Friday, October 11, 2024

Friday at the ring

I got to eat this morning with Helen Gleason.  Tom Mesdag just came by to talk for a bit. Tony and I are here and ready to go.  I see Kent carrying a crate while riding a motor bike. Very cool.  He is talking to Lennie.  No one else seems to be here yet, but it is twenty minutes before show time.

We went to eat at a healthy place. Everyone  loved the food except me.  I don't like healthy food. They remove all the taste and charge twice as much. I think they sell the flavor to Wendy's or Arbys.  Linda Kurry ate with us, and she loved it.  I need to find a greasy spoon place for tonight.

Tony left with the microphone so I guess we are ready to start.

I don't see any of the Judges, so I guess they are going to make a grand entrance.  When I say nobody is here, I mean nobody.  I could seven people down below. Even our singer isn't here. I do see Channing with a suit jacket on. Tom Mesdaag was with us at breakfast and he has some of the best dogs being shown today.  Problems in the stalls. Evidently power went out. Also people bought them for $150, but some weren't sold so they offered them for $50.  Those who bought them earlier weren't happy.

I see Lindsey with a Bib, so that is a good sign.  one minute to showtime.  I now count 12 people here.  Here comes the Judge, Here comes the Judge.  They get brought in with a van. There is a ramp to get in. I guess they work hard enough just judging. It is now one minute past the opening ceremonies.  No one seems to care.

Diane Brown told me a great story yesterday. It seems she need hand surgery and as they took her in, she asked the doctor if after the operation would she be able to play the piano. I understand she plays at her church and is quite accomplished. That is an old joke which the doctor knew. He asked if she was able to play before?  Some old jokes never die.  Some days I think I am an old joke myself.

Reno is very cold in the mornings and very hot in the afternoon, then seems to go back to cold in the evenings.

I did see Ann Schultz this morning, so people are coming in every day.  I now count 21 people here five minutes after the show was to start. But, I understand judging won't start until 8:30 so people don't come for the singing of the national anthem.  Linda Battistoni just walked in. She walks a slow as Tedi and she wan't run over but I think she said she has some foot pain,  There is actually one dog in the arena now  I feel the excite

Kristina DeLisi came by to visit the booth.  She was telling me that there aren't that many German shepherds in Iowa.  I figured that, as there aren't that many people there either.

The first class is in a amatuer owned puppy dog.  Only one and I can't read the number from here. Tony  said it is Let your light Shine. I can say, with no fear, he went first even before the judging is done. YES!  That's the way it goes.

Now the Bred-By-Dogs, It's Arch Angle with Val Manning, Rebel with Lindsey, third is Showgun with Channing.  And, no, I can't see them, but Tony (the man with eyes) is here.  lSherri is here With Donna Callebrsi.  I know I spelled it wrong, and I didn't use Sherri's last name so as not to insult her again.

There are no open dogs. Lots of people here now.  I did see Christy Heiman.  For gossip, I  hear Bill Basu called his wife to come bring medicines and he plans to show Saturday,

The Bred by, First was Rebel, second Arch Angle, third Shogun.
Now in the ring is American Bred, the last dog class today except for Veterans and Winner's Dog. In the ring are, Maker's Mark with Lennie Brown, Lt. Dan with Kelley, Harley Davidson with Nicki, Sharp Dressed Man with Zac then Singer with Liz and last speak of the Devil with Autumn.  If you need last names you are not important enough to know about the handlers. Jack looks great judging and has great ring control while letting everyone has a good time. 

Sergio came by. If you came by it means you walked all the way up. It is isolated here.  Most of the people who I see have come up for food at the vendors or the bathrooms that are upstairs as well.  Tony was telling me about the Boeing strike. Evidently after he retired he was working for them, but with the strike he is laid off again.   Twyla came by. There is a ramp to come up.

Now he is picking Singer to the front then Harley and off th3ey go.  And that is how they finish, first Singer with Liz, second is second is Speak of the Devil with Autumn, third Sharp Dressed Man with Zac, and Forth is Maker's Mark with Lennie.

Nest post will have Winner's Dog, don't get too excited.