Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Early and alone

Here I am at 6:00 a.m.  There was  no one here, but the ring is set up and looks great. Candy just got here and is looking for a table for me. But, I did find electricity and a chair.
We were talking about the past and working with Kathy Steen, Debbie Hokanin, Nancy Nellis and now Gail.  It is amazing how hard they all work and keep a smile,.  I hope you can see the ring. In two of the corners they have a little forest set up, and it is very attractive.  Someone already complained that the dogs will stop to pee on them.  I guess we need to train our dogs better.  I do miss the flags that were made for the club, but I think they are in storage and may show up in the future.
This will be a rough National for memories.  Tom and Vivian Brown won't be here, but Vivian is still with us. I won't start to talk about those we have lost, there are so many and they will be remembered at the right time at the show. But, now, so early for me, the memories seem to stream through my mind.
I remember when the treasurer told me I couldn't use the electricity. Then one year they wouldn't let me stream from the show and I drove to a diner each day to send out my Blog.  Candy just came by with a table. Then there was the year I was told I had no place to be, and I said just let me post I won't be bloging that year, they got me a table. Then I remember being told I was to be known as unofficial.  I guess some were worried I was out of control, (not an unusual finding for me), and the Club disavowed me.  And yet, here I am.
I could reflect on so many Nationals, the people, the dogs, the memories. That is, to me, the value of the Nationals. The memories that remain, the friends that come back each year, and the dogs and people no longer with us.  I saw Jimmy yesterday, Dan Dwyer, called Butch Clint, got fudge from Michael Cheeks, (we have a runner joke. I bring him Sees candy, so he brought me New Jersey fudge.  I had such a sugar rush yesterday. 
I will be back, but now to set up my table.  I got the candy, and it should last a day or  two.