Tuesday, October 09, 2012

First Night

We made it. Here we are. 20 hours in a car with three women one 11.
The funniest story is from Joyce Eberts.  A few years ago I met Joyce at the rental counter, at the national. She was in tears, she had a dog, and they would not rent her a car, since she didn't have her driver's license with her.  The people at the counter had just gotten a shipment of 100 decks of cards from Vegas. So, I did about ten minutes of card tricks, and then told them I wanted to rent a second car.
I told Joyce to stand back, and I rented two cars. I told them I would be driving them both, and they laughed and I gave the keys to Joyce, and it worked out fine.
This year, as I got to the desk, Joyce was there. She told me that as she was leaving home, her husband told her to take his suitcase as it was a little smaller, and she would have no problem putting it under her seat. When she got to the airport, they pulled her bag out to search.  They started to pull out the clothes, and then stood back and reached in and pulled out a shotgun shell.
Needless to say they had to question her, call the police, and didn't believe this kind white haired lady was surprised to find the shell in her suitcase.
We went over to the stalls and unloaded the car.  Ran into Ben Bigornia, and was delighted to see Gail Hardcastle.  Bev was there and Dave Lasater brought four of the Magic Marker Titan puppies.  What great puppies.
We had a free drinks and meatballs, etc. and sat with Pam Stoesser, Jane Kerner, Dave Coleman, Twyla, and so many other friends.  Had a chance to see Don Knight and Elizabeth.  Dawn VanDykman, looking younger than ever.  Summer is working the room, talking to everyone. It is hard to believe this is her second national.
Hunter brought his parents, and it looks like a fantastic national in store. The ring is green, big and ready for the dogs.
The hotel is amazing with an atrium in the middle with a big pond. I saw Jimmie and Sheree come through and Tom and Viv are here.
Paula was standing with Harley, and it was funny to see Harley go crazy when he saw me. It made me feel great, and he looks better every year.
We have adjourning rooms with Summer and her mother, and Summer and Kirk are running back and forth between the rooms.  All the rooms are two room suites, so lots of room for them to run.  Lord, was I ever that young?
Now to try top sleep with visions of dog dancing in my head.
Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds 
Where Type Movement and Temperament come  together