Thursday, October 10, 2024

On to Bitches on Thursday, no I am not talking about handlers

Break is over and they are calling for 6-9 Puppy Bitches to the ring.  Evan ran off to put raffle tickets in the different baskets at the Junior's table.  They are selling Raffle tickets 1 for $5 or 36 for $50 (works out to less than $1.40 per ticket).  Rumor has it that several years ago, they would sell an Arm's length of tickets for $50.  The person buying the tickets was short, nd an Arm's length wasn't very many tickets, so he stopped the a person walking buy (Dave Rinke) and used his' Arm's Length, which totaled 36 tickets.  They have used that as the standard ever since.

OK, we have three bitches in the ring; Charm; Wispbear with Ash Oldfield; and Rainbow with Maria Oster.  Morton Goldfarb is in the ring judging bitches.  He takes them around, and does individuals.  

Had someone stop by who had never been to a dog show.  He has a sister who shows dogs, and since he lives close to Reno he drove out to see her and the show (he thinks we are crazy - probably correct).

Morton takes them around, and rearanged the dogs with Rainbow in front then Wispbear then Charm.  He stops and puts Wispbear in front; and around they go again.  Morton stops the group and has the handlers stack the dogs for a final look.  He rearranges again putting them back in catalog order with Charm then Whispbear then Rainbow.  And that's how they finish.

Next in is the 9-12 month bitches.  First in is Rita with Lenny Brown, followed by Grace with Scott Yergin, then Witchcraft with Matt McMillian, then Hearts On Fire and last is Firebird with Autumn Dugan.  Morton does a quick temperament test on each, and then starts the Individual Exams.  

He takes them around; then does some more down and back; then he stackes them for a final look.  And he calls the class with Rita in frount, Witchcraft in second, Firebird in third and Grace in forth.

Next is 6-12 Longcoat.  Yaboo vom Tilton is the only bitch in this class, and takes first place.

Next up is the 12-15 month bitch class.  4 dogs are in this class.  Dreaming of Me is in first with Samantha Rosenthal, then Dance with Nancy McDonald, then Storm with Zac Hudspeth, and Labyrinth with Liz Oster.    and now for individuals.

Morton is now taking them around two at a time.  He is doing some movements and rearranging, but then re rearragnes again.  After several times, he is now looking at the entire group; with Labyrinth up front, then Storm then Dance then Dreaming (reverse catalog order).

Looks like we may finish before 2pm and Evan and I are talking about when to go for dinner.

And he lines them up for a final look; and thats how they finish:   Labyrinth up front, then Storm then Dance then Dreaming (reverse catalog order).

Next is the 15-18 month bitches.  There are only two entered and only one in the ring - Coco with Zac Hudspeth.  Coco goes around, does the individual, around again, and wins the class.

And the last class of the day is Novice Bitches; Maggie May with Lenny Brown and Junie with Zac Hudspeth.  Once around the ring and then individuals.

Getting near the end of judging for the day, and it is quiet.  But we expect more people on Friday and Saturday.

Morton looks at both bitches, gives each a quick pet on the head, puts Junie in front and has them go around again.  Morton stops the dogs looks again; and puts Maggie May back in front.  Once again and then he puts Junie back in front.  And that's how they end; Junie then Maggie May.

And breed judging is done for the day about 12:30.  Plenty of time for visiting and eating.

See you tomorrow.