Monday, October 10, 2016

Postman, send this were you will

I don't understand this technical stuff. But, I was sending my information, (read drivel), to the Blog and the List, then it was showing up twice on the List.
Now, thanks to Stormy and Zoe, I understand I should send it only to the Blog, and Stormy will forward it to the List.
I have no idea why I should not just send it to both, but I answer to a higher power, Zoe and Stormy.
So, unless it is a direct response to me on the List, I will from today to the end of the National, post to the Blog.
In a message dated 10/9/2016 10:32:30 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
 Since I need to be here to fwd Evan's blog, I can watch… (except for a couple hours here and there).  Be careful to keep the images small.  Zoe has left the building (or will have soon) and I can't remember the maximum kb size, but I think under 350KB "should" be o.k.  (If I were a good admin, I'd go find the email in which she stated the acceptable sizes :-).)

I nominate Molly to be the judge, unless we have three.  Then Penny, Griselda have to join her.

Hey, as Zoe gets paroled at the end of the year, SO DO I!  And it appears that Ed has left the building, so we need to get this going ourselves.  I've decided that I don't like the IcePick drink, so I'm voting for my favorite one.  Kettleman's straight with a "puff' of lemon over it :-)


On Oct 9, 2016, at 10:05 PM, Terry Cochran <> wrote:

I am the beginning and the end :0) I have a fresh new idea. Why don't we do pictures of our dogs showing what a pitiful group we are because we aren't able to attend the national??  Who is up to the challenge of being the judge??

On Sat, Oct 8, 2016 at 7:18 AM, Penny Kroh <> wrote:
A safe trip for all those attending The National!  We are here in NC waiting for Matthew to show up--rain with just a little wind, so far.

Do we have a Pity Party this year?  I nominate the ICE PICK (iced tea, vodka, lemon) as the official drink. ( I nominate this super drink ever year.  Lol ). 

When will we pick GV and GVX?

Let the games begin!


Penny in NC
The Farm Dog Forever
CH Steve, HT, PT, CH Joy, HT, PT
RMB The Ghost, HT, PT, CH Hank
