Today I have decided to go to the National.
I have such mixed feelings. On a personal nature, I had a stroke a week ago, and after a couple of days in the emergency room, I went home. I was back in the office and took a case to trial that next day. I sat as a judge to help out the Court on Friday, and have clients coming in today and tomorrow.
I have three hearings next week, and I am waiting to see if my associate is available, she went home sick on Thursday.
If the planets align, if my headaches go away, and if the creek don't rise, I will get on a plane to St. Louis Monday morning. You can look for me there, as a lot has to happen to keep me at home.
Otherwise good luck to everyone, and enjoy Bob, (The Voice of The National) Dresher, next week.
Evan L. Ginsburg
German Shepherd Youth Recognition Fund