1. Hermes, (Tony)
2. Levi
3. Compass
4. Illuminator
5. Lucifer
6. American Gray Ghost
7. California Dreaming
8. Agon
9. High Dollar Client
10. Whiskey Cowboy
11. Cold Pac
12. Johney Walker
13, Country Boy
14. Rough Rider
15. American Rifleman
Lots of stories this year. Celeste and Pat with two Selects. A dog lost for a day and a half and recovered, going Select. The Winner's Dog going Select. The Veteran going so high Select, California Dreaming.
Now for Best of Breed, Best Opposite Sex, Best of Winners, and Best Puppy. If there is more, I don't know what it is. Best of Breed is Tony. Best Opposite Sex is Ulyssa, Best of Winners is Levi.
Greg was better than any other help I have had. It may be because he has young eyes, but I couldn't have done it without them.
Now the best the Best Puppy, Best Puppy is Intervisions and Best Opposite is Sulton of Swing.
Best Bred By Crimson Breeder and Owner Maria Oster
THAT'S IT FOLKS. Thanks for reading, Tedi is on the road again with Twyla, I am going to dinner with Summer and her mother. Tomorrow the airport if I don't miss my flight, lose my way, crash the car, or oversleep.