Monday, October 14, 2024

Reflections the day after

It was a small National, but with all the fun and rewards of some of the larger ones.
I got to see so many people I miss all year, and to discuss topics of no great importance with people I respect.
All three judges did great jobs. Each was a different style, but the winners were deserving and top quality with such a limited entry. The small class numbers did not diminish the quality and the winners would have won with larger entries.
The 9 1/2 hour drive each way wasn't much more time that it takes to fly. The big difference is that not a lot of East coast or central coast dogs were there.  I know Zac came with 25 dogs, so the West coast was well represented.
I was pleased to see George and Lin Ferguson and their dog go Select. I loved that dog from the first time I saw him.
Candy does such a great job of running the National and Julies keeps the rings moving. I know they get criticized, but for the hundreds who do not say anything, we all appreciate what they do. I missed Bob (the voice of the National) Dressher at the announcer's table, but if I make it next year, perhaps he will come back.
So many good friends, such a great job of running a National and now back to the real world with all the happiness, pain, delight and disappointments of my clients.
Thanks for letting me platter on from the announcer's table. If I said something you enjoyed, thank you. If I said something that annoyed you, that is not my problem.

Evan L. Ginsburg

Saturday, October 12, 2024

The end of the show

I thought I was done but now the rest of the stuff. Sometimes referred to as Clean Up, or Finish Time, or Garbage Time, but now for Best of Winners, Best of Breed, Best Puppy, etc.

So, in the ring are the winners puppies, I think.  I can't see that far and I think I will leave this up to someone else to post.  Iliana is placing them and everyoo9ne is hugging so I guess she called it.  Kent has the red ribbon with Scandalous, so you can figure out what it is. They are doing Best Puppy next, ignore what I said above.  That must have been Best of Breed since he won with the Grand Victrix. If I got it wrong, blame Bob Dresher (the voice of the National) for not being here to tell me.

I do see the four puppies in there.  Next time I am bring a telescope. Now they are cutting off the ring, so they are even further away.

Iliana has to do the full thing, checking temperament  and teeth, etc.  Down and Back as well.  Two down and two to go.

I have to say, these are nice puppies.  Two put up by Morton and two by Jack. Best Puppy is Lovely Rita and Best Opposite Puppy is unknown. Sergio gave me the numbers but they were both even numbers so I think the Best Puppy is right but the other can't be.

She is doing Best Veteran.  Only two to choose from.  But, she has to do the full monty with teeth, etc. Does anyone but the owners care?  I know the handlers do, but who cares about them?  If you care it is Kresta BN RN  SEN SCJ DBN CGCA  CGCU TKI BCAT.  I kid you not, that is what the catalog says.

Now there are three dogs in the competition ring, for what I don't know.

Cindi moved in front for something and off the go. I know it is important to her.  But she cuts the ring and I can't even see the numbers. whatever that was made someone happy.

I am going to quit while I am behind. I hope to return next year.

On to the girls

They are doing the AOE now. And starting with the 2022 Grand Victor.  I got a minute to talk to Ileana and told her that she did a fantastic job.  That ws one of the best job of judging I have ever seen.  I just found out Joan Fox decided not to come. I am disappointed as I wanted to see her.  I always enjoyed talking to Joan and liked her late husband a lot.  That was a short presentation, perhaps there aren't that many AOEs.

The ring is full with bitches.  They are dividing them into groups of six, and out go the rest.  

It has gotten a little quiet - everyone stopped for lunch, and I don't think the excitement is in the air yet.  But we are just starting Bitches.  Once Ileana is done with individuals and starts moving bitches around, I expect to hear lots of noise.  

Evan is taking a break, so I (Tony) am once again at the keyboard.  Several people I was hoping to see that didn't make it this year.  Nancy Nellis decided not to come; Les & Cheryl Anderson were planning to come, but changed their mind (their dog is here).  Bill & Clara Dean; Larry & Terry; and others didn't travel to Reno, but I expect I will see them next year in Springfield IL.

Yesterday, I walked over to the Agility ring to see hy performance friends (Julie Degen & Dawn VanDyken).  When they saw me, they said Hi . . . As long as you're here, can you help us" (I ended up working for a while until I said I needed to get back to help Evan).

I was talking to Alex Muse; he doesn't show many dogs thru the year, but always comes to the Nationals.

Everyone has figured out Ileana's routine.  After Individuals, she takes them around once and separates into a keep pile and a not-keep pile.  So the crowd starts making noise after the individuals.  Ileana takes a quick look, and ends up keeping the whole first group of 6.  Lollie, Roses, Heart of Gold, Bartola, Uptown Girl, and Mercedes Benz.  And the next group of 6 come in.

Second group is done with individuals.  Ileana takes a look and sends them around before her initial cut.  She keeps the first three (One Chance, Don't Forget and Athena) and moves on.  Next group.

Once again, individuals, and Ileana keeps 3 of the six (Without Limits, Comet, Valedictorian).  Next Group of 6.

Once around; individuals, a quick look, and she keeps 4 (Skating, 2Kiss, Scandal, Thunder).   Next group of 6 coming in the ring.  Individuals are over, and the crowd starts to pay attention.  Ileana does a quick look at then entire group and once around.  A quick look, and Ileana picks 3 out of the middle (Never Letting Go, Blue Jean Baby, Mercy Me).  And the next group comes in.

Some of the handles are showing multiple bitches.  They changed the order initially to allow handlers with multiple dogs to have them in different groups.  Our course if they are all in the keep pile, the handlers will have to choose which to show and who to take the other dogs in for them.  But they've done this before, and make the moves almost unnoticeable.

Ileana is on her last Individual, and the next group is starting to gather at the ring entrance.  I see Scott giving Lauren some last minute advice (or maybe she is telling him what to do).  

OK, Ileana kept 3 (Cleopatra, Tango, National).  On to the next group.

Of this group of 6, Ileana only kept 1; Tasia.  They leave the ring, and the final group of 3 come in the ring (Winners Bitch, Young Veteran and older Veteran). More people are starting to watch the show now that there are only two more dogs to go through individuals.  Ileana keeps the Winners Bitch but lets both Veteran Bitches go.

Ileana has 24 Bitches in the keep pile, and she brings in the others for one final look.  Ileana brings 7 bitches in looking for the diamond in the rough, and keeps Ponca and lets the rest go.  Ileana looks at the next set of 7; once around, and lets them all go.  And now the last set of 7; and none are kept.  So we are now down to 25 Bitches still vying for Select.

Ileana brings in the first group of 7 and after a quick look, moves Chance with George Bersler to the front.  No other movements (yet).  Now to the second group of 7.  Ilena moves Valedictorian with Kent Boyles to the front.  Next group of 6; no movement but all stay in the ring.  And the final group of 5 come in the ring.  And keeps them all.

Ileana asks all 25 bitches to line up.  She pulls out 14, and then looks the other 11.  She has 6 go around; one more look; and lets all 6 go.  Then she has the other 5 go around and lets them all go.  So she has 14 Bitches still in the ring.  She has them go around 5 at a time and does some moving.  Chance with George Bersler is still in front with Valedictorian with Kent in second.  Then Valedictorian to the front; after a pass, she moves Tango to the front; and back with Valedictorian to the front.

THE GRAND VICTRIX IS CH/H  RISEWOOD'S VALEDICTORIAN.  14 Selects and something I have never seen before.  Iliana went down the line and gave every Select handler a hug.

Iliana did one of the best jobs of judging I have ever seen.  Towards the end it was a bit of an endurance rase post the 14 Selects Tony took over typing as I got tired.

Then there is always  next year.

After the first cut.

It looks like she is taking those she cut with a group of six. So they are all going to get a second chance.  It isn't nice to tease handlers. All went to Doggie Purgatory, and the unkindest cut of them all.  That decision was made on one pass.

In comes another group. Still with dreams of going Grand Victor is they have a better pass.  That is all it would take.

She has 18 keepers unless he finds something that excites her. YES she pulls out After Burner with Courtney.  

Then there were 19.  And another group, another six.  And they stop at the exit to hell.  Iliana pulls Lenny with Kaybear Bearyant.  I don't have to say who the breeders are do I?

Now I think she is down to 20.  and now the keepers, who can plan on bonus for the handlers.  I remember being in the ring when Ed Barret told 18 of us we were going Select. And off they go.  An impressive group of dogs. With Alex in front then Nancy. And off they go for another pass.   I have to admit from up here they look good.  She excused Jupiter Rising and kept the rest.  On to another group.

Art is in front with Luke, but I don't think that means anything.  And off they go for the last chance.  And a second pass.  Art gets pulled in front and she excuses Lunch Money and After Burner.  One of those that was let go was dismissed, kept and then re-released.

Now on to another group honored to make the first cut.  Seven in there and this is the end of this round.  Here it comes!  She keeps  five of seven, and is down to 15. Armstrong is till there. Ilove that dog, and up close he is a real star. So far other than that they are in the position they were in when they came in.

Now five, (three groups of five) and takes them down and back.  She is moving them in the placings and tells them to take them around again.  Alex still in front.  Iliana sets them aside, moving Oh My up one place.

Another five.  Art in front with Luke. she put Art at the back and move Finius to the front.  They all stay in and here comes the rest.

There are still 15.  Everyone is so happy to be kept and here go the winner's Dog and The veteran and stay.

OK Iliana, iat is time to start organizing your Selects.  She is pulling the first three of the first and second group, and looks them over and pulls all of the last group.  So eleven over in heaven so far, and another four with prayers and she is taking them around. I don't have high hopes for them.  but, they still do.  She pulls Oh My and lets the rest go. Then there were twelve.

Iliana walks down the line giving everyone a good look.  She takes the first six and off they go.  Alex still in front.  She moves No Crying to second, and off go six more. She walks over to them moved Dirty Denim and Cal, but alex still in front.  Now the first three.  Alex, George and Al Martin.  Now another three and it getting loud in here. And she moves up a couple, but still Alex in front.  Off that group goes goes.   Now the last six go to the end, and I would guess that is her final choice and they all gooff, and they stop and she walks over to them and YES, ALEX HAS THE GRAND VICTOR REDEMPTION.


Friday at the Arena

Here it is. The big day, What we have waited for all week.

I see one person standing with a bib on. It is Bob Dresher, and he is holding Ch Baskerville's Pete of Anneiste-Maibar.  A Gunbowder son and I know the feeling that you could go back in the ring like you did when you were 18. I believe I could do it too, but will never try so I can keep the dream alive.  

I just talked to Bob, he is just holding the bib to check in.

I got to talk to Pablo for a few minutes too, and also Ileana looking fantastic with white hair.  She looks ready to judge, the ring is full of dogs and people with bibs, most not tied, to check in. Everyone has to check in  before leaving the ring. I understand Ileana is going to do all the dogs first.  I often wonder about that, since it is the dogs that people wait to see since they can't breed to someone else's bitch but can use the dog. It might make it more exciting to do the bitches first to build the excitement.

I can feel the excitement building and everyone is standing around expecting to go Grand Victor or Grand Victrix and so far it is possible for every one of them.

Next year I have work to get the announcer's booth down on the floor, I don't much like the isolation, but maybe the others prefer having me outcast like this.

And, they are calling them to the ring, and there goes the first entry.

It looks like everyone might be here, lots of fantastic dogs and bitches.  Still as many outside as inside.  All the dogs are checked in and the ring is full.  Now a "move-up" and another.  In come the bitches.  

I remember what a thrill being asked to take in a dog or bitch as a "holder".  Just the joy of being in the Specials ring and soaking up the energy. The bitches are forming a second circle inside the dogs.

They couldn't hear the call to numbers so Ilieana took over. We can hear her up in the eagles next announcer's booth.  There are few people outside the ring, it seems at least 80 entries inside.  between all the handlers and those holding to check in, few are left outside.

Tony iis making them in, and there are few not in there. And, out come the bitches.  So many beautiful bitches.

Now the dogs are being checked in.  She is breaking them into groups.  Six in the first group.  Ileana is talking to then,  and it looks like some are coming out of the ring from the rest.  I see the others being divided into groups and as they are divided they come out. so, Ileana is going to work them in groups of six. If it were me, I would work my first group of six, place them, call the winners and go home..  Of course I would never be able to show up at a National again.  That is something to do at the end of my life, right along with telling off a few superior Court Judges. The last group if four.

Tony is marking them in and now everyone is out except the first group.  

She is done with the loose lead test and now each down and back.  It is going to be a long day.  It looks like it is going to be seven groups.  All of these dogs look great from up here.

A lot of my pressure is off, since I was able to get my pleading filed yesterday, and it was done with help from the office through the computers. What a great advantage that is.

Now the group goes around and Ileana picks Alex with Redemption then Nancy with Gold rush George with No Crying.  And she lets the rest go.  This looks good for the time it is going to take.  In goes the second group. It is great for those who stay, but sucks for those who left after one pass.

The second group of six is in there.  They go around and Kent stopped to put a chair into the ring, and was late going around. But he had a good excuse. I see Art Sinclair is her and wearing a bib.  I see Carolyn Martello, and Alex is down there.  Kent is in the ring, and it is amazing how he runs.  Diane Brown is down there and so easy to notice. She is wearing all blue and again as I said, looking fantastic.  Sharon (used to be Earl) is running outside the ring and yelling.  I see Bill Basu is here. He called his wife to bring meds, and she told me he got a massage and is going to show.  

The last of the group going around.  She looks them over and say take them around and stops at the other end.  And off they go.  Ileana walks over to them to dash some dreams and she pulls Kent with Honky Tonk, the Jupiter Rising and Oh My .

Now the third group.  I got to talk to Mike Sherman with Kristine and Jimmie for a bit. Bev is here to two beautiful Wolf Hounds. They are such an impressive breed. I see Bill Basu running outside the ring, and I can't help feeling he hurts. I hope he can make it and has some good pain pills. It looks like he might need them.

I love the pace of what Iliana is doing, but I don't have a dog in this hunt.  It is very quiet in the arena, perhaps because we all know that the excitement is going to come when the keepers from each group are left.  This is the third group and the fastest I have ever seen anyone judge at a National.  The crowd does have some favorites but there are so few people it makes little noise.  Bill is taking to Gloria and Yolanda. He is wearing his Bib and seems to be saying he is going to show.  I see Pat Draper walking around.  Bill has his dog now.  Now the last dog in the group goes around.  Let's see if Ileana is consistent. She looks them over and instructs them to go around and stop half way around the ring.  She stop by the exit. I am sure they don't want to leave  She pulls Luke Duke with Art, C'est Si Von with Lindsey, Finius with Al Martin then Wyatt Earp . And the new group.  She is taking eleven minutes with each group.

There are seven groups and she is cutting them in half, keeping three or four so far. So, she should finish her first cuts in an hour.

 then she will have twenty to work with.  I see Teressa Royer looking good and walking around talking to everyone.  I miss Bob, Tony and I know names, but not everyone. With the three if us, we had them all.

Carmine is here and doing great. WE did talk for a bit, and Cindy have the last male, Prince of Darkness.  Off the go to the end of their dreams, for half the class.  They stop with Bill Basu in front she pulls Sunny Barely Leon and Lunch Money with Zac and hands him off to Pat Draper. Only two, and I am pleased for Pat and Celeste two of the greatest people you could ever know. Celeste has had to miss so many Nationals, so I am glad they were keepers so far. Dreams die quickly at the National.

On to the nest group.  This is the next to the last group.  It is 10:00. A real professional job. Ileana's temperament test is fast efficient and complete.  I see Brenda Shepherd and her son Robert has turned into a great handler.  I see Linda Fox, and she said Joan is coming today and it will be good to see her. I just watched Gerlin's Armstrong. I love that dog, and his owners George and Lin.   Kept  were Peregrim, Armstrong, and Dirty Denim.  Tony and I didn't get the handlers by I know Armstrong was with Diana Paul, another person I look forward to seeing at a National.

Erin Nellis just came by to tell us about the dinner, and it is always great to see her and her mom, Nancy.  Dwayne again came out of the ring, after going around. Some day a Judge is going to fault him for that. He takes the dog out to see the owner. I know you should not do that.  Liv has a dog liked by the crowd or someone with a big mouth. Amy Nichols came by to say hello.  Debbie Friedberg's daughter.   I did get to talk to Debbie yesterday. 

Only four in this group and they stop and here comes the Judge.  She keeps Amy with Sherpas Conlie and lets the other three go.  I see the smile on Amy's face. She just retired after 29 years in the Navy. I remember her being born.

Now the Move up, the Winner's Dog and the Veteran. It is traditional to keep the Winner's dog, but I don't know what she will do.  Kent is running outside the ring.  I see that those who were dismissed still have their bibs on. so maybe they are going to come back in.  I do like her procedure, but I know a lot of handlers and owners are not pleased to have such a fast decision.

Individual passes for each of the three.  Here goes the Pass of Death.  Iliana walks over to  three and keeps the Veteran and Winner's Dog, Cal and Veteran Peace. 


The new group isn't the last.

Early thoughts

It is early Saturday morning, the day when we find out who is the best of the best, at least as to that Judge's opinion.

I have been enjoying the National for three days and realize how it affects me, as if anyone cares.

It is a time when I see so many old but important friends and have a chance to reflect not only how they have impacted me, but more what I have done with a long and interesting life.

When I see George Berstler, I am reminded of the young boy who worked so hard to become one of  the top handlers in the country. I remember when he was thinking about his future and considered buying a news stand for his future. Then we all called him Georgie, and he and Lamar were the stars of the show ring.

Then I see Jimmie and Sherri who were so pivotal in the shows, and how great it is to seem them both remarried but remain great friends and still so important in the ring.

I get to see Gloria Birch who has been my friend for so long, and remember her letting me handle her dogs.  One show where someone came up to me when I had a Covy Tucker dog and ask how I got such  a beautiful coat on my dog. Before I could answer Gloria who was behind me said, "You breed it".

Bob Dreshher who what such a great friend from high school of  Twyla Minor's brother Dave, who is another great friend, and all the years Bob and I sat at the announcer's table and tried to tell a funnier joke than the other person. Bob so often won.

I miss those who are not here, Dave Rinke, Rita Sandell, (I know she has a new name and husband, but I remember like it was yesterday when she married Allen Sandell, when he died).  Helen Fisher, who had such a great attitude and dedication to the breed was always fun to see.  Of course, Cappy who was so knowledgeable about the breed, but more so life in general. Each day I miss Jane Kerner, who was someone I would drive five days to a National if it was only to see her.

It seems like just yesterday when Larry and Hazel Parks sold me a small puppy bitch, and told us about dog shows. And going to Fran-Jo Kennels and leaning what great people were Fran and Joan Ford. I remember the tombstone outside the back door and leaning who Lance was.  We were told not to breed to Mannix as he was too sloppy going away.

I remember when Tedi bought me my first shepherd, before me were married. From another friend George Brew who raced a white German shepherd dog sled team. A little bundle of fur that was my  best friend until Tedi and married.  And me buying her a dog, that started us in this hobby.

I realized years ago, for me, it is about the people. The great friends who through the years have been there for us, who have supported us, who have shown us what the meaning of honesty, dedication, learning and friendship has  been.

But, enough about me. What you think about me?

Friday, October 11, 2024

Fw: The other side from Reno

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Fw: National in Reno

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Sent: Friday, October 11, 2024 at 03:36:51 PM PDT
Subject: National in Reno

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Winner's Bitch

Got to see Mike and take Tedi a hamburger.  The burgers are OK.

In come the winners, with the puppy first. Cindi Tellefson just went by below on her bicycle.

Gloria just came by to the booth. I give anyone credit who can climb the 22 steps to get her, but going down is worse. No handrail and very steep.

Morton has them lined up. He moves them back The first three walk with the puppy in front.  Again he takes the three down and back at a walk.  If I remember, he already judged these winners.  He sets them aside and takes the next three down and back.  And the set aside and off go the last three walking down and back.  Lindesy is the best double handler I have ever seen.  And Morton brings them to the center and lines them up.  Winner's bitch is Kaleef's Sassicaia.  Spell check does me no good with the name.  Reserve is Rubby Tuesday.

Veteran Bitches:  7-9
Eleven entered.
No 7-8 and no 9+, so in there are the 7-9 and there are five of them and off they go with Dawn in front with Single Action. I don't recognize the others from up here.  The catalog has them listed as 9+ before 7-9, which makes no sense so maybe it is wrong. 
Down and back, walking and around.  This is not a class that seems to excite anyone.  Just the owners, I guess.  I see Bob Dressher walking around and waiting for tomorrow and Specials.

Morton is in the third old lady, and they all look to be enjoying the attention.  He takes them in order to the middle of the ring and walks to the front to look them over.  Morton is talking to the handlers of them all and places them Number one is She's My Everything, Number two is Ceder Springs, Three is George in shorts, Tell me Lies, and fourth is Sparta with Dawn.

9+ is Cindy Tellefsen with Interstellar TC HT CGC FDC RATN, ten years old.  She is owned by  Shery Brockett, fLissa Cunningham, Carol Fielding.  More of my favorite people.  I know this bitch and I predict she will win the class!  YES, SHE DOES WIN!!!!!

That's it for the day except for a number of presentations.  They start in half an hour and I don't intend to post from the show. I need to find a casino. I haven't spent enough money. More to come.

open Bitches

I have to go get Tedi lunch so you get a good poster, Tony taking over.

And in come the Open Bitches; first in is Rogue with Bill Tank; followed by Love at first Sight with Alex; then Miraculous Event; then Poetry in Motion with Zac Hudspeth; and finally Juju with Maria Oster.  Morton brings them in and has the entire class go around.

There's a few more people here today, and a little more noise from the crowd, but not as much as normal for a National.  Tomorrow should be better during Breed Competition.  The class judging should end early today, but we have several presentation classes after they finish; we will do Stud Dog / Brood Bitch; Parade of Greats and Top Twenty.  We will also have the GSDCA Hospitality Party tonight.

Morton does a quick Temperament test, then lines them up for the initial look and has the entire group go around the ring again.  Morton tells everyone to relax and starts the Individual Exams.

With the extra time, we are taking extra breaks; break between open and winners; break between dogs and bitches; etc.  

Individuals are done; Morton takes the group around once; and then starts rearranging.  First is Poetry, then Juju, then Love, then Event, then Rogue.   He takes them around once, and tells them to keep going for a second lap.  

First is JuJu, second is Poetry, third is Love at first sight, and four Event.

Now on to the ladies

I just got to say hello to Jerry Guzman. It is so good to see him again.  Lots of people milling around.

First is the ;ameteur Owner Handler and it is Maple BCAT Swmn. She is there and the only entry so I expect she will win

Now the Bred by Bitches.  I see Mike Sherman is here with Kelly. Bred by is going in now, and I see Dresta with Dawn.  I will go out on a limb and say he is first.  Dawn qualifies as one of my favorite people.  YES, she won first.  No second third or fourth today.

On to American Bred.  In goes Wild Honey with Bill Tank, Annie with Zac, next is Ruby Tuesday with Lenny, Tin Roof, then Pride and Joy,  Red Ruby with Autumn, Sassicai with Liz.  It is good to know all handlers.  Or maybe that is just a function of doing this too long. Seven in there. They decided not to show Cate.  Owner's choice.

He takes them around and off they go for a second pass.  Done with the individuals.  Each bitch takes a pass alone.  It is so good to see Celeste here with Pat.  She has missed too many Nationals. The crowd has woken up and is showing some love for the bitches they like.  It is a small crowd, but I hear the auction has over $2,000 already and the big push will be tomorrow.  

Now it is the Sound of Silence.  I need to get down from the announcer's stand and mingle. But Tony left so I am here to deal with an outbreak of violence.  I wish they had set up a blackjack table at the show.  Dwayne came out of the ring for a bit with Pride and Joy.  The crowd likes Sassicla.  Other than that is is very still here.  

Now the first four around.  and off they go again with Wild Hone, Annie with Jac and others with no change.

Time for the last three.  Around again. This is like watching paint dry. 

Now they set up and Morton looks them over and takes the first two together. Not that many judges do that anymore.  Now the next two together.  These he wants again.  Walking this time.  Now the last three together. Walking.  I never did that because I tried not to compare the dogs to each other, but to match them to the standard.  Now he takes the first three out to the center and has them stand while he looks at them, and now one at a time.  And sends them back and does the same thing with the last four.  He wants them to stand and sends them back.  Morton checks his notes.  Off goes the whole class again. And back to the front,and Morton tells them to take another pass.  

Off goes the whole class again, no movement of any of the entry. Bill Tank hasn't been in front this much in years.  And they stand.  Morton continues to look them.  He sends everyone aside except the first dog.  And yes, Bill goes around by himself.  

Now the second one with Zac, etc. etc.

Everyone gets a look. Morton watches them all the way around. What is the sound of one hand clapping?

They just  opened the bar. The crowd like Sass, (that's the name I will use), with Liz owned by Sherri.  Morton checks his notes and he goes to the end of the line  and walks to the front.  Liz to the front and then Bill with Wild Honey and then Ruby Tuesday with Lenny. and they stack.  After all that looking he should be done.  He looks them over again and walks to the front looking at each one.  Morton sets aside the last two and they go out of the ring.  Zack and Dwayne.  Now he brings two out to the center.  and they walk eight steps away and back.  Now he takes the second and third bitch downand back.  And off they go again.  iThey are walking and he is watching and they keep ongoing and ghe stops them. He sends the last two and the first one, Sas, aside and takes the second and third around with Bill in front.  Now Lenny in front.  Now off they go with Sas in front.  The bitches seem tired.  Morton brings them to the middle talks to the crowd and puts them up that way.

Sasss in front then Ruby Tuesday, then Bill Tank with Wild Honey and fourth is Red Ruby.

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The Winner's Dog was winner's dog and best of winners at the pre-show.. In comes the second dog, and I suspect Liz with Singer will go Reserve, but what do I know?  Scott has him in there and Liz is giving him the stink eye.  And around again for Scott.  Second 15 to 18.  And down and back. Jack is giving him a good look  Now Liz to the center with Scott.  And Jack walks around the dogs and stares at them.  He gives some directions, and Scott walks him a few steps away and back, four steps. He sends them back with Scott in front.  Jokic in front and Liz fell and the dog ran off. And off they go again.  Reserve is Kokic is Reserve.

Exciting ending but little crowd response.


Only one in 7-9 and one in tn the 9-12,so this isn't going to take long.  In there is Peace, the only one.  You have to love these older dogs.  Everyone seems underwhelmed.  Peace won, what a surprise. And no Veteran for the other class, so now a 30 minute break to allow me to go on line to my office to prepare a pleading that I have to file with the court this afternoon.

Winner's Dog

I went down to look at the class. I love Rebel, but they didn't ask me to Judge.

They each take a pass, and Rebel with Lindsey would be an easy call were it me. Jack is about to place them.  I got to talk to Gloria and Yolanda.  The crowd loves Stoke my Fire.   He pulled Rebel then Stoke my Fire. What a great joice.  And off theuy go. Reble has a fantastic front.   Now he has the last four go around but he is  last of the four.  Singere in front by Cal and then another.  Rebel is set aside, CAL TO THE FRONT, THEM Malstrom and Singer.  The crowd favorites are not in this bunch.  There are good dog, and the front dog is the winner's dog at the pre-show.  Now Malstrom by Singer and Cal.  Maybe he is giving everyone a chance in front. Did I say this is a very big ring?  Very quiet with this group.  All three of these have Liz Oster's name on them. He brings the three to the middle of the ring and they stack as he looks them over.  I guess one of them will be the Winner's Dogf.  I have never seen this process before, maybe it is a Canadian thing.  Lister, Mariea AND SOMEONE ELSE.  It is a family thing.  Jack walks them back and forth a few steps.   He just has them walk four steps while he studies them  He sends one out and it is Liz with Singer and Cal with Maria.  This is when Mom gets to tell her daughter how to act.  Kent is doubling both and Cal Goes in front.  It looks like a rough decision for him.  Maria is in front and off they go.  It's Maria with Cal, Winner's dog.

Friday at the ring

I got to eat this morning with Helen Gleason.  Tom Mesdag just came by to talk for a bit. Tony and I are here and ready to go.  I see Kent carrying a crate while riding a motor bike. Very cool.  He is talking to Lennie.  No one else seems to be here yet, but it is twenty minutes before show time.

We went to eat at a healthy place. Everyone  loved the food except me.  I don't like healthy food. They remove all the taste and charge twice as much. I think they sell the flavor to Wendy's or Arbys.  Linda Kurry ate with us, and she loved it.  I need to find a greasy spoon place for tonight.

Tony left with the microphone so I guess we are ready to start.

I don't see any of the Judges, so I guess they are going to make a grand entrance.  When I say nobody is here, I mean nobody.  I could seven people down below. Even our singer isn't here. I do see Channing with a suit jacket on. Tom Mesdaag was with us at breakfast and he has some of the best dogs being shown today.  Problems in the stalls. Evidently power went out. Also people bought them for $150, but some weren't sold so they offered them for $50.  Those who bought them earlier weren't happy.

I see Lindsey with a Bib, so that is a good sign.  one minute to showtime.  I now count 12 people here.  Here comes the Judge, Here comes the Judge.  They get brought in with a van. There is a ramp to get in. I guess they work hard enough just judging. It is now one minute past the opening ceremonies.  No one seems to care.

Diane Brown told me a great story yesterday. It seems she need hand surgery and as they took her in, she asked the doctor if after the operation would she be able to play the piano. I understand she plays at her church and is quite accomplished. That is an old joke which the doctor knew. He asked if she was able to play before?  Some old jokes never die.  Some days I think I am an old joke myself.

Reno is very cold in the mornings and very hot in the afternoon, then seems to go back to cold in the evenings.

I did see Ann Schultz this morning, so people are coming in every day.  I now count 21 people here five minutes after the show was to start. But, I understand judging won't start until 8:30 so people don't come for the singing of the national anthem.  Linda Battistoni just walked in. She walks a slow as Tedi and she wan't run over but I think she said she has some foot pain,  There is actually one dog in the arena now  I feel the excite

Kristina DeLisi came by to visit the booth.  She was telling me that there aren't that many German shepherds in Iowa.  I figured that, as there aren't that many people there either.

The first class is in a amatuer owned puppy dog.  Only one and I can't read the number from here. Tony  said it is Let your light Shine. I can say, with no fear, he went first even before the judging is done. YES!  That's the way it goes.

Now the Bred-By-Dogs, It's Arch Angle with Val Manning, Rebel with Lindsey, third is Showgun with Channing.  And, no, I can't see them, but Tony (the man with eyes) is here.  lSherri is here With Donna Callebrsi.  I know I spelled it wrong, and I didn't use Sherri's last name so as not to insult her again.

There are no open dogs. Lots of people here now.  I did see Christy Heiman.  For gossip, I  hear Bill Basu called his wife to come bring medicines and he plans to show Saturday,

The Bred by, First was Rebel, second Arch Angle, third Shogun.
Now in the ring is American Bred, the last dog class today except for Veterans and Winner's Dog. In the ring are, Maker's Mark with Lennie Brown, Lt. Dan with Kelley, Harley Davidson with Nicki, Sharp Dressed Man with Zac then Singer with Liz and last speak of the Devil with Autumn.  If you need last names you are not important enough to know about the handlers. Jack looks great judging and has great ring control while letting everyone has a good time. 

Sergio came by. If you came by it means you walked all the way up. It is isolated here.  Most of the people who I see have come up for food at the vendors or the bathrooms that are upstairs as well.  Tony was telling me about the Boeing strike. Evidently after he retired he was working for them, but with the strike he is laid off again.   Twyla came by. There is a ramp to come up.

Now he is picking Singer to the front then Harley and off th3ey go.  And that is how they finish, first Singer with Liz, second is second is Speak of the Devil with Autumn, third Sharp Dressed Man with Zac, and Forth is Maker's Mark with Lennie.

Nest post will have Winner's Dog, don't get too excited.

Friday is a new day

Here we go again, another Friday or as I call it Champions Eve.  I saw some great young dogs, and I loved the Breed dog from the Pre-Show.  But, today we get those entries that didn't yet finish. I know the show entries are small, but you seldom see anything being shown that won't or can't finish.  The sport has gotten too expensive to show pets, and so we see the best of the best.

I have to figure out how to work the announcing so people can understand what we are saying. The sound system often is a problem as it is here as well.

Tedi comes later to the show, Twyla picks her up. I like to get to the ring early. It used to be that Bob Lindsey and I would see who would get there first.   Speaking of Bob, I hope Bob Dresher, (the voice of the National) will be able to return to the microphone next year.  He has all those great dogs and bitches, Canadian Grand Victrix, but it is more fun with him. Not that Tony isn't fun, but we need that third person to have the fun we used to have.  Between Bob. Tony and I we seem to know everyone, and I miss that.

Off to the fantastic free breakfast with all the National people at the motel, and more to come.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Thursday evening reflections

As you could probably tell, Tony did much of the posting today.  I started to handle the announcing, to find that no one could understand what I said. It is interesting to find out you are irrelevant.

You could tell it was Tony by the correct spelling and coherent writing.  I had a good time, and we went to a healthy restrarant for dinner.  I hate healthy food.

It is a quiet National, but it is early and perhaps Saturday will be more exciting.

I guess this Blog is only on the GSD List and if anyone knows how to get it on the GSD facebook page please feel free to do so.

Enough for a Thursday, and on to tomorrow.

On to Bitches on Thursday, no I am not talking about handlers

Break is over and they are calling for 6-9 Puppy Bitches to the ring.  Evan ran off to put raffle tickets in the different baskets at the Junior's table.  They are selling Raffle tickets 1 for $5 or 36 for $50 (works out to less than $1.40 per ticket).  Rumor has it that several years ago, they would sell an Arm's length of tickets for $50.  The person buying the tickets was short, nd an Arm's length wasn't very many tickets, so he stopped the a person walking buy (Dave Rinke) and used his' Arm's Length, which totaled 36 tickets.  They have used that as the standard ever since.

OK, we have three bitches in the ring; Charm; Wispbear with Ash Oldfield; and Rainbow with Maria Oster.  Morton Goldfarb is in the ring judging bitches.  He takes them around, and does individuals.  

Had someone stop by who had never been to a dog show.  He has a sister who shows dogs, and since he lives close to Reno he drove out to see her and the show (he thinks we are crazy - probably correct).

Morton takes them around, and rearanged the dogs with Rainbow in front then Wispbear then Charm.  He stops and puts Wispbear in front; and around they go again.  Morton stops the group and has the handlers stack the dogs for a final look.  He rearranges again putting them back in catalog order with Charm then Whispbear then Rainbow.  And that's how they finish.

Next in is the 9-12 month bitches.  First in is Rita with Lenny Brown, followed by Grace with Scott Yergin, then Witchcraft with Matt McMillian, then Hearts On Fire and last is Firebird with Autumn Dugan.  Morton does a quick temperament test on each, and then starts the Individual Exams.  

He takes them around; then does some more down and back; then he stackes them for a final look.  And he calls the class with Rita in frount, Witchcraft in second, Firebird in third and Grace in forth.

Next is 6-12 Longcoat.  Yaboo vom Tilton is the only bitch in this class, and takes first place.

Next up is the 12-15 month bitch class.  4 dogs are in this class.  Dreaming of Me is in first with Samantha Rosenthal, then Dance with Nancy McDonald, then Storm with Zac Hudspeth, and Labyrinth with Liz Oster.    and now for individuals.

Morton is now taking them around two at a time.  He is doing some movements and rearranging, but then re rearragnes again.  After several times, he is now looking at the entire group; with Labyrinth up front, then Storm then Dance then Dreaming (reverse catalog order).

Looks like we may finish before 2pm and Evan and I are talking about when to go for dinner.

And he lines them up for a final look; and thats how they finish:   Labyrinth up front, then Storm then Dance then Dreaming (reverse catalog order).

Next is the 15-18 month bitches.  There are only two entered and only one in the ring - Coco with Zac Hudspeth.  Coco goes around, does the individual, around again, and wins the class.

And the last class of the day is Novice Bitches; Maggie May with Lenny Brown and Junie with Zac Hudspeth.  Once around the ring and then individuals.

Getting near the end of judging for the day, and it is quiet.  But we expect more people on Friday and Saturday.

Morton looks at both bitches, gives each a quick pet on the head, puts Junie in front and has them go around again.  Morton stops the dogs looks again; and puts Maggie May back in front.  Once again and then he puts Junie back in front.  And that's how they end; Junie then Maggie May.

And breed judging is done for the day about 12:30.  Plenty of time for visiting and eating.

See you tomorrow.

Thursday at the arena

Here I am in the booth high above whatever is going on. I can't even tell who is below us. Tony is here too, but went down to figure out the opening ceremonies which begin in twenty minutes.  It is a bit cold in here and only a few people down below.  Anything I say about who I see is a guess.  There is no sod, and I was told that someone offered to pay for it and refused.  That is just a rumor, and possible not true. But, I do remember one National where I offered to pay for the sod, and was turned down, so maybe it is true.

I see Zac, and I know it is him because he is riding his electric bike. The food booth is open and I tried the hot dogs yesterday and I threw it away. I hate a mushy hot dog. So, if  you ever invite me to your home for dinner, consider Vienna Beef, or even Nathan's hot dogs.  

I don't see anyone for the opening, so maybe it isn't going to go. I guess there are only two clubs.  Tony just told me there were no people for it.  No one is here and they want to start the parade, so no one will be here to cheer them on.  I know I got the Breed wrong because Best of Breed and Best Opposite are males.  Lenny Brown made it a point to come by to say hello. I am off to walk with the Michigan people.

OK, I walked with them and we talked about Lloyd Bracket.  I spent some time with Carmine Battaglia. He is writing a book about 100 years of German shepherds. I feel today like I was there.

Tony and I are back up in the tower, I see Jack is ready to begin. I spent a minute with Jack and Morton and they are ready to go. Tony will feed me the names since I can't see who it is.   Everyone has bibs today  and that should help.

The class is in.  Frontier Wynott Fuel. That's alicia's dog is is David her son.  There is also Braunhous Wilron's Master of Diaster, (great name) with Sophie Brown. There two kids are fantasitc  I see Diane running outside the ring.  

Sherry Moses, (I know it is different now) and Leslie are up here now. First Diaster and Fuel second.  Thank Tony for feeding me what I can't see.

Now the 4-6 puppy bitches.  Nancy McDonald, (I know another new name) I wish these women would stop getting married. It is hard enough for me to remember the old names.

First in is Frontier Wynott Buggoggi Divo  (secnond) actully first is Legasie's Amazing Grace and third is Willron's Cambria's A Ticket to ride Von Braunhouse, and fourth Clayfielf Rocky Oak Bedazzled of Norberge.  Blame anyone except me for the spelling.  I ain't good at speling.  Bill came by and talked about the German shows. I see Liz Oster is ready to go in after the puppies.  I see Jimmy is here now.  

A little rearranging,and once around with Ticket to Ride in front, followed by Amazing Grace, Bedazzled, and Divo.  And Amazing Grace is moved back in front.  And that's how they finish - Amazing Grace, Ticket to Rice, Bedazzled, and Dico.

Next is Best Beginner Puppy; Disaster and Amazing Grace come in ring.  After a quick look, Jack moves Amazing Grace to thr front.  Ance around, and that's how they finish - Best is Amazing Grace and Best Oppostite is Diaster.

And now, the regular classes; first up is 6-9 Puppy Dogs.  First in is Ranbow's End with Maria Oster; next is Remember When; followed by Roaring Lion with Heather Jones; then Walker with Ash Ildfield; and Merlin.  Evin is talked about jobs and people while we are watching individuals.  Not muching the buikding - it's early and not many people here.  We saw Teresa Royer walk by.  But the Announcer's stand is too high and nobody can see us.  I also saw Carmen Battaglia walk up the Parent Club table and talk to them.

Diane Brown stopped in to talk at us, and we talked about her daughter Sophie.  Diane said her daughter is very active in dogs, and keeps Diane young.

OK, last inidivudal just finished, and a quick rearaange, and they finished Rainbow's End; then Walker; then Roaring Lion; and fourth is Remember When.

9-12 is getting ready outside the ring, and the ring stewdart calls them in.  First in is Camaro; then Stroke My Fire; and How do you like me know with Maria Oster.

Linda Bankhead is walking around with matching bright pink boots and bright pink jacket.  Ben Bigornia is walking around.

Jack is halfway through individuals, and we have a handler change for How do you like me now - Maria Oster comes out and Liz Oster comes in.

A little rearranging, and they finish as Stoke my Fire in first, then How do you like me know in second, and Camaro in third.  The fist place puppy dog was the Reserve Winner dog at yesterday's Pre-Show.

Evan again. The excitement here is underwhelming. I don't think anyone is watching.  Hardly anyone is here, and Jack is doing a great job and moving the show. Yesterday there were many breaks, but we are calling for arm bands ahead and it seems to help.

Evan left again to check on Tedi (and Tony back at the keyboard).  Jack brings in the 12-15 Month dog class.  First in is Storm on the Horizon with Nancy McDonald, then Jonny Cash with Katelyn Heiman; and third in is Maelstrom with Liz Oster.  Jack is doing individuals, and seems to know what he is looking for.  Not much noice from the small crowd, but a smattering of applause for Maelstrom as he goes around.  Jack mover him to the front, and that's how they finish:  Maelstrom in first, Storm in second, and Jonny Cash in third.

And the 15-18 Month Dogs come in the ring.  First is Exclusive with Lenny Brown; then Jokic with Scott Yergin; followed by  Nocturne with Brenda Shepard; then Rafa with Zak Hudspeth and last is Cal with Liz Oster.  They haven't started Individuals yet, and Maria Oster comes in the ring to relieve Liz Oster on Cal.  Liz and Maria make a powerful tag-team for handlers.

There's more people here today, but still not much noise from the crowd.  I lot of people walking around saying people to others they haven't seen since the last National.  

Jack is done with individuals, and takes just Exclusive and Nocturne around.  Then he takes just Jokic and Cal around.  After some rearranging, he has Cal then Jokic, then Rafa, then Exclusive, then Nocturne.  He does another Down and back for each.  He checks them again, and sends them around.  And that's how they finish; Cal then Jokic, then Rafa, then Exclusive, then Nocturne.  We have a 15min break before Bitches.  

Evan just bought raffle tickets, and will spend the time writing names on them.  Be back soon.

The National on Thursday

It is early, an hour and a half before breakfast here at the motel.  I don't know how to get this to the internet, but I know it is showing  up on The List.

It is going to be a short day today, and we should be done by two or three.  I am not sure if I will be up on the announcer's booth, or done on the floor. They have set us up way at the top of the facility and it makes sure I don't have to mix with the little people.  Tony wondered down on the floor with a microphone yesterday, but for some reason you could not hear what he was saying. Well, you could hear it, but it was all jumbled with an echo.  He suggested we sit down with the real folks, and perhaps that will work, but it is up to those who must be obeyed as to how we handle it.,

I got to sit with Paul Johnson yesterday and we talked how it was a shame that Dave and Martha Rinke would not be here. I always looked forward to talking to them and with our Presidential race it would have been even more interesting.

I saw Dave Fritche's grandson David in the ring. I thought he was still five years old, but I got to talk to him and he has graduated college with a degree in desel mechanics. He already has job opportunities.  The years go by so fast, and I also saw Diane Brown's daughter, grown up and a young lady.  It is great that I didn't get any older, but they did.

I ran into Lauren and Scott, and again Lauren gets more attractive every year, and looks younger than last year.  Do we have vampire handlers?  Hallie McMullen is here and Ronnie Dollar was in the ring, doing a fantastic job.  Linda Wallace was sitting with us for a while and having a good time.  I did get to talk for a bit with Lindsey and Zac who are everywhere showing dogs. they both do such a great job.

Fran Fasano was running back and forth and we talked for a bit.  Martha Simonett and I talked about how we both enjoyed being lawyers, and her retirement from being a Judge. Bob Dresser is too busy with his winning dogs to announce, I hope next year he can come back and sit in the booth where we all need him as the voice of the national. He was always what we heard for years.

Hallie McMullen was talking to Twyla and me, and is having a good time.  I did take a minute to talk to Frank Fasano, but he was way too busy to spend time in one spot. Debbie Kaser let me spend time with Cate. She and I have a special relationship, Cate, not Debbie, although I have known Debbie and Amy from before they were both born. Figure that one out if you can.  

Kent is here looking like he is as young as he used to be. Speaking of that, I did sit with Jimmie for a while and we both agreed it has been a long and fun trip. The is the 111th National and we  both have been at them all.

Channing was in the ring for a class of one. He went first. I miss Ken Tank, maybe he is coming later. I haven't seen Gloria yet, but Tedi picked this motel as she said it was where she was saying.

I am headed over to the arena. We are about 10 miles, and unless I get lost, I will post more later. So, if you don't read this, be sure to let me know. So far, no one has indicated they got it.  

Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Wednesday in Reno

It was a good day, but a bit long. All the judging was interesting and some excellent. I got to talk to a lot of old friends, and some I 
I've known a long time.  Old is the key.  It is good to see Celeste is her and Bill Basu said he hurt his back so Ed won't be coming and I was looking forward to seeing him.  Bob Dresher is here with Martha, and I got to talk to them.  I spent some time with Manny and Joey and we talking about the weather in Florida.  I sat with Martin when he wasn't judging and met his daughter Kim.  I did some card tricks and for me that is always fun.

Twyla is here and sat with Tedi.  So many people came up to say hello to Tedi and even Martin made it a point to come by. Art Sinclair is here after not coming to the Nationals for year and Bill and I talked too.  It is so good to see so many of us still here. I didn't get to tell her but Diane Brown seems to have found a way to get younger and at one point she and her daughter were side by side in the ring.

Best of Breed was Ch Macabre Kaleef's Scandalous, and I thought he was a standout.  Best Opposite Sex was listed on the board as GCH Legacy's Redemption of Breauhausen.  Clearly the board that was marked is wrong, since Scandalous is a bitch and a male was BOB. Someone smarter than me will  straighten it out, and that includes most everyone.  Best of Winners was Jimeni's Cal V Eklectric.  Select Dog was GCh Hessen's Prince of Darkness of Mariner, (Amy Nichols, Debra Laser. and handled by Cindi Tellefson), and Ch Wilron's Winsome's Black Leather and Lace. Best Puppy was Legacy's Stpke My Fire who was alsop Reserve Winner's Dog.

I will do more tomorrow, but for now, that is what I know and what I saw, limited to what I want to share.


Wednesday in Reno

Well, here we are at another national. It was a 9 hour drive, not as bad as Illinois, or even Denver.  We used a small road, not the highway to avoid an extra five hours, and it worked. Got a lot of stop lights, and trucks, but still got here in nine hours.

I  own five cars, but still rented a "luxury" vehicle for the trip. The dog van has 90,000 miles on it and isn't a comfortable ride. I drive a Mercedes SL which is a two seater so I don't have to have others with me, and it has no room for luggage and is too small for Tedi. Tedi drive a Honda Fit, and that is definetly not a road car. I buy a Rav 4 for my file clerk, who has been with me 23 years, and she wants to use it. My office manger drives my Honda, but she too doesn't want to give it up for a week. She has been with me 34 years so I try not to upset her.

I was provided a Alpha Romero.  It has limited luggage space, is not very large, isn't a good road car, and gets terrible gas millage.  But, I guess it looks good on us, and that is what is important.

Tedi is doing great, walking is slow, but she is glad to be out. We saw Bill Basu with Carolyn Martell when we went over to the show sight. It is amazing how it seems like you were with your friends just the other day, when it has been a year since you have seen them. That, to me, is why I love the Nationals.  It is the people and also a few great dogs.

I hope this goes out. So, let me know if you read it. If you don't get it, be sure to tell me and I will ask Zoe to fix it.

I don't post during the show before the show or this year at the Futurity, but they have finally found a way to get me and Tony so that no one has to see or talk to us. We are way up top of the arena in a private booth away from everyone who counts. I may spend a lot of time away from my post, so you have the advantage of not hearing much from me.

Tedi sleeps on, I am about to get a free breakfast then off to the show.  I know Ed has a new dog in 12 to 18 that I hear is great. There are seven in the class, or the horror of giant entries. Over half the entries will get a ribbon.  I remember when you were thrilled to get a ribbon, and it was a dream to make the first cut.

I will adjust, but it is a new world of dog shows.

More later, if this works, or not.
