Tony pointed out to me that my tag line is the wrong year. I will ask someone who understand computers to correct that. Paul Root is talking to us, and Dave Rinke loves White Castle, so it was a good trip. I expect he will be next year's judge, but I repeat myself.
She is done with the individuals, and now on to the selection. I was glad to be able to feed Ann Schultz. She will probably remain my friend. I find it you feed someone, or a dog, they like you for that. Often they will even follow you home.
First was Peter's Elite Signature Dish, Second was Peter's Elite Dessert First v Signature, (yes, litter mates), Third was Welove Du Chien's Zip-A- Dee-Dah, and fourth was Hillside-Tanbark Shine Like a Diamond Derousse Aramist, this time with spaces.
On to the dogs.