Monday, October 15, 2007

Touch and Go on Monday

It was not at sure thing today. At five this morning the trip was off, but by eight we were packing. We were a bit late, getting to LAX parking less than one hour before the flight, but made it fine.  We even had time to sit a minute before the two hour flight.
Denver airport was great, about sixty and clear, man is the sun bright with air you can't feel as in Los Angeles.  The drive out was easy, less than an hour and we went by the show site, and it looks big, and impressive.
We ran into Paula, Dave and Jan with a good looking Elmo son.  Had a meal and now have been going over some work that was sent by FAX.  I have some stuff to respond to, then it is all dog shows.  Tedi is on the Education Committee and I am working wih her tomorrow at the Jude's Seminar as a mentor. That should be a kick. Can you imagine anyone listening to me?
I promise to tell all, see as much as I can, and bring you into the show.  It is going to be a great week.
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come  together

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