Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Always plan ahead

There are only a few days left for me to worry about the trip to the National.  While as a man I have avoided shopping for new clothes, wondering how to wear my hair, finding what jewelry I want to take, or trying to figure out how to stay on my diet, I have other functions to stress over.
I decided that with the long trip we needed more room in the car. So, off to buy a cargo container.  But, in order to do that, we needed a trailer hitch, so off to buy one of those. Then the container came in the mail.  Two large boxes with what appeared to be a contraption used to erect a small building.  I finally got it assembled, but now can't lift it to put it on the trailer hitch, (see above).  So, I am having someone come help me install it, (assuming it all works and I put it together right).  I have figured out that I have to change the license plate, and also figure out how to get the tail light to work.
Today the car is at the shop for new tires, new wiper blades, (it snows and rains in Colorado), oil change, and cleaning.  I know, cleaning is female work, bit there is an exception for cars, and then it falls into male territory.
So, with five days to go before we hit the road, I have spent my entire budget for the National.  I have the German Shepherd Youth Recognition Fund pins for each Junior entered. Be sure to come by the announcer's table or ask Frank Fasano. We will both have the pins.  I have the gold medals on a ribbon for each class winner, a large medallion for the Best Junior Handler, and a plaque for the After-Show-Dinner for the winner.
I am tanned, rested, broke and ready to go to our national. I hope to see you there, and if you are reading this, you will be following the Blog. I have no idea why people enjoy it, but so long as I have my fingers, or even two of them, I will continue to do this.