Pat Draper stopped to talk, and say how tired he is. I can't believe how Celeste is looking so good and not tired. Leanna and Liz are stopped to talk, more to Bob. I am used to being ignored. Norma just came by. And around go the bitches. I have lost interest. I am starting to see spots.
Bob takes them one at a time. and some people are still awake. We are thinking of ordering a pizza.
Lindsey has a popular bitch Razzle Rosita. And around goes the group. Now individual on the first bitch. Man, this is cruel and unusual Dog Show.
I have been eating nonstop candy. I need some insulin. Some cocaine would help too. Bob and I have swapped locker room talk. I guess we both are precluded from running for president.
Jessica Baldwin here! Evan needed a quick break!! Just saw Mike Sherman with Winsome's Vegas Shotstopbear. She looked fab!!!
Everyone is getting tired... 9:30PM here... but excited to see all the beautiful Fut/Mat dogs & bitches!! The Maturity dogs had a high packed competition presence! I wouldn't have wanted to be in Susan Godek's position! Lots of gorgeous bitches as well!!! This year's national is one tough competition!!!
Miss Tequila Rose is up with Cindy Tellefsen. Love that girl! She looked great!!
Lindsay is up with Norberges Razzle Rosirita of Clayfield. Razzle Rosirita looked stunning!!
What a beautiful line up of maturity bitches :)!!!!! Let's see what Mr. Bobby Slay does!
He made his cuts!! Raylex's Isles moda Chablis, Caretti's Disorderly Conduct, Todorhaus Trinity, Winsome's Vegas Shotstopbear, CH Caretti's Disturbin' The Peace, Liberty's to Thine Own Self Be True, & Norberges Razzle Rositia of Clayfield.
Pulled Lenny up front with Caretti's Disorderly Conduct up front. Todorhaus Trinity after her. Let's see....
And Mr. Bobby Slay points to.... CARETTI'S DISORDERLY CONDUCT!!! Way to go!!! followed by Todorhaus Trinity, Raylex's Isles Moda Chablis, and Winsome's Vegas Shotstopbear. Great job guys!!!
Okay... back to Evan!!!
Evan back, and you now have to listen to me.
I was sitting talking to Lin and she looks better than ever. Jesica looks great, so I hope she did a good job for you all. She did that with long red finger nails and I was amazed. Diane Brown and Tim are sitting together. Neither of them ages at all. I might stop coming to the National so I don't have to see them age.
I did get to say a few word with Frank Fasano, and Chris is in front of me. DD is talking to everyone while the Best and Best Opposite are being judged.
The crowd is loud for ten o'clock and he looks them over with Lennie and Zac, and there he goes it is not over yet, and he puts the bitch in front. Yelling stomping of feet, cheers and Bob looks determined and he goes with the BITCH for Best in Maturity.
All that is left is Amateur Maturity. I don't have it left in me, so I am signing off.
Lots of old friends, a few new ones, and fun watching. Jennifer was talking to me, and Paul and Jennifer are here. Tedi wants to go, so I am out.