambling, but still looks good to me.  Lennie says to stop double handling and He does it again. Three times is the charm.  There he goes around.
I didn't recognize Olivia, that is the unknown handler.
I saw Flower Boy and Thurmond.  This should be even more fun now.  I told Tedi we should move here so I don't have to drive home.  Now Poinsettia with Leslie.  Nice bitch with a full sidegait, and lots of style.  Helen wants her to go again.  Oh, she wants her slow.  Oh great! She decides to take a dump.  The bitch, not Leslie. 
Jack Kilgore is here and gave a kind word to Summer.  Summer is wearing hot pink slacks, so she is easy to spot. Helen got to Leslie and puts her between Joanne and Mike.  Now Olivia with Lindisfarne.  Pat Ayres is here with his beautiful wife, and passing out treats to those who deserve them.  That is a nice bitch too. Smooth and nice extension. Helen walks up to the group and gives them directions.
Bill leads, then Elizabeth, Olivia and Kelly.  Helen walks over to them and puts Elizabeth in front.   Bill is in second then Lennie.  Olivia is now in fourth.  Kelly is Best Of Dump right now,
and here comes the tunnel.  They all walk past her. 
Helen is watching and now walks over to the front again and walks down the line.  She walks back to the front and wants to see everyone from five to six, Diane and Olivia.  Nice bitches.  I think she is making sure of the whole line and she moves Olivia to Best of Dump in front of Kelly and now Joanne in front with Olivia and Kelly.  Interesting.
She moves Joanne up.So, we have Eliabeth, Bill, Lennie then Diane.  The first four go around and those are nice bitches. I don't think they will beat Elizabeth.  Lots of whistles.  Off they go again and it remains the same so far, with the whole class.  I bet that is it, and, and, and YES.
So it is first Winsome's Lil Bit Of Bearadice, Then Greenleaf's Deuce of Clubs V Surigo, Signature's Abby Schito and fourth Kiedrows Jerri Lee of Ferlin.
Running late again, but at least we are up to 9-12 puppy dogs.
Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come  together

6-9 Puppy dogs

6 - 9 Bitches: Evan's computer locked up, so he went to look at puppies and left me here to man the announcers table and write up some notes.  He also left his box of See's Candies next to me (a big mistake).  We just started the 6-9 puppy bitch class.  Of 19 entered, there are p being shown.  Cappy has settled into a routine; she brings them all in, checks numbers, takes them around as a group, then does individuals, and then starts placing them. 
First up for individuals is Leslie and California Dreamin.  Next is JoAnee with No Need to Say Anything More.  Next is George with Hercules.  Next is Kent with Jay-Z.  I am starting to hear a few whistles and cowbells – it has been relatively quiet up to now, but the crowd is starting to get interested.  Next is Liz with Emerson.  Next is Channing with Dezi Arnaz.  Dezi seems to have a cheering section in the bleachers.  Next is Diane with I Like Ike.  Next is JR with Jacksondel.  And the final bitch is Flashpoint.
She split the class in two and is watching the first half go around.  And then the second half.  And back to the first half.  And back to the second half.  And now she has both groups stacked (but staggered).  She pulled California Dreamin and Jay-Z from the first group; but is having trouble deciding on the second group.  Looks like she is keeping Emerson, Desi, I Like Ike, and Jacksondel from the second group.  Cappy has combined the groups and is looking at the entire group of 6.  All of the dogs are still in numerical order; she keeps looking, but so far has not moved any placings.
She just moved Desi to third, and then put I Like Ike ahead of Desi.  And that's the way they finish.  California Dreamin, Emerson, I Like Ike and Desi Arnaz.
That's it.  Thanks to Tony for the help while I went with Flower Boy to look at Titan.
Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come  together