Monday, October 29, 2018


Here we go, Winner's Dog

There they are, with Gloria in there and this is when you realize what a great job she has done.  She looks at them and smiles, and she should.

I am not going to try to name them, I will let you know who wins, and how it goes. 

They take it slow, not a walk, but not racing, and it is a great group.    I found out what the name of the young handler, she is Jessica. She is going to be one of the good ones.    Gloria is taking them down and back and there goes Kent. 

Take them one time, and stop back here!  And there they go.  She pulls Kelly, then Kent, then George and Lennie, Maria.  In front is Wiindfall Best I Ever Had Class Act from 6-9   .  I do agree, but it is a hard thing to do at the National.  Gloria applauds them and looks them over, and moves two up, but keeps the one in front, Kent in  second, and he is going to be tough to beat.  Now Gloria looks them over agan as they are,  Kelly and Kent together in front.  The crowd likes the puppy, no question. Can you give a puppy Winner's Dog at the National?

She takes them around again and I think she is going to do it, and she looks and looks, and stops them.    Gloria looks at them standing and she sets the puppy aside, and takes the next three. Lenny  is looking good.  And Gloria is walking towards them and looking close with her arms folded.  She spends time looking at each dog.  She is talking to Lennie and he goes off by himself. Gloria is looking for something.  And she goes to the front and she wants Kent to take a pass, and the crowd seems to like Lennie's best.  Gloria is now taking Maria' and another good one.  Now she is going to decide.

Gloria goes to the front, touches each dog and she puts Maria to second of the three.  There go the three.  The puppy still off to the side, and Gloria shakes her head and brings the three back to the center.  She checks the back of the first one.  Yes!  She puts Maria in front. and that wakes up the crowd. She is walking fast and no, she stops them.  She brrings the other two to the end and the rest of the class to the end.
Wel;ove To
She has Tatum's


Here we go, Winner's Dog

There they are, with Gloria in there and this is when you realize what a great job she has done.  She looks at them and smiles, and she should.

I am not going to try to name them, I will let you know who wins, and how it goes. 

They take it slow, not a walk, but not racing, and it is a great group.    I found out what the name of the young handler, she is Jessica. She is going to be one of the good ones.    Gloria is taking them down and back and there goes Kent. 

Take them one time, and stop back here!  And there they go.  She pulls Kelly, then Kent, then George and Lennie, Maria.  In front is Wiindfall Best I Ever Had Class Act from 6-9   .  I do agree, but it is a hard thing to do at the National.  Gloria applauds them and looks them over, and moves two up, but keeps the one in front, Kent in  second, and he is going to be tough to beat.  Now Gloria looks them over agan as they are,  Kelly and Kent together in front.  The crowd likes the puppy, no question. Can you give a puppy Winner's Dog at the National?

She takes them around again and I think she is going to do it, and she looks and looks, and stops them.    Gloria looks at them standing and she sets the puppy aside, and takes the next three. Lenny  is looking good.  And Gloria is walking towards them and looking close with her arms folded.  She spends time looking at each dog.  She is talking to Lennie and he goes off by himself. Gloria is looking for something.  And she goes to the front and she wants Kent to take a pass, and the crowd seems to like Lennie's best.  Gloria is now taking Maria' and another good one.  Now she is going to decide.

Gloria goes to the front, touches each dog and she puts Maria to second of the three.  There go the three.  The puppy still off to the side, and Gloria shakes her head and brings the three back to the center.  She checks the back of the first one.  Yes!  She puts Maria in front. and that wakes up the crowd. She is walking fast and no, she stops them.  She brrings the other two to the end and the rest of the class to the end.
Wel;ove To
She has Tatum's

Monday, October 22, 2018

Final musings

What a National.

I am always influenced by the quality of the entries, and the method of judging. I always enjoy Gloria's judging and have seen it for years. I thought Morton did a good job, they both got the best dogs up front, and that is what I want.

But, Jim!  Now, that was spectacular. I knew he was a great handler, and a quality breeder. But, I didn't know what to expect when he judged. He found the best dogs and bitches, and in doing so, showed us what he was doing. He put the best up front, then did the individuals. That allowed us to enjoy the judging, and to know what he was doing. There was no question as to what was going on. I always admired Dave Rinke and Ed Barritt, now I will add Jim to that list.

Also, Rita always did a quality  job, and she will be excellent in Denver. I spoke to her just a bit at the show, and I am pleased she will show us the quality of our breed. Also, the best champions will be brought to her. I will admit, I voted for her.

Bob, (The Voice of The National) Dresher and I have sat together for about ten years now, for the full time of the Nationals.  It is unfair how much fun we have.  Maybe the constant eating of the candy has something to do with it.   He knows what is a good dog, and we would pick who we liked. We often, (always), picked the same, and talked about what we didn't like.  He will be doing dogs next year, and if you have a good one, your entry will be recognized.  Bob had a video of the new dog he purchased with Sharon Avery and Jim Hill. He bought him from Hungary and swore to me he didn't look German. I told him if he didn't want a dog to  look German, don't buy a German dog. His dog injured himself and couldn't be shown this year.  Now he can't show him next year either. I guess he finished in four shows, and he looked good in the video.  Maybe Bob will resign so he can show his dog.  I think Rita would like him.

Ken has been a friend for close to 40 years.  I used to handle against him, and always respected his knowledge of dogs, and the way he saw what was close to the standard.  He was a great selection to do bitches.

Michel is one of the best I have seen in years. While we are improving the breed with each generation, we seem to have added some great judges.  I can't find fault with the selections, and am pleased to see who will be leading our breed next year.

I only understand conformation. I know nothing about agility, barn dancing, water jumping, course lunging or the other strange things people do with their dogs, so all I know is what I know, conformation.  You picked great judges for next year's National, and it should be another great one.

I am going to give up the Junior Recognition thing. This year there were only nine entries and eight were shown. I spent the money to have the CPA do the taxes for the corporation, I paid the corporation fees, I spent a full day setting up the bank accounts, I bought ribbons and medallions for the kids, and collected only three donations, and gave some money myself as I do each year.  They collected from the chili cook off, collected from the auction, and then had a duck throw to gather more money.  While I still admire the kids, (I like kids, mainly after they are 23 or 24), but it is a lot of work, and doesn't seem necessary when only three people contributed.  I also found out that two of the past winners are over 18, and no one told me. So, I will go, this week, to the bank and get a check for them.  For all I know, all of them are over 18.  One of them is 20. 

If someone wants to take it over, I will turn everything over to them, otherwise I will just donate and let the kids suffer with ribbons and the joy of the competitions.

It was a great National for me. There was a tragedy, Kathy Potter fell. There was a Bench Show Committee, (to be heard in another day for someone using profane language).  There was a major person who quit, (I got her to relax and come back). There was less than great food in the hallway, (that is only  my opinion, and I love White Castle, so how good can my taste be?). I don't know of any divorces, but I do know of a new lust affair that started.  No one was shot, no one had a car accident, no dog was poisoned and no one had a stroke, at least at the show.  OK, it was 33 degrees outside when we started the show on Tuesday, but Joan Fox did such a great job, no one seemed to mind.

When we got home, the dogs didn't seem to care we were gone. The house was still standing, and when I went to the office Sunday afternoon, most everything that required me to be there the prior week, got done anyway.  That was a blast to my ego, however.

We should ask no more from our parent club. The breed looked great to me, maybe the best I have seen.  Now to prepare for Denver.

Evan L. Ginsburg
German Shepherd Youth Recognition Fund

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Dogs of the world unite

Now the dogs are in there. He takes around ten,and then five at a time.  Jim pulls out Grizzly, Honor Guard,and Tater, and Soul Eater.  And around they go, again.  Jim did a fantastic job with the bitches, and probably will do as well with the dogs.  Now they go, one at a time for the individuals.

I love the procedure. He picks what he thinks he liked, then on the individuals, he can eliminate any problems.  This down and back is fast and certain.  He took 4 hours to do bitches, so probably the same for bitches.  I could tell you each one he does an individual on, but I think I have bored you enough.

I always loved Honor Guard since I saw him as a puppy.  These dogs are so massive and masculine.  I am proud of the breed. Maybe it is that the best ones are brought for Jim, but the quality is great.

OK, I won't lie to you. Gloria came by  with twenty White Castle burgers, so I took a break. I hope you don't think less of me, but I would rather eat a burger than watch  dogs go around.

Now the second group goes around with Liz in front.   The first group was arranged and dismissed.  Now the second group.  Jim took the late arrival, and he just had Cole go out of the ring. I have no idea what that was about, but Scott had him. I love some of these names, they are so inventive.

I am looking for a way to occupy my mind, seeing a bunch of dogs run in a circle is not doing it.  He moved up  Eye of the Tiger, then Smoking and then Smokey and Lance. That is how I see it. If you want to see it another way, go to Denver.  The one in front is who Bob put up in Canada for Winner's Dog.  What a nice male that is.   I am concerned that I look across the ring and see Bill Leonard, Dave Rinke, Tedi and Martha Rinke.  What a group that is.

Everyone know that nothing is going to happen with the groups, so we are chilling waiting for the cutting to begin. I don't see Leo back in, so he might be out for the day.  Out with the old, and in with the new.

Another group for consideration.  Jim must be tired. This is a lot of work.  I like Rifleman, but i didn't used to.    And around they go, where they stop, Jim only knows. Jim tells the last four to Chill and he works the first five.  He pulls Rifleman, Bellamy, Compass, and the rest.  Now the individuals.  Jim moved someone from seven to six.   And, off they go.

Out they go.

They take a pass, and it is starting to be the same over and over. Now the first four.  Alex is in there, but I can't pass judgment yet. Tedi told me not to do that.  Now the second group of five.  Ms Dugan is in there. I just found out she is over 18, and I have been holding her money for about two years. No one told me but she will get a check for Juniors for about $11,000.

He moved Olivia from the back to fourth.  And, they go a Ghost is in front.  Again, more of the same. He moved Midnight Train to the Front. He is an all black.  The third one is Monty. Now the individuals.  I haven't seen much temperament trouble.  Now there is a nice dog, Country Boy.  Jim now looks at Bill Tank's dog, Max. 

Linda Bankhead is here now, talking dogs.  I can't believe people read this stuff.  Someone came by and quoted me, and it keeps me thinking why anyone reads this stuff.  Now he takes four our from the first four, haves them stand loose and walks around them to do another temperament test. Jim makes sure they are loose.  I support that test.  And they all go around again and only the first four.  Now the rest of them. 

Now a new group.  Now only six, so I would guess it is the last group.  Black Train is back in, (Cole).  He left earlier, and is back.  He is an all black with Scottie.  Jim takes the first four, leaving two for later.  Cole in front for now. 

The Winner's Dog is in front, Trump.  Another of that Wisconson crowd. This one by Jeff.  Ching by Mike.  He is Coastline's Even Money. There is an Asgard connection, and that is what is important. Working with Shelia and Zoa is a real challenge. It is helping me develop character.

Another of those all black dogs, Cole, Long Black Train.  Now Black Bart, the breeders are two of the best people in America.  That's it, and out they go.

First group comes in to see who gets cut out.  It has been a long day.  And, it isn't over yet.  If Jim stays to form, he will take from the front,and he  puts Tater up front.  Tater, then Grizzley and Lucifer. The rest leave for this year, and in come some others for personal punishment.

In front is Can You Stop The Rain. Nancy Harper came by.  Peabo and Amadaus.  Pebo is Can You Stop the Rain. 

And yet another group led by Rifleman, Bellamy.  Now he takes the back four.  Jim excused the last four and takes the other five around, and puts them in the good corner, Whiskey Cowboy and Kid rock.

New group front is Gray Ghost, Country Boy and Midnight train and Montego Bey and then Maximum and some others.  Jim looks over the first four and has them take a pass. Those four go to the place of good feelings. He looks at the other five and kicks them out of the ring for this year. They can go home and try to remember why they spent that money.

Winner's dog in front, Trump, and the rest.  Sort of like the president and the congress.  He keeps Trunp and that is the only one.   Now the important things.  There are fifteen in there.  He moved Compuss to the end.  And, off  they go.  The first eight, he moves Tatum up front.  Pabo, (Can you Stop The Rain) with Maria in first, Rifleman in second Bellamy in third.  I don't see him changing, but who knows?  Each goes down and back and around. No excitement in the arena, but the best dogs are up. If Jim isn't done, I can see that.  Jim stops them again and moves Kent up front with Rifleman. Jim takes the end of his Selects.  He takes the last six again so he makes no mistakes.  He moves up Montego Bay Willie too.  But these are the end anyway. And off they go again. He moves Compass to the last group.  And he takes George around with Compass.   Each goes down and back and now the Winner's dog. I like what he has left, but nothing that drives me crazy. Now Monty is out there, and I do like him. 

Jim gives a directiton and takes the dogs one at a time. Monty again.  Now Country Boy.  Now Kid Rock. I think these are the end, but I  am no longer sure.  Everyone is sure getting a good look.  Philip Moore has George and I always enjoy Phillip, Midnight Train to Georgia.  They stack and Jim is placing the back group.  Rifleman is still in front.

This should be it. I think he will take all Fifteen.  It is peaceful in here, and he goes to the end and sets the five end over, (not excused), and takes the first four out to stand alone and another temperament test.

Can You Stop the Rain, then Rifleman and then Bellamy then Compass and the rest.Jim looks at his last six again.  he pulls up Tatum and lets the other five go.  Now there are ten and Liz in front.  No, he stops them again and lines them up in the center of the ring. I think that is it.

First Can You Stop The Rain
Second Rifleman
Third Bellamy
Fourth Compass
Fifth Cowboy Whiskey
Sixth Winner's Dog Can You Trump This
Seventh Montego Bay
Eighth Country Boy
Ninth Gray Ghost
Tenth Regency Blue Bayou

That's it folks.  Zoe and Sheila were behind this, and they won't talk to me for another year, but I am done for at least a year.

Select males

Select bitches

More photos

Open Bitches second session

Jimmie pulls out his first four, Kent in front and does that strange temperament test.  But, they are all good, and there they go, the whole group. He does get the best up front.

Another group.  It is a sort of re-birth in watching a dog show.

Pat Draper came by, but I think he just wanted some candy.  Ten more. I think this is the fourth group  This might be the last group since there are so many move-ups.  Jim is talking to the back of the group, and he seems to be explaining things and they spread out. 

Jim walks them, and I can see the locked hocks, but they so seldom us their shoulders.  Celeste came by, she is always fun to talk to.  Off goes the first four. Now the others, Winner's Bitch, etc.  A second pass. The Veteran is in there too. So this must be the end.  He takes the two Veterans around. Twice. That is more than they did in the class.

I had to have Tony  show me how to bring back the page. He didn't know how to do it.  He can build a fighter jet, but he can't help me on my computer.

Jim is on the next to the last normal entries, and on to the exotics.He is looking at the Winner's Bitch with Mike. Jim is kicking again, and it isn't a comment on the bitch, it looks like his leg hurts.  Diana is doing it, and Jim talks to her and gives her some direction and moved her up one.  She is now eighth or ninth.  I have given up looking up bitches.

Does anyone want me to describe the judging on bitches?  I know dogs are exciting, but what about the bitches?  He will start to eliminate and since you can't breed to someone else's bitch, I wonder if it matters to you?  Lew Bunch is here, and the seats are full. I did talk to Al Martin and Jim moves up  that one to third from the end. 

Almost done, with the individuals, I promise.  I may  move away from Tony and Bob when he starts to cut.  Jim pulls Matt, then Mike, and he doesn't puull any  more, does a second temperament test, and puts them back, and takes the group around.  And they go out. 

It is probably time to start the surgery.

The JUDGE has left the ring.  Now it real quiet.  I will predict he will bring in each group, cut then combine them.  Or, he could bring them all in and cut. He is so confident in there, I can see him doing it either way.  The excitement has ratcheted up, and it is interesting.  Everyone is still in the hunt, and so far, no one has been excused.  We live a bit longer in 2018.  I wish Ken Downing was here.  Just a random thought when I have nothing else to do.

I also wish Ed Barritt or Dave Rinke would judge. They always did such a great job. 

Here they  come, Jimmie is in the ring and I guess I am right, it is the first group only.

Jim stands back and looks at them.  And Jim tells them to take a pass.  He looks them over and they are all still with dreams of Grand Victrix in their heads and hearts.

He points to Diane Brown and puts Black Magic in front, then intervention, Ragen, then Little Liar, then Black Magic,Rosy.   Now the second group comes in.Ten new ones.  Olivia is in front the Scott.  Jim wants to see Velvet down and back.  Now he wants the first three to go around, Olivia in front then Scott and the other, Denny, Leah, and Journey, and the rest to out.  Fast and precise judging.

Now the next group of Ten. Sofie is about five and in there. Off they go. They take two passes. Were I in there, I would be exhausted by just that.  Great judging as the first three or four are his keepers.  Jimmioe has his arms crosse and takes three, andnow the rest.  and moves them to the front,   Now Gossip Girl, Patty, Beauty and Hot Toppic, and now Group Four, another ten, not much chance for those at  end.  Kent is leading, so he will probably stay.  He pulled Honey, Painted Black. Lillie, and Vera.  And the rest go to shepherd heaven for another year.

He has 15 so far and another group to go.  And here they are.  The one's in front are the best chance to stay. Let's see if we are right. I have Zoe, Tony and What's Her Name, (Shelia) helping me.

Jim is talign to the first few, and he pulls the first three, Rose, Stella,Ryobi, and  those three stay, including the Winner's Bitch Stella.

Jim gives them a look and for the first time, he pulls To Thine Own Self.

Now he cuts the group, I should say divide them and his keepers, and the first half, ten.

Lenny Reagon, Journy, Lea, and Zach with Rosey and others. 

Now he takes the other keepers, eight.  Kent in front.  Lots of audience participation.  Jim looks them over and pulls  Rose,,then Stella, both  behind Kent with Candy.   Rose, then Reagan, the Winner's Bitch Stella.  And Jim takes the last nine around and he looks them over.  I thinnk they might go, but her puts Painted Black into eleventh.

Jim wants to look at his sixth, and looks at Gossip Girl, and Black Magic coming and goingl,and he puts them aside. 

He wants to look at his first eight, and off they go.  Very nice bitches.  Jim wants to see them all down and back.  Candy is a fantastic bitch,and I could go with her. 

Jim pulls Candy, Rose, Ragon, Journey, Lea, Stella, Liar, Rosy, He is looking at his other eleven, and now it is getting interesting. Jim goes down and moves up one two places and another up one place.  He takes around his last five.  Around and out. The last pack is six, they might get a token Select.  There are eight that mean a lot, but he has them all lined up.  Fourteen in there, and all winners.  Great breeding,a nd he takes five out to stand loose,and he does a light temperament test. and they are all good.  And, he sends them back.  Those are the stars, so far.  He looks at teh rest, gives some direction and they off together, and I think that mght be it.  Jim tells them to line up in the middle of the ring so everyone can see them, and the last three are excused, (The Last Cut).  And then there were eleven.

There they go, lots of cheers and YES,  that is it.

One is Candy
Two is Rose
Three Reagan
Four Journey
Five Leah
Six Stella
Seven Liar
Eight Rosie
Nine Gossip Girl
Ten Paint It Black
Eleven Denny

That is as good as it can get.  I  admit, I will add Jim to Ed and Dave. Of course, I haven't seen the males yet.

The real show, Specials


You can feel the tension in the air.  Tony is here, so the table is a bit full. Zoe and Sheila are going to help me, but we don't have the room this year, as we are limited to one table.  Tempers are on edge.

I did talk to Jim and told him to have fun, and I know he will.  He said he is going to be fast, but I have no idea what that means. 

When I left last niht we had two big bowls of candy. I was thinking I would have some kids take it to offer to the little people.  When  I walked in there was but a small bowl left.  Interesting.

They are about to announce who is dead. I wonder if we shouldn't announce is still alive.  Lou is talking about his friends, and who he just talked to.  As you  know from what I have been saying, this is a hard time for me.  I think of Bob Penny, I think of Gail, I think of so many that should share with us this event.  It takes me a bit to get back to the right mood.


It is quiet now, Martha Simonette is talking to Bob. Tony is off somewhere with a microphone. I hear him,but don't see him. Jim is putting dogs on one side and the bitches go the other.  I haven't see that before. Alex is in front of me.  Great looking dogs.  The ring isn't big enough, so they are doubled up. I am going to try to get a picture of this, 1,000 of the top shepherds in the country.

They are all in tere, and I see people I don't know, and so many I do.  Even I am getting nervous.  I am feeling stronger each day, so it is a good idea I came.  I didn't decide until Sunday, and since Tedi said if I  stayed home, she wouldn't go either. So, I am here.

We don't have room for everyone at the table, I may go get another table.  Jim is walking down the ring and checking everyone in.  He has a great gray suit and a red carnation.  Autumn Dugan is in front of me.  Something is going on, a whole lotof bitches are going to the left of me. Not to insert politics, but I like what is on my right.  I figured it out, the males are on the far side, and the bitches to my right. 

Nancy McDonald is taking to us from inside the ring. She has Spitfire.  Tom Mesdag told the males to relax, and he was going to excuse them and to stay in order outside the ring.  I just heard from someone they enjoyed the Blog so much, they flew in.  I don't get it, but I like the compliments.

The males are all set home, sort of reminds me of what they did to me in high school. 

Out go ten more,and now there are ten in there,only. This I can understand. Starting with a moveup Garnet, who finished at the pre-show and moved up with Zach.  And Jim has them walk.  And they finish a pass.  Jim has the last five stand back and now loks at the first five. That means there are ten in there, I told you I was big on math. And they go around.  second pass.  Why isn't Flower Boy here. It isn't a National without him.

And now the second set of five.  Jim puts Lennie and Zach up front, then Scott and he is taking no time.  Off they go, walking sort of. Now one at a time. Zoe sent some photos to the Blog, so you can join the excitement.

And he has them in order, at least what he wants, and he moves someone to tenth.  And off they go again with Lennie still in front, how he begins the individual.  First bitch.  Down and Back. There will be a lot of that today, and I won't bore you by naming everyone.    Now Zach.  Now Sylnvan with a black bitch Pretty Little Liar.  Lew Bunch is here not, and did a great job listing the dead people.  Scott with Knight's Gambit, I saw Elizabeth and Don yesterday. I can watch the dog in the ring, and then turn to my left, (never mind the politics), and see the video.  Now it is Autumn Dugan. It is Bill Basu as listed. I don't think Bill is here.  What a nice bitch She Smokin Hot.  I remember her first video, she is a good one.  He moves them before he does the individuals.  Lennie is still in front.  I like this process. We used to do this, and I think it is a good idea.  It calms the crowd, and he is still on the first group.

Now he brings four out to the middle to have them stand free and he does another temperament test, and he is working with those four.  and they all go around and outside the ring.  Now the second group comes in.   A group of ten.

I like the dark sable in front as they all walk, and Jim now is in front of us, looking at them as they come toward him.  I love the confident look he has.  He takes the first five around.  I am enjoying his judging, it is precise and without hesitation.  And a second pass, he tells Olivia to drop the lead.  And he puts them to the front and takes his second group. He is taking no notes. and Off they go. Scott in front, then Lennie, and three others.  I know them, I just can't bring up the names.  Call it a very senior moment. And, a second pass. 

First is Olivia, thenm Scott, Lennie and Mike.  For those who think he is favoring handlers, he has the best up there, and they seem to have the good ones.  Jim looks at the rest.  Now he is doing the individuals. He does it right. He has the bitch stand on a loose lead, then approaches them. That is how it should be done.

Go ahead and read over what I wrote above, and do it for the next few groups, while I go work the crowd.  WOW I just saw Traveling Gal.  She should be up there.   Not much crowd reaction, yet.  Scott has a Galaxy daughter, another good one.

More of the same.  Jim is kicking his leg, and I think he is tired of standing.  That is a problem of doing the National.  Now Kellyy is out there in a great looking red top.  I like most anything in red. I have had seven red SL Mercedes, and seem to be stuck on that car.   Bob and I are talking about next year. If either of us get a piece of the National, we are going to smoke a joint in Colorado.  If now, we will have a hookah on the announcer's table.  We need to look forward to something.  I just saw Shoot the Breeze.  Jim pulls out Scott and Olivia and looks over the rest and takes the other eight around. He moves up If Looks Could Kill to seventh.  What a thrill that must be kill. 

Now tthe next group.  He takes them around, and breaks them into five and five. The math thing again.  Venus Williams in front.  Each goes around and Jim talks t the second group, and off they go.  Five more.  Jim pulls from the grous and he has a nice sable in front American Gossip Girl.   And the group makes a pass that way. 

Now the first one for the individual, Gossip Girl and good looking Sable.  Next year if Bob and I aren't judging I will bring my Dragon program, so everyone can see what we say.  After that, we will have to leave the country.  I worked all year learning to watch paint dry, so I could sit and watch this.  I did like Gossip Girl.

Jim is talking to the handler and they both smile, and he goes to the end of the line.  This handler has red soles. Isn't that a woman's show thing?

Sophie Brown is out there with a good looking bitch.  That is Diane and Tim Brown's daughter.  She gets a lot of crowd support for someone who probably weighs 40  pound. She does a great job.

Jim keeps flexing his legs, I think his knees are giving him a hard time. That is a grueling job to stand there that long. He is doing  a great job, and I can't fault what he does at all. Or, if I did, no one would care.  He calls the last one back and wants her to take another pass.  Interesting.  Nice bitch, Hollywood Sow for an all black to change the landscape. I think it is Tony Simpson in there, he does a good job.  This is the last of the third group.  That makes no difference to us, or probably to you.

Now Jim walks to the ten, and he starts to placew some.  He takes the first four.  This is an interesting proceedure, as they stand free, and he does a second temperament test on each of them.  And,he sends them back and takes them all around.  He is looking over the other six, and gives everyone a moment of his attention and takes them out.

You would never know, but I went and had a bagel.  It is sort of like the .kids who send pictures of their food. I don't understand it. Lindsey went around with Pistachio, Jim talked to her, and moved her up.  I think I agree with  what he is doing so far, but the end cuts are the unkindness cuts of all.

I think he might be on the last individuals of this group.   Two and a half hours, and here we are.  I will say this, (well I will type it), everyone is getting a good look. Most of those here want to see the males. Bill Leonard just stopped to say hello, and the seats are full.  I think we might run out of seats. I set up another table and some chairs here so Tedi is now talking to Bob and I get to talk to Tony.  It is interesting to see the same handlers in there, group after group.

I am sending this, so it doesn't vanish.  Being a magician causes me some concern.




Musing on the big day

We went to dinner with Dave and Martha Rinke.

 I didn't post, but Black Bart won the Veterans Class.

Today is the big day.  This is what the National is for, all those great champions we have read about, now in the ring.  Bob, (The Voice of The National) has a new dog he bought with Jim Hill from Hungary.  He is showing a video, and he does look good, The dog, not so much Bob.  He injured himself just before the show, as did Midas, so two dogs I wanted to see won't be shown.

It has been an interesting week.  There has been some drama, some conflicts, lots of good dogs, and good friends.  I was talking to Joe LaRosa and Dan Dwier last night, and we were discussing some of the more interesting things from the past. Of course it included Lamar.  Today they ring the bell for those who are not with us, and that is never fun.

I have been asked over and over what the procedure is going to be.  I was told Jim said all the entries have to come into the ring, then after they are checked in, the males will go out and he will do the bitches first. 

I remember my first National where I showed a dog.  My handler, Jerry Graham had me come into the ring and put on the bib and hold my dog for him to finish with his other entry. I remember one time when Jimmie asked me to take back in one of the winners he had shown. I remember being pointed to as a number two select.  I remember my first National, and also standing with the specials, and realizing the difference between what we had been showing and what was now in the ring. I remember two double grand victors in Canada and the United States. 

I am today remembering the friends who cannot share with me the excitement of those cuts, and the day when all I wanted was to make the first cut.  I remember being the only handler taken from the cut group to go back in with the winners, (and being cut again before the final decision).  That was Fran Ford, and how proud I am to have been able to call him a friend.  I remember my dog being in the group of 16 or 17, when the last one to be cut was our dog, Dealer.  Our male going Reserve at the National to have his sister go Winner's Bitch the next day.

The Nationals make so many memories, some not so good, some fantastic, but all important.

Let's see what today brings.


Friday, October 19, 2018

Re: [ SHOWGSD-L ] Re: Fr9om St. Louis

Oh yeah I can imagine!! LoL

Angela Scott Orion GSD

From: Evan Ginsburg <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2018 8:53 PM
Subject: Re: [ SHOWGSD-L ] Re: Fr9om St. Louis
Some can remember the cold in Lexington. We had hundreds of hand warmers, and I won't tell you where we put them but few made it to our hands.

I talked to Rita today, and Kenny at the show.  Rita looks great, I suspect she will judge in Denver.  I also got a minute to see John Beamont with Rita, and they were in the building.  Tony was there and is going to help announce on Saturday, so it will be all three of us.

Gail was being hounded by dozens of people. What a job she does.

-----Original Message-----
From: angela scott <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Tue, Oct 16, 2018 11:02 am
Subject: [ SHOWGSD-L ] Re: Fr9om St. Louis

Tell someone to get those glove warmers for Evan!! They fit right in your glove or in your socks! Angela

Angela Scott Orion GSD

From: on behalf of Stormy V. Hope <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2018 12:47 PM
Subject: [ SHOWGSD-L ] Fr9om St. Louis

On Oct 16, 2018, at 9:31 AM, Evan Ginsburg <> wrote:

It was 33 degrees this morning and still cold. It is hard to type as my fingers are shaking.
This comes to you by a village.  Karen Taylor goty  me a chair and helped get me a hot spot off my phone. Then Zach came by to  set up the computer.  I finaly got it working, but am cold as all hell.

I was sitting with Dave Rinke and Martha, and Dorothy Lynn was talking to us about the old days. It is good to be here, but it is good to be anywhere.

Joan did a great job with  dog and a Cqptain American Son went Winner's dog. I can do this, hold a catalogue and watch.  I see Kenngt, and Karen Taylor is sitting with me.  Linda ,ankhead came by  I see Art over the other side, and Tedi came by.  Joan just finished Juniors and we are on a break.

I am shaking so mch, I am taking a break for lunch, then will be back,.



7-9 Veteran dogs
I saw Black Bart was in there, and I thought I had something to do with him.  I looked in the catalogue.  Tedi and I are the breeders with Dave Lasater. We owned and finished him dam, Magic Marker.  I like her, she was a real kick.  I need to pay more attention.

Norma is here.   We are waiting for the dogs, and these are the last classes of the day. Then the Junior seminar, and then the champions will roam free in the ring.

In they come, and now I remember Bart. Now there is a black I would put up.

I am partial, so I will make no comment. PUT UP BART,HE IS FANTASTIC!



Second another nice dog
Ch Rallyns Julius Ceasar.

But, it is my computer.

On to 9+ Veteran

Only one in there, so I predict a winner

Ch Rallyns Julius Ceasar

7-9 year old Veteran Bitches

I hope Jane enjoys seeing the Army daughter

Two in there, a nice looking sable

Off they go. I appreciate being old.

First is Du  Chien's Kiss the Boys Goodbye

Second is Ch Majestic's Cramberru De;ogjt Jsas-CGC

First is
Ch Ranita's Taking Care of Business

Veteran 9+ Bitch

Three now

Everyone gets a ribbon

I remember Christie, and she looks great.  Thanks Bill for bringing her.  And Christie goes to the front.

That's it.

First is GCH CH Gray Pines Christie

Second is GCH CH CH Foxhaven-Myjoy Good Girl Gone Bad of Wind Fall

Third is GCH CH Sundown's Mercedes

Well, that's a wrap.  It has been a long day, lots of excitement, and tension.  Problems tears and dreams.

Tomorrow is another dog show. Please join us.

Good night Jane, we all miss you.



In come the bitches with some male handlers too.  They are all in there, and Morton is looking them over, and walking down the group. We will see how good he did, when they go around.  They look good to me.

Logan is here from California. She  is nine and starting to handle.  It is good to see her.  They are all walking, and it sure looks to me like he did a good job.  He puts them to the wall, and takes one at a time.  I like the quality, and it is Morton who picked them.

Hehas Mike out front, then Kelly and Kent, sans mustache.  And he has five of them he is watching.  Now he looks at the other six. 

Morton lines them up, with Winsome's Bearilliant Bella-Stella in front, and YES, that is Winner's Bitch.
Reserve is Kenlyn's Lacey

winner's dog

inner's Dog

There they are, with Gloria in there and this is when you realize what a great job she has done.  She looks at them and smiles, and she should.

I am not going to try to name them, I will let you know who wins, and how it goes. 

They take it slow, not a walk, but not racing, and it is a great group.    I found out what the name of the young handler, she is Jessica. She is going to be one of the good ones.    Gloria is taking them down and back and there goes Kent. 

Take them one time, and stop back here!  And there they go.  She pulls Kelly, then Kent, then George and Lennie, Maria.  In front is Wiindfall Best I Ever Had Class Act from 6-9   .  I do agree, but it is a hard thing to do at the National.  Gloria applauds them and looks them over, and moves two up, but keeps the one in front, Kent in  second, and he is going to be tough to beat.  Now Gloria looks them over agan as they are,  Kelly and Kent together in front.  The crowd likes the puppy, no question. Can you give a puppy Winner's Dog at the National?

She takes them around again and I think she is going to do it, and she looks and looks, and stops them.    Gloria looks at them standing and she sets the puppy aside, and takes the next three. Lenny  is looking good.  And Gloria is walking towards them and looking close with her arms folded.  She spends time looking at each dog.  She is talking to Lennie and he goes off by himself. Gloria is looking for something.  And she goes to the front and she wants Kent to take a pass, and the crowd seems to like Lennie's best.  Gloria is now taking Maria' and another good one.  Now she is going to decide.

Gloria goes to the front, touches each dog and she puts Maria to second of the three.  There go the three.  The puppy still off to the side, and Gloria shakes her head and brings the three back to the center.  She checks the back of the first one.  Yes!  She puts Maria in front. and that wakes up the crowd. She is walking fast and no, she stops them.  She brrings the other two to the end and the rest of the class to the end.

Winner's Dog is Tatum's Welove To Trump That!
Reserve is Legend's Double Take of Debrut CGC TKI

Open Bitch Long Coat

This is my second time being able to come to the GSD US National, and it has been a much better experience than my first. I was honored to meet great people of our breed and see several dogs I would take home myself. As a young handler, I hope to one day exhibit a dog or bitch to Best of breed.
                                                                                                      ~Karena Avila

First is Riverrock's Wind Blown Lilly, Second is Ferlin's & Sealstone's Yentl, Third is Kimberlite's Kia.

Down but for veterens and Winners.  I am going to go find some bad food.

Open Bitches

They are in the ring, Nine in there. Bob and I are starting to get a bit foolish, and that can be dangerous. Now Leanna New is here, and Linda Bankhead is sitting off my left shoulder. That is more interesting than watching a judge do individual exams.   The candy is not going as fast today, we may have to take some and pass it out. I sure don't want to take it home.  I think it might get more interesting with Specials.  Morton and Gloria are doing a great job, it is me. I am ready to see some champions.

Maybe we could have a one day National with only Specials. We can have another show some other day.  Gene Workman came by for advice. We give any answer, and part of the time we are probably right. The rest of the time, teaches people not to ask us.

Morton is using a recorder for his thoughts, or maybe he is singing. I can't tell. He takes them slow and easy.  They are walking.  I just talked to Pat and Celeste, and Captivia is off somewhere.  I called for her, and she should find the announcer's table without a problem.

Morton is still judging the bitches.  Everyone gets a good look, and plenty of time to look good.  I do notice some of them are a bit doggy, but a tad larger than the standard calls for. I like that.  I did get a minute to talk to Art Sinclair, but he is very busy here.  We do need Paula here for more laughs, but we are surviving.

Morton talks top each handler, and dictates in front of them. It would be interesting to see what he say. I guess I mean hear, it is hard to see what someone says.  I just found out there is a bench show committee because someone said a bad word.

We found Captevia, and they took her back. If they didn't want her any longer, Tedi and I would take her.

OK, he is done and they line up.  Morton goes from the back to the front touching each one, and now he walks across the ring, gets his clip board and starts to make notes. I think that is smart. Watching him and Gloria judge reminds me why I had declined the slate. I think I am save with Michele, Rita, Bob, Carmen and the rest.  They walk.

Morton is making more notes as they walk, and they take another lap, Zach  is in front, and I think there will be some changes.  Lenny  first, the Olivia, Liz and the rest.  Nice outlines, but too many for him.  Now he takes the fist three, (in his opinion),  He stops them, but Lennie keeps going and they go back in front, and he says takes them again, and Morton gives each a good long look and he stops them.  Now he lines them up in the center. Down two at a time, and back the same way.  Oh No, the last three together.   And that is now it is.

First is Peter's Elite Dessert First V Signature, Second is Dawnhill's Cedar Springs BN RE CGC, Third is Handheims Girls Got Rythm V Carlise.

Now lunch or Long Coat Bitches.  My choice.

6-9 Bitches

Eight American Bred Bitches.Jim Hilll is here, and the bitches go around.  Dr. Goldfarb is in the ring looking at them. That makes for a good dog show. Deb Stern is here now, she works so hard at all the shows.  Betty Mc Dermott is here, and I got to meet Tim. He is a rider, and so we talked a bit about bikers.  Morton is doing his thing, and how long can it take.  How long does it take to judge seven bitches?   Morton is talking to them and walking down the  line.

I just got to meet Daron who was handling and did a great job in there. This is his second National. He is from Lexington, and seems to be having a good time. I hope everyone says hello to him.

Now Morton has them in some order, and takes them around and moves them a bit.  Al is sitting with us, and Morton moves them again.  Olivia is still in front, with Mike behind her, then Jeff.  Morton takes three and keeps them like that, and now brings the rest behind.  Off they go,, and Morton tells them to come to the middle and stacks them for the crowd, seven in there, and I think that is the way it is going to be.  YES, that's it.

First is Bark Hills Sunshine of Baskerville, Second is Winsome's Guilty Pleasbear V Lonestar, Third is Dawnhill's Katy's-Trail, and Fourth is Charbor's Music of The Night at Tintagel V Jalyn.

Open Long Coat Dogs

Only in there.  Bob and I predict the winner to be Adelhorst Chance At 3 X- Charm Vom Jimeni BN, and Second  is Ropaja-Falkrigia's Voila'D' Artagnon.  Mary Tripp came by and said we are her favorite announcers. It is a small group.  Helen Gleason came up to the table just to brighten our day.  Bob and I were right. Sharon Avery is here now, so even Nancy McDoonald came by.

Open Dogs

I try to get the results out before the next class comes in.  I only lost what I typed one time. I need someone to show me how to get back goes away.  Mrs. Pat Ayres came by.  I am not going to try to spell her name.


It's a small class only seven in there.  I have gone through about $300.00 in candy. We do that each year for the announcer table. With us being moved, I thought no one would find us. WRONG!

She finished the temperament test, and not is doing the individuals.  Bobbie Kindy brought me a cushion yesterday, and I am so thankful.  How did she know?  Martha Simonette is sitting with us.  We get to discuss the problems with the Courts. Her as a judge and me as a lawyer.

The handlers seem to pick the best dogs to show.  We have a 60 inch screen about a foot away. It is fantastic.  Now an Exxon son. Celeste said they brought five dogs, and they are taking one of them back and four or five others.  I don't know how she keeps track of the Exxon dogs being shown. Some real quality.  Pat and Celeste don't show under me.  I got their son sworn into the Bar in California. Maybe that has some impact on their decision.  I like the size and type of the Open Dogs.  I am underwhelmed by the overall quality.  But, as Uncle Ed says, "What do I know?"

They are done, not Gloria has to make a decision, three won't get a ribbon.  No black, no sable. Gloria goes down the line and asks to take the first four onnly, and off they go.  She is in front of us, and takes Olivia alone, down and back.  Now Lennie. I don't think she has done any placing.   She moves a dog in front of Lennie, and it is Rugar.  That is the handler I thought did such a nice dog.  I don't know her name.  Or, I forgot it. I can use the stroke for names I can't remember. 

She takes the last three,and stacks the first four. Well, the handlers do the stacking. Let's give credit where credit is due.  I am confused she takes the last on the first group, with the two from the other group. I was confused, but thankfully I am not judging. 

First is Tatum' Welove to Trump That, Second is Windfall's Mannix of Hickoryhill-Danae, Third is Westbound's 405 "Chief", and Fourth is Todorhaus Mojave Land Slide CGC.

On to the next class

American and Open

Here we are. We are to begin in five minutes, there is not a dog there.
I ended up yesterday with a major screw up, normal for me. I went to unplug my computer, and pulled the wrong plug and pulled the plug for the Video feed.  Irv was not happy with me, as he thought he had lost all the memory.  He didn't and we are friends again.

The show is about to start, Gloria got here on the dot, and there even are some dogs ready to go in.  Bill is doing a fantastic job as a ring steward, and of course, Tom Mesdaag is always there for whatever needs to be done. Gail is everywhere, and I can't imagine how she keeps on doing it without getting frustrated.  So many people work so hard to make this work, and it is just amazing.  Bob (TheVoiceOfTheNational) was still here when Tedi and I left.

We tried to go to White Castle for dinner, (me, not Tedi), and they were closed. We went through the Drive-Through. Can you picture trying to put Catsup on a White Castle in the car, in the dar?.  It is a good thing I brought extra clothes.

In the ring they go.  NOW THIS IS A DOG SHOW.  There are some new handlers today.  There are too many to name, but they will sort themselves out.  Erin Nellis came by to chat and Bob is back. Gloria sent all out but six.  Now, six I can deal with.  She is doing the individuals.  Gloria is wearing a purple dress and looks great.  She is doing each dog and down and back.  Carman came by with a Top Twenty ribbon he found in the parking lot.  I suppose someone felt they had enough honors, so just dumped it.  I just ran into Ricki Olowski.  Every time I want to suggest him as a judge, I can't remember his name. My memory is now hit and miss, it seems more miss.

Gloria has done the individuals, and down and back and is now taking to the first handler. I don't know him, No handler listed.  And off they go.  I see some t-shirts with a tribute to Leslie.  I miss her, she was a special person. 

Bill Tank in front and Gloria Stops them. She is looking at the first four, and now the  other three. That means seven out there. I have always been good with math.  And, the group goes out, and another "cluster" of German shepherds into the ring, Six more, and only George to hold up the manly status.  Gloria takes them to the other side of the romg and begins the individuals. She does it right,   She has the dog stand loose, and she approaches it.  She tries hard not to bother the dog, and so far, it has worked for them all.  Each of  them goes around. The crowd  s awake and a number of people are now here.  Diane Brown is now being checked by Gloria.  And, off she goes, and I like what she has.  It is Orion, and I like that dog.  And now George with Quarterback. That's the group.  She puts Orion in front and looks over the rest.  She gives them all an instruction and off go the three that were in the middle.  The Cherpa dog isn't here.  Now the first four.  Diane Brown in front. She never seems to age. I also talked to Tim, he is the same. It must be how they live.  Gloria goes over each one and stands back and wants them all to take a pass.I like what Cindy has, it is Gift of The Maji.  And another pass, walking.  No, I am wrong they are walking out of the ring. I am sort of right.

In come another group, nothing bad has happened yet, at least as to the dogs.Nicol is in front with a great red dress and a black dog, Night Rider.  I  spent some time talking to Carman.  He is promoting the new AKC museum. There is going tot be a number of names on the wall, and the club is looking for donations to put the GSDCA on there.  Contact Deb Stern if you can join us.

Back to the show, Kent is going down and back with Wistle Down-The-Wind. I like him, and the dog too.  Jeff has Skywalker out there, and that is the outline you want on a shepherd.  If you know what you are doing.  I  would say the handlers get first choice.  And off they go with Kent and Jeff at the end, but I predict not for long.  Gloria crosses her arms and looks them over.  She goes to each dog and looks them in the face.  Now she stands back and off they go.  Bo Viovich is sitting with us, and showed me her new colts.  I saw a video, not the real thing. It is too hard to bring them to the National. Up front is Lennie, then Jeff and Kent.  Diana Paul does such a great job, and I like her dog.

Gloria goes off with Bill and she is instructing the rest of the dogs to come back in, and here they are. Gloria looks them over and at least 12 more. She goes to the first group of six and now instructs the other group to move up.  She pulls George. She has three groups and she goes to the third one and tells two to move to the second group.  There are still three groups, but I think she has a group she doesn't much care for, and they take a pass.  Now she goes to her first group and tells them something, and pulls Dioane Brown and another I can't see and puts them with the middle group. She goes over each one one more time,  Seven in there and she says take them around.  I am right, she excuses thos seven.

Now there are two groups.  No, there are still  three, and Gloria tells the middle group to have two of them take a pass with Bill Tank.  And they get to go get a beer, this class is over.  Eight left in there.  Kelly is in second, I don't know the young lady in  front, but she is a great handler. Gloria pulls Kelly, the Zach, Lenny,Jeff and Kent. I don't think she likes the dog my handler is handling.  She isn't mine, I just like the job she does.  She takes the six. Kelly in front, then Lennie, and she  moves the rest up, so Zach in in third.  Gloria takes the last four with Kent in last. I am often reminded that what you see inside the ring is not always what you see outside.  It is too bad she can only give four, and she takes her first four around.  Cindy goes to third.  I do think only first matters. Now she takes the last five. She needs a Best Of Dump.  So far it is Zach.  She says take them all, and I suspect that is it.  Not yet, down and back. Evidently it is between the first two and off they go.  I went Winner's Bitch in 1982 from American Bred, I think.

She moves Lennie in front, and off they go.  That is it, First is Gem-B-U-River Of Urloved, Second is Togorhaus-Black-Hawk V. Lutzhaus, Third is Norberge's Gift-Of-The-Magi of Clayfield and Fourth is Paragon's Spend It All.

On to the next group.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Ameteur Owner Handler. We need to add Amateur Owner Handler Long Coat by a female under 16

He is in the ring.  Kelly was here for a while, and she is always fun.   We have two bitches, Colbyhaus Twas The Night Before Christmas, and Marcoto's Boom Like That. 

We have a ton of special classes and I think Bob is going to do it all. 

In come the Novice Bitches.  Six of them. Linda came by to make an announcement.  I might want to ask her to take over from me.  I did get to talk to Al Martin, it is so good to see him.  Martha has switched to wine, and sitting with us.  Morton walks back and call Al out with Lauren. 

It is so weird that everyone thinks we know everything.  We get the strangest questions.  love the camera work, we get a great view from here.  Martha thought I had a great cure for locked hocks.  I see so few dogs that follow through, so I suggest we change the Standard to require a locked hock. So, if the dog follows through, it is disqualified.  Problem solved.

That is it, First is Kenlyn's There Is A Time at Wildwood, Second is Almarwinsome Laren Camareigh, Third is Aramist's Four Letter Word of Marathon HT and Fourth is Carlyn Sholan's Living La Voda Loca

That is it for judging for today.

Now for presentation classes. I see we are doing the three platinum Grand Champions. If you haven't followed it, you first get a Champion, then a Grand Champion, then a Paper Mache Grand Champion, Then a Tin Grand Champion, then a Silver Grand Chamion, then a Gold Grand Champion, then a Platinum Grand Champion, then a Ruby Grand Champion, then a Emerald Grand Champion and finally a Diamond Grand Champion, (the dog has to be over 18 for that one).

They are doing a DUCK TOSS. Everyone bought a duck and we are throwing it to the middle and who gets closest wins half the pot. 

We are all punch drunk.

Novice Bitches

A new group of four. I walked around and there they go and there it is.

First is Gomez La Maunche Arguimbau Vonzo of Karizma, Second is Cherpa-Coastline In Excelsis Deo, Third is Valkira Noster Amicus and Fourth is Vee Vom Cuda Haus.

I walked around the ring and was surprised how many people I know.    On the top is Linda Bankhead. It used to be Joan Fox, but I am trying to hang with younger people to make me seem wiser.  Everyone seems a bit worn out, but we have a long way to go yet.  Top 20, the three Platinum Grand Champions, that is after Champion, Grand Champion, Paper Mache Grand Champion, Cardboard Grand Champion, Tin Grand Champion, Gold Grand Champion, and then Platinum Crand Champion.  Next you show him to Ruby Grand Champion, the Diamond Grand Champion.  Or, I might be wrong.

One more, then Bred By, and finally all the presentation classes.

15 - 18 Month Bitches

A class of eight. It looks like a huge group.  How can Morton look so fresh. I am beat.  I don' think I am full strength, and two more days to go. I could probably skip Saturday. Hell, they have all finished before, so probably no one cares.

It is nice to get to the older dog and bitches who look like the Standard.  Tami Howard says hello to everyone. Her puppy went first in 9-12 puppy bitch class.Tami wishes everyone the best. The crowd is a bit alive.

Kent in front, then Mike, then Lennie and Diane.  All nice bitches. Kent and Mike down and back together and now Lennie and Diane.  It reminds me of Ben Hur and the chariot races.  Miata Edan.

Bob is getting surly. Kent takes her around and lets the lead go. It has been a long day.

Bed By Exhibator Dogs

They have cut out Bred By Exhibator Dogs who are owner handlers, and long coats.

Five in there, and Gloria still looks great. She has more stamina than I do.

It is surprising how many of the old time handlers are doing breedings. Nice dogs.  Great group.

Norma came by to deliver a book she sold. We are a multi purpose announcer's table.

They have had the individual, and Gloria gives them directions. She is going to look at the lined up.  I miss Ken and Kathy Tank, they were always fun to see at the National. I knew they weren't coming, but it is different without them.

Illuminator goes to the front, one of those Exxon sons.  Now, Let's Dance to second.   Off go the first two, three left behind.  Gloria is walkign the line, and off theyy go, this should be it.  YES, that's it.  First is Windfall-Churpa's Illuminator of Hickoryhill, Second is Colbyhaur-Mardan's Let's Dance GSDStyle, third is Mazerick's Folsum Prison Prison Blues, (I am a big Johnny Cash fan), and Fourt is Mariners Tequila Shooter V Shadowacres RDC.

It feels like this day will never end.

Novice Dogs

Only one Novice dog, Wonderland's Georgia-On My Mind.  I will go out on a limb and predict he will win the class.

Again, I am right again.

Now on to the Amateur Owner Handler Dogs. First is Rhonda's Black Smoke Koaltrain RE, Second Marcato's Camerado,  Third is Marcato's Cross of Gold.  Two litter mates. 

15-18 Month Dogs

We are on a break, now like Rachele and Ross, but lunch counts too. It is a great show so far, and the only terrible thing that happened was Kathy Potter falling and having the black eye of all time.

We all love Evan and think he is so awesome for doing this. Hi everyone! This is Kelly Foehl. And back to Evan...  

Evan here, and Kelly has always been one of my favorites.  Don't we all miss Tammy?  I know I do.

The biggest issue this year here at the National is the absence of Jane.   Jane was such a major part of our breed and the National that going forward with her at home, seems strange to me.

Nancy McDonald is here, and it reminds me of so many people I don't get to spend time with. On the other hand, if I did spend time with some of them, I might never talk to them again.  Maybe it is better this way. I also go to the International Brotherhood of Magician Conventions.  It is the same only there it is magicians from all over the world.  Each year I look forward to seeing people, then after the shows, I regret not spending more time with them  Last year I helped to judge the Best in Show, (five of us), and I would have congratulated the winners, but they were two female magicians who spoke no English.  Everyone here at the GSDCA seems to speak English.

Here we go again, the Dog Show.

In they come, not getting close to the real thing, with adults. The dogs are more mature too.  Gloria sent some out, and is working with the first five.  The show is more exciting when it is the first class. After you see twenty or thirty dogs go down and back, it isn't as interesting.

I do like Fed Ex, an Exxon son. But, have always been a fan of Exxon.  On to the second group.
Gloria applauds,a nd that is probably it for this group.  They stack, she lookks them over, and moves Kent to second and the last male to fourth. At least it would be a ribbon were it not for the fact there is another group.

Bob and I have talked about everything. We may have to start talking about breeding rabbits.

Gloria touches each dog, and serts them aside and brings in the first group of five.

She combines the groups, and ends up with five, she sets the last two aside and now takes the third one down and back. In case you didn't know, Kent took off his mustache, and looks very different. Now the other three.  People like the first one Wyatt Earp.

Gloria applauds them all and takes the first three.  It's Jeff Kent and Scott.  Nice dogs.  And again, but now in Scott in front.  Kent in front and the crowd likes that, and Gloria brings the rest behind. I saw that coming. and they stack, and in my opinion which is most often right, THAT IS IT!

First is Legend's Double Take of Debrut CC=GC TKI, Second is Faithrocki's Wyatt Eart V Tin Roof, Third is Knight's Gambit Rochiou II, Fourth was Cherps-Coastline Fed Ex.  Jessica came to sit with us, and we both liked what she did.


Jeff came by and we got to commensurate.  It just isn't the same.  You should be amazed I knew the word, that I used it correctly,and I could spell it, on my own.

Will wonders never cease?

12-15 Month butches

Now five walking.  What is the sound of one hand clapping?

It would be more fun if Paulwa and Twyla were here, but I see some nice bitches in this class. I haven't been impressed to date with the quality.

A show without Jane is like a day without orange juice.  Some of us older people know what that means.

Around they go and where they stop, nobody knows, except Morton.   There they go, and First is Winsome's Bearlliantt Bella-Stella, Second is India Hartis Bohemia Symphony, Third is Bmeerhuis-zytut's Adio Idelle, and Fourth is Vonzo Jemma of Sunfarm's Gomez Von Loar.

I think there might be a break with a special surprise to come.  Stay tuned!

6-12 Kibg /coated /bitches

We have in the ring one of the most exciting class of the day. They should do this early to diminish the fever, it is the 6-12 Loat Bitches,  I guess it is important to two people,, (those in the ring), but not much from ring side.

Since there are but two, I am going to predict First is Adelhorst Winsome's Suymmmer Dolly and Second is Schneierhos's Wild Card Campaigner.  Actually nice bitches.  I was right, as I predicted.  That is four times so far this week.  Tedi told me three different times I was right. One of them was where the car was parked, I don't remember the others.


9-12 Bitches

Ten in here.  Nancy Hubble came by about the tickets.  I see a nice Man u Man dog in there.  I took a break and went to have lunch. I got Nacho and cheese.  Not the lunch of champions, but certainly cut the tension with hot peppers.  It is very quiet in here, and  Morton is doing down and backs.  Morton is writing on his tablet and placing dogs, and then there were two at the end of  the line.   Interesting to watch. 

And off they go in that order.  I realize Morton likes a closer coupled bitch and it shows with what he had up there. I like a judge to be consistent, and he certainly is.

Morton goes to the fourth and fifth bitches and takes them down and back together.  Only one behind them.  And he stands back.  And, that is it.

First is Lacomtesse Shaker Atdusk V Tho, Second is Woodside's Arabella, Third is Windfall's DBL Chocolate Chip Frappucino V Blkwood, and FourthZZ Champeon Valentina Havana-Mazerick.

I am a bit confused as to what is going on. I do hear it is all day, and it is noon.

6-9 Bitches

Kent is here, and none of us know what the schedule is. 
now we have a class. Morton is in there with 10 in there. Gary is here too, and we are the center of the show.  

Now Morton has a real group to do. Some nice bitches.  Martha Simonette came by, and talked for a while.  I like the way Morton judges and everyone gets a good look.  Morton excused five.  And he has five left. That is so if anyone bits him.   him, he still lhave four left. He takes Olivia first with Mike right behind.  First is Amber's Lucy Lu Of Tonor, Second is  Todorhaus Mojave's Gypsy, Third is Raintree's Summer of Quelland, and Fourth is Hylowe's Taurus.

Now on to another group.

Fwd: 12-15 Dogs

-----Original Message-----
From: Evan Ginsburg <>
To: evan <>
Sent: Thu, Oct 18, 2018 8:22 am
Subject: 12-15 Dogs

Only one in the ring, a sable, who looks like the Winner.  Windmill's Just The Way You Are.  Hey, He won his class at teh National.

Linda Bankhead came by to chat.   She and her mom never seem to age.  I gave her the stuff for the Juniors. Last week, in a tribute to my laziness I went to the bank and had them start sending statements to each of the winners' homes. I saw Julie Deagun at the show, and she told me she has already turned `18, so I will have a check sent next week.  How would I know?

12-15 month dogs in there.  Only three.  So everyone gets a ribbon.  Now they are looking like shepherds.  John Beamont is sitting with the Rinkes, and with the video, I can see the whole ring and the dogs as well.  And Gloria moves the last two and leaves Nancy in front with Harvey, and I think this is it, and Gloria is watching and she looks uncertain, and walks towards them and they finish the circle. Floria checks the first one, and now stands back.  Gloria claps and that's it. Harvy wins, (Candy's dog).  First is Cross Timber's Harvey of Candia, Second was Vonzo Zapaata Return of Sunfarms-Gomez Von Loaar, Third is Mar Haven's Breaking Even V Hessen and Fourth is no one since there were only three.

Look at it this way. Some day, some one is going to say, "I went third at the 2018 National."  A win is a win.

12-15 Dogs

Only one in the ring, a sable, who looks like the Winner.  Windmill's Just The Way You Are.  Hey, He won his class at teh National.

Linda Bankhead came by to chat.   She and her mom never seem to age.  I gave her the stuff for the Juniors. Last week, in a tribute to my laziness I went to the bank and had them start sending statements to each of the winners' homes. I saw Julie Deagun at the show, and she told me she has already turned `18, so I will have a check sent next week.  How would I know?

12-15 month dogs in there.  Only three.  So everyone gets a ribbon.  Now they are looking like shepherds.  John Beamont is sitting with the Rinkes, and with the video, I can see the whole ring and the dogs as well.  And Gloria moves the last two and leaves Nancy in front with Harvey, and I think this is it, and Gloria is watching and she looks uncertain, and walks towards them and they finish the circle. Floria checks the first one, and now stands back.  Gloria claps and that's it. Harvy wins, (Candy's dog).  First is Cross Timber's Harvey of Candia, Second was Vonzo Zapaata Return of Sunfarms-Gomez Von Loaar, Third is Mar Haven's Breaking Even V Hessen and Fourth is no one since there were only three.

Look at it this way. Some day, some one is going to say, "I went third at the 2018 National."  A win is a win.

9-12 Dogs

Gloria has nine to twelve, and only four in there.  Both she and Morton are doing a fast job.  Down and Back. Everyone gets a ribbon.  Lennie has an all black, nice dog.  Now Alex witth a dog who does not want his testicles checked. 
They are lined up.  And the group goes aroiund, Gloria has her arms crossed and gives them a good look.  Olivia came by and is standing watching. 

Dawn came by to leave an award, I think she will be back, but I wasn't listening to what she told me.

Now they line up and she moves Lennie to the front with the black, then Alex.  Gloria goes down the line and touches each one. I  think she just wanted her hands on a puppy, and off go the first two.  Karizma.  On to more judging.

6-9 puppy dogs

Dave and Martha came by and we have new instructions as to the walkie talkies.  Gloria has a black dress with a bling collar, and looks great. She only has five pups in there and is doing the individuals. Correction, there are six. I know, I can just change what I wrote, but I try to do it right.  Interesting, Olivia tried to run her puppy into Gloria, and Gloria made her go back and do a "loose lead" test. Gloria worked with the puppy and finally got a good test.  Dorothy Lynn came by and we spoke. It is so good to see her, and even though we are both  in California, we are eight hours apart.

More going around, and Gloria lets them take their own pace.  Not much excitement here.  That means, none.  Paula Moon came by to say hello for Donna Radish.  I am sorry Donna can't make it. Gail keeps giving us new directions, and Bob and I pretend to listen.  Tedi is here now, so I have to sort of be nice.

Gloria is about done with the individuals.  No one has found us yet, so the candy is not going very fast.  

Now they line up and Gloria walks down the line and gives them a look.  I see Carman behind me, and Ed Barritt just came by to say hello. And off they go. She moves Tacor4as Kodak to the front and now looks at the second group of three, if three is a group. It is more than a pair. I think she is looking for a fourth and I'll Kick Ur Ask to fourth.  Now the first three, and off they go.  Gloria is not smiling, and I would think it would be a hard time for her.

She is looking at the second group again and now the top three. She hasn't picked the fouth yet, and goes over them all. Now they are all together, and Gloria tells them to take them around and off they go. THAT'S IT FOR THIS CLASS.

First is Windfall Best I Ever Had Class Act, (sort of sounds like high school), Second  is Mar-Azart Miller, Third is Tacoras Kodak, (my  kind of name) and Fourth is Tripphill's I'll Kick Ur Ask.  Joan Fox came and sat with me for a while, and I always enjoy seeing her.  Now, talk about someone who does not age!

4-6 bitches

Norma is here.  There are only four in there, and Jim is walking them one at a time.  He lets them go a bit faster.  Now one at a time.   Interesting that the puppies are separated by sex.  How many classes do we need?  It is good to be the king.

First was Caretti's Made To Order, Second was Vallevue's Key To Mya-Heart, Third wasSandedrin's Blace and Fourth waas Valle Vue's Key To Meea Heart.  I know, I had the same bitch second.  Now I see they are spelled differently.   I did have it right.

Best 4-6 was Executive Order and Best Opp. was Made to Order, litter mates.

There is some confusion, and I see Gloria is now here ready to go in.

4-6 dogs

The show is on!

I got to talk to Morton this morning, and now we are being introduced to the police dog force, and a history of each dog and its owner.  We had the Color Guard with the number on Veteran in the Nation, and the bugler from  last year. 

Everyone is here, and I love seeing these dogs.  It is a Bi and being teased and then given the command.  What a display of re3latiionship between the man and dog on hand signals.  Now the officer takes his gun and pretends to hold a suspect. A great demonstration.  Bob  is here.

They moved the announcer's table to the ground floor.  It is different.

Another dog in there, a sable, and working off hand signals with his handler.  We are next to the big screen, so the view is OK.  I love these demonstrations. 

Another sable, with his handler. A  drug detection dog. I talked to the handler and thanked him for not talking to me while I was in high school.  They bring out a "target"  in a full body suit, and the dog is barking, and watching him.  He threatens the dog, and the dog just watches, and the handler just stolls about, and the dog doe not react.  THEN THE COMMAND!

Off, and a perfect release, another attack, and that dog means it.  And a release.  Very Impressive.  The crowd likes it and it sure is impressive to see the real thing.

I guess we are ready  for a show?  I did talk to Jimmy for a minute, and he is now in the ring.  Jimmy is doing 4 to 6 puppies.  Tim Brown just came by to tell me what the sausage was that I had when I judged there.   I will try to buy them, but he says I have to boil them in beer. So, I might not do it.

Jim is taking them each around at a walk.  Bobbie Kindy just brought me a cushion  so I can sit comfortably.

It is quiet, and Jim places them and moves there where he wants them.  And they take them around, and walking again.  I remember Goldbecker where we walked for hours. Jim moves a nice sable Can I Kick The  Dog to do a loose lead exam, and now he walks around the dog.  Lamar Fredricks came by to say hello.  We have John Ayotte's hat.

Now Cindy Flautte is out there with Executive Order.  The next one is Leanna with Romeo Key To My Heart. We had gone to a show about twenty minutes from the house in LA to see Jim judge.  He only had one entry. Had I known, I would have put Keirk in there.

Now a dark sable , Good Magic. My 104 year old aunt just died and left me all her magic equipment. That is my grandfather's, my  uncle's, my aunts, my mothers and the stuff I left in Grand Rapids when we moved to California.  I have no idea what to do with it, or where it will go.  I hope they don't send me my old escapes, which included a water torture chamber.

More 4-6 puppies.  And Jim looks a bit bored.  About half the seats are filled.  Not many people taking any candy yet. They may not know where we are. 

Jim is done with the individuals,and has them walk. It is hard to walk, and most dogs areen't used to it.  Now, he pull Cindy up front and changes number three, and that's it.  Firsst is Caretti's Executive - Order, Second is Hammersmith Can I Kick It, then Third is Hammersmith Atom Tan, and Fourth is Ann-Isle's Good Magic.

It looks like Jim divided them by sex, so now the 4-6 bitches. It is good to be the King. Jim can do whatever he wants.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

The big show in St. Louis

Bob and I are on the ground floor to announce, not a good view.  We had the Parade of Greats and the Stud Dog and Brood Bitch presentation.  The hospitality for the club was a  bunch of food in the hall to take and eat. Not like it used to e where we sat at tables and talked.  Not many people came for it, and  it seems like less seats set up, but the entry is good, so it might be interesting.  Jim Hill is sitting with us, and I always enjoyed talking to him. I did see Carman and also Ed Barritte. I think they both looked good, but I didn't talk to either of them, I was too busy bitching about the seats.   Gail does a great job, but at the last minute the fire marshal made her change the ring. Everybody wants to get into the act.

I did see Ann Schultz, but she seemed on her way and was too busy to talk to me.  Or, perhaps that was an excuse.

The real show starts tomorrow, so I am off to get my beauty sleep. I have been told often, I need more of it.


Best Bitch in Maturity and whatever else they do

I heard Cathy Potter is OK, and had some stitches and then should be back to the show. 

Best in Maturity Bitch is Campaigner's Lindel Time Traveling Gal, and Best Opposite Maturity Bitch is Tatum's Welove to Trump That!

We will talk later.

Maturity Bitches

)time for the Maturity Bitches.  They are in the ring with Gloria.  There are seven in there in there, or at least Tom says so.  He is standing in front of me, so it is hard to see anything.

We are but one class from finished, until 5:00 pm when we have the hospitality.  I guess we are going to that to see if we find some new friends.  It sort of looks like a mandate.  I miss having Summer here, along with so many others.  But, it is still fun to see those I miss the rest of the year.  Kent always makes me laugh, and Jeff is standing here now. Dawn came by, but she just wanted some candy.  It was good to see Jeff's dog win, that group of breeders have made a real impact on the breed.  Sam Israel was by for a bit, and he seems to have a dog with him.  I just realized Bob (The Voice of The National) actually enjoys announcing. So, I will do as little as needed.  It gives me more time to Blog, which is probably not a good thing.

It is comfortable out now, and I might even take off my jacket.

Scott just went around with Ulyssa, and got some reaction.  I see Joan Fox, and I do need to talk to her.  Traveling Gal is going around,and I like that kind of movement.  A Man U Man daughter is out there, Breathtaking. That is her name, I try not to give opinions.

It feels like people have settled in.  Not much applause, and a lot of talking between the audience.  Not even a lot of double handling.  I don't think there is a loss of interest so much as not we are waiting for Specials on Saturday.   It means something when I only know the sires and dams, and maybe my time is only in the past. I will check in another 50 years or so.  Too bad Twyla didn't make it, we could commiserate with each other.  Can you imagine how valuable Spell Check is to me?

Frank Frasano told me he has been to the German show seven years in a row.  That is a lot of international travel.  I debated going to St. Louis.  I can't imagine those trips.

I did talk to D.D. Ardoin for a bit, he always has some good ideas.  I do admit, I have spoken to a lot of more people, I just can't remember names. I offered a few years ago to pay for name tags and ribbons, but the board didn't want me to do it. 

I took four chairs to set for the announcer's table, and they got taken.  Amazing what is important.  We need a guard dog.  Maybe someone excused in the first cut.  Gloria hasn't moved them yet, but she lines them up.    By getting Tom to move one step to the right, I can see the judging.  Gloria is going over each bitch and putting her hands on them.  She stands back and gives instructions, and off they go as a group, only the first three.  And now, they stand together and off goes the last four.  The crowd likes Traveling Gal.  Gloria takes them down and back.  She does them one at a time. Morton took three together.  And, now back in line stacked.

Now, Scott in front, then Olivia. They stop in that order and Gloria moves them and puts Olyvia in front.  Now, those three and the rest, and THAT'S IT!  First is Ch Beauchein's Traveling Gal, Second is GCH Breal-Ulyssa, Third wasTindrock Gem-N-I Reagan, and Fourth is Aramist Signatures What Goes On In Vegas V Lasvada.

I want to urge you breeders to us shorter names,

More as the World Turns. For now, I am packing up and see where we are going to set up later.
