Sunday, October 08, 2017

Streaming videos

I just flew in from Los Angeles.  And, boy are my arms tired.  Am I the only  person who can give a tribute to Henny?  Take my wife.  Please.
Tedi and Twyla left town Friday  morning, but I  stayed behind to work on Friday and Saturday to line up work for the office for  when I am gone.  Not that anyone listens to me.  They were both going to take a dog, but ended up dogless.
Bob and Tony won't be here this year, so I will do the announcing and the Unofficial Blog.  I have to tell you that each year, Bob and I know all the names, and each of  us can't remember what they are. But, it worked out that we only didn't know the names of people who the other person didn't know.  While I will have the candy for everyone, I may have to have a pee jar at the table as well.
So, when you come by the table, stick out your hand, (or for the cute girls, give me a hug), and say your name.  I hope Paula is here so I can find out how Bully is doing, and I will try to remember her name.
This is the first test of the Blog to see if I remember how to do it. In the past Zoe had to teach me over and over each year. By tomorrow I will know.