Saturday, October 14, 2017

Ask and you shall receive

I am sorry Michel didn't mention to me to send him the results, I could have done it, albeit a bit later than what I send to the
Blog. I don't know if it made any difference, or if anyone knew it, but I sent the results before the winners took a victory lap. You could only get the results faster by being there.
I got home in time to go to the office, and I am taking a break to read what I wrote today. Of course I got up at 12:00 midnight California time, had a four hour layover in St. Louis. I would have been in the office earlier, but there was some screw up at the airport and it took just over an hour to get our luggage.
Tedi and Twyla are in New Mexico and plan to be home tomorrow night. I went out to play with the puppies and the first thing for Tedi to do, (with my help) is to cut 64 toe nails. I found besides them being over excited to see me, they bloodied my arms. That is not Australian, but actual bloodied.
Again, a good trip, and a fun National for me. I ended up exhausted each night, but seeing everyone and so many of my  friends getting the big ribbon, made it worth while.
I told Bob, (The Voice of The National), that next year he  is on his own. Let's see how he enjoys it.
Click here: Asgard German Shepherds
In a message dated 10/14/2017 12:40:25 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
Notice to all,

Due to some breakdown in communication I have not received official results
for all the items posted on the National Show.
What is posted is what I managed to receive from very nice people, with good
intentions, however, I did not receive information on absentees, excuses,
move-ups, etc., and especially the validity of the placings.
In particular the #2 Select bitch was a move-up from the 15-18 class.  It
took me a while to find that.
That is why you will see "##" by the listings.
Results of some classes are totally missing and there you will see the "!"
If an item has no link that means either I have not received the entry
information or I have not converted it.  The Show Secretary people sent me
all the data in the wrong format with too much information.  For instance,
with each entry the owner home address was listed.  So I had to remove that
information as many of you do not want to see your home address posted on a
public internet posting.  That effort is extremely time consuming.

Once the powers that be send me full sets of results I will update the
website and clearly indicate that what is posted is valid.

Please have some patience.


POST is Copyrighted 2015.  All material remains the property of the original author and of GSD Communication, Inc. NO REPRODUCTIONS or FORWARDS of any kind are permitted without prior permission of both the original author AND of the Showgsd-l Management. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Each Author is responsible for the content of his/her post.  This group and its administrators are not responsible for the comments or opinions expressed in any post. POSTS CANNOT BE USED IN A COURT OF LAW.


For assistance, please contact the List Management at


From the airport

It was an unusual National for me.
I was pleased to see the Drapers have such a great show with three class wins, a second with Pat handling and a third. Then a Select with their Exxon son.  And, they were leaving to show at some shows on the way home.  I can't imagine anyone working harder.  Congratulations to them, and their dogs. And to us, since we have eight Exxon puppies in the whelping box.
I was asked to pick up a young lady at the event center and take her to the Comfort Inn to get a ride to the airport. I waiting 15 minutes at three o'clock and never saw her.  But, a large deer ran in front of my car, (they grow them big here) and I almost ran him/her down.
Nancy Hubble lost her diamond rings, one was her grandmother's, but they were found and returned. Then to have Midas go Select was great. If you haven't heard, I broke up when reading the names of Midas and Leo, and I apologize.
I hear there were three bench show committee hearings. I  don't get it. This is for fun.  If we aren't having fun, we need to do something else.  I have no idea what it is about, but whatever, lighten up.
The ring seemed to get confusing at times with Lew, but his winners were "spot on". and no one should complain with his choices.  The mirrored what happened in Canada. A good dog is a good dog.
I loved seeing Yada Yada Yada go Select again.  Seeing a Select on the Exxon/Jill puppy was great.  I agree with Lew that if we are breeding to improve the breed each year, as the years go by, the quality should be improving enough to have more and more Selects. They are not supposed to be judged on  a curve, but on how they reach the standard.  I saw that in Specials.
I thought Pam and John did excellent jobs.  The class winners were the best there. The depth of quality was not there this year. In both sexes, there were a few good ones, but in some classes they had trouble finding a fourth.  Or, at least that is how I saw it.  Both John and Pam told me there were a lot of level bites.  Maybe that is the new challenge for us breeders.
I got up at two P.M. to get to the airport, with the side trip back to the show site.  But, I made it on time for my flight, will get to Los Angeles in time to go to the office and see what Chaos occurred while I was off having fun.
I had a long discussion with Zoe.  She insisted that Jimmy was not running to judge the National.  Again, I was proven right.
Everyone worked very hard to make the show FUN.  I saw little complaints, (again I was told the speakers didn't work), but since it was me announcing, it probably  is better you couldn't understand me.
I sure missed Bob, (The Voice of The National), but talked to him three times on the phone.  He said he went to some place where the video was perfect, and said it was even better than being there because they had cameras on both sides.
I always enjoy talking to Linda Ferguson, and watching her have a Select with Diana on her dog was great. Diana is another person I look forward to seeing each year.
Of course, Jane Kerner is to me, the reason to go. Pam and Jeff too are great to see, and Jeff and Jane had another great year. Captain America seems to produce a real stallion type dog.  Nancy Mc Donald, Rita, Ken Cunningham, Zoe, Dawn, and so many I don't get to see the rest of the year, make it a great vacation.
Another year with memories to build on. Life is good, and if my plane doesn't crash, it will have been a great National.  It is never over until it is over. 
As someone told me, it is better to be seen than to be viewed.
Now, back to work.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Winding it up

Man, this stuff aint easy. They had me announce each Select.
Now we are doing Best of Breed. 
It is Tazzman'e Extra Special for Best of Breed and
Lacomtesse Bellamy for Best Of Winners.
Best Opposite Sex was Ch Kaleef's Quincy V Monarch
The whole family is in there with the Grand Victrix and three kids mom and dad and she is the house dog.
Now, Best Puppy.  Queen of Hearts V Kodiak Ridge.
Best Opposite Sex was Churpa-Coastline Under Orders
Evan L.Ginsburg

The downward streach

I am sorry I didn't list the Selects but when I get some time I will do so. They are about to take in the bitches, so maybe when that is over. There still is a full house. With 18 male Select it is happy time for a lot of people.
Thankfully a great friend, Rita, bought me a cushion.  And, it isn't cold right now. So, we are ready for bitches.
Lew was talking to Big Dave, and I see Sharon Avery is working the crowd.  Nancy Hubble is still grinning, and well she should.  Linda Ferguson has her Select and her dog looked great.  And,  the Grand Victor is well deserved.
In they come.  And off they go.  Seven in there to start with Bill at the end, Basu that is. Too many Bills, just like at the first of the month at my house.
Since all the action is after this nonsense, I will take some time to reflect on why I keep on doing this. Tedi and Twyla hit the road so I am fee to do what I want. I will probably do White Castle, or if I want to hear all the speeches, go to the dinner.
There goes Carolyn Martello and I see the crowd is here, but it is quiet.  The first group is done.  Half an hour a group.  Off goes the seven.  Dreams of being the Grand Victrix still there.
A new group. How startling.  Surprise, Surprise.  Diane is in there. She has her Select. She can't want another. Also Kent and Cindy, they also have their Selects already.  The best bitch I have seen so far is with Diane.  She is No Regrets of Eden. National Security Threat is a great one too.  It is a bit warmer in here.  Now Kent with Uptown Girl.  She is a flashy black and red.  If she keeps working like that, she will be hard to beat.
The bitches seem to be out of order a lot. I wonder if the handlers are doing that to get into different groups.  Now the last one in this group.  And Lew says, take them around. There they go, everyone must be sitting on their hands.
Lew looks at his notes and sends them out, and trades them for a new group.  Christy in front, then Scott, Mike, and Jeff.  Al the important people.  A lot of different styles.  Mike has a Fasano bitch. The Fasanos always have good stuff.  Good dogs too.  No problem this year with people standing in front, or parking in a no parking zone or any other complaints. No one has even asked that we pick up after their dogs.  Butch Loeb is here and told me a good Henny Youngman joke. He is a big fan.
Off they go still thinking they will win.Away with you all.
And,yet another group with George in front.  Lindsey is at the end and only  three in the catalog behind her. But, there might be move ups. George has a flashy dark black and tan. Very pretty bitch. Beautiful bitch. She should be one of the top ones.  This might be the end, the last in the catalogue.  But, I haven't seen the Winner's Bitch yet.  So probably another group. It's now been an hour.  No, that was the winner's bitch.  She is a Halston daughter and it shows.
No, another group of seven, including moveups, veteran and others.  Channing and Cindy are in there as well as Liz. 
I don't mind what Lew did with 18 Select Males. They were top quality and deserve to be Select. We consistently improve the breed and that is what it reflects. There are so many nice bitches this year. Yada Yada is in there now. My personal favorite. I also like the Winner's Bitch.  Two top quality bitches.
Now the real beginning after two hours.  Lew is talking to Tom and giving him directions. Not the other way around. The first group is in there, and off they go.Lew looks at them, at his notes, back at the  dogs,a dn at his notes.
Scott with Disorderly conduct, Elete Design, Bonnie Parkbear, and Taking care of business.  Now another look at the other four. They go off to the corner of despair and the first four to heaven.
Another seven and off they go, and I like a couple of those.  He poiints to  Kent Uptown Girl then National Secuity threat, and No Regrets.  Another four to hell on earth.
Another group starting with Christie.   Ending with Diana. Never mind who the bitches are.  Zack is in second and Mike in third.  Off they go. Lew looks at his notes and has his hands on his hips.  He wants them around again.  Mike with Ounce a Witch Always a witch, Forbear Mine.
Now a new group with George in front.  Lenny at the end, and a bunch of people between them. Lew walks to Le Me Be Your Star and Extra Special Ulyssa and he holds back Georgia Rose, the rest to the second stage of hell..
Eight new ones to love or hate Lew.  He wants them to another pass, with loose leads.  He pulls Lilly, then Hot Embear, and the rest to purgatory and Lew wants to see them all again. Just the dumpee.  Get the hell out of his ring, and off they go to next year.
Twenty two in there.  He takes the first eleven.  And off they go, loose lead.  Lots of noise from the double handlers.  Lew gives them all a good look.  And they stop.He pulls Kent with Uptown Girl, Ounce a With always a witch. Forbear mine, and Scott with Bonnie Gearpart, and Lone Survivor. And he looks at the first six with and Diane with No Regrets.
Now he goes to the next group starting with Zack.  and off the go.  Eleven. George with Xtra Secial, Let Me Be Your Star, Ulyssa.  He moved Ribberbiy up to fifth from last.  And off they go.  Xtra Special in front and he is looking at the last four and sends them back and calls out his first group.  The second group goes back with Kent in front with Uptown girl.  It seems like his top five.  He leaves thos and wants to see something from his other group.  Now the other group, seven in there. Cindy comes in and yet another and Lew is over talking to the group he sent over and comes out to look at this class.  At most shows this would be the whole show. Nine bitches.  Lew looks them over and walsk around and walks to the front and gestures to send three of them to the keepers and sends our five.
That is about it, I think these seventeen are going Select. Lew walks over and stands back and he breaks it up into a group of eleven.  No, he takes them all. George with Extra Special Lenny with Ulyss the Winner's Bitch, and more Kent with Uptown Girl in third.  Just a first group. Lew stops them has Forever Mine. He is my favorite. The crowd goes wild.  Now the "also rans".  Nine in there, a clean up, and a break.  Lew is looking at them, not his best, but good enough. He sends them back and now the entire ring is lined up.  It looks like all Selects, seventeen. 
I gave Lew the  microphone and he says walk and tells the double handlers to sit down and says this is a magnificent group. 
1.   575
2.   491
3.     587
4      572
5       573
6     559
7     584
8    563
9     578
10    592
11    569
12    548
13    531
14    564
15    577
16    568
17    558

Select Dogs

I had help and was told, "This isn't easy". I never said it was.  I am trying to get the number for you. Shelia Lieberman helped by finding the number.
1.  Quincy
2.  Winner's Dog  - Bellamy
3.  Have You Ever Seen the Rain
4   Montnegro
5.  Jessica Baldwin, the number isn't in the catalog
6.  Nancy McDonald another number not the catalog
8   Rising Sun
9.   Love Me Tenderbear
I have to go announce.

Getting closer

I got to talk to Lew for a bit. He is in a tux with blue accesories.  We had to add some seats up front since his family is coming to watch him judge.
I just found out Al Martin lost everything in the storm. His two homes, his business, cars and everything are gone. I was told a collection was taken and they are presenting him with $5,000.00. Al is sort of a private person, so I don't know if he will want us to do this.
I talked to Nancy Hubble who told me she took off her rings to wash her dog, Midas, and lost them They are a diamond cluster, and having lost her husband a few years ago, I am sure this is a terrible time.  But, I talked to Gail, and Purina found her rings, so that is a happy ending. 
The place is coming alive. I went back to the grooming area, and you could cut the tension with a knife. It is amazing what an alive feeling there is here.  Lots of blow dryers, and they have music on the speakers.
Corbin just came by. He is in Juniors and has on a great suit. He is going to be out there handling so it is one I will watch for. He is ten now so if he wins he has to wait eight years.  Nice young man, and he said he showed last year.  I hope he wins.
People do come to say they thank me for what I said.  No one has come by to complain about how I punked their dog. Maybe they don't want to talk to me.  I don't often remember what I said.  It is like when I do something in the law office. When it is over, I seldom remember doing it.  It is sort of strange.  Frank Fasano just came by and I see Alex picking up his bib.  Carmen is talking to Lew and the place is starting to fill up.  So far I haven't done too badly with names, but a few I have to search my memory for.
I am starting to get jazzed too. The excitement is palpable and I can't wait to get started. Of course there is the BIG LULL while they do individuals, but still the building is rocking and rolling.  There goes Bill Tank, and he is in a suit and has a big smile on his face.  Gary is acting presidential and talking to everyone. He won the  elections, but seems to still be campaigning.
Jimmy ios here and I see Kent in a suit, and I think that is the dog I picked for GV. But, again, no one asked me to judge.  Gail just told me that they are filming the Maturity Victor and Victrix, so that is who is in the ring.  Kent has the male.  Nice dog, and Select quality.  I had to laugh, so far Kent has taken three trips.   And now he poses him.  Stands back and the dog doesn't move a muscle.  Now in comes the Victrix.  Sharon Avery is here now.  Kent brings in the Victrix.  I can't imagine running like that and before judging.  Carl is here and Bill Leonard.
I so miss Fran Ford, and of course Joan as well.  The building is about full.  We are talking politics now. The camera man said he was uninsurable before ObamaCare.  I try to avoid it. I hate having the government taking over my MediCare.  Yes, that's sarcasm Leonard.
Shelia and the cameraman are going at it. This could be a long day. I just came to watch a dog show.  Kenny came by and I see Scootie, so I have to go say hello. There are certain favorites of mine and she is there. If you read this and are at the show, be sure to say hello. She is a special person.  We are about to begin. Dan Dwyer is here and I got to say hello. 
Lew is doing the REMEMBERING.  This is always hard on me.  I am glad they didn't ask me to read that. 
Al Martin was given a donation. He lost everything, his home his business, but not his spirit. He gave a nice speech.
In they come. Dave Rinke is here, and Karen Taylor as well.  Lew is checking them in.  WOW, beautiful dogs.  A real tribute to our breed. I see Mike and Nancy is already in the ring.  Alex, and I see Channing in the ring.  The audience is quiet and in comes Kent.  I do like that dog.  Liz Oster is there and now Diane.  Zack is up next and not much excitement but I get to see these magnificent animals.  Here comes Art with Galaleo, the number one dog in the country. Records mean nothing today.  Now Olivia.  Nice dog.  Now Bill Basu with Agon, who has gone twice select already.  Jimmie comes in with Quincy, who I think will win it.  Now Leslie.  Bill Tank, and they keep coming in.  Now Diane with Second Amendment.  Now Scott.  Some, like Jimmy don't have the bib tied, and in comes Lenny with Laurene in there as well, Winner's Dog and Winner's Bitch.  Lew goes over to the table and checks with Tom.  And in come some more.  I think they are move-ups.  Now Elizabeth comes in.
40-45 dogs are in there. Lew is talking and going to take them all at a walk.  I see Lennie Brown here.One sable and one black.  The entire ring is full, but for about 40 feet.  I see Erin is talking to Cathy Potter, and no noise,but the dogs are barking. Leslie has a great suit and a red brush cut.  So many in the ring I used to handle against. 
John and Vickie are here, and I think they make a great pair.  I see people moving about, and Lew and Tom are counting and walking the group.   Now Lew has a notebook and tells them to take a pass.  Off they go walking and only the first group of seven. I didn't see it but seem to be seven.  Laurie Stewart is here now and the rest of the dogs go out of the ring.  Lew has the first seven in the center of the ring. At this group the big names are Lesie, Mike, Nancy, Alex and Kent. Lew goes to talk to Tom. This is going to be a long day.  Let's see what Lew does. He is back in the ring and directing them,but I can't hear. I would guess he told them to walk, since that is what they are doing. Now the dreaded individuals.  Man, nothing going on.
Maybe we should adopt the German style and do this the day before.  I am impressed with Montego Bay.  Now Kent with American Rifleman.  This is the dog Ed bought in to and also Kent.  He is something special. I think he won the pre-show.  Off goes the group.  Now Kent with who I think is going to be our GV.  That is Quincy.  Now Diana with another good one.  Smooth moving with all you could want. Diana lets him out.  Patrick has Spiderman. He is a good handler and will be well known soon.  And that is the second group.
Cappy and Gloria just got here and the seats are full.  I thought Arson looked great, and now the new group poses and Off they go with Zack in front walking. Cindi Tellefson came by and gave me a hug. Now my life is compelete.  Alex has Mike Tyson.  I have always liked that dog. I wonder if he has bitten off any ears? 
Mike Reed is there. He too is a great handler.  This is like watching paint dry. I see Mr. Cheeks here too.  Bobby Kindy is sitting and not smiling.  I see Michael Avery is not taking pictures. He probably as seen all he want to see.  Kent with Have You Seen the Rain. How many dogs can one man show?  Maybe we should just give the awards, all of them. to Kent. 
Galileo is out there. He is one of my favorites and the judges seem to agree.  I think Lew will like him.  The number one shepherd in the country.  That's the group.  This is the next to last group.  One more to go.  The crowd likes Midas. And, if you haven't heard, when I tried to read him in the top 20, I lost it. I do love him and Leo.  I don't know about anyone else, but I am bored.
That's the end of the group, and Lew looks at them, sends them off at a full trot, and looks at each of them and looks at his notes and off they go, and out they go.
Now the last group, I think. I am subject to corrections.  Lenny has teh last entry in the catalog with a move-up behind him, with Christy in front.  Diane has Second Amendment another Captain America son, and he should be a contender.  Of course, the second amendment is gun control. I think we know what is to come.
Debbie came by and I thanked her for bringing Rumor. She rode with Jessica, and brought a bunch of dogs.  Lenny has a dog out of my favorite bitch, Madison Avenue.  A big handsome and stallion dog, King Edmond.  One more to go.  I see Joan Fox and Danny Dwyer. Now the last group goes around and it's time to get down to business. 
There is a group of five and maybe they are move-up because the number are such. I just called for all the dog specials unless they have given up.  Pat and Celeste asked if they should get the two Exxon champions.  I told them not to give up. They are young and are just going to get better, but look good this year as well.  I notice Lew is not impressed with how the dog is stacked. But, it makes the owners happy.  Now Winner's Dog.  No temperament problems with four excused in the classes. Maybe we have a new problem in the breed. 
First group:  They line up and George in the rear.  Seven in there and Lew looks them over and takes them around George Leslie and Mikle as well as Nancy in there.  He pulls Alex with Bay and looks at the rest of them.  and off they go again.  Montego Bay is a star and he pulls George with American Riflemann to third.  And off again, just the first three.  He tell the other four to take a pass Nancy in front and Leslie on the end.  He pulls Madeus and puts him in fourth.  And around they go.  Lew sends the entire group to the corner and brings out the next group. 
Finally Dave took some candy. That's why I have it, to make friends. As they go, Lew looks at his notes.  They stop.  He pulls American Eagle and now to second with Quincy. and Off they Go.  Lew fast walks to the front and put Greg to third with Jaeger.  Now the next group.
Off they go with Zack in front and Kent at the end. Also in there is Alex. Lew keeps looking at the notes.  He walks to the group seems to be concentrating and asks them to take another pass.  He only glances at Kent, but now looks at him and takes Kent to the front Have you Ever the Rain second is Crossing Rivers and third Beaste of burden and is now looking at his dumps.  Four, and he pulls Alex with Mike Tyson. 
Now the next group with Art in front and Liz in back. Eight in this group.  Off they go with Leo in front.  He pulls Lenny with Playing with Fire and Olivia Rising Sum and Wisconson Badger, and off the group goes.
Lew sends them off, and now the last group, I think with some famous people in there Paige Bill Tank and off they go.  And they stop.  He pulls Thunder road and Bill, but the first he has put over here so they might be his dumps.  He has always put the keepers and the dumpsters to the other corner. So, who knows?  I sure don't. Off goes a group, wit Diane in there, also Lennie he keeps Diane and Don't Refuse Me  and Scharoark.  The ones by me are the dumpers, and still have hope.
Now another group and off they go with Lew looking at his notes. Elizabeth is in there.  He looks and looks and he bring a young kid to the group and is talk ing  to that group and takes them around with still dreams of Grand Victor, but not for long. And, out they go.  Now he lines up what is left and they are all trying to line up but about 30 in there, so  he takes six to consider.  Some made the first cut. 
He pulls Nancy to third with Golden Boy and sets them aside.  He has two standing along and goes to his group. I have no idea what he is doing but I suppose he does and off goes the next six. Maybe I will figure his out Kent with Have You Ever Seen The Rain and Crossing Rivers.  Now he pulls Quincy and puts him in second. 
Now a new group of seven.  Art is there with Leo.  Lew walks to them and he points to Wisconson Bager and now moves Oivia is with Rising Sun.
On to the next group of five.  Christy is there and so is Diane.  Scott at the end. Lew looks them over with his hands on his hips and he pulls out no one.
Now his last group of five with Lenny at the end.  I think he is just getting rid of what he really doesn't like,  In this group He  Lenny with Bellamy.  And off to the side.
This is quite interesting, the ring is still full.  Lew seems to have a group but I can't tell how many, but it seems like five with Diane and Christy.  He sets them off to the side and another group.  So far he is keeping or dumping them all.
Another groupe of seven this time with
Art, Olivia Cindy and others.  Off they go.  He puts
Midnight Special and San Gabriel and Cleared the tower.  San Gabriel goes to the third.
The rest to the side, and now another group and moves Quincy to the front and then Have you ever seen the rain.  He moves three to the side, which is probably the dump.
Another group now six more with Mike George Zack in there.  And he looks them over, walks back and Moved Mike to the front with George and is looking them, Fire Starter Rifleman and sends George to the American Rifleman Forever and Firestarter to the side and now there go four. Zack in front. Lew goes over to them and talks to Tom and they are talking.  The four stack and they talk.  Now Lew looks at them and sends them to the Good Side.
Now in front is Quincy, then Have you Seen the Rain, Bellamy and then fourth.  There are nine standing not to be icked yet.  He has ten in this group which I think are his Selects.
He puts them aside and takes the other nine. He still have a bunch in the other corner.  I would guess his keepers are off to the side.  Lew picks Pioneer to the front and Second Amendment to second. He pulled  Malcom to the dump group. Now he takes what might be his dump with Art in front, and he excuses them.
And then there were ten. Ten little Indians, or native Americans is you prefer.  Now he combines them and has twenty.  Lew walks down the group and touches each dog.  The crowd the crowd tells him their opinion of each one.  And he moves to the group.  The first five. He says it is not a race. Bet me. He moved up Nancy and off they go.  He puts Kent in front with Have you Seen the Rains and he puts Bellamy to the front, the crowd loves it. With Lenny.  He puts Quincy to the front.  Now he takes the next five.  he puts Rising Son to the front with Olivia.  And off they go.  American Eagle is in front, and now the next group of eight.  I wonder if they care if they aren't going to be cut?
He puts Alex with Montegro Bay to the front and Wisconson to second and then Crossing Rivers. He is looking at his last six and puts Deck the alls to third from the end. 
Now he pulls the groups and puts them together.  He still have twenty dogs in there. Lew ordered 15 ribbons, so who knows what is happening. He is taking then all around again. All together.  He may go twenty Selects.  No one seems to .  Quincy in front he moves Montenegro Bay to fourth.  And he looks them over.  Lew wants to talk to Tom. Everyone is silent. I think they are all going Select. They are having a long conversation and Lew walks to the table and picks up the microphone.
Now he has the dogs elcar the ring so he can talk. YES, they are all going Select. Eighteen this time, Seventeen the last time he judged. A lot of happy people.
Off they go Bellamy now in front and then Have You Seen the Rain., then Montenegro.  He is working with only fourth Now Alex with Montenegro. Each gets a turn in front. The crowd likes Montenegro, but I still think   Quincy is going to win and now he is back in front, Bellamy and Have You Seen the rain, and off they go that way.  That is it.
1. Quincy
2. Bellamy
3. Have You Heard the Rain

Early morning mussing.

I got here at 6:00 a.m. and there's no one in the house except you  and me.
I did get to see the dogs and bitches being worked in the ring last night. I can't imagine that the dog Kent is showing or rather the dog Jimmy has, (I don't know who will show him) won't be the Grand Victor. He is beautiful to look at, and can  move.  I haven't seen him before.
Congratulations on the board and Gary for President.  I can't imagine why anyone would want that job,but Gary has always worked hard for the club.  Now it pays off.
About the classes. The winners were as should be and good quality animals. The depth of quality was not here this year. Two or three great ones in the front of each class, but beyond that, less than I have seen in years past.  In some classes it looked like John and Pam had to work hard to find a fourth.  Of course, I am in the second row and maybe down on the floor, up close it is different.
I went to the hospitality for just a few minutes. The announcing does wear me out, and perhaps if I didn't try to Blog whenever there was a break, it would be easier.  I know when Bob Tony and I did this in the past, I was not so exhausted in the evenings.  Of course, I have never been so old before.  It is a sober thought to realize today is the youngest I will ever be again.
Someone is on a blow dryer now, but I can't see who it is.  Last night I ran into Bart Bartley. He had lost his car keys to the van. It was open so he could care for the dogs,but he couldn't move it.  Just as we were going to go search, someone found his keys. That was the biggest trauma so far.
I am sorry Paula isn't  here to bug me for not mentioning her name enough. She has Champion Asgard's Teddy Roosevelt, (Bully), and he may be shown some day.  He is our Patriot son, and is taking a long time to mature, but finished quickly as he is a fantastic mover.
The place is still empty except for Candee Voss, who is everywhere. The workers are amazing. Gail has everything under control, and unless you knew better you would think hundreds of people are running this. Tom Mesdag needs to be recognized as well. All day, every day he is there keeping things moving.
I just talked to Candee.  Lew ordered 15 Select ribbons for each sex. So, I  anticipate a lot of Selects this year.  That's just some inside information.  I am sorry Candee didn't get on the board, she would be a real asset for our club. But, the board always works hard to do the right thing.
There was a rumor that we were headed to Denver NEXT year. I  talked to Carmen who said he just signed the contracts, we are back to St. Louis next year and Denver in 2019.  I remember that being LA and then we never got back there.  Let's wait two years  and see what happens. But, plan of cold weather again. They won't turn on the heat in the building.  Thankfully Rita took pity on me and bought me a seat cushion so I am cold,but comfortable.
Tedi and Twyla plan to leave early so I am on my own tonight. I didn't plan to go to the dinner, so I may just hit the White Castle for dinner. I know it is sort of a joke, but as disgusting as they are, it is a change from eating real food.
I did get to talk to Dave Rinke and Paul Johnson. We all agreed that getting rid of the weighted ballot took away our ability to say who we wanted for Specials, Dogs or Bitches. Maybe the board will take another look at that.
The show starts at 8:30, so I have but an hour and a half to get ready.  I do like getting home on Saturday so I can be in the office and line stuff up for the following week. Al Martin said his daughter just graduated college and is thinking of law school.  I am going to talk to her next week.  Nancy set up my computer for Skype so I could meet with the producer of Myth Busters. I am going to be on the show. I could see them, but couldn't hear them. They could hear me, but couldn't see me. They called and walked me through using my I-phone and that worked.  I will chase down Nancy and have her show me what I am doing wrong. Besides announcing at the National.
Tom is here and he and Candee are working together to set up the ribbons. Candee told me a story of hearing yesterday from one of her puppy buyers who had to move into a garage as their house was burning. She thanked Candee for selling her such a sound puppy.  Isn't that why we do this stuff?
The lighting is better this year. I fixed the sound by turning the speakers.  I have gotten some compliments as to my announcing, but that might just be people being polite. Whatever, we are surviving Bob (The Voice of The National) Dresher not being here. He has a new job and this was his second week.  He made a wise decision, but he is missed.
It's time for me to get up, walk about, look at the champions and stretch.
More to come.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Veteran Bitches

The judging is so efficient that there are breaks in the action. We have posted times so we have to wait another half hour.  I notice that the Averys are like me and Tedi. We come to the show, and leave together. During the show, we seldom see each other. We seem to both like it that way. 
I worry about Cappy's home and also Art. But so far, I guess they are still there. I see D D Ardoin making people laugh. A good hobby to have.  We moved the Parade of Greats up to the end of veterans.  I hate to waste this  time, The Veterans are getting older. I see Ed Barritt is glaring at me, so I either have to go see him, or duck under the table. I will have to decide. He is talking to Libby, so I am safe. She likes me.
With this extra time, I could get in a lot of trouble. Maybe I will go walk around.  Milk Duds are hard to eat. 
The Judges are up and starting to move around.  Time for the Veterans.  Everything is moving smoothly and Gail needs a lot of credit. 
John is in the center of the ring and first in is the 7-9 Veterans.  All three of them are there.  Razzle Dazzle of Zytut, Ramjeteko, and Cyucas.   All seven this year and all looking great.   We see Cyucas all the time in California.  Where have all  the flowers gone, long time passing.
Bobbie Kindy just walked by with a drink in each hand. I admit, one looked like coffee. 
All Veterans are champions and the first one is not going to let John check for testicles.  Randy and Darlene Cliff are in front of me.  The kid handling does a great job, for someone who probably weight 20 pounds.
Now Ramjeteko.  Diana Paul is handling. She has been in the ring all week and does a spectacular job.  A very handsome sable that looks like a young dog.
Now Cyucas with his all-time handler, Cindy Tellefson.  Cindy is another of those great people who always has a good thing to say about others.  For those who don't know Cyucas, he is a Bi,and a good one.  And he goes to the front.  He is still in competition in California.
Cyucas, then Razzle Dazzle and Ramjeteko.
Now, 9+ males
Both are ten.
First is Year of The Gentleman. 
Next is Melana The Hitman. 
They all laugh and there they go. 
If it is true in dog years they are 70, they are still younger than me.  It is all about me. Of course I doubt I could run around the ring.   Maybe if Nancy was next to me. 
Now the bitches
7-9 Bitches
Pam is out there and unless she goes to the prom.
They are in there Has to be Pfeiffer, the Christie and YADA YADA YADA RN
I have always loved Yada Yada and have trouble thinking she got this old.  Candy Zumwalt is a great lady and a good friend.
Not that the other owners aren't good people too. And they all take a pass.
This is as good a class as any today.  Pam talks to them and takes them around.  They walk and Yada Yada could be back as a puppy.  She always loved the ring.  Pam wants them to take another pass.  Yada moves to second and off they go YES, Yada to the front and that's how it is.
1.  Yada Yada Yada
2.   Christie
3.   Has to Be Pfeiffer
9+ years.
Kent came by to talk to Dave, and they are right in front of me.
This next group has to affect your heart.
Charmed and Dangerous at 11
Zelda at 10. with CDX, GN RAE AZ AZJ AZP AJP ZF NGP.  Thank you Dawn
Ark Fire and Ice at 10
Vision at 10
Rhyme of Shadow Acres at 10
All champions.  Ark is a Grand Champion
Dawn was just here to double.
Rhyme's dam was a fantastic bitch, Jenny From the Block. We in California had a chance to see them both. It was an honor. 
Cindy goes to the front with Rhyme.  And off they go. 
That's it.
1.   Rhyme
2.  Zelda
3.  Ark
4.  Vision


You don't want to hear what is going on, just a bunch of bitches, a judge standing and looking at them and she picks for Reserve TINDROCK GEN-N-I REAGAN

Bitch Class Winners

It is such a pleasure to watch John judge. He knows what he wants, but gives everyone a look. Then takes no time and picks. Ed used to do the same.
I remember one time I showed under Ed and he pointed to me and I thought he said to move to number one. Art was in front and told me he said, you're the one. I looked up and Ed handed me the Winner's Dog ribbon.
We have a break due to the time limits in the catalogue. 
OK, right on time and in they come.  I see that everyone is milling about and I got to talk to Bob  Kish for a bit. He is doing great and even judged a show. He and I had the same surgery, so we know that it is a bitch to gain weight. But, we both keep pushing. I am about five years ahead of him.
Mike Avery is loading up on candy. He only takes it when Sharon isn't looking. I wonder if he knows she is doing the same thing. Al Marten came by,and the girls are in the ring. I think this is going to be harder than the  males. 
This cushion that Rita bought me has made all the difference.  While it is still cold, I am comfortable.  A doctor asked his patient if he was comfortable. His response was, "I make a living".
And not they get the last one, the puppy with Nancy.  Eleven in there, you can figure the classes.  And off they go. 
Now she moves them and puts the puppy into sixth.  Pam lets five of them go to the Corner of Doom.  And off they go.  A couple of great bitches, some good bitches and some, not so much. Riverly Hoyle will be hard to beat, but Zip (you know the rest is something else). Camareigh is special, and can't be ignored. The Winners Bitch should be one of those.  Again, no one asked me. Odds against is something too, one of the Gas dogs.  The puppy is he crowd favorite.  Were it not the National, it could happen. 
Pam says, take them around with a circle gesture.  And off they go. 

Winner's Dog

We are about to do Winner's Dog. Martha Rinke came by and they are gathering in the ready ring. John is back, we had an hour and a half break.  I never saw that at the National before.
Up for winners is:
Owen V Marquis
Jameson's Black
Whiskey Cowboy
And, my catalogue does not have the rest.  Refer to my prior posts.
John is in the ring and in they come, Lennie, Kent, Maria, Sharliene, Cindy with Black, George with Cowboy, Mike with Illuminator, (the Gas dog), Jeff with Under Orders, (another Gas dog), and Autumm Dugan.
That is when you know the judge did a great job.  I sort of like Kent's black dog.  He has already done the individuals on these dogs, so it should be fast. Of course, that is just my opinion.  I would love to judge this group of dogs.
John spends some time on the puppy.  Nine of them.  He takes them down and back, one at a time. What else would he do?  It is going to be interesting to hear what the crowd likes.  Lenny says, calm down,and takes off.  Nice dog and good crowd reaction.  Now the coat,and a nice dog, but not a crowd favorite.
Kent with Compass.  An all black that is a great mover and impressive up close.  And around he goes. More crowd noise.  Not a missed step. 
Maria with Owen.  From the Bred By class.  The sound of one hand clapping.
Now it is the Amateur Handler Class.  Almost silence from the crowd.  Now some applause.
Next is Cindy with Jameson's Black.  From Novice dogs.  Another all Black.
Some support, but not a lot.
Up now is George with Whiskey Cowboy from 15 to 18.  A nice dog, but not mature as the others.  Truly competitive however.  Few clapping, and George goes back to start over.
Now Mike with the Gas dog Illuminator.  He is holding him up and he takies him down and back again.  And around. 
Jeff with another gas dog, Under Orders.  I sort of like him.  He is a crowd favorite.
Next Ms. Dugan with Chaos.  Owned by ames and Sheree Moses.
That's the class and John has to decide a Winner's Dog and Reserve.  My money would be on Kent. 
Lenny in front, Kent and George.  and the puppy.  I thought I saw the puppy start to limp, maybe I am wrong.
Lenny tells the double handler to be quiet.  and off they go.  That is a nice open dog.  John walks to them and moves one to fourth, and tells them to take another pass.  Just the first three. The open dog is great, but KENT TO THE FRONT.  I agree with John.  He moves George to the front. He is taking the three only and giving them each a shot in front.    There they go. 
He gives it to Lenny with LACOMTESSE BELLAMY.
Now for Reserve.  In comes Full Metal Jacket.  That But he is in third place.  YES. Kent gets it with COVY-TUCKER HILL'S COMPASS-PP

Time in on our side

Long Coat Bitches
Schneiderhofs Cocoa Puffs Stylisticchablis
Now a break until Winner's dog. Can you believe we are finished early, and have half an hour for lunch.
Celeste came by but was told to move her motor home, and so I was talking to Joan Fox.

Open Bitches

In come the Open Bitches.  I will admit, I am about done with typing.  I know there is a lot of activities left. But, what can I say about the hospitality dinner?  Didn't we use to have that at the beginning of the show?
15 in the ring, and I already have some favorites.  How would you know if I put them in here after they are put up?  Trust me, would I lie to you?
Art just came by with Bill to watch the show.  They are sitting with Cappy.
Now a group of five. It seems so much easier than seven.  I just realized we do Winner's Dog and Bitch today. That might interest the crowd.  I would say, I am underwhelmed with the bitches.  Not much depth of quality. Some good ones, but just some. 
No one seems to know when The Parade of Greats will be.  I know it is after judging, but no one can predict.
Pam has her five there and takes them around.  New group for individuals.  Mike got his turn and now George. The first was a black and this might as well be one.  Just a little tan on the legs.  I saw Don Knight, but didn't have a chance to talk to him.  Here comes Tim Brown, relaxed, so he doesn't have anything in there. Oh, here goes Diane, so I am sure she has told him what to do. Another couple who work hard all the time at the show.  She has Pistolpackingmama. Asgard in the name, so I will take some credit, even if I dont know what it is. Another one that might as well be a black and now Lenny.
A normal Black and Tan.  Nina Simone.  Slow time at the National. I know I am projecting how I feel, but it is all about me. The end of this group and they five stack.  I have no prediction as to this group,  Maybe Diane since she is the only woman there.  And, Pam says again.  Hard to know what to do with these.  Pam walks to them and says Again.  and off they go, Mike in front.  She puts George in front then Pinky and brings up the next group.
Now she has three lines of bitches and takes the first five around.  No order yet.  Everyone leaves a lot of space and she gestures to take them again.  She puts them aside and now her second group.  George in front.  I think a lot of them will be dismissed.She sends two out. And now her third group.  She keeps two and dismisses the rest.
And then there were eight.  Easy to see why.  I like what Liz has. And Pinky in third.  She moves George to four.  In front is Liz still and George is now in third and that's it.
1.  Welove Duchien's Riverly Hoyle
2.  Kiedrow's You Are My Sunshine Ferlin
3.  Breakaway's Girl on Fire
4.  Keggi Fair's Pinky Tuscadero Ranita

American Bred Bitches

I know it doesn't show, but I took a break.  I got to talk to Linda Ferguson. That is always a high point for me at the National. 
I noticed on the outside of the men's room door is a sign that says, "push here to operate".  I guess dog people need that. And then, inside there are two vases of fresh flowers.  Just stuff I don't often see.
The bitches are in there, and Pam is wearing a black gown that goes to the ground.  Interesting.  OK, I admit it, she looks spectacular.
The winner of the Open Long Coat Dog was Symphon's Dark Crystal.  A very plush coat and a good one.
Pam moves Lenny up front with Signature's Rosalita, and in comes the next group.
It is sort of quiet in here and leading the group is Kent.  Then Diane and everyone is sort of waiting to see what happens.  I like the males better than the bitches. There are a few super stars, but in the males there were a least a dozen dogs I would love to own.
Kent has Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah.  Now, her I like. I would like to see her slow, however. Now Diane with That Old Black Magic.  The lack of interest is amazing. I am not sure what people are waiting for. Maybe tomorrow. 
Rita bought me a cushion.  I think she recognized I have no padding.  Bob Gheglari is sitting with Tedi and Bill Leornard is sitting next to us.  Dave Rinke is in front and Mary Ellen Kish has the Judge Certificates and no one seems to come by to get them.  Joan Fox just came by. Nancy Hubble came by but just to get candy.  There goes Joey, He and Manny won Breeder of the Year.
Lenny is here talking to Cathy Potter.
I saw Ann Schultz yesterday, but not today. 
Cindy Tellefson is in the ring with C C Rider.  Bob Mahia is here,but has Agon for Specials, so he is quiet.  Agon is the sire of the fourth place Open Dog.  We also have an Agon son at home, but didn't bring him because he is too young.
Even I have lost interest in the show, but there they go with Kent in front.  And now, a second pass.  You have to be in great shape to show at the national. Even more if you handle.  She moves Scott to second and sets them aside.
Now the first group back.  Why do Reeses Peanut Butter cups have an extra cup inside after you open the package?  Now Martha Rinke is here.  She said my microphone is breaking up, so I have to check that.  Linda Bankhead got $2,500 for the Juniors.  Sharon Avery worked to boost the donations.
Another entry excused.  Pam said she wants to check the catalogue to see if it is bloodlines.  I talked to John and he noticed it. They  both said there were a lot of level bites. We may have to watch that in our breeding program. 
George has Play With Fire.  A nice bitch with no reaction from the crowd.  Now Paige is out there with Holy Terror. What a great handler she has become.
Now Elizabeth Stiefelman with Fly Me To The Moon. Elizabeth is as hard working as her mom and dad and was a great help in me announcing.  She never stops working. 
Tedi and Twyla are hitting the road after Special Males, and I leave early Saturday morning. So, if anyone needs a ride to the airport, let me know. I plan a delicious dinner Friday night at White Castle.
A group of four in the ring and Pam puts George and Paige in front of Mike and Elizabeth. Easy to type.  Now in comes the fist group of six, and the second group of (I can't see through seven double handlers. 
Pam looks them over and sends the first group around.  Lennie in front then Olivia, and off they go. Now people wake up.  They keep moving and I don't think Pam meant them to.  She walks to them and puts the first three asice and excuses the last three. Now the second group with Kent in front at a full trot.  Nice outline on Kent's and he takes a second pass.  She should let the last four go.  She puts the first two aside and takes the last four around. Everyone gets a look.  Yes, Pam agrees with me, and excuses the last four.
It is easy to see what she is doing , and now the last group of four.  I would keep two and excuse two. But, no one asked me to judge.  Amazing, she keeps two and excuses two. Then there were seven. All high quality.
Lenny leading then Olivia, and then the rest. And they walk and again another pass.  Still walking and Lenny's bitch is starting to give out, and up front is Kent, then Scott and still Lenny, and off they go.  I like it like that but when Lenny's bitch is on, she is special.  But, that's it.
1.  Welove Du Chien's Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah
2.  Breal-Jogra's Thalia
3. Signature's Rosalita
4.  Tara's Undeniable V Franken

Open Dogs

Ed Barritt and Libby came by. He is doing great for an old man.  I think I might be older and and he looks better. Tedi went to sit with Jane Kerner and Martha Rinke, (instead of me).  A wise choice.
HERE THEY COME.  First Lenny, then Mike, Dust Bowl, and now Basu with It's All About me.  I like that dog, he belongs to Bob Ghigleri.  Then Olivia.  All About Me is a year younger than the other dogs in there, but the next dog decides to take a dump.  They are still just dogs, no matter how good they look. 
Bob HelD All About Me back, he could have finished in California, so her could show under Dave Rinke. I doubt he lost anything with John.  I am high on the dog, and hope he isn't too young for this show.  He was born 1/1816, and in Open at the National.
Now Kent with Honor Guard.  That will be hard to beat.  And last isFull Metal Jacket.  The last two are Captain America sons and I am high on both of them.
I know It's All About Me can move, I just hope he is enough dog for John here we go.  Out comes Lenny with Bellamy.  He is a Phoenix son.  A very masculine dog.  Rita just bought me a cushion.  Mike Cheeks came by to tell me he can't eat any candy. We are still enjoying his fudge.
Now Mike with the Gas dog.  He Jovan, and Celeste is here squeeking.  The dog sure is keyed on her. and The Crowd likes him. 
Now up  is Dust Bowl Dance. The quality here is amazing. I don't think I have ever seen this level of good dogs at any National in the past. But, if we keep breeding to improve the breed, this is what we should get.
Now, It's All About Me.  No matter what he does here, he has a great future. He looks mature, even if just out of the 12- 18 class.  Bill takes him to the back and Bob Mahea moves out. And off he goes. Bill shows him just right, a full lead and completely loose.  He sure is a great moving dog.
Now Olivia.  with RAYLEXMODAGUSTYBREEZESHADYROCK.  I just say what the catalogue says.  What a sh ow off, as the dog poses.  And a pass around.
Next up is Maximus.  Thanks for the short name.  I wish people would think of me when they name their dogs. A good Bi, and a good pass.
Now Kent with Honor Guard. I liked this dog last year.  I do think Captain America produces real dogs and good movement.  That dog would scare any burglar.   And a top show dog.  I am surprised he isn't finished.
Now, Full Metal Jacket.  Another Captain America son.
It worries me that no one is yelling at me, and everyone is helping.  That has to change at some point. 
This is the end of this group.  Another who goes back to get a full ring. A good one, and the two are comparable.
John goes to the table and now goes out to look. He washed his hands and is looking over his class. It's All About Me is posed to perfection. John gives them all a good look, and he says Two Times. 
John gives everyone a good look and he gives directions and is talking to them and he says One Time slow.  And off they go walking.   He moves the dogs, and leaves It's All About Me in fourth, Lennie in front, then Bill and Liz in third.  I like that order, but my heart is with Bob Giglhari, of course. A ribbon at this age is great.
They now go down and back.  Bellany in front, then Pacifico, (The too long to type), and It's All About Me. f He moves Liz in front of Mike to second.  That may be the way it goes.  Now, back to the pack.
John walks to the front, and touches each dog.  Great temperament in this class and John is looking them over again and he says "One Time" and off they go. This might be it. Just the first four, and now the last three. John says ?Slow".
Beautiful dogs and Liz to the front.  Full Metal Jacket in front and no, he stops them and moves Lenny back to the front.  In front is Bellamy, and that's the way it is.
1.   Lacomtesse Bellamy
2.   Welove Du Chien's Full Metal Jacket
3.   Cherpa's Pacifico V Jovon
4,   Sogne Fjord's It's All About Me

American Bred Dogs

Anyone want to trade places?  I am exhausted.
I see John and Vickie are here and Gary, maybe the President Elect, came by.  John The Judge came to talk to me.  It is so much fun to talk to him and he is doing a great job. We talked so long the place is filling up. Tedi just got here and the Averys are here. Pat Draper stopped to say good morning and Jane Kerner and Pam are here. Jane is still smiling and as I have said, she is one of the things that gets me back to a National. I don't even get to talk to her that much, but what a super person she is.
Vickie came by to talk to Tedi. There goes Celeste with Captivia and John is in the ring. There goes Cappy and Karen Taylor is here talking to Tedi now.  First in is Lindsey, and here comes Gloria.  Erin and Nancy Nellis are here.
In the ring I see Kent and Bill Basu and now Greg and the place is starting to fill up. Joyce Eberts is here, and Michael is in the ring too.  Here comes Rita and Olivia is in the ring too.  Important people in and out of the ring.  I got to hug Rita, always a highlight of the National for me.  John takes them around with Kent in front. He came in late but in time.  Kent has an all black Compass-PP.  Big Dave is here sitting in front of me.  John splits the class and has six there with Kent in first and then Lindsey.  He stands back and looks at each one. I am so delighted with the judging. No wasted time, good picks and no confusion. You can tell with both John and Pam what is going on.
Off they go.  Basu has a good one, he is Cold Pac, or at least that is what he is showing. He is not Cold Pac. Kent has his black right in front of me. He is even better up close.  A real male and handsome.  And I like his dog too. Liz is crawling down below the side curtain to double her dog.  I haven't seen that before, it made me laugh.
Now Lindsey with Rains Terror, and Gloria is doubling.  Now Mike Reed with America's Most Wanted.  A very dark sable. We used to call that a red sable. You can call it what you want.  Mick goes back to get a full ring. The handlers that know their dog can move will do that. He is a nice dog, at a slow easy trot.
Now Bill Basu with Cold Pac.  I know  I said that, but the dog is good enough to say it twice.  Down and Back. One time I would like to see them do sideways. That could be a winner.
Now Mean Mean Pride. Another sable, not as dark but still a great look adn stands like a statue. John is looking hard, and he makes a beautiful picture.
Now Greg with Shotgun Willie.  And back he goes to get a full run. A very dark Bi or almost a black and now the group is done. John stands back and looks at the six and says take them for one pass. I can hear what he says, even though the room is full.  I think I like Bill Basu's dog.
John goes to the front and looks at Kent's dog and now walks the line gives Bill a long look and now stands back. 
He puts Kent in front then Lindsey and  Basu. I just lost about half an hours of posting,but the group goes out.
The second group comes in and goes around. I like the first dog with Mike Sherman. When I looked up the number, it is one of those gas dogs, and Exxon son.  This one bred by Mike Sherman, Pat and Celeste.
Now Jeff with Mellark.  I notice my typing is getting worse. I think fatigue is setting in., when Bob listened to all the people making demands and contradicting themselves, it left me to type. Now I listen, smile and do whatever I want.
Next up is Could Be Famous, a Captain America son.  Kent just came by and he and Rita walked off.
Olivia is up with a very dark, almost black dog, Twyla says a Bi, and I have to agree. Ben Bigoria just walked by and Patti Szymzyk came for candy.  Olivia has Land Slide.  A good one, and a real handsome dog standing and a good mover.
Now Tusk. I don't know these dogs but we sure have type. I love the dogs this year.  Another Bi. I didn't ask Twya.  He has a Junior handler. I know because she came and got a Junior Handler pin from me. I buy pins and give them out to the kids to wear.  The dog is wild, but I think he is a good one.
Now Jessica with the last in the class. How efficient is that?  She has another Captain America son, a dog from Virginia, Mystical Powers.  A very dark sable and he is being excused. 
Back to the first group and off goes Mike.  The gas dog is a real stallion type of dog. I suspect John will go with the shoulder. We have a litter of Exxon puppies at home, and I hope to get one that good. 
Now on to the second group with Kent in front with the Black.  And off they go. Mary Ellen Kish came by. 
They are combined and Kent in front the Gas dog in second and Basu in third. Off got the dismissed dog for the year.  I know John likes the black dog and now he gives everyone a good look. Just the first four but now stands back to look at the other three.  All dark and handsome dogs.  He stands behind Kent and takes them down and back. Down and back for the second and the third.  and now the  fourth with Basu.  Too many Bills in one show.  He doesn't bother with the rest and off they go. Kent, Mike Lindsey and Bill and YES that is it.
1.  Kenlyns Owen V Marquis
2.  Cherpa's Ex Box
3.   Charbo's Peeta Mellark V Jayln 
4.   Lindenhill's Cold Pac V Gracelyne

Early on before anyone gets here

I got here about 6:30 and the workers were already hard at work. Candee Espy works all day and never stops. Gail is amazing, she seems to be everywhere at the same time.  It made me think of how hard people work at the National.
Zack and Lindsey are always in the ring and never seem to rest. Of course, I have never seen anyone like Celeste and Pat Draper, who won three classes so far, and then Pat goes into the Bred By class and takes a second. 
I do have to apologize.  When I tried to read the top twenty German shepherds, I lost it on Midas. I love that dog,and Kenny and Nancy are as great friends as I could ever hope for.  I then sucked it up for Leo, who I also think is a great dog and the number one.  I also admire and am pleased I can call Art a friend. In the dictionary under just great people you will find David and Ann Blackie with William Peterson.  I was sort of prepared when it came to Calileo, but just lost it with Midas.
I want to start a rumor that it was staged, in order to maintain my macho image. So, I will work on it today.  We have the Parade of Greats to get through, but I am working on my manliness and plan to stand strong.  I hope I don't have to read those who have died. There is a limit to my strength.
Everyone is starting to get tired. I told Tedi this morning that thankfully this is the last day.  She reminded me, it isn't.
It is early, few people here. Tom Mesdag who works every minute is here and offering to do whatever is needed. I sure miss Bob (The Voice of The National) Dresher, but I hear he is watching us while at work. Dick Jennings should be here, but gave it up to buy six tickets to Hamilton.
I give up on complaining on this facility. It is great for all our venues. I know it is hard to get here, impossible to bring dogs, but if all you are doing is announcing, it is perfect,
It is not as cold in here today, the chair is just as hard, and still no one in the place except you and me.
I will be back when things start to heat up. Probably a bad choice of words.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Bred By Bitches

Last class of the day, then the presentation classes.
Only three in there, and if nobody spooks everyone gets a ribbon. Hell, unless they all spook they are ribbon anyway. Three absent, and this might be a hard class to judge.
I will make my prediction after I see them around. I can be right one out of three.  Even I could judge this class.  How wrong can you be?
Dave Rinke is talking to Tedi and they seem engrossed. I wonder if I should be worried.  Dave has leg problems and that is why he withdrew. He didn't think he could stand long enough to judge.
I guess I would put up Jeff's bitch and then give the other two a ribbon.
Pam looks them over and she is staring at Jeff's bitch. She stops them and puts Jeff up front then Ice and She's Like the wind. I think that is how it has to go.
1.  Windfall Hillside's P.S. I love You v Breal-Jogra
2.  Fire N Ice of Windborne
3.  Mazerick's She's Like The Wind