Saturday, October 12, 2024

On to the girls

They are doing the AOE now. And starting with the 2022 Grand Victor.  I got a minute to talk to Ileana and told her that she did a fantastic job.  That ws one of the best job of judging I have ever seen.  I just found out Joan Fox decided not to come. I am disappointed as I wanted to see her.  I always enjoyed talking to Joan and liked her late husband a lot.  That was a short presentation, perhaps there aren't that many AOEs.

The ring is full with bitches.  They are dividing them into groups of six, and out go the rest.  

It has gotten a little quiet - everyone stopped for lunch, and I don't think the excitement is in the air yet.  But we are just starting Bitches.  Once Ileana is done with individuals and starts moving bitches around, I expect to hear lots of noise.  

Evan is taking a break, so I (Tony) am once again at the keyboard.  Several people I was hoping to see that didn't make it this year.  Nancy Nellis decided not to come; Les & Cheryl Anderson were planning to come, but changed their mind (their dog is here).  Bill & Clara Dean; Larry & Terry; and others didn't travel to Reno, but I expect I will see them next year in Springfield IL.

Yesterday, I walked over to the Agility ring to see hy performance friends (Julie Degen & Dawn VanDyken).  When they saw me, they said Hi . . . As long as you're here, can you help us" (I ended up working for a while until I said I needed to get back to help Evan).

I was talking to Alex Muse; he doesn't show many dogs thru the year, but always comes to the Nationals.

Everyone has figured out Ileana's routine.  After Individuals, she takes them around once and separates into a keep pile and a not-keep pile.  So the crowd starts making noise after the individuals.  Ileana takes a quick look, and ends up keeping the whole first group of 6.  Lollie, Roses, Heart of Gold, Bartola, Uptown Girl, and Mercedes Benz.  And the next group of 6 come in.

Second group is done with individuals.  Ileana takes a look and sends them around before her initial cut.  She keeps the first three (One Chance, Don't Forget and Athena) and moves on.  Next group.

Once again, individuals, and Ileana keeps 3 of the six (Without Limits, Comet, Valedictorian).  Next Group of 6.

Once around; individuals, a quick look, and she keeps 4 (Skating, 2Kiss, Scandal, Thunder).   Next group of 6 coming in the ring.  Individuals are over, and the crowd starts to pay attention.  Ileana does a quick look at then entire group and once around.  A quick look, and Ileana picks 3 out of the middle (Never Letting Go, Blue Jean Baby, Mercy Me).  And the next group comes in.

Some of the handles are showing multiple bitches.  They changed the order initially to allow handlers with multiple dogs to have them in different groups.  Our course if they are all in the keep pile, the handlers will have to choose which to show and who to take the other dogs in for them.  But they've done this before, and make the moves almost unnoticeable.

Ileana is on her last Individual, and the next group is starting to gather at the ring entrance.  I see Scott giving Lauren some last minute advice (or maybe she is telling him what to do).  

OK, Ileana kept 3 (Cleopatra, Tango, National).  On to the next group.

Of this group of 6, Ileana only kept 1; Tasia.  They leave the ring, and the final group of 3 come in the ring (Winners Bitch, Young Veteran and older Veteran). More people are starting to watch the show now that there are only two more dogs to go through individuals.  Ileana keeps the Winners Bitch but lets both Veteran Bitches go.

Ileana has 24 Bitches in the keep pile, and she brings in the others for one final look.  Ileana brings 7 bitches in looking for the diamond in the rough, and keeps Ponca and lets the rest go.  Ileana looks at the next set of 7; once around, and lets them all go.  And now the last set of 7; and none are kept.  So we are now down to 25 Bitches still vying for Select.

Ileana brings in the first group of 7 and after a quick look, moves Chance with George Bersler to the front.  No other movements (yet).  Now to the second group of 7.  Ilena moves Valedictorian with Kent Boyles to the front.  Next group of 6; no movement but all stay in the ring.  And the final group of 5 come in the ring.  And keeps them all.

Ileana asks all 25 bitches to line up.  She pulls out 14, and then looks the other 11.  She has 6 go around; one more look; and lets all 6 go.  Then she has the other 5 go around and lets them all go.  So she has 14 Bitches still in the ring.  She has them go around 5 at a time and does some moving.  Chance with George Bersler is still in front with Valedictorian with Kent in second.  Then Valedictorian to the front; after a pass, she moves Tango to the front; and back with Valedictorian to the front.

THE GRAND VICTRIX IS CH/H  RISEWOOD'S VALEDICTORIAN.  14 Selects and something I have never seen before.  Iliana went down the line and gave every Select handler a hug.

Iliana did one of the best jobs of judging I have ever seen.  Towards the end it was a bit of an endurance rase post the 14 Selects Tony took over typing as I got tired.

Then there is always  next year.