Bob Slay
2016 National Judge
Regular Dog Classes, BIF, BIM, Veteran Dog Classes
First, I wish to thank the membership of the GSDCA for giving me the
opportunity to judge at our 2016 National. I also wish to thank all the club
committees that worked so hard to make this national a success. In general,
the things that impressed me most during this judging assignment were;
exemplary sportsmanship, overall excellent temperament of the dogs and
bitches I judged and the spirit of cooperation of those handling dogs. I am
sure the other judges will discuss the dogs they judged in the Futurity,
Maturity and BOB Classes.
There were three classes I judged that I considered OUTSTANDING; Maturity
Bitch Class, Winners Dog Class and Veteran Dogs Class (7-9). I did not always
place first the best side gaiter but looked for the best overall package that
was also pleasing in side gait.
BEST IN FUTURITY: Knight's Gambit Jordan II
Medium size well balanced black and tan bitch with excellent breed type.
She moved with a correct strong side gait and carried a firm topline in
motion on a loose lead. Clean down and back and showed exceptionally
well never once letting down.
BEST IN MATURITY: Ch. Caretti's Disorderly Conduct
What a pleasure to judge this one. She was "poetry in motion". It is
always a good thing to be able to put up the best side gaiter and this is one
of those cases. She has outstanding breed type, sound in all respects, very
good temperament, carried firm topline when in action. Clean coming and
going. One of the most impressive entries I judged.
What a beautiful class of males this was. I could only wish I could have any
one of this group entered at most assignments I judge. From the front of
the lineup to the very end with the impressive 6-9 puppy, I was thrilled with
the quality and salute the breeders.
WINNERS DOG: Marquis' Have You Ever Seen the Rain v Kenlyn
This dog was a standout and has much to offer the breed. He is a
medium size, dark rich black and tan, totally a one piece stallion, hard, dry
and well muscled, wonderful breed type, clean on both ends, correct
proportion, most pleasing in side gait and very importantly he demonstrated
great character and attitude, tuned in to his surroundings but also self-
RESERVE WINNERS DOG: Marquis' Can You Stop the Rain v Kenlyn
This is a very eye catching young black and tan dog that is well balanced
with good proportion, sound in temperament, clean coming and going,
good breed type, strong topline, with a pleasing side gait. One of the good
overall packages.
I never saw or heard of the WD or RWD before the National but was pleased
to learn after the judging they were litter mates. I am sure the breeders are
thrilled and very proud, as they deserve to be.
VETERAN DOG (7-9) FIRST: Ch. Wolf Creek Galaxy of Merivern
I had not seen this dog in three years and was amazed at his beautiful
condition, physical strength and remarkable staying power of a young dog.
I will limit my comments in deference to the breed judge, but needless to
say he was in my ring many times years ago. I remember when awarding
Fritz Group 1 at the AKC Championship Show in 2013 telling one of the
owners and handler this is a "once in a lifetime dog". Need I say more!
In closing, I am thankful for the German Shepherd Dog which enriched my
Bob Slay
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Keep watching this spot for reporting and commentary from the German Shepherd Dog Club of America National Specialty Show October 20th – 28th Springfield Illinois State Fairgrounds Brought to you by the combined efforts of Evan Ginsburg and the Showgsd-l Administration

Monday, October 24, 2016
Sunday, October 16, 2016
Top 3 judges next National
According to Mr. Stifferman, the National will be outside. He says the facilities are taken for that week.
The way I see it is, if the site is taken, hold the National some place else. Don't force it on the membership if you can't even get the building. It rained all last year, and two days this week. Maybe you can have tents, but not for the ring.
Also, get rid of the host hotel, since it offers nothing, has no activities there ,and is expensive.
It doesn't look good for me going next year. I would have shown Bully, (Champion Asgard's Teddy Roosevelt) to Dave. But Lew would be wrong for him. I was thinking how to take two weeks off to drive there and back. It is probably not going to be worth it to me to go, but Lew, Dave and John are a good combination and the judging could be great again. Believe me, you will love what happens, I promise you. You will love it and it will be the best National ever.
We are at the airport ready to get home. I have to be in two courts tomorrow morning, so I have a lot of work to do.
The week was fun. I got to talk to people I haven't seen for a year, and that was good. I saw a lot of dogs I wanted to see. I wasn't blown away by anything I hadn't seen before. I thought the Exxon puppies did well, and except for winning the Open Class placed and made a good impression for their sire.
Now, back to reality. Thanks for letting me Blog. It was fun, and most of the comments were good, and only a few people complained. As a lawyer, I am used to criticism, so it doesn't bother me.
In the immortal words of Richard Nixon, you won't have Evan Ginsburg to kick around again.
Saturday, October 15, 2016
More news
I just got it from an impeccable source.
The National next year is going to be outside. Now, last year it rained three days. This week, it rained two days.
I doubt I will come to an outside show, and I certainly will not be blogging.
They might be my last National.
We have finished the Juniors, and are now presenting the AOE awards. There are six of them this year. All have gone Select, so they are quality dogs and bitches. Not only great breeding, but also a lot of hard work to get that performance award.
It seems like a lot of people have left, but maybe they are at the Gold Page Luncheon.
Here come the girls. It is amazing the difference from the males. So little interest. Helen is cutting the class,and in the first group, I see eleven. It is interesting sitting between Bob and Dick Jennings. I told Bob I liked the dog Kent brought in, and he told me she was his bitch who went second select behind his grand victrix. I never remember who I put up the next day.
There go the first group. Some mice bitches, but nothing that blows me away, in the first half. The White Wall shows up a lot you might miss. Charlotte LaRosa came by and is looking good. Ed Barritt is starting trouble with the crowd, and I am ready to head home. But, some people want to know what the bitches do. So, I will stay.
This individual exam is a real snoozer. Maybe we should eliminate it, and just get to movement. We could just ask the person about temperament and eye color, and then let them be judged on side-gaitl
I am tired and don't have much amusing to say. I did see Flower Boy's wife, and she is a great author. She seems to be enjoying the show. Ed, not so much. It is cold in here, and often it is warmer outside. That is good for the dogs and the handlers, not so much for the announcers.
Tony has left, and Bob has disappeared. Bill Basu is in the middle of the ring. I had one Heath bar left I was saving for myself. But, I got an offer I could not refuse, so I gave it up.
I like Bill's bitch ishe is Disturbin' The Peace. Were I judging she would be in the front. If I ever run to judge the national, know enough not to vote for me. Candy Espe just came by. What is the difference between ignorance and indifference?
I don't know and I don't care.
I notice Helen is telling people to take them around and put them where she wants them to go. I don't remember ever seeing that before. It is so boring that I bought some raffle tickets. I don't know what the prize is, but I bought them just to pass some time.
The crowd liked Razzle of Rosarita of Clayfield and Tazzman's Extra Special. I think it might be the "x" factor.
I do like Trinity, and she goes in fourth. I am evaluating them after they go around, but Helen does it before they go. Helen is getting some instruction from John. I don't know what it was about, but we see it is taking a while. That's the group and Helen looks them over and tells them to "take it easy' and walk them. Now she moves Rosarita to the front. It is Lindsey in front. Her bitch is so much smaller, and probably the standard, and Helen signals another walking round. Now Kelly is in second and she moves George up to third and leaves it like that.
In comes the next group, another nine. Lots of bitches and the same proceedings, but different dogs with different handlers. I took a break and went to get t-shirt for Flower Boy. They didn't have any left in his size. And, I can't find him again. I liked the shirt. it said, "BLACK DOGS MATTER" I thought we could buy it and drive up to Ferguson for dinner.
While Dave Rinke said this was like watch paint dry. I don't' agree. It is more like watching grass grow. Were I not binge eating candy, I would be sleeping. I am so excited to see the political ads in the next week. What more can be said? Bill Tank with a black and he goes to third. If we had a mike on Helen we would know where each bitch was going before she went around. That would take a lot of tension out of the show. Diane takes Melody of Love around and moves to fourth.
Man, there are a lot of bitches in there. Another all black, Place Your Bets. Now Leslie with Apple of My Eye, she leave the ring. But, mercifully, this is the end of this group. They walk. Kent in front with the black. They walk again. They walk again. Helen walks to the front of the group, the rest are still walking, and out they go. One more group to go.
Eleven in there including the two veteran bitches and the Winner's Bitch. She didn't give the Winner's Dog Select. Let's see what she does with Winner's Bitch. Shirley Briggs O'Brien and Nancy Hubble came by for candy. Without the candy, we would never get to meet any women.
Helen is still judging, so the least I can do is keep watching. Only three more class animals to go. Maybe two, one seems to be absent. It is freezing in here. I have to put my hands on the side of my lap top where the fan is, just to warm up.
This is the last class bitch, and I am seeing spots. I keep thinking it is some sort of bug,and finally realized it is exhaustion. But, I keep typing. Now a move-up, just to drag it out. It is four, and I do wonder about the dinner. Maybe we go right from the show. I don't know where it is, but I know it isn't in the Host hotel. Another move-up. Color Guard out of Aquila. I like her. Helen gave her a direction and takes her down and back for the third time. Helen stares at her, looks at the group, and directs her where to go. She is doing all this without notes. She puts her in second. Now,the Winner from Long Coat class she must have been a move up. Now Kent with the Winner's Bitch. Let's see if she goes with her. Kent got his directions so he told whoever is outside to sit down. He goes to First.
I asked Bob if Helen would put Winner's Bitch to Grand Victrix. He told me Barbara Amidon did it. In Utah Bob gave Aquila Winner's Bitch and Barbara gave her Grand Victrix. This year in Canada, Bob gave her Grand Victrix. It is fun to sit with him to listen to his memories.
Now Zelda from Veterans. Helen walks over to the class,, up to the front,and looks over the group and heads them out. Walk. Nicole in front, then Kent. Walk again. Walk again. Things that make you glad you are too old to handle.
And that seems like enough. Now the fiasco of the lines. Maybe a new title for the National. Yes, this group lines up East to West. Next to it the next group, next to that, the next group lined up the same, etc.
All the bitches in the ring at the same time, now in rows. Not even corn rows, which would be interesting. You can't see anything, and when she takes them around, she can't see it either, but she takes the front of each line. So, maybe she already made up her mind.
It's like Waldo. I finally found Helen, who can only see the bitches in flashes as they go past the other in the lines. She pulls two,then sends the rest to ring purgatory. And, more of the same.
Two rows Helen can see what is there and we can find Helen. She does have some notes from the groups, and now the last line. And she takes them around. Helen counts what she has kept and walks to the line of the rest, that look like the entire class and sends them out without a consideration, or a chance for us to see them.
Now there are twelve. And she puts them back in lines from each group, from two to four in a line. Very strange. She sends someone out.
Then there were eleven and she takes two to make another column.
There are three or four columns, it is hard to tell. I thinkthe one near me has two. This is as much fun as the National election, and she Pulls Kely, Then Scott, and Lindsey, and Lenny. She is looking for another and pulls Georgie and Kent. Art,,and then non-handlers. Oh, did I say that?
Wow, she was able to get the handlers up front and WALK.
She is talking to Kent, and moves him to fourth. WALK.
There they go with Kelly in front and moves the little girl to six in front of Lennie and Art. Off they go WALKING. Lindsey moves up to Second. She was working the best. It looks like she is trying to work them down. WALK. Helen stops them and moves someone up in front of art. WALK.
Daisy still in front and she is not slowing down, followed by Lindsey and Helen walkks to them and move Lindsey up front. Razzle leading the group and way out front, walking and Helen takes them again and this should be it. She gives them all a look and they come around and Lindsey kicks her up and YES.
First is Ch Norberge's Razzle Rosarita of Clayfield
Second is Windover's Daisy of Abuah
Third is Ch Caretti's Disorderly Conduct
Fourth is Ch R.O.;s Charlotte Russe
Fifth is Ch Tazzman's Extra Special
Sixth Ch Todorhaus' Trinity
Seventh is Ch Depaul's I'm Too Sexy OFA
Eighth is Ch Karizma's Raven of Riverrock
Ninth is Ch Symphony's Casts a Large Shadow
Tenth is GCHB Forest Knoll's Coconut V Winsome
It has been a long week. It was fun to do this and all mistakes and slights are intentional, and I meant it all. It was fun to see everyone. I had a few people come by to tell me I said something nice, and few who chewed me out,and a lot who are indifferent to me. I enjoyed them all.
Next year, I suspect it will be Big Dave. But, we are not going to the dinner, so I am sure someone will announce it. I am headed for a comfort break, thanks for reading.
Specials and events Winners
I didn't get this, so I am sending it again.
They take a table to the center of the ring with Patty standing there, and now they bring some tropies and ribbons. So, here we go.Nancy Harper Mulvaney came by looking great. I see five ribbons in the center. There goes Joan Fox, all dressed up. Linda Bankhead just came by. At the annual meeting she set up her phone to stream the video. Carmen told her she couldn't do that, and she told him she could and just did it. It isn't easy to deal with strong women.Now a bunch of women enter the ring and award the first Rally Victrix with two perfect scores of 100 each. A new award Zoe fought for, and Bunny got it.Now in comes an all black,and the handler all in sparkles. Obedience Victrix. Lots of titles, so I won't list them. Also the Obedience Victrix in 2014. Kristin Jones. That is a great haircut, and she looks fantastic. So does the dog.Jane Kerner got here and is smart with a heavy Winter vest. Now the arena is filling up.For the past two years, the sound system has been terrible. So, I had a grand idea. I got permission from the ring steward, (I asked John Beamont, and he said he didn't care), so I turned the speakers towards the crowd. It solved the problem and now we can hear.Now the memory of who has left us. I know it is important, but it sure sets a mood for the show, I would rather not have.Martha Simonet is here now and Jennifer Root came by with a dog on a lead.Into the ring is Helen Gleason. Wow, does she look great. In a long black skirt, and a black and white patterned jacket.In come the male dogs. Dick Jennings just came by, and he too thinks the Host Hotel is also the pits. I see some dogs I like already. Of course, I like them all. Another good reason not to elect me to judge. I love the pigment. I don't care if it was just put on, it looks fine.They just keep coming in and coming in. And, I see not end to it. The whole ring is filled from one end to the other. I think Black Bart should be up there, but I sure like the look of Morraco. Kent has him. Bart is with Bill Tank, and he is an impressive dog.Helen is counting. If it were me, I would keep walking, leave the ring, catch a plane and go home. Bob Mahia just walked by and here is Christina, and Leanna New. Jimmie is talking to George who had Mike Tyson. I like that dog, and he should be up there too. Some of these dogs stand up. I see Rita sitting in front. They send most of the dogs out of the ring,and the first group is there. Amazing, there is a lull in the action. I thought it was going to be non-stop excitement.The first group is there with ten. In front is Mike Tyson, and great mover. Now Mike for his individual. He will be in the top ten when it is over, or maybe the top five. There goes Sheree Moses, as always, looking beautiful.Now I might as well just take a break. The seats are full and not an empty place. I wonder if they will kick me out of my seat. Helen already yelled at Sheree to not double handler. It was right in front of me. And, the beat goes on.Bill Peterson came by with Nancy Hubbell. Nancy lost her bells, and what a terrible time to do that. She has her dog in for Grand Victor, and he is special in many ways. I told her to go out and buy some new bells. She didn't laugh.Candy Espe is here asking for an announcement. Helen has announced she wants NO DOUBLE HANDLING. I wonder how that is going to work. I suspect it isn't going to work. This is one time out of the year, and after the show, you don't get another chance to go Select in 2016.It is interesting to see people in the ring who have not been running before today. Karen Taylor is sitting here and talking to Dick. I see Art Sinclair with his number on. Sue Condreras is in the ring. She is one of the good handlers. Of course, she has Leslie to teach her. Helen is taking control of her ring.She is placing them as she goes. I just figured that out, and will try to figure what she is doing. One more to go. Channing is in there with a solid black. I was wrong, in comes another. And, Helen asks how he is today. Being pleasant. No absentees in the first group. I see Ed Barritt is here and is being honored for 50 years of service. Just being alive has to count for something. Now Helen is talking to George and moves him into fourth. Scott, then Lennie, then Michael and George. And, they walk and I mean walk, slow. And again. I don't think I have seen anyone walk so slow, she must have laid down the law.And, now the third pass. And now the fourth. This is going to be a long day, and show. I hope I make my flight on Sunday. Now John comes in to mark the placings, and in comes the next group. Nine in there.I talked to Flower Boy and his wife. She is an author, and damn good. I read an article she wrote about Ed's family. Very interesting.Jessica is there. My flight home in Sunday morning. I am worried I might not get there because the show won't be over. Cindy Flaut is here and looks good. Trisha Wylie is in there. She gets better looking every year, and always has been a great handler. Still nothing absent, but there are some later in the catalog. She put Deck The Hall in fifth. He can move.Some more stuff going on, and then some. Helen has started to move faster. I have decided I have the best sport coat on, but Liv is a close second. There goes Cappy. I saw Helen direct a dog into a placing before she went around. I know she saw her before the individual in the group, so maybe that was her decision. It is going to be a long day.Now the last in this group. She has finished her third group and it is ten thirty, so the timing isn't that bad. Helen takes a long time to talk to the handler, and tells him to go down and back again. Mike is out there with Lindel Time Traveler. I do like the style of that dog. I hope he doesn't bite Helen and can move.Off they go walking. I liked Mike's dog best, but Jeff has Single Action and he is special too. Only one pass and she now tells them to walks again. And, again. Helen tells them to stop and she looks them over and has John list the placings, and in comes another group.Top Hat's Gentleman Quarterly is in there. There are so many good dogs, and all with dreams of going Grand Victor, so they can get rich from the stud fees. I am not sure that is a good plan. Linda Trip just walked by; and the process goes on, down and back. I just talked to Dave Rinke and he compared it to watching paint dry. Every dog has his supporters. And a minute of fame.Kelly now has an all black, a large solid looking champion. Joanna Rand is here and was talking to Tedi. Helen is moving dogs up and just put Malcolm up to second so far. She puts Top Hat's Gentleman's Quarterly in front. Debra and Susan are having increased heartbeats right now.Name of The Game, and he is super. He was Bob's second in Canada, and goes to number two behind Art. Nadine does a good job with him. Now California Chrome, one of my favorites. He is with Zac. I think Helen will like him. Paul Root just said a few words. Helen does nothing with Chrome. Now the next to the last in the group, It is Fire Inside and I like the handler's shirt. I am easily entertained.And, now Morocco. Bob is sitting next to me, so I have to say I like him, since it was his Canadian Grand Victor. He is a pleasure to look at. Helen wants to see Kent again, for the third time. Helen puts him in second. And, now the last in the group.In comes a new group. Midas Touch is first up, and looking good. Next is is Giovanni, and The Heat in this group too. Good group. I went and got some nachos, with Jalapenos. Man there is such a thing as too hot. That is the most exciting thing so far today. Black Bart is up next, and I think Helen already put him up for something in the past. Bart goes to first in the group.Now Arson. And he goes to third. So, it is Black Bart in front, then Midas Touch and then The Heat. The last of the group a Bi. And the end of an era, (or at least this group). Some walking, some running and some joy, some tears.In comes the two Veteran, the Winner's Dog. She puts the Winner's Dog in third. The first now is Galaxy the Veteran Dog, and he goes to first. He was twice the number two Select, so this was a crowd favorite. Now the other veteran. Now Helen walks up to the group and looks them over. She tells them to go,then changes her mind and watches them walking.She walks to the front, and tells them to walks again. I think Galaxy looks good that way.Hen wants her notes so all the ring stewards are in there talking with her. The individuals are done,and it now comes down to the real work. They are checking the numbers and is marking them down, so no one has to remember where they are, and Helen doesn't have to control all the groups.Now, all the dogs into the ring. They called the owner of a dog to come into the ring to pick up after her dog, and that is wrong. You are identifying an owner. There goes Joanne Conroy, and while it is not double handling a lot of owners are walking outside the ring.As much as I can tell, they are being put in rows, and I have never seen this before. It is going to be interesting. They are all facing the right side in the order they were in. It looks like pandemonium right now. Now they turn the other way. And now they face the other way. It sort of reminds me of a farce, but all the dogs are in the ring,filling it up. I hope someone gets a picture of this. Amazing.Helen is pulling someone and putting them in a corner, (no one puts baby in the corner), but Helen does, and I think she is putting the others in a row, and around some go, getting ready to be dumped with three other groups in the center. It is entertaining to us, not so much to most of the handlers. OK. I got it. She pulls her first four or so, then send the rest to the side an around, but not out. The losers, in the nicest way, run around the rest who remain in the center. They are running around the other dumpees. I am sorry, but it does make me laugh, because there is no way Helen can see them, she is standing in the middle of the other dogs. We can't see them either. It is interesting but silly.All what seems to be the dumps are off to the side and there goes the last of them. Helen walks towards what is about 50 dogs and shakes her head, and out they all go together. I find it dissettling. Helen kept none of what she didn't pick. Now there are 16 who made the cut.Now she stand the different groups in a row, facing the audience and takes the three or four, or in one case two around. The first two go, and three in the next grop and they go around and back to the line,and now two. The rest are still standing in line,a nd they go back. The last group has five and they take a pass. Now five lined up facing up.Time to cut. Helen looks them over and she sends Scott to the corner,, then Jeff, then Liv, and Lenny. All the top handlers, and now Rachel, Bill Tank, Mike, Bill Basu,and walking back and tells what she pulled to stand back and send Lindsey to another corner then Kelly, Diane, and Art and more including Kent. And they take a full pass, and some I like in there. Helen does give them a good look and walks down and send Kent up and goes over him now in third and send them to the corner again. In the front runner she has eight, and it looks like those are her Selects, Scott with Galaxy and then Jeff, Liv and moves Lenny up and Rachel behind him.There they go and the crowd comes alive and forget the no double handling. She walks to the end and moves Bill Tank up. Now she goes to the "dreams dying fast" group. Eight in there with Lindsey in the lead and then KIelly and Ken, and she want to look at them, and YELLS Walk Walk. And they walk. Lindsey is doing a great job, and some good ones in there. Calls up Kelley to the front then Kent, and Lindsey. Then Diane. The dogs are starting to tire. She might pull something from there, but I can't see from her face what she is doing, she pulls Kelly and Kent. Now there are ten. She goes and looks over the other six. She tellsl the first group to stand back and wants to see the rest again.Midas is leading the group, and leads them right out. Those are the ten Select, and now to find the right order. She goes down the line to looks at each of them and walks over to the table and tells everyone to walk.Galaxie doesn't walk at first but then settles down, and she shouts, WALK! Helen wants to see them again, and this time walking. The crowd is happy wth what she has in there and she says to slow down,and moves Rachel to number three. And they walk some more and she stops them again and move Bill Tank to number four. Off they go. Helen give them a look, and seems not to look back, but moves Mike to six. Kent is still in last place. Helen walks to the front and instructs them to walk some more. They could have walked home by now.Off they go and that is it!Number One Grand Victor is 2X Select Ch Wolfcreek Galaxy of MivernNumber Two is Number is GCH Stuttgart's Single Action ARmy V Hammersmith,Number Three is GCH Harmonia's Name of The Game,Number Four is EX GCH. Ch. Laslar-Candia's Black Bart RN (Yea Evan and Tedi Ginsburg),Number Five is Ex GCH Karizma's Malawi Kaleef Von Loar, PT, RN,Number Six is Ex GCH Campaigner's Lindel Time Traveler RN, CA, CGC,Number Seven is Ex Ch. Bloomsberry's Amadeus,Number Eight is Ex Ch Bomar Agon De Rancho BackachersNumber Nine is Ch. Lindenhill's Martello V Gracelyne, andNumber Ten is Ch Kenly's MalachiIt is great to see a dog go Grand Victor out of Veterans. After twice number two Select, that is a great win for Galaxy.We all miss Tammy, but maybe next year.
The number 10 Select was Ch Karizma'a Morrocco Kaleef Von Loar, not how I reported it.
Also, our Grand Victor is Select Excellent. Pat walked by, so we were able to ask.
Specials and events Winners
They take a table to the center of the ring with Patty standing there, and now they bring some tropies and ribbons. So, here we go.
Nancy Harper Mulvaney came by looking great. I see five ribbons in the center. There goes Joan Fox, all dressed up. Linda Bankhead just came by. At the annual meeting she set up her phone to stream the video. Carmen told her she couldn't do that, and she told him she could and just did it. It isn't easy to deal with strong women.
Now a bunch of women enter the ring and award the first Rally Victrix with two perfect scores of 100 each. A new award Zoe fought for, and Bunny got it.
Now in comes an all black,and the handler all in sparkles. Obedience Victrix. Lots of titles, so I won't list them. Also the Obedience Victrix in 2014. Kristin Jones. That is a great haircut, and she looks fantastic. So does the dog.
Jane Kerner got here and is smart with a heavy Winter vest. Now the arena is filling up.
For the past two years, the sound system has been terrible. So, I had a grand idea. I got permission from the ring steward, (I asked John Beamont, and he said he didn't care), so I turned the speakers towards the crowd. It solved the problem and now we can hear.
Now the memory of who has left us. I know it is important, but it sure sets a mood for the show, I would rather not have.
Martha Simonet is here now and Jennifer Root came by with a dog on a lead.
Into the ring is Helen Gleason. Wow, does she look great. In a long black skirt, and a black and white patterned jacket.
In come the male dogs. Dick Jennings just came by, and he too thinks the Host Hotel is also the pits. I see some dogs I like already. Of course, I like them all. Another good reason not to elect me to judge. I love the pigment. I don't care if it was just put on, it looks fine.
They just keep coming in and coming in. And, I see not end to it. The whole ring is filled from one end to the other. I think Black Bart should be up there, but I sure like the look of Morraco. Kent has him. Bart is with Bill Tank, and he is an impressive dog.
Helen is counting. If it were me, I would keep walking, leave the ring, catch a plane and go home. Bob Mahia just walked by and here is Christina, and Leanna New. Jimmie is talking to George who had Mike Tyson. I like that dog, and he should be up there too. Some of these dogs stand up. I see Rita sitting in front. They send most of the dogs out of the ring,and the first group is there. Amazing, there is a lull in the action. I thought it was going to be non-stop excitement.
The first group is there with ten. In front is Mike Tyson, and great mover. Now Mike for his individual. He will be in the top ten when it is over, or maybe the top five. There goes Sheree Moses, as always, looking beautiful.
Now I might as well just take a break. The seats are full and not an empty place. I wonder if they will kick me out of my seat. Helen already yelled at Sheree to not double handler. It was right in front of me. And, the beat goes on.
Bill Peterson came by with Nancy Hubbell. Nancy lost her bells, and what a terrible time to do that. She has her dog in for Grand Victor, and he is special in many ways. I told her to go out and buy some new bells. She didn't laugh.
Candy Espe is here asking for an announcement. Helen has announced she wants NO DOUBLE HANDLING. I wonder how that is going to work. I suspect it isn't going to work. This is one time out of the year, and after the show, you don't get another chance to go Select in 2016.
It is interesting to see people in the ring who have not been running before today. Karen Taylor is sitting here and talking to Dick. I see Art Sinclair with his number on. Sue Condreras is in the ring. She is one of the good handlers. Of course, she has Leslie to teach her. Helen is taking control of her ring.
She is placing them as she goes. I just figured that out, and will try to figure what she is doing. One more to go. Channing is in there with a solid black. I was wrong, in comes another. And, Helen asks how he is today. Being pleasant. No absentees in the first group. I see Ed Barritt is here and is being honored for 50 years of service. Just being alive has to count for something. Now Helen is talking to George and moves him into fourth. Scott, then Lennie, then Michael and George. And, they walk and I mean walk, slow. And again. I don't think I have seen anyone walk so slow, she must have laid down the law.
And, now the third pass. And now the fourth. This is going to be a long day, and show. I hope I make my flight on Sunday. Now John comes in to mark the placings, and in comes the next group. Nine in there.
I talked to Flower Boy and his wife. She is an author, and damn good. I read an article she wrote about Ed's family. Very interesting.
Jessica is there. My flight home in Sunday morning. I am worried I might not get there because the show won't be over. Cindy Flaut is here and looks good. Trisha Wylie is in there. She gets better looking every year, and always has been a great handler. Still nothing absent, but there are some later in the catalog. She put Deck The Hall in fifth. He can move.
Some more stuff going on, and then some. Helen has started to move faster. I have decided I have the best sport coat on, but Liv is a close second. There goes Cappy. I saw Helen direct a dog into a placing before she went around. I know she saw her before the individual in the group, so maybe that was her decision. It is going to be a long day.
Now the last in this group. She has finished her third group and it is ten thirty, so the timing isn't that bad. Helen takes a long time to talk to the handler, and tells him to go down and back again. Mike is out there with Lindel Time Traveler. I do like the style of that dog. I hope he doesn't bite Helen and can move.
Off they go walking. I liked Mike's dog best, but Jeff has Single Action and he is special too. Only one pass and she now tells them to walks again. And, again. Helen tells them to stop and she looks them over and has John list the placings, and in comes another group.
Top Hat's Gentleman Quarterly is in there. There are so many good dogs, and all with dreams of going Grand Victor, so they can get rich from the stud fees. I am not sure that is a good plan. Linda Trip just walked by; and the process goes on, down and back. I just talked to Dave Rinke and he compared it to watching paint dry. Every dog has his supporters. And a minute of fame.
Kelly now has an all black, a large solid looking champion. Joanna Rand is here and was talking to Tedi. Helen is moving dogs up and just put Malcolm up to second so far. She puts Top Hat's Gentleman's Quarterly in front. Debra and Susan are having increased heartbeats right now.
Name of The Game, and he is super. He was Bob's second in Canada, and goes to number two behind Art. Nadine does a good job with him. Now California Chrome, one of my favorites. He is with Zac. I think Helen will like him. Paul Root just said a few words. Helen does nothing with Chrome. Now the next to the last in the group, It is Fire Inside and I like the handler's shirt. I am easily entertained.
And, now Morocco. Bob is sitting next to me, so I have to say I like him, since it was his Canadian Grand Victor. He is a pleasure to look at. Helen wants to see Kent again, for the third time. Helen puts him in second. And, now the last in the group.
In comes a new group. Midas Touch is first up, and looking good. Next is is Giovanni, and The Heat in this group too. Good group. I went and got some nachos, with Jalapenos. Man there is such a thing as too hot. That is the most exciting thing so far today. Black Bart is up next, and I think Helen already put him up for something in the past. Bart goes to first in the group.
Now Arson. And he goes to third. So, it is Black Bart in front, then Midas Touch and then The Heat. The last of the group a Bi. And the end of an era, (or at least this group). Some walking, some running and some joy, some tears.
In comes the two Veteran, the Winner's Dog. She puts the Winner's Dog in third. The first now is Galaxy the Veteran Dog, and he goes to first. He was twice the number two Select, so this was a crowd favorite. Now the other veteran. Now Helen walks up to the group and looks them over. She tells them to go,then changes her mind and watches them walking.
She walks to the front, and tells them to walks again. I think Galaxy looks good that way.Hen wants her notes so all the ring stewards are in there talking with her. The individuals are done,and it now comes down to the real work. They are checking the numbers and is marking them down, so no one has to remember where they are, and Helen doesn't have to control all the groups.
Now, all the dogs into the ring. They called the owner of a dog to come into the ring to pick up after her dog, and that is wrong. You are identifying an owner. There goes Joanne Conroy, and while it is not double handling a lot of owners are walking outside the ring.
As much as I can tell, they are being put in rows, and I have never seen this before. It is going to be interesting. They are all facing the right side in the order they were in. It looks like pandemonium right now. Now they turn the other way. And now they face the other way. It sort of reminds me of a farce, but all the dogs are in the ring,filling it up. I hope someone gets a picture of this. Amazing.
Helen is pulling someone and putting them in a corner, (no one puts baby in the corner), but Helen does, and I think she is putting the others in a row, and around some go, getting ready to be dumped with three other groups in the center. It is entertaining to us, not so much to most of the handlers. OK. I got it. She pulls her first four or so, then send the rest to the side an around, but not out. The losers, in the nicest way, run around the rest who remain in the center. They are running around the other dumpees. I am sorry, but it does make me laugh, because there is no way Helen can see them, she is standing in the middle of the other dogs. We can't see them either. It is interesting but silly.
All what seems to be the dumps are off to the side and there goes the last of them. Helen walks towards what is about 50 dogs and shakes her head, and out they all go together. I find it dissettling. Helen kept none of what she didn't pick. Now there are 16 who made the cut.Now she stand the different groups in a row, facing the audience and takes the three or four, or in one case two around. The first two go, and three in the next grop and they go around and back to the line,and now two. The rest are still standing in line,a nd they go back. The last group has five and they take a pass. Now five lined up facing up.
Time to cut. Helen looks them over and she sends Scott to the corner,, then Jeff, then Liv, and Lenny. All the top handlers, and now Rachel, Bill Tank, Mike, Bill Basu,and walking back and tells what she pulled to stand back and send Lindsey to another corner then Kelly, Diane, and Art and more including Kent. And they take a full pass, and some I like in there. Helen does give them a good look and walks down and send Kent up and goes over him now in third and send them to the corner again. In the front runner she has eight, and it looks like those are her Selects, Scott with Galaxy and then Jeff, Liv and moves Lenny up and Rachel behind him.
There they go and the crowd comes alive and forget the no double handling. She walks to the end and moves Bill Tank up. Now she goes to the "dreams dying fast" group. Eight in there with Lindsey in the lead and then KIelly and Ken, and she want to look at them, and YELLS Walk Walk. And they walk. Lindsey is doing a great job, and some good ones in there. Calls up Kelley to the front then Kent, and Lindsey. Then Diane. The dogs are starting to tire. She might pull something from there, but I can't see from her face what she is doing, she pulls Kelly and Kent. Now there are ten. She goes and looks over the other six. She tellsl the first group to stand back and wants to see the rest again.
Midas is leading the group, and leads them right out. Those are the ten Select, and now to find the right order. She goes down the line to looks at each of them and walks over to the table and tells everyone to walk.
Galaxie doesn't walk at first but then settles down, and she shouts, WALK! Helen wants to see them again, and this time walking. The crowd is happy wth what she has in there and she says to slow down,and moves Rachel to number three. And they walk some more and she stops them again and move Bill Tank to number four. Off they go. Helen give them a look, and seems not to look back, but moves Mike to six. Kent is still in last place. Helen walks to the front and instructs them to walk some more. They could have walked home by now.
Off they go and that is it!
Number One Grand Victor is 2X Select Ch Wolfcreek Galaxy of Mivern
Number Two is Number is GCH Stuttgart's Single Action ARmy V Hammersmith,
Number Three is GCH Harmonia's Name of The Game,
Number Four is EX GCH. Ch. Laslar-Candia's Black Bart RN (Yea Evan and Tedi Ginsburg),
Number Five is Ex GCH Karizma's Malawi Kaleef Von Loar, PT, RN,
Number Six is Ex GCH Campaigner's Lindel Time Traveler RN, CA, CGC,
Number Seven is Ex Ch. Bloomsberry's Amadeus,
Number Eight is Ex Ch Bomar Agon De Rancho Backachers
Number Nine is Ch. Lindenhill's Martello V Gracelyne, and
Number Ten is Ch Kenly's Malachi
It is great to see a dog go Grand Victor out of Veterans. After twice number two Select, that is a great win for Galaxy.
We all miss Tammy, but maybe next year
Saturday, now it begins and ends
Here we go. This is the big day, and lots of nerves and excitement. I am talking to Jessica, and she is looking fantastic. She got no sleep and is ready to go into the ring. I see Jimmy is doing the grooming. And, in come the ribbons.
Dogs are pulled. One was disqualified because of his owner saying something, and charges brought.
I did get to talk to Lin Fergeson again, so my National is complete. Only Tedi and I are in the audience but there are a lot of people in the ring.
I am sorry for the late posting of the last class. We went to dinner with Dave and Martha Rinke, Pam Stosser, and Jane Kerner. Four of my favorite people, (not counting Tedi). I had to get out and got cut off the net. Here is Tony and Bob, so the day starts. There goes Tom Mesdag, and Tonyis setting the schedule. Tim Brown is here, and Diane lost the dog, and so they are not showing him.
Bob brought his breakfast, but not enough or everyone. I don't care, he remains my best friend and co-announcer at the National. One of the reasons I come is to spend time with Bob. Jim Hill is here with us, and also has his breakfast. Norma Hansberg is walking by.
Opening ceremonies are at 7:30, and it is twenty minutes after. Leslie is here looking great. She came by to say hello.
I love the feeling in the air. Each day it gets better, and this is the big Kahuna. I hear nothing but blowers, and now the ring is filling up. So, the next time I post, it will be description of the show.
Friday, October 14, 2016
Non Regular Classes Veterans
Tony left, Bob ran off,and I am alone with a microphone. Not a wise move.
In they come 7-9. There are five, including Galaxy. Some good looking dogs, finally grown up, and now another Eddison. Then there were six.
They line up both ways, and I like What I see. Mary Tripp just walked by, as did Joan Fox. Mary is looking intense. It must be for Strait Again.
And they move. I like Goghn Strait Again. Each takes a run. One tried to eat another, but Bob didn't see it. Galaxy is the most popular with the crowd. Bob says all together, nice and easy and don't crowd up. Galaxy looks like a young dog.
I found out what happened with the charges and the Bench Committee, but I am keeping it to myself. I have no way to verify what people have told me. So, I know nothing.
Galaxy to the front, then The Hitman, and followed by Goghn Strait Again, and Bob looks them over and they keep going and yes, that is it.
First is GCHP Wolf Creek Galaxy of Merivern, Then Second is Campaigner's Melana The Hitman, Third (I think) is Ch Edales Eddison, and maybe Fourth is Ch Knollwood's Incredible Kai of chez-D TC RN CGC. I can't promise that is right, as there was so much milling around I couldn't see it.
Now for the 9+
It looks like only GCH Willowlakes Chances R and ten and a half years old. Scottie is the handler. He still can move,and wins a first.
There they go, six of them. Love those older bitches and they still look like kids. I am just glad they aren't driving. Lenny comes out first. He has Black Diamond.
Now Ariel. She has been a favorite of mine for years. She is a Canadian bitch. She has beautiful breed type. That is a good handler, I think she is a Junior. She should be in the ribbons.
Next Merriment. Lorry Bellah is handling her, and she always does a good job. Nice dark bitch, doesn't look like she is old enough to be in seniors.
The next Senior is Vision. Nicole is handling her and I like what Nicole has done all day. The bitch is a great style, and I like how she poses. she is almost nine, just two more months. The way she looks she has a couple more Nationals in her. What a great spirit. She wags her tail all the way.
Now Scott with Good Girl Gone Bad, and Cade daughter. Again, what type, and just a little gray on her, but other than that, she could be a class animal. She has a lot of fire when she moves.
Pocahontas is up now and she is another who could be in the classes. I thought I saw her before,but it might just be my muddled mind.That is style as it should be, and is a typy bitch. Sue smiles after going over her. That is a crowd pleaser, and she just want to go.
Last is Little Girl Blue. I have seen her before, and she is having a great time. That is a substantial bitch but just drips breed type. Liv has her, and I know she will be in the ribbons, and might take it all. Down and back, and I see her movement from that. She is going to be my favorite, so far. Liv tells Donna, easy. WOW. Even the crowd see that.
Sue is smiling all the way to her notebook. I hope they got that on tape.
She goes back out and looks them overand walks to the end of the line, then pulls Lenny, and Rachel, then Liv, so it is Good Girl, then Pocahontas, and Black Diamond.
Each goes down and back again, and now Sue goes back to the front. She looks as if she just started judging, and she takes Lenny and Liv around together. She has them walk, Lenny in front. Two only and Sue looks them over and now walks determined towards Lenny and looks the bitch in the face and now Rachel too, and the crowd like her, and she is having a hard time and gives the two of them instructions. There they go on another pass. Amazing at this age, but they are full of it and going like they are youngsters. Lenny in front. Sue now goes over the backs of the first two. It is a tough decision, for her, I guess.
She has them take a run and walks towards them and no, she stops them again. She says they are exceptional animals. Now she backs up and she goes that way.
First was GCH Foxhaven-myjoy Good Girl Gone Bad of Windfall, Second is Regency's Pocahontas V Kridler, Third was GCH Stonewall's Maja's Black Diamond RN and Fourth was Ch Wellborn-Allemade's Little Girl Blue.
Linda Cury is here. Zoe has a great red jacket with black slacks. Club colors. Vickie Royce was just here and it was good to see her.
On to 9+
Ten entered. I was just talking to Liz Stifferman about the Juniors. What a great job There they go, six of them and at that age. In comes to the second group, another four. so, ten in the class. So, they all showed up.
The bitch in the ring now is 11. It is good she gets out, and is having a good time. In dog years she is older than me. I hope I can get around at her age. Or at my current age, as far as that goes.
It is amazing how good they look. Sue is placing this group and looks the four over and tells them to stop, and pulls out the rest. Sue places them looking at her notes so it is George with Zelda, then Jeff with Golddigger, and Rachel with Divine, and then, who cares? No, in fourth is Liv with Thriller. I am sure Ann Solt cares.
Off go the other five, so maybe there are only nine in there. They are old, blame the girls.
Off they go with Zelda in front. She stands the first four and goes from the front to the back and stands back and smiles and puts the whole class together. That is probably it, and there goes Dawn double handling,and Sue says, hold em up. She moves Rachel to second, and that is it.
First is GCH Dawnhill's Zelda CDX, GN, RAE, AX AXP, AKP. AKP PF. MFP. CGC. TC. Second is Ch Ech-Cham's Divine, Third is GCH Joelle's Golddigger of Jeseffan CD, RN, CGC, and Fourth is Knaufhill's Thriller V Kenlyn.
Tedi is telling me we have to go, so more tomorrow.
Don Knight just went by, and it was good to talk to him.
Winner's Bitch
Sheree Moses just came by. We all got to say hello to Tammy Howard, and Linda is doing a streaming video for her. We are waiting for the bitches. I feels secure with Jane Kerner sitting just off to the side. The show is almost over except for the end Tim is talking to me. They are having trouble getting the bitches together.
I got to play with The Heat. He sure is a sweet dog.
In come the bitches. You know how hard it is to get a bunch of girls together.
And around they go,and where they stop, nobody knows. But the Shadow knows. So does Sue who points to the corner. Now each takes a pass. Not a lot of crowd involvement. It is quiet compared to the males.
They have all gone down and back, and around. Sue walks to the front and takes her first four and and pulls Scott,Lindsey and George,and then the rest at the end. She has Liv at the front,and then Lenny and Kent. She puts the other six back and looks at the four. Sue takes a long time to look at them and gives directions. She wants no crowding and slow with a loose lead. She is doing a good job controlling the ring.
They give each other a lot of room and use the whole ring. Each gets a chance in front. I don't do that, but again,no one asked me.
Lenny is not happy with his owners. And now Kent is in front. He does a great job showing a dog. And, he makes it look easy. Now Scott in front, and he is going to show case his bitch. There he goes, way in front with a full lead and Sue walks over to them and puts Kent in front, then Liv, , no Lenny, then Liv and then Scott. I bet that is it. and Yes.
Winner's bitch Marquis' Uptown Girl V Kenlyn. Sue walks down the four,and stops at each bitch,and now looks at them from the other side and tells them "one time." I hope she means it.
Off they go. I thinkit will be Lenny, and no, she stops them again and she gives it to 476, Lenny.
Reserve Winner's Bitch is Dynasty of Tokaye Edan.
Winner's Dog
Maybe I will just announce it. My heart is with Heat. I think I was calling him Arson, and I am not sure, so I will call him Fire Starter, (it is Heat), but I think the American Bred is going to hard,or impossible to beat. We will know in a few minutes.
I turned the speaker so maybe we can hear everything. It has been so garbled, but then again it hasn't been me. It is all about me, and sometimes I forget that. Tedi is sitting with me, so she must be real bored.
In they come. There they are Arson looks small next to the American Bred Dog. Bob walks down the line, giving everyone a good look, and his hands are behind his back and just has the first five, led by the Long Coat. Now the rest, you have to look up the winners, I am too excited.
He lines them up facing West, and they look good from this side, and he looks at each one. I would guess he might go down in the classes. Yes. Now he reverses them to face the East. If they were Muslim dogs they could pray.
Bring on the Heat.
The American is a crowd favorite. Bog takes Kent again, and wants a loose lead. And so, he goes again.
He takes Lenny again. He wants to see a loose lead and if you don't give it, he makes you do it again. He is making Lenny take it a third time. Bob means it. I haven't seen that at a National before.
Everyone in there with dreams of Winner's Dog and Grand Victor. Dreams die hard.
And they all take another lap. Interesting group.
There goes Pat and Celeste. They both move very well. Long Coat, down and back and Bob looks him over with Liv and goes off by himself. But, with a handler.
Now, the Heat. Looking good, and I screamed all I could. Bob looked at me like I was an idiot. He is probably right.
Bob walks the line, and gives everyone a good look. Now he walks to the front and pull Kent with the American Bred and now Kelly with the Novice dog and then The Heat. The Novice and American Bred are litter mates.
First three are his choices and he brings them out to stand and Bob walks around the first one, now the second and the same thing. the crowd likes this dog. now The Heat. And, Bob puts them back the way they were, and I think that may be it, there they go.
Yes, I was right, it is the American Bred Marja's Kaleef-We Own The Night. Now the Second place American Bred, with the young girl, Kaitlyn. And, she goes back to take the whole ring. Off they go for Reserve, and it's the Novice dog, the litter mate to the Winner's Dog, Marquis' Can You Stop The Rain V Kenlyn.
Lunch Break
Jessica came by and she said she is bored. Doug Crane is here talking to Jessica. Ed Barritt came by to chat and he wanted to shout out to Vivian Brown.
I got to talk to Christine Granger, who was mad that I said she was involved with the Bench Show Committee, Evidently I had wrong information. But, if it got me a chance to talk to Christine, it was worth it.
Christine has promised not to sue me.
There was a nice presentation for police work, and is now a lull in the events. I think they are pulling a raffle prize.
Now, on to the Winner's Dog.
I understand the Galarhis just found out about the Blog.
Open bitches
I wish we had name tags. This year more than ever, I can't remember names. I offered to pay for lanyards with name tags, but the club never took me up on it.
Sue is starting to place them. Can you tell I took a break. Jeff, then Scott who is saying easy, and off goes Mike. Christine Granger is talking in front of us with Dannie Dwier. I see Sam Israel is here, and walking by. Butch Loeb is sitting at the announcers table talking to Bob. Not much crowd reaction, and there goes Jeff with Scott close behind him.
Sue says, "Take them around the kids in front", and off they go. Bill Peterson was by. Laurene came to talk to us, and there is judging going on. She is making them walk.
Linda Curry is walking around with a quilt and I could use it for the cold. There is Martha Simonete. I see Ed Barritt is working the crowd, and Lennie just gave him his seat. There seems to be a lot of boredom here, but they are all in the ring,and Sue is giving everyone a good look.
I have to wonder why people who are here read the Blog. I get a lot of people that are telling me they read it. Someone just said her friend read it, and couldn't understand it. I have to admit, I never intended anyone to understand it. Hell, few people understand me, so why would they understand what I write?
Sue is doing down and back with this group, and walks the line. And off they go for another trip, with the owners cheering for their own dogs, or in this case, bitch. Liv goes to the front,and the crowd likes that, with Jeff behind her. It's a group of seven. Large class.
Sue does a temperament test by touching each bitch and off they go. And, that's it.
First is Woodside's Selena, Second is Liberty's To Thine Own Self Be True, Third is Millertime's Easy Pass, and Fourth is Carolyn Super Star-Scharo Ark.
I hope everyone knows not to depend on what I say here. I just found out Michel is getting the results. Please go with him if you see a conflict.
American Bred Bitches
Gloria is sitting with me, and I had her look at my friend, Jade Magician. I want Jade to get to Covy Tucker Hill and meet them.
The Bitches are in there, sorry for the inattention.
Now it is Pam Stoesser sitting with me with Murdock. A very handsome dog. He is an Eli son six months old and a good one.
There they go. There are two groups. And she is doing the individuals. Bill Basu is out there with a black. That's Ed Hill's bitch. An all black. She won her Futurity. She is a good one and should be in the ribbons.
Now Don Knight's bitch Knight's Gambit Jordan II. Don is a friend. Scott has him.
Sue lines them up and looks them over. She walks to the back and stops and now back to the front and tells them to stand back and she wants to see them go around. Off go the first three. She wants them again slow and light. And, now the second three with Basu in front. Sue says she wants them slow and on a loose lead. And Bill has trouble getting her to calm down. She does some rearranging and leaves Bill in front. There they go again and the black stays in front. Sue likes him and so do I.
They stand aside, and in comes the first group.
I think Kent has four winner's in males. Or, maybe it is five.
I saw Michelle Wallace earlier, and now her bitch is in the ring with Art. That is a good moving bitch. Sue is making notes and I think I have figured out if it is better for long or short notes. But, I am not telling you.
I am sorry, but it is my Blog. Angie Robinson just took a lap. She is a great handler. I am using "great" too much. Maybe I should run for president. Of the GSDCA of course. But with the "locker room talk" Bob and I do at the table, I probably wouldn't get elected. Oh, wait. I did that twice already.
Now Mike is in the center with Casablanca. Pam is always fun to talk to, we share so many thoughts. Paul Root was talking to me. He sure looks great. There it is again. This is a very quiet crowd. I think they left it behind in the males.
We always have a big bowl of candy at the table. Yesterday when someone was taking some, DD yelled, "Hey, hey". The person who will remain nameless said, "I know, you are a dentist and don't want me to eat it." DD said, "No, I am a dental surgeon, and I just want some candy."
Now Sue puts Christy in front then Rachel, Art, and then Angie. She moves Christy to fifth. I am sure she if thrilled. I got to talk to Linda Ferguson again, always a high point for me. If only George were here. Sue excuses all but six bitches, all good ones.
The judging on both sides has been fantastic. I suspect Helen will do the same tomorrow. Maryellen Kist just walked by and off goes Dian and the Christy and Scott and Diane is in front with the black. Bill Basu is still in front with Ed Hill's bitch. HOW DO YOU LIKE MO NOW ED?
Right now, Flower Boy is a happy camper. I don't see him, but if he wins this class, he should change his attitude.
Sue is at the end of the line, taking them down and back. It is very tense, and Pat Draper came by for a sugar rush. All of Sue's winner have dark strong pigment, and now Lenny with the second place bitch, and Bill.
I think that is it, no, Lennie in front, and Bill in second. We are stunned. But, Sue looks them over and walks to the center of the ring and tells them to take a pass. And, yes, that is it.
Number One is Dynasty Of Todaye Edan, Second is Karisma's Lady of London Von Erik, Third is Kysarah-Sholan Paint it Black and Fourth Rosewoods Look At Me Now.
On to more dog show.
Long Coat Dogs
I needed a break after that win. I did get to talk to Ed Barritt and he and Libby are here now. They are sitting with Cathy Potter.
The four long coats are in there. I am getting soft, they look fine to me.
I got to give Celeste a hug. I only am allowed to hug her when she wins, (rules by Tedi and Pat), so I always hope she wins.
There go the four coated dogs. Kent goes to the front with We Own The Night.
First is Maja's Kaleef We Own The Night, Second is Campeon Spartacus Lorenzo Derazano, Third is Aramist's Alo Amos, and Fourth is Gero VomKleinen Holzweg CGC CD PCD BN Re TD.
I have mixed feelings about this class. I do like the dogs,but don't think they should have a class of their own. Cappy is talkingto Ed and they are in front of me right now,and there is Gloria. Gloria is in black and Cappy is in white. I am not sure what the message is, but in my youth the good guys were always in white.
Liz was here and wants a new card trick. I see Buth Loeb, so one to Bitches.
Open Dogs
I have no idea why, but I am getting two of each of my posts. I don't even want to read them onetime, but I feel I must in case something changes.
There are three people cleaning up the stripe in the ring. I guess they have to scrub it. Art Sinclair just came by to sit with us.
There are only eight dogs in Open so I expect it won't take long. I see Maryellen Kish is here. I was standing last night with Maryellen, Bob and Jimmie watching the dogs work. That is a fun group.
I see Honor Guard is in Open, and so is Fire Starter of Churpa. I like Arson, and while I think he will be well received, I doubt anything will beat Honor Guard. Linda Kury is here and Maureen Charlton walked by. Lots of people ignore Bob and me, showing great intelligence.
I have figured out, that if it isn't someone I know well, I don't bring up the election. In they come. Let's see how many. Rachel, Lindsey, Kent, two others then Mike. Iliana came by and there goes Celeste. No one has that much energy and look good doing it.
Bob lines them up seven pointed East, and now turns them the other way, towards the left. I do tend to lean more right myself.
Life is good Ed just came by. The Asgard dog is in there with Mike. OK, he is Exxon. I don't have to repeat how much I like Exxon, what a super dog he is. I thought Arson finished, but I guess not. Honor Guard looks great. This should go fast.
There goes Patrick. And that's the group. A couple of stars and others. Around they go. Now Kent with Honor Guard. Pat Draper is here looking very serious. There goes Arson.
Now Second Amendment, another Captain America son. I do like him. I think Arson is going to get a ribbon. And, Bob takes the dog down and back. Tedi is laughing. Celeste is sitting down in front of us, and turned to wave. I see a lot of tension. they have so many fourth and Fifth, this is the last class animal. Exxon had a lot of representation. If you want style, he is a great dog to use.
Now the last dog in the class. I like the small classes. And then the Big Hurt for most of them.
It is hard to keep folks from standing in front of the camera, when they are doubling their dogs.
First Lindsey, then Kent, then Mike and Liz. That is just who he pulled, and he hasn't placed them yet. Bob walks to the front, and looks them over and puts Arson in front. I am grinning from ear to ear. He is such a handsome dog, and a real hunk of a German shepherd and now Liz with Second Amendment, another good looking dog. Now Honor Guard, a real stud of a dog. I love his first three, but the Exxon dog has my heart. Linda Bankhead just ccame by.
Bob looks at his first four in the middle of the ring and Mike is way out in front. Bob walks to them again and moves Kent in front, then Liz. Arson is in third. I think he had his time in the sun. Arson back to the front.
They all line up. And, yes!
First is Arson, Coastline Fire Starter of Cherpa, Exxon to Asgard's Jill, Second was Welove Du Chien's Honor Guard, Third was Kaleef's Kodiak Champeon, and Fourth was Sunrise on Thorton Creek.
Of Arson could beat those fantastic dogs, he should have a shot at Winner's Dog.
American Bred Dogs
Here we American Bred in the ring 12 dogs. A reasonable number for a dog class, but not like the old days. I am starting to sound like my parents. Well, like they used to, they are dead now, so they don't say much.
Interesting, he stands them facing both ways. As I look at them standing, number 366 with Kent looks best to me. I also like the sable with Jeff.
Bob lines them up and counts them off to 6, and cuts with Kent in front there is a little girl behind him and Bill Basu behind her, and he probably will try to run over her.
The first group takes two passes and Bob tells them to Just relax,a nd takes his second group. Now we are seeing some interesting dogs. And now Bob says, "one at a time". I see Tim Brown, and he is giving Diane instructions. I just saw Guns of Navarone, I like him a lot. I think Have You Ever Seen the Rain might be hard to beat.
Zac is outside the ring, so he has nothing in this class. Lindsey has a good one, Bugatti. It is great and intelligent that I was never elected to judge a National. Bo just walked by, and she has a lot of her stuff in the ring this week.
And, off goes the first group, and now the second. Bob has great ring control, and so did Sue. He keeps them moving. That little girl is Christy's daughter. She looks to be five or six. Very cute, and Tony just walked away.
Greg Eshett is in the ring with the dark sable, a very handsome dog. It is time for me to start on the candy. I need a sugar rush. I think the is going to go fast. The sable is a Captain America son, so I would guess his mother is a sable. I am a certified expert in this breeding stuff.
I hear Channing laughing. It is very distinct.
Jeff has a Phoenix son, and what a head. He is another dark sable, maybe Bob is known for liking sables. The crowd likes him. A very good looking dog.
Now Liv with Bugatti. Paul Johnson is here now, and so is Jane and Pam. I so enjoy those women, Paul not so much. We tend to get together with Dave, and can't help bitching. Dick Jennings just got here. I am going to miss him at the office. Often I go two or three days and don't even see him, but I always depended on him when I had a question.
Now Mike with a Man-U-Man son, Guns of Navarone. Another of Bo's dogs. I can't help thinking of the line of the Guz when he was asked what it cost to finish a dog. He said, "If it was a good dog, not that much. For an average dog, the cost of a small house in the country". It isn't going to be that much for Guns of Navarone. That is a good one.
It is quiet here, and the seats are filling up. Richard Sottile came by and is getting ready to double his dog. Kent is about to go around and Bob wants him to go away in another direction. Now the little girl. I would just run her into the ground. But, I like kids when they get to be about 23 or so. Summer turns 16 this week. I am letting her use my SL for her drivers test. I figure it will blow the mind of her tester and he will ignore that she is a woman driver. Remember, blacks got the right to drive before women. That kid did a nice job with her dog.
Now bill Basu with Enzo. There goes Joey. He is one of the good guys. I always enoy talking to him. Linda Kury is talking to Tedi. There goes Norma Handsberg. Now Diane Brown with a bi. Carmen is walking by and must have packed ten suits. Gary Szymczak came by to say hello. Donna Callebreze walked by, and is grinning. I wonder what she knows that I don't.
It is interesting to talk politics with people here, some from the Deep South. I must be too isolated in Southern California. Jimmy just stopped by. Lindsay is in there with the last dog You Ain't seen Nothing Yet. No, that's the name of the dog.
Michell would you send us your email so we can send the results to you. I know the results are on the Blog, but Tony needs your address.
He pulls out Jeff then Liv and Greg. Just those three. Now the rest, with Kent in front, then the young girl and Bill. I don't know why Kent isn't there, but Bob says, ONE MORE TIME. He needs a fourth and can't find one. Kaitlyn Heiman is the young lady,and now Kent and Kairlyn join the winners. Kaitlyn is in Open Seniors, so I don't know what age she is. There are the top seven, and I do like Jeff's sable. I think there is something about Kent's dog, and since he had him go down and back twice, I would guess he is not clean going away. Bob did judge all-breeds a lot, and that probably would bother him. Mike let his dog shit in the ring, and it is about a patch seven feet long. This is going to take some time to clean up.
Sharon (was Earl) is here talking to us, and they put a chair over the stip, and the show goes on. How many remember when the handler died in the ring, and after waiting for a while, they moved the ring rope inside the body.
YES! Kent to the front, then Jeff, then Rachel and Mike in fourth. Now the crowd is alive. Bob wants to look at his last five. Jimmie just came by. And, he wants them all together. I think this is it. I don't see any changes. He is giving directions and wants to see them again. Just the first three of the dump group.
He brings them out again and now the little girl with Lindsey. All good dogs. This is a good class. And, they all line up, Kent in front. I would guess after the first two, he isn't too sure, and the young lady goes to third. Kaitly is in third,and now he looks at the last four. Bob needs a fourth place right now it is Rachel and probably is going that way.
No, he stops them and walks towards the front, and moves Kent to one, then Kaitlyn to third and Jeff to third and Rachel in fourth. Yes. that is it.
First is Marquis' Have You Ever Seen The Rain V Kenlyn, Second is Oscar-Zytut's Ursa Major, Third is Joelle's Grizzly, and Fourth is Asorher Winchester Regencys.
And, The Show Goes On.
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