Friday, October 11, 2019


They were all in there, before I called them. It humbles me to know how little I am needed.  They all showed up, a class of three.  I think the handler is Anna Childs, but if not, whoever she is, she does a great job.  Lee Childs is one of my favorite authors.  Nothing about that, but I am filling time.

I see Gloria Birch getting lunch and Yolanda is with her.  Those are two of my favorite people.  I see Summer working the crowd.  She hasn't seen most of these people since two Nationals ago,but they seem to remember her. She graduates from College this year.

Summer Dolly is being excused, I don't know why. That is a nice bitch, but no one asked me.

Then there were two.  Now, that class I could judge.  The judging is over, Kelly came to chat, and Summer is back. First is Lil Hot Mess, and second is Coco.