Friday, October 14, 2016

Long Coat Dogs

I needed a break after that win.  I did get to talk to Ed Barritt and he and Libby are here now.  They are sitting with Cathy Potter.
The four long coats are in there. I am getting soft, they  look fine to me.
I got to give Celeste a hug. I only am allowed to hug her when she wins, (rules by Tedi and Pat), so I always hope she wins.
There go the four coated dogs.  Kent goes to the front with We Own The Night.
First is Maja's Kaleef We Own The Night, Second is Campeon Spartacus Lorenzo Derazano, Third is Aramist's Alo Amos, and Fourth is Gero VomKleinen Holzweg CGC CD PCD BN Re TD.
I have mixed feelings about this class. I do like the dogs,but don't think they should have a class of  their own.  Cappy is talkingto Ed and they are in front of me right now,and there is Gloria. Gloria is in black and Cappy is in white.  I am not sure what the message is, but in my youth the good guys were always in white.
Liz was here and wants a new card trick. I see Buth Loeb, so one to Bitches.