Friday, October 19, 2007

The Annual Meeting - No one got shot

The Annual Meeting went well. No shouting or even a raised voice. Lew handled it perfectly and did mention the law suit but that was all.
I was troubled to see an armed guard. I went and talked to her, she was an off duty officer, and also agreed with me that it was rediculous. I also didn't like that they hired a parliamentarian who sat at the head table with the board, but no one asked.
I did find it tedious to listen to two presentations about research, but it was for the good of the dog, and while I think it should have been done at a seminar, I can't bitch about it. They did a good and short presentation and it was interesting.
There was a big turn out, standing room only. The election went off with no problem, sufficient ballots were received.
Our new President is Gail Hardcastle. Vice President is Tish Walker.  Margy is elected to the position of Secretary, and our new board members are, (in order of votes), Joan Fox, Carolyn Martello, Dalene Makentire, Carmen Battaglia, Dean Wylie, David Firtsche, Nancy Harper and since there is a vacating of the board by Gail being elected, Kathleen Strong will serve us on the board. Because not all of those were elected by a majority, the board has to appoint them at the meeting on Sunday, but that is you new board.
The by-law changes passed, but the Code of Ethics didn't. All four of the by-law changes passed.
The Lloyd Bracket award went to Fred Migliore, and he deserves it, and it made me proud that he won it.
The Don Cliff award went to Ben Bigornia, and he was very surprised but a good choice.
The Connie Beckhart award went to Gail Sprock and I don't need to tell you how I feel about that. There is no one in this sport that I respect as much as Gail, and I am so proud to be allowed to call her my friend.  She was very surprised and I think pleased. Gail never did show much emotion.
I am pleased with the election and that the problems are over. Gail will handle the future with grace and style and Ken is committed to helping her. We have some new board members with strong ideas and a willingness to work for us, the little people.
I am especially pleased that Kris remains on the board, (I think). She was not listened to by the past board in many instances, and that led us to much of the problems we faced.  Now, with this new board, perhaps she can advise them of any legal problems and avoid many of those things that happened.  She had to resign as head of Legal Affairs because no one would listen to her, it will be different with the new mix.
It is after eleven, and I am much too old and tired to do this, but I am pleased that the guard never had to pull our her sidearm, (a 45) and that we all left laughing. I like that in a meeting.
Asgard German Shepherds
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