What a great world. I am tired and have to finish this yet. Tedi did ask see. They are doing them one at a time, lots of happy people and a few ecstatic.
We still are here, and the Winner’s Bitch has to go against the Winner’s Dog for Best of Winner’s Since the dog didn’t go Select, and Since the Winner’s Bitch went Grand Victrix, I will go out on a limb and predict the bitch will win. She might even go Breed, but Diesel is one hell of a dog.
I have been told I don’t want to go to the dinner. I agree with that with all my heart.
We are waiting for Best of Breed. ANDTHERE THEY ARE.
Diesel and Hiena. That makes me heat beat faster. She must be tired but what fantastic quality. I love what Helen ended up with, and it is going to be hard to pick one of them. The winner’s dog isn’t in, and so there is no Best of Winners.
No one asked me, but I would go with the Winner’s Bitch. What a fantastic sable bitch. George loses the lead, maybe on purpose and he can’t catch the dog. He goes to Michael Cheeks and George gets him back. Helen is laughing and sends George around again. Canadian and American Grand Victor Full Throttle.
Now for Olivia with Hyena Gomez. What a picture. Those at home missed a fantastic bitch. The crowd is clear they love her. Helen looks them over and is talking about Diesel on the video as Bob takes it from the middle of the ring. I can hear her, but don’t think I should repeat it.
Now she critiques Hyena, and again, I can hear her, but I will just wait and give you the decision.
Diesel Best of Breed.
Keep watching this spot for reporting and commentary from the German Shepherd Dog Club of America National Specialty Show October 20th – 28th Springfield Illinois State Fairgrounds Brought to you by the combined efforts of Evan Ginsburg and the Showgsd-l Administration

Saturday, November 08, 2008
Bitch Specials
We had a break and they did a schutzhund demonstration, lots of interest. Also, they read the members and friends who have left us, always a hard time for me.
They also did Juniors, and I used that time to take a break, and to get my mind straight.
My impressions. First of all, she got the best dogs up front and missed very little. I liked the lines with the best up front. Helen knows the standard and showed us how to select the best dogs. She gave a critique to everyone, that might or might not be a good thing. I guess if you didn’t want to know what she thought, you didn’t have to enter under her.
We are having a good time at the announcer’s table and Bob and Tony are working like crazy all show. Paul was invaluable to give me the names as they were moved, and he knows the dogs. He gives me the winners too, and doesn’t mind a little abuse.
Helen kept her cool and although the individuals were interminable, when she started to pick, she did so with a firm hand, and ring control. Overall, I liked what she did, and while I think she cut it too short, that was her choice and I have not right to criticize, even if I am right.
First up is Happysaysitall with the Guz. She is a pretty as can be. The crowd with Bobbie starts to yell, and she cocks her head from one side to the other, too cute. There she goes, and that is a picture.
Chanel No 5 comes in, and does the thing.
Doll House with Nick Federo the Granger’s bitch and she is another picture bitch, and would win anywhere. Up to number two.
Enchanted is a good one, nice type. Olivia co-owns her. I do love that movement. Either Helen agrees with me and wants to see her again, or she was too fast. She does not want to slow down. And she goes to second.
I guess I will drop describing the coming and going and the constant clip-boarding. They all go around, and it is starting to seem like de ja Vou. Or how ever you spell it
Toil N Trouble is now in the center and eight more to go. She is Candice’s bitch and she is a good person. What a dark bi-colored and I have seen her before. It is an in joke, you have to ask Tedi. No changes.
Chimay with Laurie, and owned by the Colemans and Shalonna. Always a favorite. The California crowd is behind her and she does look like a keeper, if she keeps it up. Helen is going over to her and puts her in second.
The Guz is still in front.
Jimmie is talking to our table now, and I see Ann Schultz. Kenny Cunningham is here and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to him today.
Next is Scottie with Madison Avenue, a past Select. She is a little over six now and this is after three litters that I know of. That is a real tribute to the quality of our breed that she can look that good at this age. She sure knows how to stack. She seems to love the ring and Helen sends her around. A real crowd favorite and mine too. She hasn’t lost a step from the first time I saw her five years ago. Into second.
The Guz is still in front.
Patti brings in Sangria. I wonder if she might be too big for Helen. I love that look and her style. What a pretty bitch. Helen goes to her and puts her in third. You want Helen to come talk to you.
Jimmy with Sor Juana. That is the type I would bring to Helen, other than Happysaysitall. They are both standard, typy bitches, Happy of course is everything in style and movement. Let’s see what Jimmy’s bitch does. Helen is taking a bit more time to look at her clip-board. I have seen it, and it is a template of faults and values. Nothing from the standard. Jimmy starts out and goes down and back again. Jimmy talks to her, and does it again. He has trouble with bringing her back, and now Helen is talking to him. There they go. Jim brings her back again. He knows what he is doing. And then Helen says go around slow and loose. And he does it. She does look great and Jim lets the lead hit the ground, but the bitch wants to find someone outside, and gets put in fourth or fifth. Paul is busy with Bob so I can’t get any help.
Lovstead is in there now. An American Cowboy daughter bred to Soledad O’Brien. Great body type.
Surfer Girl a very pretty bitch and in full coat. She is not that happy with the mouth exam, but no real problem. Last in the class of this group. If I could depend on Helen, I would go take a nap, and then come back for the excitement. But, no, I have to sit here making us stuff that no one wants to hear, so it will look like I am doing something. I think it might be more fun to be at the pity party. Down and back in the other direction. Helen is giving everyone a good look and if they don’t do it right, she gives them another chance. She is a winner and the crowd likes her too and Helen sixth.
Cristie is in there with Some Enchanted Eve. She is way out of order, but I am sure there is a reason. I saw her as a puppy, and liked her then. I still do. I think Helen might like her and we will know in a minute. She can move and she is moved but I don’t know where yet.
WOW, Happy looks great in front. It is hard to see anything else after her. (I know they don’t call her Happy, but that is easy for me), and Helen moves up Madison and there they go. That was after they ran the tunnel, on one side Helen, and on the other side the wall, and here they come again and she sends them out. In that order.
Bring on the new clowns.
Helen takes a break, and in they come. In front is Amy for now.
Amy now with Sarajevo Sunrise. What a dark pretty bitch. A good steady mover, and fantastic against the white wall.
(I am blown away by Kent’s bitch. Her name is Heiress. I have never seen her before, but I can’t imagine her not winning it all. Of course I only saw her from the side when they came in.)
Now in front and center is Sunny Side. One of the Roots breeding and shows that great Rivendell style. She is a small bitch but within the standard. A very dark black and tan, in my opinion, the only opinion that matters. She moves, maybe too fast. But, not for Helen, she goes to first.
Everyone seems to know that this part of the judging is not for the spectators, and there is a lot of talking and laughing. The handlers are talking to us little people. Ken Tank has a bright red shirt and is kidding with ringside.
Ken now goes out there with Boogie Wonderland. Dan Moser owns part of her, but mainly she is owned by Gail Bauman, who I was just talking to about her. She is a good one, and it will be interested to see where Helen puts her. The quality is so high this year. She may have to go more than seven Selects in bitches. What an iron back on her,a nd Helen does move her and puts her in front.
One of my clients just came up to tell me she is finally getting child support. We take out fun where we find it.
A black man with a black bitch. How rare. Al Martin is out there with U Got The Look.
Last man out, Kent with Heiress. I am not crazy with her standing, a bit big, and not impressive. I was blown away with her in motion. Kent baits her and there goes the back brushing. She does pose well. Second time down and back. I think Helen is trying to see her clean. Now the crowd wakes up and there she goes. Not as good s the first pass. Helen puts him in second. I am not as impressed, but still like her a lot.
Abby with Scheherazade. Very good looking show bitch, lots of style. She goes over to her, and puts her in fourth.
In the ring with Wont U B My Valentine. Around and around shes goes. Helen goes to her and moves her sixth. Be still my heart.
I see Tedi over at the other side, watching the bitches. She doesn’t like me to bother her at the show, and so Blogging works out well. She is standing alone and just studies the bitches.
Teressa Royer brings out Fantasia. A good looking black and tan. Teressa does a fantastic job of handling and has for years. She goes to fifth our of eight. I know Teressa is just thrilled.
Long Hot Summer with Greg. A solid looking bitch and great posternum. No back brushing for this one. I like that sidegait.
Mike brings to Helen, Shakira. She is one of my favorites. That should be one of the top ones. Helen wants her to stand free and look the other way. She takes a pose and holds it. There she goes, and the crowd starts early but picks it up. Helen moves her to third.
I just realized that all these hours when I am sitting between Paul and The One and Only, you only have to read what I type. Advantage to you. You must be getting sick of my opinions by now!
To Hot To Trot is in the center of the ring. Some crowd response. Helen goes to her and moves her to fourth.
Olivia with Copacabana. Another Rogue daughter. That is the nice dark sable I liked so much. The crowd does like her. Olivia says “Be quiet to someone” and takes her down and back, and again. This is the last in the group. She poses and looks just great. Now for the around thing. Helen goes and moves her to third.
Now to finish the group. Dick Jones is talking to Helen and Bob is talking to Karen. Maybe discussing the election. Helen walks out over to Bob and looks at her clipboard, and makes some marks on it. Now, back to the table, and the crowd applauds the keepers in there now, and she wants them around tells them to go slow and don’t try to keep up. Ken Tank leads them off. And there they go, at a reasonable trot, and Kent is behind him and then Olivia, Mike Al, Abby and others. She moves Al with U Got The Look to four. There they go again and she says, let them out. There they go with the tunnel again. She stands in the middle and looks at them and asks the first four to stand back and there goes Mikey in front Abby and others, seven left so far, and Helen walks over to them and moves Abby with Lovestead to fourth. Now they leave the ring in that order.
Bob is on the phone, and finally Helen sits down.
I took a break and missed two bitches. While I was gone, she did Soaring Softly and Kover Story. I am sure they were just great.
Now Joann has Miranda Rights in the ring, and Helen tells her what to do. A very dry but pretty bitch. Down and back in another direction. Helen watches her and looks at the clipboard and directs Bob. Bob again, does what he is told.
I did get to talk to Cappy and Gloria and the Knights. What a great group. Had a minute with Dave Rinke and Bob Eaton and Jeff. I do get time to say hello to a few people.
Bill Tank is there with Shasta Fair. Sort of what you want from the standard. She looks good and moves to the front. First of four.
Morris had Miami, a Krindler’s Ruby daughter. I do like those owners, and this is a good bitch. That is a hell of a bitch, if you excuse my language. Helen goes to her and moves her to the front. Dahhhh!
Now an all black bitch, with Diane Brown, Special Angel. The crowd likes her. Helen does too and moves the black bitch to second.
Four Star Review is out there and stands in a she is well put together. She is an Aries daughter. The Guz is behind us telling jokes. Four Star Review stacks and stands there as if she were a star, and she is.
I wasn’t going to repeat it, but now I have heard it from three people, so you might as well know. Helen is making Bob take notes. When The Guz had Hunter in there she said, “Too big to work.” Jerry said, “He has enough money he doesn’t have to work.” Hunter’s owner has his private jet here to take the dog home from the show. I heard he plans to stop in Palm Springs to drop off Jerry. Helen didn’t laugh.
Sprecial Angel takes off the length of the ring, and looks great at a full gallop. Back she comes. Helen says, “Start slow and let her out on a loose lead”. It is 4:30 and she is still doing individuals. And she goes to the front.
No one comes up and Helen calls, “Is anyone here” and Illegal Motion shows up. This is Mary Tripps bitch. She has a lot of great metal sculptures in her booth and this is an almost all black bitch. Those two things are not connected.
What a great sable is in there with Liz, Hiena Gomez, the Winner’s Bitch. I am getting excited, this is towards the end of the bitches. Not a minute too soon. Dan Moser just came by and everyone is milling about. She is very pretty, and a real crowd pleaser. WOW, now they are awake, and what a loud noise. And, YES, she goes to the front.
Now Brandy is there, Trish has her, and poses her for the judge. Helen still looks fresh, and it amazes me. She has on cowboy boots and yet stands. It has been about eighty and a half hours. Pam O’Dell came by to talk about the show. And Trish is still in the center. Helen goes to her and puts her in sixth. A thrill a minute.
Sean goes in with Desbearate Housewife. Another of the Fasano entries. This would probably be a four point show were they not here. The crowd likes her and Helen moves over and puts him in seventh. The excitement is unbelievable. Or not.
Eric comes in with Showboat. Dorothy Linn’s bitch. I have seen her a lot, and always liked her. Always has been a nice mover, and is today. There she goes and puts him at the end.
They are done and here they go.
Liz in front and the rest behind That is one Fantastic Sable. I just don’t have a desire to see the rest. Some of the bitches have matures since we first saw them. Where is the tunnel? They walk and they walk and they walk and Helen even looks at them. She stops them at the other side and they line up. She is doing something.
She takes everyone but the first three. She pulls Desparate Housewife and Shasta Fair to the front of that group. Special Angle gets moved up too. There they all go too. Liz still in front and if that bitch keeps it up that well, she could take it all.
In comes the last class with Dancing Doll in front. Only nine in this group. There is a conference in the ring, with Bob, Dick, Karen and Helen. Lots of talk, and the Little People are starting to get restless. Around they go. Dancing Doll still looks good. She goes to the front of the class. But, she started there.
Jeff with Dancing Doll. What can I say about a bitch I have loved for years.
Bret Taylor is back and entertaining the crowd. No one seems to be watching the show.
Now it is George with All About Eve. There is a Moses connection and she sure looks pretty. She moves. Second.
Alex with Cherry Crush. That seems to be a popular bitch and Helen is watching, but doesn’t do anything with her.
Windsong comes in. We need something to happen. Sharon Earl, (I know she is married, but I am so tired, I can’t think) ate all Tedi’s almonds. Actually Tedi Told me to try to get rid of them. There she gos and Helen turns to the next one with Lenny.
Lenny takes in China Lake, the LAST BITCH IN THE CATALOG. There are two more, but those must be one moveup and the veteran. China looks good and is a very dark black and tan. Helen wants her slowed down and Lenny takes her again to do as he is told. He takes directions well. China stands well, and the crowd goes wild. I think they are looking for anything to wake up. It is 5:15, and the individuals exams aren’t done yet. But, Helen is doing a good job. She can move. Helen goes over and tells her to slow down and loose lead, this time Lenny does it. And at that speed, she is a winner. Helen takes her and places her in fourth.
Lanalee is doing her e-mail. Rita is laughing somewhere, Flowerboy is quiet.
Now the Move-up Rags To Rihes Campeon. The handler is Sean, he seems happy to be doing something. I like the looks of her. Another one that can move. I also like the owners. Jose and Suzanne. For those who do not know, they breed zebras. See, you can learn from the Blog.
Isis Vices Gogh’n. I don’t know what that means, but she is in the center of the ring for Helen to judge. I have been kidding but Helen has more stamina than I would. She is putting the best bitches up to the front of each group. I am anxious to see what they look like together. A good young handler on her.
I still haven’t seen Paula.
Liz Leshhorn is behind me laughing. I am still typing and fading fast. Tedi will tell me if I want to go to the dinner. I hope I make the right decision. We may not make the dinner. McDonalds is sounding good to me right now.
Art with the Veteran Bitch Magnolia. One of my all time favorites. Paul and Jennifer brought her for us to see, and for me, I thank them. She looked great in the class, I hope she looks that good now. She is seven and a half, and hasn’t changed from when she finished. Yes, she looks that good. Helen looks at her board, talks to Bob, looks back at her board and talks to Bob, and tells Bob to write something and goes on to the next bitch.
Lana Lee is so bored, she is reading the obits from the town in Indiana where she used to live. Now, that is like watching paint dry.
Cindi bring out Christy Brinnklye. Jack Newton brought her, and not only is she a good bitch, but a great producer. The crowd goes wild. She is over nine and loves the ring. She is alert and wants to please, tail wagging and looking. There she goes and I expect the crowd to do just what they are doing, yes, it is the loudest of all day. What a wonderful tribute. Helen is looking at the papers, but nothing doing.
Arial with Winner Takes All. Last one of the day. It is thrilling to say the least. She is a nice bitch and red and black. She stands and doesn’t move. Helen is looking her over. Poor Ariel, she has waited all day for this, and she takes a lap. Helen is going to move them but she first takes Winner Takes All and moves her to seventh. What an honor.
Helen looks over the group and sends them around. She wants China slow, and Lenny needs to figure it out. Jeff leads, Geoge and then Alex, and Lenny. She walks over and looks at them and moves George with All About Eave to the front, and takes them around that way. It’s the tunnel. Closer this time, but they all thread it. She must be watching them coming at her.
She does the line up along the side in a line and calls for the other groups. She still looks strong, what a tribute to Helen’s condition. Karen and Helen are talking and in comes Tom. Karen is telling Tom what to do, and Tom is checking with Helen and they are all gesturing and Helen is telling them what to do. They seem to have it, and there goes Tom to follow directions. Helen goes to stand with Bob.
I have to admit, I do like this. You see all the top of the classes side by side. It is a beautiful picture.
Mass confusion as they sort out their places. Four rows of about 12 in each row. George lines up in front and she goes to the first group and looks them over This is a great picture. She pulls the first two, next the first one, then the first one, then the first two, now back to the other groups and the first one, the next group the first two. She looks at her groups not pulled in front of one is Jimmy, the other is Kent, the next is Morris and the last is Alex.
Pulled Madison Avenue, Happysaysitall, Hiena Gomez, Boogie Wonderland, All About Eve, Dancing Doll, Four Starr Review, Sangria, Enchanted of My Joy and last she has Heiress.
She takes each of the other groups. Now she pulls another group. She sends the end of another group to the end. Everyone is getting a long look and sends them to the row of crushed dreams, and now another group to place at the end again of the “I hate this place”, and now the end of the extra, and that is a lot of bitches, but her selects are as shown above, I think.
She is giving them another looks and around go 33, the first half goes out and now the second half, and they go out together.
Then there were ten.
Now the fun begins. In front is Scott, but The Guz is in second. There they go, and Happy is looking good and she stops them, and says SLOW DOWN. They all go back where they were and start over,and now Scott goes slow and so do the rest of them. They all walk. She moves Hiena Gomez to second. She looks great walking and now into first. The crowd likes that, and so do I. It is Liz, Scott and The Guz. Off they go, what a fantastic bitch and no, she stops them and moves George to second, with All About Eve, and there they go again, Helen in the middle of the ring and walking and they stop and Liz takes her out again, and Helen says WALK, and there they go, walking,a nd Liz lets Heilna out and what a bitch. Helen stops them and moves Four Star Review into fifth. Liz is doing a great job with a fantastic bitch, who the crowd loves. Hiena, and she stops them again, and she watches them and they stop and she moves Jeff with Dancing Doll into sixth. Now they walks again and she moes towards them and watches. No one can say they didn’t get a good look and she moves Heiress to second.
She stops them and moves Heiress again. She looks at them all and walks back and says, “Slow Trot” and there they go, and I love that sable bitch, what a moving bitch and so is the one behind her, and so all the first four. WOW. Helen is my hero.
She now moves Kent with Heiress into six. They pose she looks at them all, and she walks back and says USE THE WHOLE RING. There they go, and use the whole ring, and it is lud in here and she points to them to keep going and they go and they stop.
Helen walks to them and moves Enchanted Of My Joy into eighth. And they stack. She has the best in front and the first four are fantastic bitches. Any of them could do it, and she takes them one at a time Hiena Gomez, and no question of that quality.
Next is George with All About Eve, a top quality bitch.
Scott with Madison Avenue, a crowd favorite. Wow, is it loud for her.
The Guz with Happy, and OH MY GOD! I can’t hear myself think. Thank you California.Four Star Review. She gets moved one.
Heiress with Kent. A great pass, but no cigar.
Dancing Doll with Jeff, still looking great.
Enchanted of My Joy.
Ken Tank with Boogie Wonderland.
Pattie with Sangria.
And that’s the lineup. Helen looks them over and says again, and gives the thumbs up, and I think that is it, and YES, That’s it.
1. Hiena Gomez
2. All About Eve
3. Madison Avenue
4. Four Star Review
5. Happysaysitall
6. Heiress
7. Dancing Doll
8. Enchanted of My Joy
9. Boogie Wonderland
10 Sangria
What a show, and lots of fun, and good entries, find judging in all classes and the Grand Victrix and Winner’s Bitch is unbelievable.
The rest to come.
We had a break and they did a schutzhund demonstration, lots of interest. Also, they read the members and friends who have left us, always a hard time for me.
They also did Juniors, and I used that time to take a break, and to get my mind straight.
My impressions. First of all, she got the best dogs up front and missed very little. I liked the lines with the best up front. Helen knows the standard and showed us how to select the best dogs. She gave a critique to everyone, that might or might not be a good thing. I guess if you didn’t want to know what she thought, you didn’t have to enter under her.
We are having a good time at the announcer’s table and Bob and Tony are working like crazy all show. Paul was invaluable to give me the names as they were moved, and he knows the dogs. He gives me the winners too, and doesn’t mind a little abuse.
Helen kept her cool and although the individuals were interminable, when she started to pick, she did so with a firm hand, and ring control. Overall, I liked what she did, and while I think she cut it too short, that was her choice and I have not right to criticize, even if I am right.
First up is Happysaysitall with the Guz. She is a pretty as can be. The crowd with Bobbie starts to yell, and she cocks her head from one side to the other, too cute. There she goes, and that is a picture.
Chanel No 5 comes in, and does the thing.
Doll House with Nick Federo the Granger’s bitch and she is another picture bitch, and would win anywhere. Up to number two.
Enchanted is a good one, nice type. Olivia co-owns her. I do love that movement. Either Helen agrees with me and wants to see her again, or she was too fast. She does not want to slow down. And she goes to second.
I guess I will drop describing the coming and going and the constant clip-boarding. They all go around, and it is starting to seem like de ja Vou. Or how ever you spell it
Toil N Trouble is now in the center and eight more to go. She is Candice’s bitch and she is a good person. What a dark bi-colored and I have seen her before. It is an in joke, you have to ask Tedi. No changes.
Chimay with Laurie, and owned by the Colemans and Shalonna. Always a favorite. The California crowd is behind her and she does look like a keeper, if she keeps it up. Helen is going over to her and puts her in second.
The Guz is still in front.
Jimmie is talking to our table now, and I see Ann Schultz. Kenny Cunningham is here and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to him today.
Next is Scottie with Madison Avenue, a past Select. She is a little over six now and this is after three litters that I know of. That is a real tribute to the quality of our breed that she can look that good at this age. She sure knows how to stack. She seems to love the ring and Helen sends her around. A real crowd favorite and mine too. She hasn’t lost a step from the first time I saw her five years ago. Into second.
The Guz is still in front.
Patti brings in Sangria. I wonder if she might be too big for Helen. I love that look and her style. What a pretty bitch. Helen goes to her and puts her in third. You want Helen to come talk to you.
Jimmy with Sor Juana. That is the type I would bring to Helen, other than Happysaysitall. They are both standard, typy bitches, Happy of course is everything in style and movement. Let’s see what Jimmy’s bitch does. Helen is taking a bit more time to look at her clip-board. I have seen it, and it is a template of faults and values. Nothing from the standard. Jimmy starts out and goes down and back again. Jimmy talks to her, and does it again. He has trouble with bringing her back, and now Helen is talking to him. There they go. Jim brings her back again. He knows what he is doing. And then Helen says go around slow and loose. And he does it. She does look great and Jim lets the lead hit the ground, but the bitch wants to find someone outside, and gets put in fourth or fifth. Paul is busy with Bob so I can’t get any help.
Lovstead is in there now. An American Cowboy daughter bred to Soledad O’Brien. Great body type.
Surfer Girl a very pretty bitch and in full coat. She is not that happy with the mouth exam, but no real problem. Last in the class of this group. If I could depend on Helen, I would go take a nap, and then come back for the excitement. But, no, I have to sit here making us stuff that no one wants to hear, so it will look like I am doing something. I think it might be more fun to be at the pity party. Down and back in the other direction. Helen is giving everyone a good look and if they don’t do it right, she gives them another chance. She is a winner and the crowd likes her too and Helen sixth.
Cristie is in there with Some Enchanted Eve. She is way out of order, but I am sure there is a reason. I saw her as a puppy, and liked her then. I still do. I think Helen might like her and we will know in a minute. She can move and she is moved but I don’t know where yet.
WOW, Happy looks great in front. It is hard to see anything else after her. (I know they don’t call her Happy, but that is easy for me), and Helen moves up Madison and there they go. That was after they ran the tunnel, on one side Helen, and on the other side the wall, and here they come again and she sends them out. In that order.
Bring on the new clowns.
Helen takes a break, and in they come. In front is Amy for now.
Amy now with Sarajevo Sunrise. What a dark pretty bitch. A good steady mover, and fantastic against the white wall.
(I am blown away by Kent’s bitch. Her name is Heiress. I have never seen her before, but I can’t imagine her not winning it all. Of course I only saw her from the side when they came in.)
Now in front and center is Sunny Side. One of the Roots breeding and shows that great Rivendell style. She is a small bitch but within the standard. A very dark black and tan, in my opinion, the only opinion that matters. She moves, maybe too fast. But, not for Helen, she goes to first.
Everyone seems to know that this part of the judging is not for the spectators, and there is a lot of talking and laughing. The handlers are talking to us little people. Ken Tank has a bright red shirt and is kidding with ringside.
Ken now goes out there with Boogie Wonderland. Dan Moser owns part of her, but mainly she is owned by Gail Bauman, who I was just talking to about her. She is a good one, and it will be interested to see where Helen puts her. The quality is so high this year. She may have to go more than seven Selects in bitches. What an iron back on her,a nd Helen does move her and puts her in front.
One of my clients just came up to tell me she is finally getting child support. We take out fun where we find it.
A black man with a black bitch. How rare. Al Martin is out there with U Got The Look.
Last man out, Kent with Heiress. I am not crazy with her standing, a bit big, and not impressive. I was blown away with her in motion. Kent baits her and there goes the back brushing. She does pose well. Second time down and back. I think Helen is trying to see her clean. Now the crowd wakes up and there she goes. Not as good s the first pass. Helen puts him in second. I am not as impressed, but still like her a lot.
Abby with Scheherazade. Very good looking show bitch, lots of style. She goes over to her, and puts her in fourth.
In the ring with Wont U B My Valentine. Around and around shes goes. Helen goes to her and moves her sixth. Be still my heart.
I see Tedi over at the other side, watching the bitches. She doesn’t like me to bother her at the show, and so Blogging works out well. She is standing alone and just studies the bitches.
Teressa Royer brings out Fantasia. A good looking black and tan. Teressa does a fantastic job of handling and has for years. She goes to fifth our of eight. I know Teressa is just thrilled.
Long Hot Summer with Greg. A solid looking bitch and great posternum. No back brushing for this one. I like that sidegait.
Mike brings to Helen, Shakira. She is one of my favorites. That should be one of the top ones. Helen wants her to stand free and look the other way. She takes a pose and holds it. There she goes, and the crowd starts early but picks it up. Helen moves her to third.
I just realized that all these hours when I am sitting between Paul and The One and Only, you only have to read what I type. Advantage to you. You must be getting sick of my opinions by now!
To Hot To Trot is in the center of the ring. Some crowd response. Helen goes to her and moves her to fourth.
Olivia with Copacabana. Another Rogue daughter. That is the nice dark sable I liked so much. The crowd does like her. Olivia says “Be quiet to someone” and takes her down and back, and again. This is the last in the group. She poses and looks just great. Now for the around thing. Helen goes and moves her to third.
Now to finish the group. Dick Jones is talking to Helen and Bob is talking to Karen. Maybe discussing the election. Helen walks out over to Bob and looks at her clipboard, and makes some marks on it. Now, back to the table, and the crowd applauds the keepers in there now, and she wants them around tells them to go slow and don’t try to keep up. Ken Tank leads them off. And there they go, at a reasonable trot, and Kent is behind him and then Olivia, Mike Al, Abby and others. She moves Al with U Got The Look to four. There they go again and she says, let them out. There they go with the tunnel again. She stands in the middle and looks at them and asks the first four to stand back and there goes Mikey in front Abby and others, seven left so far, and Helen walks over to them and moves Abby with Lovestead to fourth. Now they leave the ring in that order.
Bob is on the phone, and finally Helen sits down.
I took a break and missed two bitches. While I was gone, she did Soaring Softly and Kover Story. I am sure they were just great.
Now Joann has Miranda Rights in the ring, and Helen tells her what to do. A very dry but pretty bitch. Down and back in another direction. Helen watches her and looks at the clipboard and directs Bob. Bob again, does what he is told.
I did get to talk to Cappy and Gloria and the Knights. What a great group. Had a minute with Dave Rinke and Bob Eaton and Jeff. I do get time to say hello to a few people.
Bill Tank is there with Shasta Fair. Sort of what you want from the standard. She looks good and moves to the front. First of four.
Morris had Miami, a Krindler’s Ruby daughter. I do like those owners, and this is a good bitch. That is a hell of a bitch, if you excuse my language. Helen goes to her and moves her to the front. Dahhhh!
Now an all black bitch, with Diane Brown, Special Angel. The crowd likes her. Helen does too and moves the black bitch to second.
Four Star Review is out there and stands in a she is well put together. She is an Aries daughter. The Guz is behind us telling jokes. Four Star Review stacks and stands there as if she were a star, and she is.
I wasn’t going to repeat it, but now I have heard it from three people, so you might as well know. Helen is making Bob take notes. When The Guz had Hunter in there she said, “Too big to work.” Jerry said, “He has enough money he doesn’t have to work.” Hunter’s owner has his private jet here to take the dog home from the show. I heard he plans to stop in Palm Springs to drop off Jerry. Helen didn’t laugh.
Sprecial Angel takes off the length of the ring, and looks great at a full gallop. Back she comes. Helen says, “Start slow and let her out on a loose lead”. It is 4:30 and she is still doing individuals. And she goes to the front.
No one comes up and Helen calls, “Is anyone here” and Illegal Motion shows up. This is Mary Tripps bitch. She has a lot of great metal sculptures in her booth and this is an almost all black bitch. Those two things are not connected.
What a great sable is in there with Liz, Hiena Gomez, the Winner’s Bitch. I am getting excited, this is towards the end of the bitches. Not a minute too soon. Dan Moser just came by and everyone is milling about. She is very pretty, and a real crowd pleaser. WOW, now they are awake, and what a loud noise. And, YES, she goes to the front.
Now Brandy is there, Trish has her, and poses her for the judge. Helen still looks fresh, and it amazes me. She has on cowboy boots and yet stands. It has been about eighty and a half hours. Pam O’Dell came by to talk about the show. And Trish is still in the center. Helen goes to her and puts her in sixth. A thrill a minute.
Sean goes in with Desbearate Housewife. Another of the Fasano entries. This would probably be a four point show were they not here. The crowd likes her and Helen moves over and puts him in seventh. The excitement is unbelievable. Or not.
Eric comes in with Showboat. Dorothy Linn’s bitch. I have seen her a lot, and always liked her. Always has been a nice mover, and is today. There she goes and puts him at the end.
They are done and here they go.
Liz in front and the rest behind That is one Fantastic Sable. I just don’t have a desire to see the rest. Some of the bitches have matures since we first saw them. Where is the tunnel? They walk and they walk and they walk and Helen even looks at them. She stops them at the other side and they line up. She is doing something.
She takes everyone but the first three. She pulls Desparate Housewife and Shasta Fair to the front of that group. Special Angle gets moved up too. There they all go too. Liz still in front and if that bitch keeps it up that well, she could take it all.
In comes the last class with Dancing Doll in front. Only nine in this group. There is a conference in the ring, with Bob, Dick, Karen and Helen. Lots of talk, and the Little People are starting to get restless. Around they go. Dancing Doll still looks good. She goes to the front of the class. But, she started there.
Jeff with Dancing Doll. What can I say about a bitch I have loved for years.
Bret Taylor is back and entertaining the crowd. No one seems to be watching the show.
Now it is George with All About Eve. There is a Moses connection and she sure looks pretty. She moves. Second.
Alex with Cherry Crush. That seems to be a popular bitch and Helen is watching, but doesn’t do anything with her.
Windsong comes in. We need something to happen. Sharon Earl, (I know she is married, but I am so tired, I can’t think) ate all Tedi’s almonds. Actually Tedi Told me to try to get rid of them. There she gos and Helen turns to the next one with Lenny.
Lenny takes in China Lake, the LAST BITCH IN THE CATALOG. There are two more, but those must be one moveup and the veteran. China looks good and is a very dark black and tan. Helen wants her slowed down and Lenny takes her again to do as he is told. He takes directions well. China stands well, and the crowd goes wild. I think they are looking for anything to wake up. It is 5:15, and the individuals exams aren’t done yet. But, Helen is doing a good job. She can move. Helen goes over and tells her to slow down and loose lead, this time Lenny does it. And at that speed, she is a winner. Helen takes her and places her in fourth.
Lanalee is doing her e-mail. Rita is laughing somewhere, Flowerboy is quiet.
Now the Move-up Rags To Rihes Campeon. The handler is Sean, he seems happy to be doing something. I like the looks of her. Another one that can move. I also like the owners. Jose and Suzanne. For those who do not know, they breed zebras. See, you can learn from the Blog.
Isis Vices Gogh’n. I don’t know what that means, but she is in the center of the ring for Helen to judge. I have been kidding but Helen has more stamina than I would. She is putting the best bitches up to the front of each group. I am anxious to see what they look like together. A good young handler on her.
I still haven’t seen Paula.
Liz Leshhorn is behind me laughing. I am still typing and fading fast. Tedi will tell me if I want to go to the dinner. I hope I make the right decision. We may not make the dinner. McDonalds is sounding good to me right now.
Art with the Veteran Bitch Magnolia. One of my all time favorites. Paul and Jennifer brought her for us to see, and for me, I thank them. She looked great in the class, I hope she looks that good now. She is seven and a half, and hasn’t changed from when she finished. Yes, she looks that good. Helen looks at her board, talks to Bob, looks back at her board and talks to Bob, and tells Bob to write something and goes on to the next bitch.
Lana Lee is so bored, she is reading the obits from the town in Indiana where she used to live. Now, that is like watching paint dry.
Cindi bring out Christy Brinnklye. Jack Newton brought her, and not only is she a good bitch, but a great producer. The crowd goes wild. She is over nine and loves the ring. She is alert and wants to please, tail wagging and looking. There she goes and I expect the crowd to do just what they are doing, yes, it is the loudest of all day. What a wonderful tribute. Helen is looking at the papers, but nothing doing.
Arial with Winner Takes All. Last one of the day. It is thrilling to say the least. She is a nice bitch and red and black. She stands and doesn’t move. Helen is looking her over. Poor Ariel, she has waited all day for this, and she takes a lap. Helen is going to move them but she first takes Winner Takes All and moves her to seventh. What an honor.
Helen looks over the group and sends them around. She wants China slow, and Lenny needs to figure it out. Jeff leads, Geoge and then Alex, and Lenny. She walks over and looks at them and moves George with All About Eave to the front, and takes them around that way. It’s the tunnel. Closer this time, but they all thread it. She must be watching them coming at her.
She does the line up along the side in a line and calls for the other groups. She still looks strong, what a tribute to Helen’s condition. Karen and Helen are talking and in comes Tom. Karen is telling Tom what to do, and Tom is checking with Helen and they are all gesturing and Helen is telling them what to do. They seem to have it, and there goes Tom to follow directions. Helen goes to stand with Bob.
I have to admit, I do like this. You see all the top of the classes side by side. It is a beautiful picture.
Mass confusion as they sort out their places. Four rows of about 12 in each row. George lines up in front and she goes to the first group and looks them over This is a great picture. She pulls the first two, next the first one, then the first one, then the first two, now back to the other groups and the first one, the next group the first two. She looks at her groups not pulled in front of one is Jimmy, the other is Kent, the next is Morris and the last is Alex.
Pulled Madison Avenue, Happysaysitall, Hiena Gomez, Boogie Wonderland, All About Eve, Dancing Doll, Four Starr Review, Sangria, Enchanted of My Joy and last she has Heiress.
She takes each of the other groups. Now she pulls another group. She sends the end of another group to the end. Everyone is getting a long look and sends them to the row of crushed dreams, and now another group to place at the end again of the “I hate this place”, and now the end of the extra, and that is a lot of bitches, but her selects are as shown above, I think.
She is giving them another looks and around go 33, the first half goes out and now the second half, and they go out together.
Then there were ten.
Now the fun begins. In front is Scott, but The Guz is in second. There they go, and Happy is looking good and she stops them, and says SLOW DOWN. They all go back where they were and start over,and now Scott goes slow and so do the rest of them. They all walk. She moves Hiena Gomez to second. She looks great walking and now into first. The crowd likes that, and so do I. It is Liz, Scott and The Guz. Off they go, what a fantastic bitch and no, she stops them and moves George to second, with All About Eve, and there they go again, Helen in the middle of the ring and walking and they stop and Liz takes her out again, and Helen says WALK, and there they go, walking,a nd Liz lets Heilna out and what a bitch. Helen stops them and moves Four Star Review into fifth. Liz is doing a great job with a fantastic bitch, who the crowd loves. Hiena, and she stops them again, and she watches them and they stop and she moves Jeff with Dancing Doll into sixth. Now they walks again and she moes towards them and watches. No one can say they didn’t get a good look and she moves Heiress to second.
She stops them and moves Heiress again. She looks at them all and walks back and says, “Slow Trot” and there they go, and I love that sable bitch, what a moving bitch and so is the one behind her, and so all the first four. WOW. Helen is my hero.
She now moves Kent with Heiress into six. They pose she looks at them all, and she walks back and says USE THE WHOLE RING. There they go, and use the whole ring, and it is lud in here and she points to them to keep going and they go and they stop.
Helen walks to them and moves Enchanted Of My Joy into eighth. And they stack. She has the best in front and the first four are fantastic bitches. Any of them could do it, and she takes them one at a time Hiena Gomez, and no question of that quality.
Next is George with All About Eve, a top quality bitch.
Scott with Madison Avenue, a crowd favorite. Wow, is it loud for her.
The Guz with Happy, and OH MY GOD! I can’t hear myself think. Thank you California.Four Star Review. She gets moved one.
Heiress with Kent. A great pass, but no cigar.
Dancing Doll with Jeff, still looking great.
Enchanted of My Joy.
Ken Tank with Boogie Wonderland.
Pattie with Sangria.
And that’s the lineup. Helen looks them over and says again, and gives the thumbs up, and I think that is it, and YES, That’s it.
1. Hiena Gomez
2. All About Eve
3. Madison Avenue
4. Four Star Review
5. Happysaysitall
6. Heiress
7. Dancing Doll
8. Enchanted of My Joy
9. Boogie Wonderland
10 Sangria
What a show, and lots of fun, and good entries, find judging in all classes and the Grand Victrix and Winner’s Bitch is unbelievable.
The rest to come.
I can feel the tension. It is early, the frost is on the ground, the air is crisp. The arena is empty, and the ring looks great. They have moved the announcer’s (and Blog) table to the side, and there are flowers on the table for the first time.
They have started to set up the presentation table in the middle of the ring. I did talk to Bob Grady and John Jones who both dressed for the show. Yes, Bob had on a new white suit, in the same style of the others.
I saw Ed and Libbie first thing, and Jen told me she was the one George was yelling at, that I mentioned on the List. Rick is walking the ring, and there is Rita at the end of the ring talking to Dean Wylie. Only a few others in the building, and those that are here are the dedicated that come an hour early. Nancy and Erin were here, but they are everywhere.
What memories already. Good friends, dinner last night with Jean, Tedi, Twyla, Jeff, and Jane. We had a great time and didn’t stop laughing all evening. Tony got here and is doing his tie. It continues to grow in tension.
Helen GLEASON is sitting with me, and isn’t even nervous. She shared with me that her daughter just got accepted for a doctorial program, and how great is that. She is jazzed and ready to go, looks great in a black pin stripped suit, and a great cowboy hat. Nancy is talking to us too, and she is in black sparkles.
Helen is sure, she will complete all dogs, because of the superintendant. Because it is in the catalog, that is how it has to be done. Too bad, her theory would have been more fun.
The arena is filling up now. I have been sitting with Helen talking about her procedure. She has a form that she is going to have filled by a scribe. She is going to have a form to give to every dog at the end of the class. Now there is a meeting in the ring with Helen, Nancy, Karen, Tom and John, and it is about her table. She wants it moved and it gets moved. I love that the buzz is about her hat. She has assured me that she is not going to wear her hat.
The Juniors are in the ring, and there are seven, and they are a great looking bunch, western music on the speaker, what a great mood.
The table in the ring is with a black cloth, and Bob Grady is going to sit there in his white suit. This is going to be interesting
Jack Kilgore is going well and is here with a leg brace. Nancy Harber got her room robbed and lost a lot of jewelry. They don’t know what Ben’s dog died of, and Ben seems better. Paul is here to spot dogs for me, and my wacky friend Jane just by. Yes, there will be good memories again, but some sad as well.
No one seems to know why they moved our table, but it doesn’t make any difference, AND HERE THEY COME INTO THE RING.
I won’t bother to mark them in, and Joe Bahari came by, and I see Ben McGovern is here. Everyone is in the ring, Bob Grady is checking number.
Sally is setting up her booth, and after what I spent, I thought she might go home. JR just came by to shake my hand. Patti came by to say hello to us, and I see Kent out talking to Bob. Morris is in there, Lenny, Bill Basu, The Guz in the first group, George, too. In the first 12, (she is going to work them 12 at a time) are mostly the top handlers. Although, I guess they are all tops. Helen first said there would be a group of 15, but Paul corrected me, Karen said they are in groups of 12.
Richard Sottile is here, as is Liz Leshhorn, Tedi, Jane, Jeff, Rinke, Ed, Maryellen Kish, I see Bill Leonard, Paula, and Grace is in the ring.
Helen says, “I know everyone is excited, and take them around, don’t run up, and we will work on a loose lead later on”. There they go, 12 in a row. The tension is low, but starting to build. Cindy is wearing a sort of tuxedo.
Helen has the first dog out there and is reciting a critique to Bob who is writing it down, she goes to look again, and tells him something else, goes to the front, goes back and tells Bob again. This could be a long day. Helen says she can’t do this for every dog, so get him loose early, and off goes Pastor Burgos.
We saw Nancy and Bobbie at dinner last night, what a great restraurant.
Helen now brings the dog back and walks around him and goes to the table to dictate more. She still hasn’t done the individual exam and she sends him around for a second pass. I missed the individual.
Next dog is Rambling Man with Patti, and she does a loose lead test, looks at him and does the individual exam, teeth, etc. She goes to the table and dictates to Bob, he writes it down, and she looks and talks, looks down, and talks. Patti is listening, and will have lots to tell her owner. Down and back, more dictating and now around. With the table where it is, they lose about twenty feet of this side of the ring.
The Guz with Bounty Hunter. Her owners are nice folks and Helen is checking the form and telling Bob what to write. I see Bob Eaton, and Gloria just came by to say Good Morning, and now Hunter goes down and back. And now around. Jerry brings him back to the table for Helen to finish the critique. Now Hunter goes again. Helen checks Bob’s notes.
Helen is taking about six minutes a dog on the individuals. Helen goes to the end and says something, now Diesel is there, (Full Throttle), and George has him. I like the dog, and he is the Canadian GV. She sends him down and back in another direction and say to “Let him stand, and don’t touch him” and she heads back to the table to instruct Bob, and they both look at the template, she tells Bob more. This is her third dog, and it is half an hour. Off he goes and some lukewarm crowd response but it is early.
Helen directs him in order Diesel got put in front of the group, Pasto Burgos in second, Bounty Hunter in third and Rambling man in fourth and in fifth so far is Green Knight.
Out there is Stealing The Show with Kent. I wonder if I should change my flight for tomorrow at noon? I see Sandy Anderson is here and so is Bob Eaton.
I see Alex outside the ring, and Nancy Nellis is working
Helen takes Kent around and says, loose and slow. Even I can hear her. She looks at her template and moves him into second.
I see Joyce Eberts in the stands.
Now Eric Me & Bobby McGee. He is a dark Bi, and Helen walks around him and makes more notes for Bob. Bob is talking to Eric and laughing and there he goes down and back.
Bart is outside the ring talking to Jimmy.
In the ring, Helen is giving direction to Eric. Helen is talking to Bob and they are looking at the forms, Bob makes some notes and Helen now goes over and tells the dogs that Eric to move up one.
Cindi is in the middle with In Cahoots.
Cappy is ringside watching and so is Jim Hall.
Helen is giving direction to Bob. Helen is reading her list and checking it twice and walks back to look at In Cahoots and back to the list, giving direction to Bob. Down and Back and Helen gives her some direction and tells her to do it again in another direction. Helen gives direction to Bob, and he writes it down. Cindi stands with the dog posed and Helen tells Bob what to do and tell Cindi to just go to the end.
Now Patti with Green Knight. The dog is wound up, baking, and Patti give him a love tap on the top of his head, and Helen laughs. Helen puts her hands on the dog and goes through the list and directs Bob. Helen and Patti are talking and they go down and back again. She sends her around. And puts him in second.
Now Twyla’s dog with Patron and JR. Helen checks her list and instructs Bob. Bob writes it down. She takes him down and back, and then again in a different direction. Helen says, “Let him stand, and don’t direct him”, and tells Bob what to write. Take him around on a loose lead. Now it is nine o’clock. There goes Patron, and he moves too hard, but Helen watches him, directs Bob, and has JR bring him to pose, Helen looks him over and checks her list. Boy, is it quiet. She puts third from the end.
Bill Basu brings out Whalen, Richard Sottile’s dog, she does the teeth etc. I am going to have lots of time to type, and she rugs her hand along the side, backwards and on the chest, back spreading the hair. Helen walks to the rear of the dog, and looks him over, and back to Bob. Says, “Let him stand natural, when he comes back after going down and back”. Bill yells at Richard. Helen directs Bob, and Bob does what he is told. Helen watches him closely and walks to him and puts him up somewhere like fourth from the end.
Now All About Me with Lenny. Thedog loves Helen, she stacks him and goes over him. He is a handsome male type dog. She works over his mouth and has her hand wrapped in his color. Helen directs some notes to Bob, walks back and has her clipboard and is giving some more information. She is spending moe time on this dog and now wants down and back. Helen makes some more notes,nd sends him around. Helen goes to her notes, the dog is standing waiting and she leaves him at the end.
Paul Root is here and working the crowd. I see Ed talking to Ken Tank, and Fower Boy is waking outside the ring. Bill Tank is voer there with his number on.
Julie Hammeranski has Good Vibrations in the center now. (I know I spelled her name wrong, but how would you spell it?) The individual and she back brushes the coat again, and with the side of her hand. Notes to Bob. I will just use ntb, from here on. Helen takes her clipboard. She instructs Julie and down and back. Again. Now around and Helen has put down her board. The crowd likes that dog. Helen waks over to her and puts her in fifth. Helen gives them directions, and it took her an hour to do twelve dogs,.
Helen sends them to the other side, stands about five feet from the wall, and has all of them run by her. Sort of an obstacle course.
Now they all have to walk, she said you walk, they trot, and George is in the lead with Diesel. And she says, keep going, now the second pass. The Guz is laughing. Helen is as the table and they keep walking and says take them out. Keep them in that order. The Guz is talking to Helen and he looks serious. They are being checked out in order by Tom Mesdag.
In the ring is Helen, Bob, Tom and Karen, as they go around, now just Bob and Helen, and they all take a pass while she watches them from the middle.
Midnight Harley in the ring. Helen does her thing watching Harley, tob and tells him to go around, Harley, not Bob. He is sniffing the air for his owner. Helen looks at her clipboard and give direction to Bob.
Ben has Top Shelf in there. Helen does her thing. She keeps looking at her clipboard and Ben is getting bored and moves the dog around, gets him to pose, the dog, not Ben. Yes, there he goes, down and back. It is 9:30 and we have the first dog of the second group. And down and back again. Jammie has a bell, and Top Shelf is keyed on him. Ben tells the rest of the class to stand back and there he goes. California likes the dog. I have to tell Ben where to go. He listens to me.
I just got to shake hands with Shean Conboy and wants me to say hello to his mother. We all miss Joann here, and maybe she will be in Ohio.
Bavo is there with Grace, Bob and Helen are looking over their clipboards. Helen directs her, Grace changes the lead and there they go. Helen puts her in front. Now Sean with Micah. Jane and Pam’s dog. We talked about him at dinner last night, but most of the talk was about Last Harrah, winner’s dog. What a group of beeders. We have one of their puppies. I like the way Sean lets him stand naturally with a fist in the color and now on a loose lead and there he goes. Sean does a good job. Are you as bored as I am, and the crowd? Helen does nothing with him.
We have Diane with Hudson. I like the dog and the handler. What a good looking pair. Hudson is everything you want when you think of a German shepherd. He is being doubled too much but loves Helen. Back brushing again. Helen gives her directions and down and back. Clipboards, Bob, notes and instructions. There they go. Helen wants to see him again, and so do I. Too fast. But not too fast, she goes to the front.
Olivia brings out Cacique. I did see Ileana here, but only spoke to her for a second. Too busy trying to keep up with the furious pace of the judging. She takes him in third.
I talked to Jack Kilgore and he is getting an MRI when he gets home. He looks good and has a leg brace but is climbing the stairs. I am relieved he will be OK.
HiCliff’s Hunter is there now, being clipboarded. Clipboarding is not as bad as waterboarding but to me, it is close. More talking between Helen and Bob. There she goes with Hunter and the crowd either wants to warm up their hands or likes the dog. Helen calls for the next dog,
Vito is there with his handler, and that is Lamar’s dog. He finished with Dave Rinke in California. Lots of talk between the clipboarders. There he goes. He does look good. Helen instructs Bob and leaves him at the end.
Next up is Sky Warrier. More of the same. Sorry, I took a break to get some hot chocolate.
Fair’s Simon Says, and Helen says to slow down,a nd good looking sable and Helen does go up to her and puts her in third.
JR has Cooper. Clipboarding, talking, moving.
Bret Taylor is behind me talking to his wife. Next to them are Bobbie Kindy and Nancy. Iza is here with her camera.
I talked to Ken Tank at the concession stand. He computed just for individuals it would take ten hours.
There they go with Diane in front, the JR and Grace with Morris.
There she goes to form a human tunnel, and they all run between her and the wall. Helen takes a step closer to the wall to make a smaller space, it is kinda fun. Helen smiles and sends them out.
Another group, now I am excited.
Sergio is out there with a real mouth, O’Danny Boy. He won’t stop barking. He goes, he stops, and he stands, and goes off to the side.
Wind Walker is in the ring with Sean. Clipboarding. Mickey came by to chat, and people are milling about. The handlers are talking to the crowd, the crowd is talking to each other, and the show is going on.
Helen is doing what they do in Germany and going over the dogs and making notes. But in Germany they do it the day before the show. I don’t object to it, but it isn’t exciting. More of the same.
Peter Cassiopia is sitting in his club jacket, while Sean is doing his thing withWindWalker. Helen makes more notes and leaves him, and now Abby Hathaway is in the ring.
It is Lone Ranger. Abby has the best clothes of any handler, except maybe The Guz. Sparkly red top and black skirt. When I start talking fashion, you know I need something more to take my interest. The stands are full, but no one is talking. I see Linda Fox in blue, and she is watching the crowd, and Lone Ranger is doing his thing.
Flower Boy came by to say he was approached by a kid selling testicles. He didn’t buy any, but he said he was offended that he was asked.
LannaLee is with me and we got her on line, and it actually worked with my air-card. I can’t get on line here to do video, but maybe next year.
Bill Tank is out there getting CBd on Cruz Control. I have always liked this dog, and his owner, Will Guerry. He is co-owned with Bill. Some applause, and Helen watches them. Checking clipboards and she takes a drink, Bob opens it for her, and she goes over to Bill and puts him in third.
Rogue is here with Mickey. Maybe Helen will change her procedure. Hope springs eternal. No such luck. I do admit, she is picking the better dogs, the evaluation is going to be great for everyone, but it sure does drag out a show. But, this is the last group, so only seven more to go of this stuff. Mike poses Rogue and takes him around. Some applause for that dog and Helen goes over to him, without studying him and puts him in front, (I think). Hey , if you were here, you wouldn’t be sure either.
I have no idea why they moved our table. I did just see the kid selling testicles. I told Liz she didn’t need any, she already has Bobs.
Art has Reward, Bobbi’s dog. He has done lots of good winning and is a quality dog. He looks like you could us his picture for the standard. Wow, the crowd likes him. He goes to third.
Avion Chief of Staff with Lauri. He is another West Coast Dog that I like. What a great job of grooming. Notes by Bob, talking by Helen, Posing by Laurie, and Typing by Evan. What more could anyone ask for a dog show? LanaLee is sitting next to me typing forms. I wonder where Paula is. He looks good and the West Coast says so. Helen looks at her board and doesn’t do anything.
Bob Dresher, (the Voice of The National), is telling me about his life, and finding new jokes.
Greg Eshette has Simon Says out there, as close to an all black you can get without being there. What a good looking dark dog. It is 10:30. A lot of laughing behind me, and I feel like chucking this typing and talking to Flower Boy who keeps on laughing. Between him and Rita, you can’t miss those laughs. Comparing matching clip-boards. In number two.
Kristy with Gable. I expect the crowd will like him. If you have been reading my nonsense, you will know I like this dog. I think I have said so before. Jimmy is tanding out side the ring anf Bob Eaton is explaining something to Alex. Bill Leonard is talking to Ed Ferrell. And Sally is watching the show, and her booth is behind her. She sold out of the Bling stuff the first day, but the rest is great too.
Gable is posed perfectly, Kristy does a great job of handling. There he goes, I hope he looks good, and yes, he does. She stops, was going too fast and Helen says so, and he takes off again, too fast again. Helen checks her clip-board and talks to Bob and points to it and goes over to Kristy and puts her in third. I guess it doesn’t make any difference, but they are being placed.
Wind Sweep is there with Jamie Clute. A great proportioned dog, and I like the style. I do like her decisions so far, but it does not hold my interest. Maybe it is just me. Carolyn Gerragos is here talking to Tony, and Helen goes to Wind Sweep and puts him in third. It was short lived placing for Gable, but that is what dog shows are all about.
Tiffany has Badboy. I bet Bart wants to get in there and handle. I even want to get in there. How stupid is that? (Shut up Paul). I still need to find Paul to talk. He remains another of my favorite people and what a job he has done for us all on the board. But, I digress. Bad Boy stands free in a reverse pose and is clip-boarded and Helen goes to look at him from the front. And again. They compare clipboards and she sends Badboy around. Nice and smooth. Helen checks the board and talks to Bob. They point at their boards and she walks to Badboy and doesn’t move him, and now moves him to sixth.
Ross has Phamtom of the Opera. That’s how it is spelled, yell at the owner.
I see Linda Curry in the stands, and people are starting to move around. I don’t’ see Paula yet, but she is probably causing trouble somewhere. Karen Taylor is behind me talking about Elmo. There goes Ross, and a little applause. PAUL IS BACK.
That is the group with Mike in front, the Greg, Jamie, and Sergio, Art, Kristy, Tiffany, Sean, Bill Abby, Laurie and Ross. I think I know too many people, but not too old to remember them, yet. He moves Mike to the front with Rogue. Second is Solitare Traveler, third is Wind Sweet, and then Danny Boy. And a lot of other dogs. She is getting the best stuff up, what more coulde I ask. She walks to the middle and tell Cristy to move up one. She stands back and the crowd is into it now and tells them to stay in order. Out they go.
In comes the last group. The fourth group. There can’t be many more.
Diamond Davinci with Malisa Chevez. What a great job she did with the junior handbags. I saw the table, lots of good stuff. The crowd likes the dog, and I agree. Boarding going on, and not changes. Helen give some information to Bob and he moves the new ones to the front.
In the middle is Dashell Hammett. A nice dog, well put together. Off he goes and where he stops, Helen knows.
Nicaragua, a dog I did like. Suzie Witmer owns him and he impresses me when he moves. He is a dark dog in full coat, but so dark, he doesn’t show the coat. Loren came by, she makes me think we need to do a calendar of shepherd girls. This is a good looking ring. Boarding, and he stands. Not his best pass, but the crowd likes him and Helen goes over and puts him in first.
Joshua is there with Jimmy and he is another of those good looking dogs. They make a lot of notes and Jimmy nods his head and there he goes. What a good one that is. Helen talks to Bob, looks at her clipboard andgoes to the group and gives some directions and left him at the end.
Kelly is in there with Miracle in The Making. That dog does impress me. All breed type. She moves him to second.
Hunka Love with Ariel. What a dark dog. Helen walks to him and moves him to fourth and she moves Jimmie up to second.
Here goes Scott and Loren is here, and says she prays for him, and he has Aregon. Loren is nervous and it is funny. Good looking dog. Sort of looks like my breeding, but a good one anyway. Boarding and more down and back, twice now and Helen says she wants to see him, he is a nice dog, and there he goes for the third time. Helen is comparing boards and directing Bob, Bob writes and they compare boards again more than most, and tells him to head out. And there he goes. Pulling too hard, so Scott starts over. He needs a loose lead, as I recall. And yes, there he goes. He brings him back to the table and Helen asks him something and yes, they are letting him go again. WOW, that is what we all want. Helen goes t him and puts him in third behind Jimmie.
We have Alex with Last Harrah, winner’s Dog. Donna came by and had a kind word for us. Helen works with him, he is being a shit, a young dog. What a shame, he is a great one, but not in this class. He just is looking for someone outside the ring. She gets the individual done without a problem, but I would have rather seen him stand like he did in the class. I feel bad for Alex, and of course Jeff, but I know how sound he is. Down and back and stands. Helen writes on the board. And the dog poses perfectly. Alex can hear what she says to Bob and so we will know soon what she thinks. There he goes. What a nice dog, and moves the way the standard calls for.
Channing with the veteran dog, Midnight Shadow. He doesn’t look that old. A good looking animal. Still can move. Channing has him too fast, so he starts over. She looks at her dogs and she goes to the end and takes the veteran and puts him in fourth.
LAST DOG, the older veteran, No Regrets, the 9 and over. There he goes.
There goes the last group, Nicaragua, Joshua, Aragon, and then Gable, and then the veteran. She wants them again. And makes the magic tunnel, and they all get to thread the Helen.
She does have the best ones up front.
ALL GROUPS IN THE RING. So Helen says. Here they come. Karen comes into the ring to get directions and they all come storming into the ring. Karen is checking the placings and so far everyone is still there. How cool is that for owners. They fill the ring,a nd Karen is walking to the end of the ring, and they are still coming in. She gives directions to Tom and he tells them to move to the other end, and Helen knows what she wants. Tom, Karen, Bob and Helen are in the ring,and they are being directed. She has them lined up in five lines across the ring, I love it.
She pulls the first three from one group, then four from the other and two and two from the last group. One from collume A, etc. No supstitutions. Ten
Full Throttle, Green Knight, Stealing The Show, Nicaragua, Joshua, Aragon, Solitair Travelor, Hudson, and Cooper. WOW!
The other lines or what is left of them start to get pulled too, and brings in ten more and brings in one more and then two are sent to another line going the other way. Three lines headed one way, and now they get some sent to the line going the other way, and three lines left in various lengths, and she keeps pulling to the left facing lines from the right facing lines. And she goes back and forth and then brings down. There is a first group of ten, a second group of ten, an all the rest. The first two groups are separate. In the outcast group are 25 strong and she gives them all another look as they go around. OUT THEY GO.
Now the second group and there they go. I think the first group is her Select dogs, but she gives the second group a look. The Guz is there, as is Miguel, and Basu, but they don’t seem to be much, OUT THEY GO.
A very different system. And, here we go.
Helen lines them out on the far side, not relation to the cartoon. Ten. First is George, Pattik, Kent, young handler, Jimmie, Scott, Mike, Greg, Diane and Bill Basu.
Helen tells them to walk. The handlers don’t look happy, but they do as they are told, she moves Stealing the Show to Second Joshua to fourth. Aragon to fifth. And they walk. They walk. They walk and Helen looks at them and she keeps them walking and they walk, George, Kent, Patti, Jimmy and moved Rogue to sixth, and they walk, and she looks and they walk, and she looks and they walk. She moves Cooper to seventh and they walk, and they walk, and they walk. YES, they walk, and the last three stop and stand, and the rest walk. In front is Diesel and they walk and she moves Jimmie with Joshua into third and they walk. They walk and they walk, Oscar is second, Joshua is third. And, they stop.
She walks to the front and the crowd tells her what they like, and she walks to the third and puts Joshua to second. Green Knight is fourth and Aragon is fifth, and she wants them to walk. George, Jimmie, Kent and Patti and there they go at a full trot, Helen watches them and watches them and Jimmie is working harder with his dog, and Aragon into fourth.
They pose and she tells them to go again,a nd Jimmie and Kent tell the double handlers where to go, and there goes George with Diesel, by himself. Now Jimmie with Joshua, the crowd loves them both.
Next Kent with Stealing The Show. Now Scottie with Aragon. The crowd loves that dog. Now Patti with Green Knight. JR takes Cooper. Mikie with a crowd favorite Rogue. And that looks lie the Selects. At least the first seven and Rogue goes to six.
They pose and Helen stands back and there they go, and Diesel looks great and YES, that’s the way it goes. The last four reminded her they were there, and she says they are excused.
I can feel the tension. It is early, the frost is on the ground, the air is crisp. The arena is empty, and the ring looks great. They have moved the announcer’s (and Blog) table to the side, and there are flowers on the table for the first time.
They have started to set up the presentation table in the middle of the ring. I did talk to Bob Grady and John Jones who both dressed for the show. Yes, Bob had on a new white suit, in the same style of the others.
I saw Ed and Libbie first thing, and Jen told me she was the one George was yelling at, that I mentioned on the List. Rick is walking the ring, and there is Rita at the end of the ring talking to Dean Wylie. Only a few others in the building, and those that are here are the dedicated that come an hour early. Nancy and Erin were here, but they are everywhere.
What memories already. Good friends, dinner last night with Jean, Tedi, Twyla, Jeff, and Jane. We had a great time and didn’t stop laughing all evening. Tony got here and is doing his tie. It continues to grow in tension.
Helen GLEASON is sitting with me, and isn’t even nervous. She shared with me that her daughter just got accepted for a doctorial program, and how great is that. She is jazzed and ready to go, looks great in a black pin stripped suit, and a great cowboy hat. Nancy is talking to us too, and she is in black sparkles.
Helen is sure, she will complete all dogs, because of the superintendant. Because it is in the catalog, that is how it has to be done. Too bad, her theory would have been more fun.
The arena is filling up now. I have been sitting with Helen talking about her procedure. She has a form that she is going to have filled by a scribe. She is going to have a form to give to every dog at the end of the class. Now there is a meeting in the ring with Helen, Nancy, Karen, Tom and John, and it is about her table. She wants it moved and it gets moved. I love that the buzz is about her hat. She has assured me that she is not going to wear her hat.
The Juniors are in the ring, and there are seven, and they are a great looking bunch, western music on the speaker, what a great mood.
The table in the ring is with a black cloth, and Bob Grady is going to sit there in his white suit. This is going to be interesting
Jack Kilgore is going well and is here with a leg brace. Nancy Harber got her room robbed and lost a lot of jewelry. They don’t know what Ben’s dog died of, and Ben seems better. Paul is here to spot dogs for me, and my wacky friend Jane just by. Yes, there will be good memories again, but some sad as well.
No one seems to know why they moved our table, but it doesn’t make any difference, AND HERE THEY COME INTO THE RING.
I won’t bother to mark them in, and Joe Bahari came by, and I see Ben McGovern is here. Everyone is in the ring, Bob Grady is checking number.
Sally is setting up her booth, and after what I spent, I thought she might go home. JR just came by to shake my hand. Patti came by to say hello to us, and I see Kent out talking to Bob. Morris is in there, Lenny, Bill Basu, The Guz in the first group, George, too. In the first 12, (she is going to work them 12 at a time) are mostly the top handlers. Although, I guess they are all tops. Helen first said there would be a group of 15, but Paul corrected me, Karen said they are in groups of 12.
Richard Sottile is here, as is Liz Leshhorn, Tedi, Jane, Jeff, Rinke, Ed, Maryellen Kish, I see Bill Leonard, Paula, and Grace is in the ring.
Helen says, “I know everyone is excited, and take them around, don’t run up, and we will work on a loose lead later on”. There they go, 12 in a row. The tension is low, but starting to build. Cindy is wearing a sort of tuxedo.
Helen has the first dog out there and is reciting a critique to Bob who is writing it down, she goes to look again, and tells him something else, goes to the front, goes back and tells Bob again. This could be a long day. Helen says she can’t do this for every dog, so get him loose early, and off goes Pastor Burgos.
We saw Nancy and Bobbie at dinner last night, what a great restraurant.
Helen now brings the dog back and walks around him and goes to the table to dictate more. She still hasn’t done the individual exam and she sends him around for a second pass. I missed the individual.
Next dog is Rambling Man with Patti, and she does a loose lead test, looks at him and does the individual exam, teeth, etc. She goes to the table and dictates to Bob, he writes it down, and she looks and talks, looks down, and talks. Patti is listening, and will have lots to tell her owner. Down and back, more dictating and now around. With the table where it is, they lose about twenty feet of this side of the ring.
The Guz with Bounty Hunter. Her owners are nice folks and Helen is checking the form and telling Bob what to write. I see Bob Eaton, and Gloria just came by to say Good Morning, and now Hunter goes down and back. And now around. Jerry brings him back to the table for Helen to finish the critique. Now Hunter goes again. Helen checks Bob’s notes.
Helen is taking about six minutes a dog on the individuals. Helen goes to the end and says something, now Diesel is there, (Full Throttle), and George has him. I like the dog, and he is the Canadian GV. She sends him down and back in another direction and say to “Let him stand, and don’t touch him” and she heads back to the table to instruct Bob, and they both look at the template, she tells Bob more. This is her third dog, and it is half an hour. Off he goes and some lukewarm crowd response but it is early.
Helen directs him in order Diesel got put in front of the group, Pasto Burgos in second, Bounty Hunter in third and Rambling man in fourth and in fifth so far is Green Knight.
Out there is Stealing The Show with Kent. I wonder if I should change my flight for tomorrow at noon? I see Sandy Anderson is here and so is Bob Eaton.
I see Alex outside the ring, and Nancy Nellis is working
Helen takes Kent around and says, loose and slow. Even I can hear her. She looks at her template and moves him into second.
I see Joyce Eberts in the stands.
Now Eric Me & Bobby McGee. He is a dark Bi, and Helen walks around him and makes more notes for Bob. Bob is talking to Eric and laughing and there he goes down and back.
Bart is outside the ring talking to Jimmy.
In the ring, Helen is giving direction to Eric. Helen is talking to Bob and they are looking at the forms, Bob makes some notes and Helen now goes over and tells the dogs that Eric to move up one.
Cindi is in the middle with In Cahoots.
Cappy is ringside watching and so is Jim Hall.
Helen is giving direction to Bob. Helen is reading her list and checking it twice and walks back to look at In Cahoots and back to the list, giving direction to Bob. Down and Back and Helen gives her some direction and tells her to do it again in another direction. Helen gives direction to Bob, and he writes it down. Cindi stands with the dog posed and Helen tells Bob what to do and tell Cindi to just go to the end.
Now Patti with Green Knight. The dog is wound up, baking, and Patti give him a love tap on the top of his head, and Helen laughs. Helen puts her hands on the dog and goes through the list and directs Bob. Helen and Patti are talking and they go down and back again. She sends her around. And puts him in second.
Now Twyla’s dog with Patron and JR. Helen checks her list and instructs Bob. Bob writes it down. She takes him down and back, and then again in a different direction. Helen says, “Let him stand, and don’t direct him”, and tells Bob what to write. Take him around on a loose lead. Now it is nine o’clock. There goes Patron, and he moves too hard, but Helen watches him, directs Bob, and has JR bring him to pose, Helen looks him over and checks her list. Boy, is it quiet. She puts third from the end.
Bill Basu brings out Whalen, Richard Sottile’s dog, she does the teeth etc. I am going to have lots of time to type, and she rugs her hand along the side, backwards and on the chest, back spreading the hair. Helen walks to the rear of the dog, and looks him over, and back to Bob. Says, “Let him stand natural, when he comes back after going down and back”. Bill yells at Richard. Helen directs Bob, and Bob does what he is told. Helen watches him closely and walks to him and puts him up somewhere like fourth from the end.
Now All About Me with Lenny. Thedog loves Helen, she stacks him and goes over him. He is a handsome male type dog. She works over his mouth and has her hand wrapped in his color. Helen directs some notes to Bob, walks back and has her clipboard and is giving some more information. She is spending moe time on this dog and now wants down and back. Helen makes some more notes,nd sends him around. Helen goes to her notes, the dog is standing waiting and she leaves him at the end.
Paul Root is here and working the crowd. I see Ed talking to Ken Tank, and Fower Boy is waking outside the ring. Bill Tank is voer there with his number on.
Julie Hammeranski has Good Vibrations in the center now. (I know I spelled her name wrong, but how would you spell it?) The individual and she back brushes the coat again, and with the side of her hand. Notes to Bob. I will just use ntb, from here on. Helen takes her clipboard. She instructs Julie and down and back. Again. Now around and Helen has put down her board. The crowd likes that dog. Helen waks over to her and puts her in fifth. Helen gives them directions, and it took her an hour to do twelve dogs,.
Helen sends them to the other side, stands about five feet from the wall, and has all of them run by her. Sort of an obstacle course.
Now they all have to walk, she said you walk, they trot, and George is in the lead with Diesel. And she says, keep going, now the second pass. The Guz is laughing. Helen is as the table and they keep walking and says take them out. Keep them in that order. The Guz is talking to Helen and he looks serious. They are being checked out in order by Tom Mesdag.
In the ring is Helen, Bob, Tom and Karen, as they go around, now just Bob and Helen, and they all take a pass while she watches them from the middle.
Midnight Harley in the ring. Helen does her thing watching Harley, tob and tells him to go around, Harley, not Bob. He is sniffing the air for his owner. Helen looks at her clipboard and give direction to Bob.
Ben has Top Shelf in there. Helen does her thing. She keeps looking at her clipboard and Ben is getting bored and moves the dog around, gets him to pose, the dog, not Ben. Yes, there he goes, down and back. It is 9:30 and we have the first dog of the second group. And down and back again. Jammie has a bell, and Top Shelf is keyed on him. Ben tells the rest of the class to stand back and there he goes. California likes the dog. I have to tell Ben where to go. He listens to me.
I just got to shake hands with Shean Conboy and wants me to say hello to his mother. We all miss Joann here, and maybe she will be in Ohio.
Bavo is there with Grace, Bob and Helen are looking over their clipboards. Helen directs her, Grace changes the lead and there they go. Helen puts her in front. Now Sean with Micah. Jane and Pam’s dog. We talked about him at dinner last night, but most of the talk was about Last Harrah, winner’s dog. What a group of beeders. We have one of their puppies. I like the way Sean lets him stand naturally with a fist in the color and now on a loose lead and there he goes. Sean does a good job. Are you as bored as I am, and the crowd? Helen does nothing with him.
We have Diane with Hudson. I like the dog and the handler. What a good looking pair. Hudson is everything you want when you think of a German shepherd. He is being doubled too much but loves Helen. Back brushing again. Helen gives her directions and down and back. Clipboards, Bob, notes and instructions. There they go. Helen wants to see him again, and so do I. Too fast. But not too fast, she goes to the front.
Olivia brings out Cacique. I did see Ileana here, but only spoke to her for a second. Too busy trying to keep up with the furious pace of the judging. She takes him in third.
I talked to Jack Kilgore and he is getting an MRI when he gets home. He looks good and has a leg brace but is climbing the stairs. I am relieved he will be OK.
HiCliff’s Hunter is there now, being clipboarded. Clipboarding is not as bad as waterboarding but to me, it is close. More talking between Helen and Bob. There she goes with Hunter and the crowd either wants to warm up their hands or likes the dog. Helen calls for the next dog,
Vito is there with his handler, and that is Lamar’s dog. He finished with Dave Rinke in California. Lots of talk between the clipboarders. There he goes. He does look good. Helen instructs Bob and leaves him at the end.
Next up is Sky Warrier. More of the same. Sorry, I took a break to get some hot chocolate.
Fair’s Simon Says, and Helen says to slow down,a nd good looking sable and Helen does go up to her and puts her in third.
JR has Cooper. Clipboarding, talking, moving.
Bret Taylor is behind me talking to his wife. Next to them are Bobbie Kindy and Nancy. Iza is here with her camera.
I talked to Ken Tank at the concession stand. He computed just for individuals it would take ten hours.
There they go with Diane in front, the JR and Grace with Morris.
There she goes to form a human tunnel, and they all run between her and the wall. Helen takes a step closer to the wall to make a smaller space, it is kinda fun. Helen smiles and sends them out.
Another group, now I am excited.
Sergio is out there with a real mouth, O’Danny Boy. He won’t stop barking. He goes, he stops, and he stands, and goes off to the side.
Wind Walker is in the ring with Sean. Clipboarding. Mickey came by to chat, and people are milling about. The handlers are talking to the crowd, the crowd is talking to each other, and the show is going on.
Helen is doing what they do in Germany and going over the dogs and making notes. But in Germany they do it the day before the show. I don’t object to it, but it isn’t exciting. More of the same.
Peter Cassiopia is sitting in his club jacket, while Sean is doing his thing withWindWalker. Helen makes more notes and leaves him, and now Abby Hathaway is in the ring.
It is Lone Ranger. Abby has the best clothes of any handler, except maybe The Guz. Sparkly red top and black skirt. When I start talking fashion, you know I need something more to take my interest. The stands are full, but no one is talking. I see Linda Fox in blue, and she is watching the crowd, and Lone Ranger is doing his thing.
Flower Boy came by to say he was approached by a kid selling testicles. He didn’t buy any, but he said he was offended that he was asked.
LannaLee is with me and we got her on line, and it actually worked with my air-card. I can’t get on line here to do video, but maybe next year.
Bill Tank is out there getting CBd on Cruz Control. I have always liked this dog, and his owner, Will Guerry. He is co-owned with Bill. Some applause, and Helen watches them. Checking clipboards and she takes a drink, Bob opens it for her, and she goes over to Bill and puts him in third.
Rogue is here with Mickey. Maybe Helen will change her procedure. Hope springs eternal. No such luck. I do admit, she is picking the better dogs, the evaluation is going to be great for everyone, but it sure does drag out a show. But, this is the last group, so only seven more to go of this stuff. Mike poses Rogue and takes him around. Some applause for that dog and Helen goes over to him, without studying him and puts him in front, (I think). Hey , if you were here, you wouldn’t be sure either.
I have no idea why they moved our table. I did just see the kid selling testicles. I told Liz she didn’t need any, she already has Bobs.
Art has Reward, Bobbi’s dog. He has done lots of good winning and is a quality dog. He looks like you could us his picture for the standard. Wow, the crowd likes him. He goes to third.
Avion Chief of Staff with Lauri. He is another West Coast Dog that I like. What a great job of grooming. Notes by Bob, talking by Helen, Posing by Laurie, and Typing by Evan. What more could anyone ask for a dog show? LanaLee is sitting next to me typing forms. I wonder where Paula is. He looks good and the West Coast says so. Helen looks at her board and doesn’t do anything.
Bob Dresher, (the Voice of The National), is telling me about his life, and finding new jokes.
Greg Eshette has Simon Says out there, as close to an all black you can get without being there. What a good looking dark dog. It is 10:30. A lot of laughing behind me, and I feel like chucking this typing and talking to Flower Boy who keeps on laughing. Between him and Rita, you can’t miss those laughs. Comparing matching clip-boards. In number two.
Kristy with Gable. I expect the crowd will like him. If you have been reading my nonsense, you will know I like this dog. I think I have said so before. Jimmy is tanding out side the ring anf Bob Eaton is explaining something to Alex. Bill Leonard is talking to Ed Ferrell. And Sally is watching the show, and her booth is behind her. She sold out of the Bling stuff the first day, but the rest is great too.
Gable is posed perfectly, Kristy does a great job of handling. There he goes, I hope he looks good, and yes, he does. She stops, was going too fast and Helen says so, and he takes off again, too fast again. Helen checks her clip-board and talks to Bob and points to it and goes over to Kristy and puts her in third. I guess it doesn’t make any difference, but they are being placed.
Wind Sweep is there with Jamie Clute. A great proportioned dog, and I like the style. I do like her decisions so far, but it does not hold my interest. Maybe it is just me. Carolyn Gerragos is here talking to Tony, and Helen goes to Wind Sweep and puts him in third. It was short lived placing for Gable, but that is what dog shows are all about.
Tiffany has Badboy. I bet Bart wants to get in there and handle. I even want to get in there. How stupid is that? (Shut up Paul). I still need to find Paul to talk. He remains another of my favorite people and what a job he has done for us all on the board. But, I digress. Bad Boy stands free in a reverse pose and is clip-boarded and Helen goes to look at him from the front. And again. They compare clipboards and she sends Badboy around. Nice and smooth. Helen checks the board and talks to Bob. They point at their boards and she walks to Badboy and doesn’t move him, and now moves him to sixth.
Ross has Phamtom of the Opera. That’s how it is spelled, yell at the owner.
I see Linda Curry in the stands, and people are starting to move around. I don’t’ see Paula yet, but she is probably causing trouble somewhere. Karen Taylor is behind me talking about Elmo. There goes Ross, and a little applause. PAUL IS BACK.
That is the group with Mike in front, the Greg, Jamie, and Sergio, Art, Kristy, Tiffany, Sean, Bill Abby, Laurie and Ross. I think I know too many people, but not too old to remember them, yet. He moves Mike to the front with Rogue. Second is Solitare Traveler, third is Wind Sweet, and then Danny Boy. And a lot of other dogs. She is getting the best stuff up, what more coulde I ask. She walks to the middle and tell Cristy to move up one. She stands back and the crowd is into it now and tells them to stay in order. Out they go.
In comes the last group. The fourth group. There can’t be many more.
Diamond Davinci with Malisa Chevez. What a great job she did with the junior handbags. I saw the table, lots of good stuff. The crowd likes the dog, and I agree. Boarding going on, and not changes. Helen give some information to Bob and he moves the new ones to the front.
In the middle is Dashell Hammett. A nice dog, well put together. Off he goes and where he stops, Helen knows.
Nicaragua, a dog I did like. Suzie Witmer owns him and he impresses me when he moves. He is a dark dog in full coat, but so dark, he doesn’t show the coat. Loren came by, she makes me think we need to do a calendar of shepherd girls. This is a good looking ring. Boarding, and he stands. Not his best pass, but the crowd likes him and Helen goes over and puts him in first.
Joshua is there with Jimmy and he is another of those good looking dogs. They make a lot of notes and Jimmy nods his head and there he goes. What a good one that is. Helen talks to Bob, looks at her clipboard andgoes to the group and gives some directions and left him at the end.
Kelly is in there with Miracle in The Making. That dog does impress me. All breed type. She moves him to second.
Hunka Love with Ariel. What a dark dog. Helen walks to him and moves him to fourth and she moves Jimmie up to second.
Here goes Scott and Loren is here, and says she prays for him, and he has Aregon. Loren is nervous and it is funny. Good looking dog. Sort of looks like my breeding, but a good one anyway. Boarding and more down and back, twice now and Helen says she wants to see him, he is a nice dog, and there he goes for the third time. Helen is comparing boards and directing Bob, Bob writes and they compare boards again more than most, and tells him to head out. And there he goes. Pulling too hard, so Scott starts over. He needs a loose lead, as I recall. And yes, there he goes. He brings him back to the table and Helen asks him something and yes, they are letting him go again. WOW, that is what we all want. Helen goes t him and puts him in third behind Jimmie.
We have Alex with Last Harrah, winner’s Dog. Donna came by and had a kind word for us. Helen works with him, he is being a shit, a young dog. What a shame, he is a great one, but not in this class. He just is looking for someone outside the ring. She gets the individual done without a problem, but I would have rather seen him stand like he did in the class. I feel bad for Alex, and of course Jeff, but I know how sound he is. Down and back and stands. Helen writes on the board. And the dog poses perfectly. Alex can hear what she says to Bob and so we will know soon what she thinks. There he goes. What a nice dog, and moves the way the standard calls for.
Channing with the veteran dog, Midnight Shadow. He doesn’t look that old. A good looking animal. Still can move. Channing has him too fast, so he starts over. She looks at her dogs and she goes to the end and takes the veteran and puts him in fourth.
LAST DOG, the older veteran, No Regrets, the 9 and over. There he goes.
There goes the last group, Nicaragua, Joshua, Aragon, and then Gable, and then the veteran. She wants them again. And makes the magic tunnel, and they all get to thread the Helen.
She does have the best ones up front.
ALL GROUPS IN THE RING. So Helen says. Here they come. Karen comes into the ring to get directions and they all come storming into the ring. Karen is checking the placings and so far everyone is still there. How cool is that for owners. They fill the ring,a nd Karen is walking to the end of the ring, and they are still coming in. She gives directions to Tom and he tells them to move to the other end, and Helen knows what she wants. Tom, Karen, Bob and Helen are in the ring,and they are being directed. She has them lined up in five lines across the ring, I love it.
She pulls the first three from one group, then four from the other and two and two from the last group. One from collume A, etc. No supstitutions. Ten
Full Throttle, Green Knight, Stealing The Show, Nicaragua, Joshua, Aragon, Solitair Travelor, Hudson, and Cooper. WOW!
The other lines or what is left of them start to get pulled too, and brings in ten more and brings in one more and then two are sent to another line going the other way. Three lines headed one way, and now they get some sent to the line going the other way, and three lines left in various lengths, and she keeps pulling to the left facing lines from the right facing lines. And she goes back and forth and then brings down. There is a first group of ten, a second group of ten, an all the rest. The first two groups are separate. In the outcast group are 25 strong and she gives them all another look as they go around. OUT THEY GO.
Now the second group and there they go. I think the first group is her Select dogs, but she gives the second group a look. The Guz is there, as is Miguel, and Basu, but they don’t seem to be much, OUT THEY GO.
A very different system. And, here we go.
Helen lines them out on the far side, not relation to the cartoon. Ten. First is George, Pattik, Kent, young handler, Jimmie, Scott, Mike, Greg, Diane and Bill Basu.
Helen tells them to walk. The handlers don’t look happy, but they do as they are told, she moves Stealing the Show to Second Joshua to fourth. Aragon to fifth. And they walk. They walk. They walk and Helen looks at them and she keeps them walking and they walk, George, Kent, Patti, Jimmy and moved Rogue to sixth, and they walk, and she looks and they walk, and she looks and they walk. She moves Cooper to seventh and they walk, and they walk, and they walk. YES, they walk, and the last three stop and stand, and the rest walk. In front is Diesel and they walk and she moves Jimmie with Joshua into third and they walk. They walk and they walk, Oscar is second, Joshua is third. And, they stop.
She walks to the front and the crowd tells her what they like, and she walks to the third and puts Joshua to second. Green Knight is fourth and Aragon is fifth, and she wants them to walk. George, Jimmie, Kent and Patti and there they go at a full trot, Helen watches them and watches them and Jimmie is working harder with his dog, and Aragon into fourth.
They pose and she tells them to go again,a nd Jimmie and Kent tell the double handlers where to go, and there goes George with Diesel, by himself. Now Jimmie with Joshua, the crowd loves them both.
Next Kent with Stealing The Show. Now Scottie with Aragon. The crowd loves that dog. Now Patti with Green Knight. JR takes Cooper. Mikie with a crowd favorite Rogue. And that looks lie the Selects. At least the first seven and Rogue goes to six.
They pose and Helen stands back and there they go, and Diesel looks great and YES, that’s the way it goes. The last four reminded her they were there, and she says they are excused.
Friday, November 07, 2008
We left the arena and are waiting to have dinner. I took some time to read some of the Blog. I have never read it before.
I need to be more careful when I type, and for some reason I tend to babble. But, I got a kick out of what I wrote, and what I said, and then can remember what was going on.
Ben McGovern went to his van and found his dog dead in the crate. He just sat down and they called the medics, and I hope he is OK. What a terrible thing to have happen.
The location and weather are great, and the show is going smoothly. I know tomorrow is going to be terrific, Paul who some may know is not a shepherd person, but is very sharp, and will do a great job spotting dogs for me. In Specials, I don't have time to look up, and I type what I see happening and Paul will give me the names, which I can't aways remember. I try to get my feelings into it, and to me, it is the best of all when I can do it that way.
I asked Flower Boy and he refused. I do get a little abusive and demanding. I want to get you the news as soon as I can.
Helen said she wants to do the males and keep all the Selects in catalog order, do the bitches and then arrange her Selects. She was told the AKC may not allow that, and she said she is going to check tonight.
I like the idea. Last year Ed at one point said to his group, "You are all going to go Select" and then began to work them. I loved it, and it took a lot of the tension out from the ring and let everyone work for the top spot.
I hope they let Helen do it.
I plan to have dinner with Jeff Moebus, but they want him to show his dog, WD in the Frasano match. Frank and Kris have a private invitation only match and give cash prizes. I think this year it is $1,500. I don't know if Jeff will go, or join us for dinner.
It is early here and we get a chance to rest.
I will be on early tomorrow.
I need to be more careful when I type, and for some reason I tend to babble. But, I got a kick out of what I wrote, and what I said, and then can remember what was going on.
Ben McGovern went to his van and found his dog dead in the crate. He just sat down and they called the medics, and I hope he is OK. What a terrible thing to have happen.
The location and weather are great, and the show is going smoothly. I know tomorrow is going to be terrific, Paul who some may know is not a shepherd person, but is very sharp, and will do a great job spotting dogs for me. In Specials, I don't have time to look up, and I type what I see happening and Paul will give me the names, which I can't aways remember. I try to get my feelings into it, and to me, it is the best of all when I can do it that way.
I asked Flower Boy and he refused. I do get a little abusive and demanding. I want to get you the news as soon as I can.
Helen said she wants to do the males and keep all the Selects in catalog order, do the bitches and then arrange her Selects. She was told the AKC may not allow that, and she said she is going to check tonight.
I like the idea. Last year Ed at one point said to his group, "You are all going to go Select" and then began to work them. I loved it, and it took a lot of the tension out from the ring and let everyone work for the top spot.
I hope they let Helen do it.
I plan to have dinner with Jeff Moebus, but they want him to show his dog, WD in the Frasano match. Frank and Kris have a private invitation only match and give cash prizes. I think this year it is $1,500. I don't know if Jeff will go, or join us for dinner.
It is early here and we get a chance to rest.
I will be on early tomorrow.
Veteran Bitches, Best Puppy
First is Patrick, then Jimmie with Caterina and Kiwi. I am confused and don’t know why High Voltage isn’t in there. Maybe someone who knows more about dog shows has the answer.
Helen looks great and has silver slippers on. A silver jacket and seems ready to judge. Jimmie has his puppy out there and I do like Caterina, but I also like Patrick. Kiwi is also a star, and so I am glad I don’t have to judge, and thank you for not asking me to do it. Not that many people left and Paul told me such a gross joke that I am still grimmicing. (I know it isn’t spelled right, and Helen tells Jimmie to take a second lap.
She wants it slower, so that is what he does. Kiwi is out there and doesn’t care who the judge is, what I would call Aloof.
Art is laughing at her, the puppy, not the judge. I do wish Bobbie would not stand in front of me. I am trying to Blog here. This was called the Bog, earlier, and then the Blot. Maybe we should just call it Bob.There goes Kiwi, and she is fired up.
My life is complete, I just got a hug from Diane Brown. What any man would want.
Liz has Patrick who keeps barking at the end of the ring, and Liz uses some strong hand signals. Wow, I wouldn’t want her mad at me.
The judge wants them walking and she tells them to go by her, and tells them to keep on going. They keep walking and the puppies seem confused, but do look great. If Helen does this in Specials it will be a long day.
Helen wants to announce and LanaLee said she couldn’t according the AKC.
Helen took the microphone anyway and is talking to us all. She is giving us her opinion of the puppies. She is going to critique the winners and even after she was told she couldn’t. She is now telling us how she wants to judge and is going to talk to the AKC.
What she plans to do is bring in all the males, and then 15 will stay to judge and then 15 at a time. With the AKC permission her best picks will be judged to completion after the bitches, if it is allowed.
Tomorrow is a big day, and I haven’t found anyone to do it yet.
Paul is going to spot for me, and it is going to be fantastic. He is a good friend, and has been friends with The Guz for years. He knows more about dogs than anyone I know and publishes a dog magazine. It is going to be geat.
First is Patrick, then Jimmie with Caterina and Kiwi. I am confused and don’t know why High Voltage isn’t in there. Maybe someone who knows more about dog shows has the answer.
Helen looks great and has silver slippers on. A silver jacket and seems ready to judge. Jimmie has his puppy out there and I do like Caterina, but I also like Patrick. Kiwi is also a star, and so I am glad I don’t have to judge, and thank you for not asking me to do it. Not that many people left and Paul told me such a gross joke that I am still grimmicing. (I know it isn’t spelled right, and Helen tells Jimmie to take a second lap.
She wants it slower, so that is what he does. Kiwi is out there and doesn’t care who the judge is, what I would call Aloof.
Art is laughing at her, the puppy, not the judge. I do wish Bobbie would not stand in front of me. I am trying to Blog here. This was called the Bog, earlier, and then the Blot. Maybe we should just call it Bob.There goes Kiwi, and she is fired up.
My life is complete, I just got a hug from Diane Brown. What any man would want.
Liz has Patrick who keeps barking at the end of the ring, and Liz uses some strong hand signals. Wow, I wouldn’t want her mad at me.
The judge wants them walking and she tells them to go by her, and tells them to keep on going. They keep walking and the puppies seem confused, but do look great. If Helen does this in Specials it will be a long day.
Helen wants to announce and LanaLee said she couldn’t according the AKC.
Helen took the microphone anyway and is talking to us all. She is giving us her opinion of the puppies. She is going to critique the winners and even after she was told she couldn’t. She is now telling us how she wants to judge and is going to talk to the AKC.
What she plans to do is bring in all the males, and then 15 will stay to judge and then 15 at a time. With the AKC permission her best picks will be judged to completion after the bitches, if it is allowed.
Tomorrow is a big day, and I haven’t found anyone to do it yet.
Paul is going to spot for me, and it is going to be fantastic. He is a good friend, and has been friends with The Guz for years. He knows more about dogs than anyone I know and publishes a dog magazine. It is going to be geat.
One heartbreaker in there, Pilgrim No Regrets. He still has it, born 1/11/99. I want one like that at my house. Cappy does her thing, and Diane does hers. Way to go Pilgrim. YES he wins.
First in is Magnolia, a long time favorite of mine, then Livin’ On A Prayer, Point of View, Sweet Cream, and that is the class, four. Sweet Cream and Magnolia look like puppies. Well, that may be pushing it, but they look good. Actually all four of them look good. I always thought it was easier to be a female. Off they go with Art in front then Heather Miler, with Cindy and Linda Fox.
Off goes Magnolia, she hasn’t lost a step. Way to go Paul and Jennifer.
Out there is Livin’ On A Prayer. Heather Miller has her. She looks smooth and easy.
Cindy Tellefson takes out Point of View. Thanks to Debbie for bringing her. I love the gray, and it makes her look wise. She still has the heart.
Sweet Dreams with Linda Fox. We need Joan here to make it right.
First is Magnolia, Second is Sweet Cream, Third is Livin’ On A Prayer, and Fourth is Point Of View.
Tedi took the computer to find a restraurant and in the interest of maritial harmony, I will just list the winners of the 9 and Over.
First is Christy Brinkley, who could go in and take points today. Second is Virginia Louise at 12 and 1/2, Third is Best Be Bedazzled, and fourth is Beatrice. It is fun to watch but The One And Only, who is telling jokes to Bob keeps me distracted.
ON TO BEST PUPPY, then if the creek don’t rise, dinner.
One heartbreaker in there, Pilgrim No Regrets. He still has it, born 1/11/99. I want one like that at my house. Cappy does her thing, and Diane does hers. Way to go Pilgrim. YES he wins.
First in is Magnolia, a long time favorite of mine, then Livin’ On A Prayer, Point of View, Sweet Cream, and that is the class, four. Sweet Cream and Magnolia look like puppies. Well, that may be pushing it, but they look good. Actually all four of them look good. I always thought it was easier to be a female. Off they go with Art in front then Heather Miler, with Cindy and Linda Fox.
Off goes Magnolia, she hasn’t lost a step. Way to go Paul and Jennifer.
Out there is Livin’ On A Prayer. Heather Miller has her. She looks smooth and easy.
Cindy Tellefson takes out Point of View. Thanks to Debbie for bringing her. I love the gray, and it makes her look wise. She still has the heart.
Sweet Dreams with Linda Fox. We need Joan here to make it right.
First is Magnolia, Second is Sweet Cream, Third is Livin’ On A Prayer, and Fourth is Point Of View.
Tedi took the computer to find a restraurant and in the interest of maritial harmony, I will just list the winners of the 9 and Over.
First is Christy Brinkley, who could go in and take points today. Second is Virginia Louise at 12 and 1/2, Third is Best Be Bedazzled, and fourth is Beatrice. It is fun to watch but The One And Only, who is telling jokes to Bob keeps me distracted.
ON TO BEST PUPPY, then if the creek don’t rise, dinner.
In they come. I love these dogs, maybe I am empathizing. First is When They Call My Name. All six of them are finished. Good looking handsome dog. If you think the crowd was indifferent, now they are gone, or off talking. Now JR with Midnight Shadow. A real man dog, and very little gray. He still has the fire and moves like a machine.
In the middle is UR IT, with Scottie. We next have a good looking sable, out of coat, but in great condition Wanted Dead or Alive. Tiffany brings in Drew, who looks like a kid.
Patti takes into the ring, Austin, and masculine shepherd with great proportions. He looks like he is ready for American Bred.
Cappy now takes them all around and there is some applause so I know I am not alone in the building. She pulls out Midnight Shadow, then Drew, and in third is Austin and fourth is When They Call My Name, and She sends the last three around. She pulls out Ur IT for fourth. Cappy is talking to them all and saying good things. She is such a kind person and I know she has a soft spot for the Veterans. There they go and she watches them and shades her eyes, and stops them and moves Austin to second. She is talking to the handlers and wants them to take another pass with JR in front with Midnight Shadow and Capy is walking and that is the way it goes.
In they come. I love these dogs, maybe I am empathizing. First is When They Call My Name. All six of them are finished. Good looking handsome dog. If you think the crowd was indifferent, now they are gone, or off talking. Now JR with Midnight Shadow. A real man dog, and very little gray. He still has the fire and moves like a machine.
In the middle is UR IT, with Scottie. We next have a good looking sable, out of coat, but in great condition Wanted Dead or Alive. Tiffany brings in Drew, who looks like a kid.
Patti takes into the ring, Austin, and masculine shepherd with great proportions. He looks like he is ready for American Bred.
Cappy now takes them all around and there is some applause so I know I am not alone in the building. She pulls out Midnight Shadow, then Drew, and in third is Austin and fourth is When They Call My Name, and She sends the last three around. She pulls out Ur IT for fourth. Cappy is talking to them all and saying good things. She is such a kind person and I know she has a soft spot for the Veterans. There they go and she watches them and shades her eyes, and stops them and moves Austin to second. She is talking to the handlers and wants them to take another pass with JR in front with Midnight Shadow and Capy is walking and that is the way it goes.
I guess now some people will know who Jeff Moebius is. He is a great guy, but sort of quiet. You can usually find him standing just behind Jane Kerner. It was great to see Cindy win with Reserve, she is a great lady and a fun friend. It was too quiet in here, and for Cindy you can hear the California people screaming and Paul Root above them all. We do stand for our own. I think everyone may be waiting to see the Specials, it is very very quiet.
Michel is in the ring, and calls for the bitch winners. Jimmie is first with Caterina. Next into the ring is Art Kiwi, then Patti with La Dee Dah, Lenny on Fire and Ice, Christi with Bets On m Zyut, George,with Iflifewerelikethat and Olyvia and Hiena Gomez. I suspect the open bitch will win, but no one asked me to judge.
Michel asks for a down and back on Catrina, and she stands like a pro, and he sends Jimmie around. The crowd likes that puppy, and so do I.
Now Art takes Kiwi out, and she takes a down and back, Michel has his arms folded and watches her, and gives her a pet, and takes her around. It is almost silent in the ring, but some local applause.
Patti has La Dee Dah, and takes her trip, and lets her stand Michel does walk around the bitch and sends her to a trip around. Off she goes with a loose lead and someone is calling Lottie, I guess that is her name. She is a great moving bitch.
Lenny has Fire and Ice. And wants Don to HONK THE HORN, and he does, and she gets a lot of applause, so I can see why. She is a great mover too.
Now Kristi with Bets On M Zyut. And I see Dave Rinke standing ring side, and when he stands, you can’t miss him.
George with Iflifewerelikethat. What a name and what a handler. She is posed to perfection and the double handler must be right behind me, but I don’t want to turn away, and there she goes, and yes, the crowd does like her, but not wild YET.
This is the Open Bitch with Olivia, Hiena Gomez, and she is a perfect perportioned dark sable, that has my heart. I hear Donna behind me, and Michel puts his hands on her and Olivia takes her out, and YES, not the crowd is into it. What a roar, and there she goes. Now too fast but very smooth. Michel stops them and looks at each one and calls out Hiena to the front, then Iflifewerelikethat and in the third place Catrina.
He puts Fire and Ice in fourth, and Yes, the crowd does like that, and with Hiena in front it is clear, WINNER’S BITCH.
I guess now some people will know who Jeff Moebius is. He is a great guy, but sort of quiet. You can usually find him standing just behind Jane Kerner. It was great to see Cindy win with Reserve, she is a great lady and a fun friend. It was too quiet in here, and for Cindy you can hear the California people screaming and Paul Root above them all. We do stand for our own. I think everyone may be waiting to see the Specials, it is very very quiet.
Michel is in the ring, and calls for the bitch winners. Jimmie is first with Caterina. Next into the ring is Art Kiwi, then Patti with La Dee Dah, Lenny on Fire and Ice, Christi with Bets On m Zyut, George,with Iflifewerelikethat and Olyvia and Hiena Gomez. I suspect the open bitch will win, but no one asked me to judge.
Michel asks for a down and back on Catrina, and she stands like a pro, and he sends Jimmie around. The crowd likes that puppy, and so do I.
Now Art takes Kiwi out, and she takes a down and back, Michel has his arms folded and watches her, and gives her a pet, and takes her around. It is almost silent in the ring, but some local applause.
Patti has La Dee Dah, and takes her trip, and lets her stand Michel does walk around the bitch and sends her to a trip around. Off she goes with a loose lead and someone is calling Lottie, I guess that is her name. She is a great moving bitch.
Lenny has Fire and Ice. And wants Don to HONK THE HORN, and he does, and she gets a lot of applause, so I can see why. She is a great mover too.
Now Kristi with Bets On M Zyut. And I see Dave Rinke standing ring side, and when he stands, you can’t miss him.
George with Iflifewerelikethat. What a name and what a handler. She is posed to perfection and the double handler must be right behind me, but I don’t want to turn away, and there she goes, and yes, the crowd does like her, but not wild YET.
This is the Open Bitch with Olivia, Hiena Gomez, and she is a perfect perportioned dark sable, that has my heart. I hear Donna behind me, and Michel puts his hands on her and Olivia takes her out, and YES, not the crowd is into it. What a roar, and there she goes. Now too fast but very smooth. Michel stops them and looks at each one and calls out Hiena to the front, then Iflifewerelikethat and in the third place Catrina.
He puts Fire and Ice in fourth, and Yes, the crowd does like that, and with Hiena in front it is clear, WINNER’S BITCH.
Debbie Hokkanin is sitting with us now and the crowd isn’t into this. I wonder why, the quality is tops. He is looking at Miguel with Angie Valadez FCM and puts her in second behind Iflifewere like that. They take a pass and Reserve is Iflifewerelikethat.
On to Specials, dinner with the big winner and another day.I love that you like this and I appreciate the kind words. I think I screwed up when I was doing winners , but I have no problem with you correcting me, yelling at me, or criticizing what I do. I am doing it for you, (if you believe that talk to Flower Boy), but I have a lot of fun doing it.
More tomorrow.
NOTE: Minor correction Evan ..... Ken's bitch who decided to take a lap herself is Flusstanze Samara of Victory (Ch. Nitro x Sel 2 Azeri) , I heard she looked lovely off lead, lol. Kathy Tank
Debbie Hokkanin is sitting with us now and the crowd isn’t into this. I wonder why, the quality is tops. He is looking at Miguel with Angie Valadez FCM and puts her in second behind Iflifewere like that. They take a pass and Reserve is Iflifewerelikethat.
On to Specials, dinner with the big winner and another day.I love that you like this and I appreciate the kind words. I think I screwed up when I was doing winners , but I have no problem with you correcting me, yelling at me, or criticizing what I do. I am doing it for you, (if you believe that talk to Flower Boy), but I have a lot of fun doing it.
More tomorrow.
NOTE: Minor correction Evan ..... Ken's bitch who decided to take a lap herself is Flusstanze Samara of Victory (Ch. Nitro x Sel 2 Azeri) , I heard she looked lovely off lead, lol. Kathy Tank
Now it is real quiet in here. I am glad I asked Jane to go to dinner with me before she won, she probably would rather go with someone she likes. Now they go around again. She looks at them all again, and points to Monte Carlo.
Both wins were sort of client in here. Of course I liked both of them, but I think I screwed up when I listed them all, but I know I got the winners right. For free, what do you want?
Now it is real quiet in here. I am glad I asked Jane to go to dinner with me before she won, she probably would rather go with someone she likes. Now they go around again. She looks at them all again, and points to Monte Carlo.
Both wins were sort of client in here. Of course I liked both of them, but I think I screwed up when I listed them all, but I know I got the winners right. For free, what do you want?
Winner's Dog
The parade of Great was Great. I loved Ruby, Antonio, Army and Honky Tonk Man in the ring together. It makes up proud of our breed.
I got to go spend the inheritance at Sally’s booth, for the kids at the office. It is a good cause, Sally’s inheritance. LanaLee was here, but I think she got upset with me and moved to the other side of the table.
In the ring are now the class winners, what a line of dogs, Patrick, High Voltage, Last Harrah, Monte Carlo, Walk The Line, Dream Love Bear,and Im The One.
Cappy is looking at them, and walks the line, not pun intended, and tells them to take a lap, one at a time, and there goes Kent with Patrick. Some applause. He yells, “easy” and takes him slow and loose.
Now Next is Sylvane, a Canadian handler with Last Harrah, more crowd involvement. Not a lot, but some and Cappy yells, “slow down” and he does.
She heads back and Liz takes High Voltage and not a lot of noise for him, yet.
Then Ross with Dream Love Bear, and a bit too quiet.
Last is Jeff with Im The One.
Next up is Cindy with Monte Carlo.
Cappy pulls High Voltage to the front and puts Monte Carlo in second and looks at Kent with Patrick and looks at her first three and walks to Kent and moves Im The One in third. She walks to the front to tell High Voltage what she wants and there go the three of them, High Voltage Monte Carlo and Im The One, and slow and easy. She sets them aside and takes the others, all good ones. The crowd likes Last Harrah, and so do I. But this isn’t his day, I think. Cappy walks over to them and walks down the line and she has her back to me, and waves her hand, not at me. She wants to see High Voltage in the middle of the ring, and tells him to let him stand and he jumps up on cappy for a hug, and she laughs and puts him in front. She tells him to go back. She now goes up to Monte Carlo and does the same thing, and he stays where he is. Now she brings out Last Harrah, and he stands like a pro. Cappy now goes back to the center of the group, Lavane has the dog off to the end of the ring and he tries to jump up, not a smart move, and Cappy is going over to check him and tell him what not to do.
Now she moves Last Harrah to second, and the crowd does like that. There they go, the first three. Cappy is running now and walking fast and YES it’s Last Harrah out of 12-18 month.
The parade of Great was Great. I loved Ruby, Antonio, Army and Honky Tonk Man in the ring together. It makes up proud of our breed.
I got to go spend the inheritance at Sally’s booth, for the kids at the office. It is a good cause, Sally’s inheritance. LanaLee was here, but I think she got upset with me and moved to the other side of the table.
In the ring are now the class winners, what a line of dogs, Patrick, High Voltage, Last Harrah, Monte Carlo, Walk The Line, Dream Love Bear,and Im The One.
Cappy is looking at them, and walks the line, not pun intended, and tells them to take a lap, one at a time, and there goes Kent with Patrick. Some applause. He yells, “easy” and takes him slow and loose.
Now Next is Sylvane, a Canadian handler with Last Harrah, more crowd involvement. Not a lot, but some and Cappy yells, “slow down” and he does.
She heads back and Liz takes High Voltage and not a lot of noise for him, yet.
Then Ross with Dream Love Bear, and a bit too quiet.
Last is Jeff with Im The One.
Next up is Cindy with Monte Carlo.
Cappy pulls High Voltage to the front and puts Monte Carlo in second and looks at Kent with Patrick and looks at her first three and walks to Kent and moves Im The One in third. She walks to the front to tell High Voltage what she wants and there go the three of them, High Voltage Monte Carlo and Im The One, and slow and easy. She sets them aside and takes the others, all good ones. The crowd likes Last Harrah, and so do I. But this isn’t his day, I think. Cappy walks over to them and walks down the line and she has her back to me, and waves her hand, not at me. She wants to see High Voltage in the middle of the ring, and tells him to let him stand and he jumps up on cappy for a hug, and she laughs and puts him in front. She tells him to go back. She now goes up to Monte Carlo and does the same thing, and he stays where he is. Now she brings out Last Harrah, and he stands like a pro. Cappy now goes back to the center of the group, Lavane has the dog off to the end of the ring and he tries to jump up, not a smart move, and Cappy is going over to check him and tell him what not to do.
Now she moves Last Harrah to second, and the crowd does like that. There they go, the first three. Cappy is running now and walking fast and YES it’s Last Harrah out of 12-18 month.
Bad news in Open Bitches
went to the Blog. I haven’t seen it yet, I sure do talk a lot. Paul Lepiane is sitting with us, and it is always good to see him, and he always have some good jokes.
They are all in the ring now, and there are 15. Michel looks them over, (okay Peggy, I will spell it right, but it won’t be as much fun). He walks to the front, Bob Grady is here with a purple suit and a yellow shirt. They are all the same style, and we should take note.
Michel walks down the line and pauses at each bitch, and is now at Kent’s and she stacks like a rock, it is One Woman Show. Down to the rest and he pauses at each one, and now to Olivia next to last. She has a dark sable, it is Hena Gomez, and there they all go, some real movers here. I like Antares at a first glance.
They reach the end of the line before the others have gone, so they hold up, and the rest take a lap. Bob Lindsay will have the complete show available for $135.00 which will be 6-7 discs, and will have every entry in full, every class, and every entry. I have watched him filming, and it is going to be special.
They are done, and now for the individuals.
I have to reflect again. I read the comments on the List, and thank you for the kind words. But, this is fun for me, and should be for you too. I am unofficial, (how my life goes) and so it may not be accurate, and so don’t expect me to do everything right. You should also be having fun, and if not, then go show rabbits. You can eat what doesn’t turn out. I guess you could do that with German shepherd too, but that is just gross. Take a breath, laugh with me, let me know about my mistakes, (not that I will care), but come on along for the ride. It may not get you anywhere, but it will be fun getting there.
Linda Fox just got here. She looks better every year, and came at the last minute. I do miss Fred, and would like to see Gary Szymzsk, Lew Bunch, Helen Fisher, Helen Frankly, Laurie Pruit, Peggy Mickleson, and so many others that make a national fun. I guess we will go out with Jane Kerner, Pam Stoesser, Dave Rinke, Bob Eaton, and Jeff Mobeus for dinner, so I will let you know how much abuse I take there. I did tell you that Bugsy is Last Harrah, and his name is not Dexter. I think I explained that Jane is not a Wacky Conservative, but rather a Wacky Strict Constitutionalist. Like I know the difference? But, whatever I call her, she is my friend and for that I am thankful and proud. I suppose she will yell at me for the sin of pride now. Go figure.
They did fix my computer last night, evidently it was the charger. I have some thoughts about it, but wonder if it is an intermittent problem. Whatever, we still don’t have a network, but tomorrow is another day. Lea Ruggieri came by to chat,
and Luke Allen is doing the moving shots, and I have seen a few of them, and he is as good as Michael, (Sharon Earl’s husband). They will be available on the webb site, Photos by Saranugent.com.
Last night I was doing some card tricks for Abby Hathaway, and she is one of the best audiences I have ever seen. It was fun. I have to tell you, one time she selected a card, put it back in the deck, shuffled, and then told me she had not looked at it. It ruined the effect.
Michel is working on the second group, but I have lost interest, so you have too. When he starts to do some picking, I will be back. In the middle for the individual is Samara and daughter of Nation’s Cup. Don Knight just came by and is busy doing his double handling thing.
I do like One Woman Show, as she takes a pass. If anything does catch my eye, I will be there. Otherwise, I am talking to Paul. We are talking politics, and you don’t want to know what it is about. I do like One Woman Show. Now Diane Brown is out there with Bedazzled. Bob, (the Voice of the National), is telling us jokes.
I see Jimmy talking to Lenny, and the place is filling up. I need to go spend some money with Sally, and have to remember to do it today. I do want to see Army in the Parade, but not so much some of the others. Debbie Hokkanane is here at the table with us, and I see Joanna Rand talking to Jan Coleman.
Liz Leshhorn is here with Robert. She looks just great, and it is so good to see her feeling good. I did get to talk to Peter Cassiopia yesterday at the meeting, and I saw Pat and Colin Easton, who moved to Austin from Los Angeles. I have to spend some time with them. Miguel is in the ring and is one of the last group, so stuff should start happening now. I also saw Ed Barritt last night, and he said he is going to do me in, slowly, so if I stop typing, you know who to question first. He remains one of my favorite people, who has a true sense of humor about all of this.
And Michel tells them once around and there they go. The seats are almost full. I can’t believe it is Friday already, Michel is taking notes. I need to avoid using “and” it is hard for me to type for some reason.
Michel has a dark suit with a light pink shirt and a pink striped tie. I want to shop where he goes. The handlers wave to their owners, and I think they are saying “hello”.
Now the very last five bitches are out there. I like the pose on the sable Mike has, and behind him is another dark sable and she is with Olivia. Olivia has Hiena Gomez, and Mike has Kallie. I will now watch them move, you can’t. I see Jimmy talking to Maryellen and Bob Kish, and watching the show.
The new directors for our board are Bart, Kathy Strong, Lanalee, Laurie Pruit, (get well Laurie, we need you), Helen Gleason, Lamar Fredricks, and Tom Mesdag. What a great job we did with the voting.
Ann Schultz won the Loyyd Bracket award, and Barbara Williams the Connie Bechhardt award, congratulations to both. Ann was there to accept and was very happy.
The crowd does like Hiena Gomez. Michel makes a lot of notes in this group. And looks at each one. I wonder if we could buy the notes for big bucks. How is the dollar doing in Canada? There they go.
I saw Bill Leonard at breakfast and he is across the ring. Michel takes a drink and goes back and has his first group out there. And begins to pull. He is keeping a lot of them, and as they line up, I will try to get number. I saw Lou and met the Guz outside the ring. There they go, the next to the last group, and I see two I would pick. Michel excuses the entire group, and that is why he was elected to judge.
Now the last group of four, and Fair’s Ubetcha takes a lap off lead, and Ken Tank goes to get her, embarrassed. There goes the last four around, one I like. I did see Se Wiley, and that group takes a rest. Now there are eleven. They are still in order. I miss Jamie Walker, she is part of my national. Ellie Gode is another.
The crowd is into this, and I see five or six of what I like. Lorri Hathaway is in front, but only due to her entry, and there goes half the class with Larri, Greg, Jack, George, Scoott and Kent. He talks to Greg, and Greg is sent out, as is Scott, and now we have That’d Be Mz Stonewall To You, Fantaiasia, Samara and One Woman Show. Now the other group. Now we have left with the keepers, Angie Valadez FCM, Hiena Gomez and Rosanna V Madeb. Seven good ones.
I would guess at this point One Woman Show, but also like Rosanna. It is not an easy choice, and there they go again. The crowd is into it in a polite way, lots of clapping, not moving of the placings yet. Michel nods his head and corsses his arms, and walsk to the end and pulls out Hiena Gomez, then Angie Valadez, One Woman Show and A Moment Like This. The first one, a great looking sable, could go all the way, and off they go. Now it is loud she is popular,and so is the other and NO, he stops them again, right in front of me. He walks to the front and tells them, down and back. There goes Hiena and she stand loose. He takes her around, and she yells, “Mom, call her.” What a loose lead looks like. A fantastic bitch. And now Angie, Another dark sable, with Sergio, he stands way back as she poses like a rock, off they go, the crowd is behind her too, and she is very smooth, but doesn’t move up, and now One Woman Show. A very pretty type, and a great mover. This is probably the crowd favorite. Kent gives her a full 12 foot lead, and George with A Moment Like This. She hugs the wall, and not much crowd response. Lorri with That’d Be Mz Stonewall. Lorri sure does dress up for this. And the crowd does like that one. Michel walks to the first four and looks them over, walks between them looking at each of them and walks back and over to George and back to Lorri, but makes not changes.
Jack is going with
Fantasia, and she is a bi, very dark, and very stylish. Off they go, some crowd response. Jack Falls, and he is hurt. It is silent, and he is not getting up,. He pounds the ground and they lay him down, and it is not good. He needs a doctor. He is surrounded. I know that feeling from Del Mar when they took me out on a golf cart. I hope he is OK, but it looks like a knee from here. I see seven people around him and Diane Bown is there to help too. They are going to interrupt the show, and send the keepers out, but some confusion, and they are marking the arm bands. This is serious, and I have to admit, I am not feeling good about it. I know he will be OK, but for now, we need to all pray for Jack. He is still down in the ring.
We are going to take a time out. Jack is talking and they have a pillow, but they are not going to move him. Cappy is holding his hand and they have a doctor looking over him, and everyone is talking. They bring in a wheel chair, and I know Jack is not happy about the attention. The crowd around Jack is thinning now, and it seems that they are working on his knee but he is at the end of the ring. The doctor is taking notes and talking to Jack, and everyone else has left the ring. Every show we have a memory, some good and some bad. This is one that will stay with me, and I feel so badly for Jack, who was having such a great show. He still lays in the ring, but at the end.
The doctor is taking more notes. And, I will go ahead and send this so everyone can be aware of what is going on. They are taking his blood pressure and Jack is talking to the doctor, and she is checking her notes and making some notes. Probably a torn ACL, and here come the paramedics with a stretcher. They have his left pant leg rolled past the knee, so it does look like a ACL. I have that same injury, and had it removed over 30 years ago. It does hurt like hell, and they have the stretcher down.
Paula McGuirk came by with Tony Ambrosia, and said hello.
Bobbie said the knee is dislocated and he is in a lot of pain, and now they lift him to the stretcher, and he is on it, and they raise the back. I know the crowd will applaud when he leaves, that is not what you want to hear at that point. They strap Jack in, and pick up the doctor stuff, and Jack is talking to everyone. He rolls up his sleeves and seems alert,and talks to the medics who raise the stretcher, and take it the length of the ring to roll him out, he is laughing and waving at us all, and there they go. I know we all wish him the best.
It won’t send, so, back we are, with the bitches back in the ring, and Michel looking at them all again, in the order they were in. I like what I see, and they are fresh and ready to go, the handlers too. Olivia in front and Miguel behind her, two good looking dark sables. Olivia poses her, and she is one good looking bitch. The other is no slouch either, and for my money, of those first four could win this class. This may be a sable day.
He now walks back to the front and tells Olivia, “One more time.” I think she hopes that is true, YES, that’s it. First is Hiena Gomez, Second is Angie Valadez, Third is One Woman Show, and Fourth is A Moment Like This.
All the dogs have been judged, and winners to come.
They are all in the ring now, and there are 15. Michel looks them over, (okay Peggy, I will spell it right, but it won’t be as much fun). He walks to the front, Bob Grady is here with a purple suit and a yellow shirt. They are all the same style, and we should take note.
Michel walks down the line and pauses at each bitch, and is now at Kent’s and she stacks like a rock, it is One Woman Show. Down to the rest and he pauses at each one, and now to Olivia next to last. She has a dark sable, it is Hena Gomez, and there they all go, some real movers here. I like Antares at a first glance.
They reach the end of the line before the others have gone, so they hold up, and the rest take a lap. Bob Lindsay will have the complete show available for $135.00 which will be 6-7 discs, and will have every entry in full, every class, and every entry. I have watched him filming, and it is going to be special.
They are done, and now for the individuals.
I have to reflect again. I read the comments on the List, and thank you for the kind words. But, this is fun for me, and should be for you too. I am unofficial, (how my life goes) and so it may not be accurate, and so don’t expect me to do everything right. You should also be having fun, and if not, then go show rabbits. You can eat what doesn’t turn out. I guess you could do that with German shepherd too, but that is just gross. Take a breath, laugh with me, let me know about my mistakes, (not that I will care), but come on along for the ride. It may not get you anywhere, but it will be fun getting there.
Linda Fox just got here. She looks better every year, and came at the last minute. I do miss Fred, and would like to see Gary Szymzsk, Lew Bunch, Helen Fisher, Helen Frankly, Laurie Pruit, Peggy Mickleson, and so many others that make a national fun. I guess we will go out with Jane Kerner, Pam Stoesser, Dave Rinke, Bob Eaton, and Jeff Mobeus for dinner, so I will let you know how much abuse I take there. I did tell you that Bugsy is Last Harrah, and his name is not Dexter. I think I explained that Jane is not a Wacky Conservative, but rather a Wacky Strict Constitutionalist. Like I know the difference? But, whatever I call her, she is my friend and for that I am thankful and proud. I suppose she will yell at me for the sin of pride now. Go figure.
They did fix my computer last night, evidently it was the charger. I have some thoughts about it, but wonder if it is an intermittent problem. Whatever, we still don’t have a network, but tomorrow is another day. Lea Ruggieri came by to chat,
and Luke Allen is doing the moving shots, and I have seen a few of them, and he is as good as Michael, (Sharon Earl’s husband). They will be available on the webb site, Photos by Saranugent.com.
Last night I was doing some card tricks for Abby Hathaway, and she is one of the best audiences I have ever seen. It was fun. I have to tell you, one time she selected a card, put it back in the deck, shuffled, and then told me she had not looked at it. It ruined the effect.
Michel is working on the second group, but I have lost interest, so you have too. When he starts to do some picking, I will be back. In the middle for the individual is Samara and daughter of Nation’s Cup. Don Knight just came by and is busy doing his double handling thing.
I do like One Woman Show, as she takes a pass. If anything does catch my eye, I will be there. Otherwise, I am talking to Paul. We are talking politics, and you don’t want to know what it is about. I do like One Woman Show. Now Diane Brown is out there with Bedazzled. Bob, (the Voice of the National), is telling us jokes.
I see Jimmy talking to Lenny, and the place is filling up. I need to go spend some money with Sally, and have to remember to do it today. I do want to see Army in the Parade, but not so much some of the others. Debbie Hokkanane is here at the table with us, and I see Joanna Rand talking to Jan Coleman.
Liz Leshhorn is here with Robert. She looks just great, and it is so good to see her feeling good. I did get to talk to Peter Cassiopia yesterday at the meeting, and I saw Pat and Colin Easton, who moved to Austin from Los Angeles. I have to spend some time with them. Miguel is in the ring and is one of the last group, so stuff should start happening now. I also saw Ed Barritt last night, and he said he is going to do me in, slowly, so if I stop typing, you know who to question first. He remains one of my favorite people, who has a true sense of humor about all of this.
And Michel tells them once around and there they go. The seats are almost full. I can’t believe it is Friday already, Michel is taking notes. I need to avoid using “and” it is hard for me to type for some reason.
Michel has a dark suit with a light pink shirt and a pink striped tie. I want to shop where he goes. The handlers wave to their owners, and I think they are saying “hello”.
Now the very last five bitches are out there. I like the pose on the sable Mike has, and behind him is another dark sable and she is with Olivia. Olivia has Hiena Gomez, and Mike has Kallie. I will now watch them move, you can’t. I see Jimmy talking to Maryellen and Bob Kish, and watching the show.
The new directors for our board are Bart, Kathy Strong, Lanalee, Laurie Pruit, (get well Laurie, we need you), Helen Gleason, Lamar Fredricks, and Tom Mesdag. What a great job we did with the voting.
Ann Schultz won the Loyyd Bracket award, and Barbara Williams the Connie Bechhardt award, congratulations to both. Ann was there to accept and was very happy.
The crowd does like Hiena Gomez. Michel makes a lot of notes in this group. And looks at each one. I wonder if we could buy the notes for big bucks. How is the dollar doing in Canada? There they go.
I saw Bill Leonard at breakfast and he is across the ring. Michel takes a drink and goes back and has his first group out there. And begins to pull. He is keeping a lot of them, and as they line up, I will try to get number. I saw Lou and met the Guz outside the ring. There they go, the next to the last group, and I see two I would pick. Michel excuses the entire group, and that is why he was elected to judge.
Now the last group of four, and Fair’s Ubetcha takes a lap off lead, and Ken Tank goes to get her, embarrassed. There goes the last four around, one I like. I did see Se Wiley, and that group takes a rest. Now there are eleven. They are still in order. I miss Jamie Walker, she is part of my national. Ellie Gode is another.
The crowd is into this, and I see five or six of what I like. Lorri Hathaway is in front, but only due to her entry, and there goes half the class with Larri, Greg, Jack, George, Scoott and Kent. He talks to Greg, and Greg is sent out, as is Scott, and now we have That’d Be Mz Stonewall To You, Fantaiasia, Samara and One Woman Show. Now the other group. Now we have left with the keepers, Angie Valadez FCM, Hiena Gomez and Rosanna V Madeb. Seven good ones.
I would guess at this point One Woman Show, but also like Rosanna. It is not an easy choice, and there they go again. The crowd is into it in a polite way, lots of clapping, not moving of the placings yet. Michel nods his head and corsses his arms, and walsk to the end and pulls out Hiena Gomez, then Angie Valadez, One Woman Show and A Moment Like This. The first one, a great looking sable, could go all the way, and off they go. Now it is loud she is popular,and so is the other and NO, he stops them again, right in front of me. He walks to the front and tells them, down and back. There goes Hiena and she stand loose. He takes her around, and she yells, “Mom, call her.” What a loose lead looks like. A fantastic bitch. And now Angie, Another dark sable, with Sergio, he stands way back as she poses like a rock, off they go, the crowd is behind her too, and she is very smooth, but doesn’t move up, and now One Woman Show. A very pretty type, and a great mover. This is probably the crowd favorite. Kent gives her a full 12 foot lead, and George with A Moment Like This. She hugs the wall, and not much crowd response. Lorri with That’d Be Mz Stonewall. Lorri sure does dress up for this. And the crowd does like that one. Michel walks to the first four and looks them over, walks between them looking at each of them and walks back and over to George and back to Lorri, but makes not changes.
Jack is going with
Fantasia, and she is a bi, very dark, and very stylish. Off they go, some crowd response. Jack Falls, and he is hurt. It is silent, and he is not getting up,. He pounds the ground and they lay him down, and it is not good. He needs a doctor. He is surrounded. I know that feeling from Del Mar when they took me out on a golf cart. I hope he is OK, but it looks like a knee from here. I see seven people around him and Diane Bown is there to help too. They are going to interrupt the show, and send the keepers out, but some confusion, and they are marking the arm bands. This is serious, and I have to admit, I am not feeling good about it. I know he will be OK, but for now, we need to all pray for Jack. He is still down in the ring.
We are going to take a time out. Jack is talking and they have a pillow, but they are not going to move him. Cappy is holding his hand and they have a doctor looking over him, and everyone is talking. They bring in a wheel chair, and I know Jack is not happy about the attention. The crowd around Jack is thinning now, and it seems that they are working on his knee but he is at the end of the ring. The doctor is taking notes and talking to Jack, and everyone else has left the ring. Every show we have a memory, some good and some bad. This is one that will stay with me, and I feel so badly for Jack, who was having such a great show. He still lays in the ring, but at the end.
The doctor is taking more notes. And, I will go ahead and send this so everyone can be aware of what is going on. They are taking his blood pressure and Jack is talking to the doctor, and she is checking her notes and making some notes. Probably a torn ACL, and here come the paramedics with a stretcher. They have his left pant leg rolled past the knee, so it does look like a ACL. I have that same injury, and had it removed over 30 years ago. It does hurt like hell, and they have the stretcher down.
Paula McGuirk came by with Tony Ambrosia, and said hello.
Bobbie said the knee is dislocated and he is in a lot of pain, and now they lift him to the stretcher, and he is on it, and they raise the back. I know the crowd will applaud when he leaves, that is not what you want to hear at that point. They strap Jack in, and pick up the doctor stuff, and Jack is talking to everyone. He rolls up his sleeves and seems alert,and talks to the medics who raise the stretcher, and take it the length of the ring to roll him out, he is laughing and waving at us all, and there they go. I know we all wish him the best.
It won’t send, so, back we are, with the bitches back in the ring, and Michel looking at them all again, in the order they were in. I like what I see, and they are fresh and ready to go, the handlers too. Olivia in front and Miguel behind her, two good looking dark sables. Olivia poses her, and she is one good looking bitch. The other is no slouch either, and for my money, of those first four could win this class. This may be a sable day.
He now walks back to the front and tells Olivia, “One more time.” I think she hopes that is true, YES, that’s it. First is Hiena Gomez, Second is Angie Valadez, Third is One Woman Show, and Fourth is A Moment Like This.
All the dogs have been judged, and winners to come.
It is early, but still, good to be here. The open dogs were in the ring when I got here, and it is sort of a slow morning. I went to the annual meeting last night, it was great. Everyone was in a good mood, no one was upset, there was no tension and just a good time. That is true of the national so far. More like the Canadian, and seems more relaxed than some past years.
This is a small class, nine in the ring. We have a dog in this hunt, Harley. Paula is probably here, I did see him go around. He is a handsome dog. The only things moving are the double handlers, and from what I have seen so far, it is a quality filled class.
There goes Cade, and he is a great mover.
Now Cappy has finished the individuals and looks over the class. Bobby is filming, and Cappy has another great outfit, a dark pants suit.
She goes to the front, and gives them another look. She says one time, and not too fast. The handlers tell them to back off.
There they go Harley is in third place and he does look good. But, the quality is high. In the first five, I see three I like. She sets the first two aside, I think those re the keepers, Law and Order with Ken Tank and Im The one. Now the next group, (she may have sent the first group aside) I am not sure. These four are good ones too. Not a loser out there. Yes, I am wrong, she hasn’t picked anything. She puts them all together and sends the first five around with The Guz at the end with Jericho, a Calvin son. Nice dog.
They stop and pose, first is Im The One, now Law And Order, etc. Bob Moore just got here. Law and Order should win. She checks Harley’s tail, and it is hanging a bit slack today. I can say that as his breeder. She walks up to Law and Order, and now Shake Your Booty, and she moves the Guz to second, and sends them back. The second group takes a lap.
Cappy walks to them, and looks them over, only four here, and in front is Adolphus, she sends them around again, and there they go. Lots of yelling but no applause so far.
Bob, (the voice of the national) calls for bitches, and she moves the three in front, and now it is back to the first group, with Harley in fourth, it doesn’t look good for Asgard. In front is Im The One, then The Guz, Ken Tank, Grace with Harley, and one more.
They stop, she walks to them and sends them over, the first three, and sets two aside, (Harley and Shake Your Boody). The names alone should get them into the winner’s circle, but not today.
There go the other four, and I do like what I see of Off Shore Racer, but I am not the judge. Actually I like Adolphus too, but Cappy doesn’t.
She sets him aside, and has five to work with, Im The One, then Stoneway, Law And Order, Off Shore Racer, and Cade. She stops them and looks them over, and walks to the back and says something to Cade, and he tells the double handler to back off.My guess is he is trying to calm him down, Cappy takes him down and back and puts Cade in second. It worked. She looks them over. Looks and looks, and tells the two last one stand back.
There go the first three, Cade in front, and then Stoneway, in third for now is Im The One.
She takes them again, and The Guz takes them all slow and easy.
Now ImThe One in front, and I guess they each get a chance to lead. Off they go, and some applause, but it sound half-hearted. I love Harley, and he does look good, but I don’t like the tail either, today.
Cappy lines them all up, five of them and looks them over, standing still and now moves back and looks some more and says something to them, and goes to thefront, and grings them to the ring,and walks in front of the and has them stack for the crowd. She walks t the side and is talking to the audience, but I can’t hear her. First is Deray’ Im The One, second is Cade Of Fran-of Fran Jo, Third is Woodsides CK Jericho Stoneway, and fourth is Kismet’s Law And Order.
Another class to go.
It is early, but still, good to be here. The open dogs were in the ring when I got here, and it is sort of a slow morning. I went to the annual meeting last night, it was great. Everyone was in a good mood, no one was upset, there was no tension and just a good time. That is true of the national so far. More like the Canadian, and seems more relaxed than some past years.
This is a small class, nine in the ring. We have a dog in this hunt, Harley. Paula is probably here, I did see him go around. He is a handsome dog. The only things moving are the double handlers, and from what I have seen so far, it is a quality filled class.
There goes Cade, and he is a great mover.
Now Cappy has finished the individuals and looks over the class. Bobby is filming, and Cappy has another great outfit, a dark pants suit.
She goes to the front, and gives them another look. She says one time, and not too fast. The handlers tell them to back off.
There they go Harley is in third place and he does look good. But, the quality is high. In the first five, I see three I like. She sets the first two aside, I think those re the keepers, Law and Order with Ken Tank and Im The one. Now the next group, (she may have sent the first group aside) I am not sure. These four are good ones too. Not a loser out there. Yes, I am wrong, she hasn’t picked anything. She puts them all together and sends the first five around with The Guz at the end with Jericho, a Calvin son. Nice dog.
They stop and pose, first is Im The One, now Law And Order, etc. Bob Moore just got here. Law and Order should win. She checks Harley’s tail, and it is hanging a bit slack today. I can say that as his breeder. She walks up to Law and Order, and now Shake Your Booty, and she moves the Guz to second, and sends them back. The second group takes a lap.
Cappy walks to them, and looks them over, only four here, and in front is Adolphus, she sends them around again, and there they go. Lots of yelling but no applause so far.
Bob, (the voice of the national) calls for bitches, and she moves the three in front, and now it is back to the first group, with Harley in fourth, it doesn’t look good for Asgard. In front is Im The One, then The Guz, Ken Tank, Grace with Harley, and one more.
They stop, she walks to them and sends them over, the first three, and sets two aside, (Harley and Shake Your Boody). The names alone should get them into the winner’s circle, but not today.
There go the other four, and I do like what I see of Off Shore Racer, but I am not the judge. Actually I like Adolphus too, but Cappy doesn’t.
She sets him aside, and has five to work with, Im The One, then Stoneway, Law And Order, Off Shore Racer, and Cade. She stops them and looks them over, and walks to the back and says something to Cade, and he tells the double handler to back off.My guess is he is trying to calm him down, Cappy takes him down and back and puts Cade in second. It worked. She looks them over. Looks and looks, and tells the two last one stand back.
There go the first three, Cade in front, and then Stoneway, in third for now is Im The One.
She takes them again, and The Guz takes them all slow and easy.
Now ImThe One in front, and I guess they each get a chance to lead. Off they go, and some applause, but it sound half-hearted. I love Harley, and he does look good, but I don’t like the tail either, today.
Cappy lines them all up, five of them and looks them over, standing still and now moves back and looks some more and says something to them, and goes to thefront, and grings them to the ring,and walks in front of the and has them stack for the crowd. She walks t the side and is talking to the audience, but I can’t hear her. First is Deray’ Im The One, second is Cade Of Fran-of Fran Jo, Third is Woodsides CK Jericho Stoneway, and fourth is Kismet’s Law And Order.
Another class to go.
Thursday, November 06, 2008
American Bred Bitches
American Bred Bitches
The buz here is that it is Kathy Tank’s birthday, so I will get the entire ring to sing for her. Of course no one listens to me anyway. I went to the party for Peggy Douglas, and then her dog won the American Bred class. How cool is that?
Ken Tank is sitting with us now, and they are all in the ring. Seventeen in there, so I am going to go take a nap. Call me when you want any news. Twyla just bought her tickets, and so did I. I have a good excuse. Jane Kerner is here talking to The One and Only.
Either Michael just gave the peace sign, or he said take them around twice.
I went down in the ring to do poop duty, the tension is amazing, everyone doing what they can, and everyone trying to figure out what to do. The individuals are boring, but I guess we have to do it. I did see Ken Cunningham and Carol Moore. The handlers are leaning against the wall while Michele does the individuals. I haven’t even tries to figure out what I like yet.Too many bitches at one time. I have overload.
So, I look up at a bitch and she is a superstar. I never saw her before, so I guess I should start to watch. Her name is strange, Iflifewerelikethat. True.
The next trouble I am in, is calling Helen Helen Lianopolis. She is now Helen Gleason, and unless she gets married before Saturday, we should use Gleason. As good as She is looking, it might happen.
I spent a few minutes talking to Bob Eaton, what an interesting person. Bob is talking to Ginnie Altman, dressed to the T again today.
Ginny wants you all to know of Bob’s attire. He is only a few steps in front of us in yellow shorts and a bright yellow hat.
Hi everyone! Especially Helen! (Is it cold in Minnesota?) Want you to know that I wish you were all here. As I was looking down on the ring this morning, I wondered if Evan was going to fill you in on Bob’s wardrobe—you guys should see him—he is so cute! So – he has this canary yellow sun hat on—and of course his white glasses. He has a pair of yellow shorts that come to the mid-upper thigh that match the sun hat. Looks like he has spent some time in the sun last summerJ His grey t-shirt has a patriotic theme with two dogs and a cat and has “going away” tails and hocks on the back and “comin’ at ya” on the front. Just enough yellow in the shirt to “really make” the outfit!! He is so totally focused on his work that he didn’t even hear me razzing him! I have having a good time talking to everyone here and spent some time on the Foundation Table and the Parent Club Table. Bart said to me –twice—that Ann Mesdag would be proud of me the way I was “hawking” the goods. Bye for now—Evan needs to get you the results of the class. Ginny
He is on the last one, and so we need to wake up. The last group lines up. The Guz is in front, then Tiffany, Greg, and I don’t know the last girl, sorry about that. I will try to meet her.
I don’t know about the annual meeting tonight, Tedi might want to start packing for Saturday instead.
Michael is making notes again, and he walks to the front of the line and is looking at them all, and says, take them again.
Now he looks at the next group, and Bill Tank is in the front, but there they go, and I suspect he will change some of the placings. Everyone is still where they came in. He walks back, folds his arms,and pulls Dare To Dream, Raspberry Beret and I Get Around.
Now the next group, take a pass. And off they go with JR in front. He pulls Lexi, Nutmeg and American Anthem. In the down to the end group are only four so far. I see that Iflifewerelikethat is in the keepers.
This group takes a run, he checks his notes, he takes two of the four, Whisper and Jesse II.
Now the last group, of the last class of the day. Four more to consider. Off they go, giving it their all. The Guz in front. He looks at his notes and walks to the group, and give the nod to The Guz only with Day In Bearadice. There are in the lost wishes group nine of them, and there they go. And they all go to the big dog show outside the ring. Tomorrow is another day.
There are nine in the Field of Dreams, and now the crowd seems alive. I hear a lot of calls,a nd Michael walks down to the end of the class and nods his head and goes to the middle and stands and looks at his class, and breaks it in half. There they go with Georgie in front on a 12 foot lead with Rasberry Beret. They are starting to cut the ring,and it is about time. I was a big fan of Rasberry’s sure GQ. She does remind me of him in movement.
Another pass and it is all men in this group, Georgie, Jeff, Jack JR and Kent. He moves Nutmeg to second, with Kent. He sends the other group back to the wall and looks over what he has, and tells them to go again. George has a fit, his owner went the wrong way, and off they go. Boy, Kent is giving her a hard time, two great bitches. And, to the wall, MF. Oh, wait, that is another story.
Now the last four, Miguel Lenny, Patti and The Guz. Jessie looks good and he looks at them from the front,and walks to the back, and they pose them, and he stops at Jesse, and now Day In Bearadice. He walks to the front again and wants to see them again. So, again, around and around they go. Where they stop…….
They are starting to let up, and Michael sends the others back again. Now it is Sun’s Whisper, Jesse II and Day in Bearadice, and around again. Lots of noise and calling. And they stop behind the others. I don’t know what is going to end up, but they are now set back and he wants to work with the other group, with George in front still, and he and Kent have two superstars. I think right now Nutmeg is outworking Iflifewerefair. But, there is more to go.
Now back to the other four, with un’s Whisper in front. Four on the floor. Not giving the best now, but still winners. He moves Jesse II into fifth. And the first four stay as they are,and he takes Iflikewerefair to number one, then Nutmeg, Jesse II and Rising Sun’s Whiser. He goes over them all, and sends them off.
WOW, that’s it, and the end of the show for today.
The buz here is that it is Kathy Tank’s birthday, so I will get the entire ring to sing for her. Of course no one listens to me anyway. I went to the party for Peggy Douglas, and then her dog won the American Bred class. How cool is that?
Ken Tank is sitting with us now, and they are all in the ring. Seventeen in there, so I am going to go take a nap. Call me when you want any news. Twyla just bought her tickets, and so did I. I have a good excuse. Jane Kerner is here talking to The One and Only.
Either Michael just gave the peace sign, or he said take them around twice.
I went down in the ring to do poop duty, the tension is amazing, everyone doing what they can, and everyone trying to figure out what to do. The individuals are boring, but I guess we have to do it. I did see Ken Cunningham and Carol Moore. The handlers are leaning against the wall while Michele does the individuals. I haven’t even tries to figure out what I like yet.Too many bitches at one time. I have overload.
So, I look up at a bitch and she is a superstar. I never saw her before, so I guess I should start to watch. Her name is strange, Iflifewerelikethat. True.
The next trouble I am in, is calling Helen Helen Lianopolis. She is now Helen Gleason, and unless she gets married before Saturday, we should use Gleason. As good as She is looking, it might happen.
I spent a few minutes talking to Bob Eaton, what an interesting person. Bob is talking to Ginnie Altman, dressed to the T again today.
Ginny wants you all to know of Bob’s attire. He is only a few steps in front of us in yellow shorts and a bright yellow hat.
Hi everyone! Especially Helen! (Is it cold in Minnesota?) Want you to know that I wish you were all here. As I was looking down on the ring this morning, I wondered if Evan was going to fill you in on Bob’s wardrobe—you guys should see him—he is so cute! So – he has this canary yellow sun hat on—and of course his white glasses. He has a pair of yellow shorts that come to the mid-upper thigh that match the sun hat. Looks like he has spent some time in the sun last summerJ His grey t-shirt has a patriotic theme with two dogs and a cat and has “going away” tails and hocks on the back and “comin’ at ya” on the front. Just enough yellow in the shirt to “really make” the outfit!! He is so totally focused on his work that he didn’t even hear me razzing him! I have having a good time talking to everyone here and spent some time on the Foundation Table and the Parent Club Table. Bart said to me –twice—that Ann Mesdag would be proud of me the way I was “hawking” the goods. Bye for now—Evan needs to get you the results of the class. Ginny
He is on the last one, and so we need to wake up. The last group lines up. The Guz is in front, then Tiffany, Greg, and I don’t know the last girl, sorry about that. I will try to meet her.
I don’t know about the annual meeting tonight, Tedi might want to start packing for Saturday instead.
Michael is making notes again, and he walks to the front of the line and is looking at them all, and says, take them again.
Now he looks at the next group, and Bill Tank is in the front, but there they go, and I suspect he will change some of the placings. Everyone is still where they came in. He walks back, folds his arms,and pulls Dare To Dream, Raspberry Beret and I Get Around.
Now the next group, take a pass. And off they go with JR in front. He pulls Lexi, Nutmeg and American Anthem. In the down to the end group are only four so far. I see that Iflifewerelikethat is in the keepers.
This group takes a run, he checks his notes, he takes two of the four, Whisper and Jesse II.
Now the last group, of the last class of the day. Four more to consider. Off they go, giving it their all. The Guz in front. He looks at his notes and walks to the group, and give the nod to The Guz only with Day In Bearadice. There are in the lost wishes group nine of them, and there they go. And they all go to the big dog show outside the ring. Tomorrow is another day.
There are nine in the Field of Dreams, and now the crowd seems alive. I hear a lot of calls,a nd Michael walks down to the end of the class and nods his head and goes to the middle and stands and looks at his class, and breaks it in half. There they go with Georgie in front on a 12 foot lead with Rasberry Beret. They are starting to cut the ring,and it is about time. I was a big fan of Rasberry’s sure GQ. She does remind me of him in movement.
Another pass and it is all men in this group, Georgie, Jeff, Jack JR and Kent. He moves Nutmeg to second, with Kent. He sends the other group back to the wall and looks over what he has, and tells them to go again. George has a fit, his owner went the wrong way, and off they go. Boy, Kent is giving her a hard time, two great bitches. And, to the wall, MF. Oh, wait, that is another story.
Now the last four, Miguel Lenny, Patti and The Guz. Jessie looks good and he looks at them from the front,and walks to the back, and they pose them, and he stops at Jesse, and now Day In Bearadice. He walks to the front again and wants to see them again. So, again, around and around they go. Where they stop…….
They are starting to let up, and Michael sends the others back again. Now it is Sun’s Whisper, Jesse II and Day in Bearadice, and around again. Lots of noise and calling. And they stop behind the others. I don’t know what is going to end up, but they are now set back and he wants to work with the other group, with George in front still, and he and Kent have two superstars. I think right now Nutmeg is outworking Iflifewerefair. But, there is more to go.
Now back to the other four, with un’s Whisper in front. Four on the floor. Not giving the best now, but still winners. He moves Jesse II into fifth. And the first four stay as they are,and he takes Iflikewerefair to number one, then Nutmeg, Jesse II and Rising Sun’s Whiser. He goes over them all, and sends them off.
WOW, that’s it, and the end of the show for today.
American Bred Dogs
Now we have a dog show. Twenty five in the ring, and only two absent. What a sight that is, and Cappy is talking to Karen Wagner and I just fell in love with a dog named AJ Von Hornberger. He just took a pass to talk to his owner.
Cappy is doing the individuals, she has them each brought to her, and has them stop and stand on a loose lead. A few a little soft, but she does a good job, and seems to know a sound one, even if they look around. She does them all and now brings them to our side of the ring. The class filled one side of the arena. Some great looking studly type dogs.
I want to mention Bob Lindsey. I can’t imagine how hard he works and stands about two feet in front of me the whole show. He is making comments on the tape too, and never wavers. First out is Dream Love Bear. A good looking young dog, and knows what to do. He is too wound up, but there is time to go.
Now Be My Valentine. A very dark dog, and very dark eyes, with a great look. I don’t know the handler, but she knows what she is doing.
Carolyn comes out now with Klingon Commander Ube. I always liked Carolyn and has a great sense of humor.
In there is an all black, Keep It in Vegas. I wonder if that dog was named after OJ?
Next is Liz with Hot Shot. A good moving dog, and well trained. He hugs the wall.
Another almost all black, and what a nice body type. Congo of Vanderwerth. Molly’s dog.
Mick has a deep bodied dog, and well proportioned. The name is Killian. He is owned by Kathy Potter, and I didn’t see her here, and I will check to see if I can find her.
I am alone at the table with the O&O, and she wants everyone to know she is doing just fine. She looks great, and has all her sense of humor. So, don’t worry about her.
In the center is a nice looking dog, Jett Jackson, and Color Guard son. I like his size, and markings.
Up next is Ray Bearone, and I already said how much I like that dog. The last time I saw him he had more coat, and he still have a good looking style. Great attitude.
Cappy looks a bit serious, but I know she takes this very seriously. When she takes them down and back, she is about two feet in front of me, and so I get to see what she sees. She looks like she could do this all week, which is good, since she will be.
Scottie brings in Pit boss, and another with black black eyes, and looks like he might mature even more, but looks good now. There is a dog that can cover the ground.
Jeff takes Paso Doble to the middle, and a very dark Bi-color, in my opinion. I never know what a bi is supposed to be unless we are in West Hollywood. But, I digress. About 20 feet of lead, and he uses it all.
Next trying to win it all is Key Largogh. Seems so many of these dogs have dark dark faces and eyes that fit right in. Great head on that dog, and moves with a lot of ease. The crowd likes him.
Cindy has in the ring Black Angus, and that is a well named dog. A little white on the chest, (not all dogs are dyed) and otherwise, mostly black. I always have liked how Cindy handles, and that dog looks good against the white wall.
Miguel has Son and Heir, and knows how to show him, looking good.
Ariel takes 5 O’Clock Somewhere for Cappy to look over. I liked him yesterday, and hope he looks that good today. She takes him down and back again. I do love the looks of that sable. The crowd does like him.
Jack is up next. It is good to see him, and I did get to say hello earlier. He has Armstrong. I know the dog, and always felt he was a good masculine dog. Cappy tells him to give her a loose lead and slow. The crowd is behind this dog too, and he sure can cover the ground.
Lenny has AJ Von Hornberger. That is how a shepherd should be proportioned. Great looking head and ear set, and what we should be breeding for in type and style, and he can move.
Hot Tamale is up. I heard about this dog, and he is one I wanted to see, even if I can’t understand his owner’s accent. (A private joke). He is with Geoge, and is fired up, and groomed to perfection. Cappy asked Bob if he got the coming and going and off he goes. On a loose lead he opens up, but he may be trying too hard now, but more to come.
I like the size of Play it Again, he sure is well put together. I don’t know the handler, a nice young man, who does a good job. Another of those that is distracted, but when he gets it together, looks good.
Jimmie has Fabio in the ring. I have good thoughts of that dog, he is one of the great ones, and as I remember him, moved well. Yes, now that I get to see him again, he is a smooth steady worker.
Kristy brings Cappy Des Bearado. Frank and Kris must be working eery minute. Another classic German shepherd type of entry, with black eys in a dark face.
Four more to go, and then the work begins. People are very quiet, and nothing going on outside the ring.
A young man takes in Ark Ace High, another of those dark dogs, who is too wound up for this day. He does fine, but will mature to more than he is today. His handler is learning, but did a great job on the individual. The crowd is behind that dog, and a good worker.
Olivia has Draco in the ring, and Leslie was listed, and we all miss her at this show. A standard black and tan, and lots of style. Olivia is giving directions outside the ring, and has to start over, to settle down the dog. She changes the color, with a command, takes the long pass, and a very loose lead.
Kent has BB Cody. One more of those very dark dogs. Cappy is still looking strong, but it is turning into a long day. They call for Cody, and Kent is laughing, and takes him around. Cappy takes him down and back the other way, and is laughing too. Kent lets him take off,and he is too up. I don’t know if Cappy saw him, if so, only a few steps, but good ones.
Diane Brown takes the last one, I Walk The Line in there for Cappy. The temperature in here is good, if not a bit cold, which is good for the dogs and the handlers. I like the substance of this dog, lots of bone, and body. She is having trouble slowing him down, but he looks good at a slow speed.
She is done with individuals.
Cappy walks down the line, it is half the ring and around the end. She takes the first five. And divides the rest. I like the movement on one of the first group.
The second group and in that group, Cappy stops them and has them start over. I think she wants them to hug the wall, since she says that to them. One in that group that I like in movement. Of course I am only seeing sidegait.
Now the third group. Three in that group I like.
Next group. I still haven’t seen Grace, BFFL of Paula. There goes the group, and four of them are great movers.
The last five are up. I think I am going to like a couple of them, and there they go. Three of them would win under me. Not that there is much value to that. I even put up a dog owned by Flower Boy one time.
The first group is set up, and Cappy goes over to the rest and gives direction. She wants to see them around together and Ross leads, with all women behind him. I think he likes that. Cappy tells them to stop and she walks over to them and tells them how she wants them to show.
She sets two aside and takes six together. Cappy looks them over and talks to Mike with Killian and also Ray Barone and Paso Doble and puts them aside and dismisses the rest. Now I know what is going on. That is not normal for me.
The next group of five. Four dogs off to my right, and I would think they are the keepers. Certainly I saw two that I liked, and didn’t remember who the others were.
There they go, and they come to a stop. Cappy walks over to them and looks at them, and back and forth, and tells them all to take another pass. I don’t think any of them blew her away, and she wants to be sure. But I am just guessing. Capy looks and pulls Armstrong,and the other four stand, and Ariel missed her, but she also called for 5 O’Clock Somewhere. Jack told her. Those three take time out for that part of today,
And another five. I think this is the group that I was impressed with. Cappy is waiting and they want the double handlers in place and there they go. Yes, this is the group I liked all five. She keeps Play it Again Lin-ter and Fabio. She looks again at the other three, and gives everyone a good chance.She lets Lenny go and keeps Des Bearado and Fabio.
Last group, last chance for these four. I see two I would keep, but it is up to Cappy. She excuses Ark Ace High and is looking at the other three, Olivia, Kent and Diane. There they go again, Diane’s dog won’t settle down, and she keeps them all.
Now there are twelve She divides the class in half, and works with the first six. I am a wonder in math.
There go the six. Cappy puts her hand on her chin, and send all six o the side while she looks at the other six. I like the looks of Hot Tamale, all dog. There they go, and hug the wall and a bit fast for my taste, but smooth on a couple of them. Some of these must be close to finishing, such good looking dogs.
She wants to see them again, tells them to use the whole ring. The Handlers are yelling at the double handlers. It is a poor workman who blames his tools.
Cappy walks over to them and looks from one end to the other and sends aside Armstrong and Hot Tamale. There go the other four, Kristy, Olivia Kent and Diane.
The dogs are starting to wear out and she keeps only I Walk The Line. George is starting to get intense. There go the first six. Sue is doing the best she can, but is starting to stress. She is doing a great job of double handling but her dog could go all the way and that is stress.
Cappy is looking them over and excuses Paso Double and Hot Shot, off go the other four. Cappy checks the bite of Killian again and excuses him. Then there were three and they stand aside again.
Now the other four. Watch Hot Tamale.
Cappy brings them all out, and there are seven fantastic dogs out there. What a job it will be to pick.
She sends them around and maybe the handler who is left will win. You can feel the tension, and they all give it their best and one or two are done for the day. Cappy looks at who she has left and stares at a couple of them puts Dream Love Bear Peddacre in front then Armstrong and then Hot Tamale. She leaves the rest as they are, and there they go. What noise and applause and she watches the whole class looks back and now front and calls them to stop again. She moves to the front, and everyone is yelling and calling the dogs and she wants to see the first three aside while she looks at the other four. I see some heavy breathing and some yelling from the handlers. I didn’t know Diane could shout like that. Off they go and I love the looks of 5 O’Clock, but he is starting to give in. She moves I Walk The Line up to six and I know Diane is excited. Down and back for her first one and she leaves him there, and takes him around, Dream Love Bear. Now Jack down and back with Armstrong, and around. Next is Hot Tamale, and down and back with Georgie. And around. Now for Ray Bearone in third. In BOD is 5 O’Clock Somewhere, and the crowd likes him and so do I. Diane takes down and back I Walk The Line and not much cheering, but still one good dog. Last is Kent with BB Cody.
That’s the way it is going to be, First is Dream Love Bear, Second is Armstrong, Third is Hot Tamale and Fourth is Ray Bearone.
I can’t argue with that, what great dogs and in fantastic condition.
Ann Marie just came by and forced me to buy raffle tickets. I am such a chump for a pretty girl. Holly Bryan came by to say she enjoyed my posts, amazing. Must be the long winters. And another beautifull woman.
One more class to go
Now we have a dog show. Twenty five in the ring, and only two absent. What a sight that is, and Cappy is talking to Karen Wagner and I just fell in love with a dog named AJ Von Hornberger. He just took a pass to talk to his owner.
Cappy is doing the individuals, she has them each brought to her, and has them stop and stand on a loose lead. A few a little soft, but she does a good job, and seems to know a sound one, even if they look around. She does them all and now brings them to our side of the ring. The class filled one side of the arena. Some great looking studly type dogs.
I want to mention Bob Lindsey. I can’t imagine how hard he works and stands about two feet in front of me the whole show. He is making comments on the tape too, and never wavers. First out is Dream Love Bear. A good looking young dog, and knows what to do. He is too wound up, but there is time to go.
Now Be My Valentine. A very dark dog, and very dark eyes, with a great look. I don’t know the handler, but she knows what she is doing.
Carolyn comes out now with Klingon Commander Ube. I always liked Carolyn and has a great sense of humor.
In there is an all black, Keep It in Vegas. I wonder if that dog was named after OJ?
Next is Liz with Hot Shot. A good moving dog, and well trained. He hugs the wall.
Another almost all black, and what a nice body type. Congo of Vanderwerth. Molly’s dog.
Mick has a deep bodied dog, and well proportioned. The name is Killian. He is owned by Kathy Potter, and I didn’t see her here, and I will check to see if I can find her.
I am alone at the table with the O&O, and she wants everyone to know she is doing just fine. She looks great, and has all her sense of humor. So, don’t worry about her.
In the center is a nice looking dog, Jett Jackson, and Color Guard son. I like his size, and markings.
Up next is Ray Bearone, and I already said how much I like that dog. The last time I saw him he had more coat, and he still have a good looking style. Great attitude.
Cappy looks a bit serious, but I know she takes this very seriously. When she takes them down and back, she is about two feet in front of me, and so I get to see what she sees. She looks like she could do this all week, which is good, since she will be.
Scottie brings in Pit boss, and another with black black eyes, and looks like he might mature even more, but looks good now. There is a dog that can cover the ground.
Jeff takes Paso Doble to the middle, and a very dark Bi-color, in my opinion. I never know what a bi is supposed to be unless we are in West Hollywood. But, I digress. About 20 feet of lead, and he uses it all.
Next trying to win it all is Key Largogh. Seems so many of these dogs have dark dark faces and eyes that fit right in. Great head on that dog, and moves with a lot of ease. The crowd likes him.
Cindy has in the ring Black Angus, and that is a well named dog. A little white on the chest, (not all dogs are dyed) and otherwise, mostly black. I always have liked how Cindy handles, and that dog looks good against the white wall.
Miguel has Son and Heir, and knows how to show him, looking good.
Ariel takes 5 O’Clock Somewhere for Cappy to look over. I liked him yesterday, and hope he looks that good today. She takes him down and back again. I do love the looks of that sable. The crowd does like him.
Jack is up next. It is good to see him, and I did get to say hello earlier. He has Armstrong. I know the dog, and always felt he was a good masculine dog. Cappy tells him to give her a loose lead and slow. The crowd is behind this dog too, and he sure can cover the ground.
Lenny has AJ Von Hornberger. That is how a shepherd should be proportioned. Great looking head and ear set, and what we should be breeding for in type and style, and he can move.
Hot Tamale is up. I heard about this dog, and he is one I wanted to see, even if I can’t understand his owner’s accent. (A private joke). He is with Geoge, and is fired up, and groomed to perfection. Cappy asked Bob if he got the coming and going and off he goes. On a loose lead he opens up, but he may be trying too hard now, but more to come.
I like the size of Play it Again, he sure is well put together. I don’t know the handler, a nice young man, who does a good job. Another of those that is distracted, but when he gets it together, looks good.
Jimmie has Fabio in the ring. I have good thoughts of that dog, he is one of the great ones, and as I remember him, moved well. Yes, now that I get to see him again, he is a smooth steady worker.
Kristy brings Cappy Des Bearado. Frank and Kris must be working eery minute. Another classic German shepherd type of entry, with black eys in a dark face.
Four more to go, and then the work begins. People are very quiet, and nothing going on outside the ring.
A young man takes in Ark Ace High, another of those dark dogs, who is too wound up for this day. He does fine, but will mature to more than he is today. His handler is learning, but did a great job on the individual. The crowd is behind that dog, and a good worker.
Olivia has Draco in the ring, and Leslie was listed, and we all miss her at this show. A standard black and tan, and lots of style. Olivia is giving directions outside the ring, and has to start over, to settle down the dog. She changes the color, with a command, takes the long pass, and a very loose lead.
Kent has BB Cody. One more of those very dark dogs. Cappy is still looking strong, but it is turning into a long day. They call for Cody, and Kent is laughing, and takes him around. Cappy takes him down and back the other way, and is laughing too. Kent lets him take off,and he is too up. I don’t know if Cappy saw him, if so, only a few steps, but good ones.
Diane Brown takes the last one, I Walk The Line in there for Cappy. The temperature in here is good, if not a bit cold, which is good for the dogs and the handlers. I like the substance of this dog, lots of bone, and body. She is having trouble slowing him down, but he looks good at a slow speed.
She is done with individuals.
Cappy walks down the line, it is half the ring and around the end. She takes the first five. And divides the rest. I like the movement on one of the first group.
The second group and in that group, Cappy stops them and has them start over. I think she wants them to hug the wall, since she says that to them. One in that group that I like in movement. Of course I am only seeing sidegait.
Now the third group. Three in that group I like.
Next group. I still haven’t seen Grace, BFFL of Paula. There goes the group, and four of them are great movers.
The last five are up. I think I am going to like a couple of them, and there they go. Three of them would win under me. Not that there is much value to that. I even put up a dog owned by Flower Boy one time.
The first group is set up, and Cappy goes over to the rest and gives direction. She wants to see them around together and Ross leads, with all women behind him. I think he likes that. Cappy tells them to stop and she walks over to them and tells them how she wants them to show.
She sets two aside and takes six together. Cappy looks them over and talks to Mike with Killian and also Ray Barone and Paso Doble and puts them aside and dismisses the rest. Now I know what is going on. That is not normal for me.
The next group of five. Four dogs off to my right, and I would think they are the keepers. Certainly I saw two that I liked, and didn’t remember who the others were.
There they go, and they come to a stop. Cappy walks over to them and looks at them, and back and forth, and tells them all to take another pass. I don’t think any of them blew her away, and she wants to be sure. But I am just guessing. Capy looks and pulls Armstrong,and the other four stand, and Ariel missed her, but she also called for 5 O’Clock Somewhere. Jack told her. Those three take time out for that part of today,
And another five. I think this is the group that I was impressed with. Cappy is waiting and they want the double handlers in place and there they go. Yes, this is the group I liked all five. She keeps Play it Again Lin-ter and Fabio. She looks again at the other three, and gives everyone a good chance.She lets Lenny go and keeps Des Bearado and Fabio.
Last group, last chance for these four. I see two I would keep, but it is up to Cappy. She excuses Ark Ace High and is looking at the other three, Olivia, Kent and Diane. There they go again, Diane’s dog won’t settle down, and she keeps them all.
Now there are twelve She divides the class in half, and works with the first six. I am a wonder in math.
There go the six. Cappy puts her hand on her chin, and send all six o the side while she looks at the other six. I like the looks of Hot Tamale, all dog. There they go, and hug the wall and a bit fast for my taste, but smooth on a couple of them. Some of these must be close to finishing, such good looking dogs.
She wants to see them again, tells them to use the whole ring. The Handlers are yelling at the double handlers. It is a poor workman who blames his tools.
Cappy walks over to them and looks from one end to the other and sends aside Armstrong and Hot Tamale. There go the other four, Kristy, Olivia Kent and Diane.
The dogs are starting to wear out and she keeps only I Walk The Line. George is starting to get intense. There go the first six. Sue is doing the best she can, but is starting to stress. She is doing a great job of double handling but her dog could go all the way and that is stress.
Cappy is looking them over and excuses Paso Double and Hot Shot, off go the other four. Cappy checks the bite of Killian again and excuses him. Then there were three and they stand aside again.
Now the other four. Watch Hot Tamale.
Cappy brings them all out, and there are seven fantastic dogs out there. What a job it will be to pick.
She sends them around and maybe the handler who is left will win. You can feel the tension, and they all give it their best and one or two are done for the day. Cappy looks at who she has left and stares at a couple of them puts Dream Love Bear Peddacre in front then Armstrong and then Hot Tamale. She leaves the rest as they are, and there they go. What noise and applause and she watches the whole class looks back and now front and calls them to stop again. She moves to the front, and everyone is yelling and calling the dogs and she wants to see the first three aside while she looks at the other four. I see some heavy breathing and some yelling from the handlers. I didn’t know Diane could shout like that. Off they go and I love the looks of 5 O’Clock, but he is starting to give in. She moves I Walk The Line up to six and I know Diane is excited. Down and back for her first one and she leaves him there, and takes him around, Dream Love Bear. Now Jack down and back with Armstrong, and around. Next is Hot Tamale, and down and back with Georgie. And around. Now for Ray Bearone in third. In BOD is 5 O’Clock Somewhere, and the crowd likes him and so do I. Diane takes down and back I Walk The Line and not much cheering, but still one good dog. Last is Kent with BB Cody.
That’s the way it is going to be, First is Dream Love Bear, Second is Armstrong, Third is Hot Tamale and Fourth is Ray Bearone.
I can’t argue with that, what great dogs and in fantastic condition.
Ann Marie just came by and forced me to buy raffle tickets. I am such a chump for a pretty girl. Holly Bryan came by to say she enjoyed my posts, amazing. Must be the long winters. And another beautifull woman.
One more class to go
Taking a break
Ed is here talking to me, and someone just thanked me for the Bog. I think there may be more truth in that than they thought. I have to admit, Ed is part of the national I like most.
Bred By Bitches
Bred-By Bitches
Evan is still off partying, so I (Tony Szczuka) am still here. Michael walked back into the ring as they start bringing in the Bred-By Bitches. Steve Grainger is in first with Sweet Tart (Steve is in a suit – he cleans up nice when he has to go into the ring). Next is Bill Tank with Lyzza Jane; next is Joanne Corbine with Penny; next is Jose Iglesias with Winning Colors; next is Christy Heiman with Bets on Me; and last is Kimono. 6 of 12 entered are here.
Michael takes them around as a group, and starts on the individuals. Evan came back, looked at the remnants of food on his plate, decided he needed more, and left again. The crowd is mostly quite, and I see quite a few people went to get some food during the break and have brought it back to eat while watching the show; but for the most part, the crowd is quite.
Each of the bitches seems to have brought some fans, and there is some applause as each one goes around after the individual.
I’M BACK! Did you miss me?
I talked to Peggy Douglas at the surprise party. Tons of food, fried chicken, cake, melon, and good company. I got it all cleared up with Jane, her dog is not called Dexter, his name if Bugsy. Now, would you want that posted were he your dog? Pam Stoesser has a great puppy here. We own the sister.
There goes the class, (remember the dog show), and all six. Michele has his arms crossed and looks them over. Kelly Sevelas came by, and looks just great.
He moves up front Bets On Me, then Lyzza Jane, and the rest. And that’s the way they finish, third is Sweet Tart, then Penny For Your Thoughts.
Evan is still off partying, so I (Tony Szczuka) am still here. Michael walked back into the ring as they start bringing in the Bred-By Bitches. Steve Grainger is in first with Sweet Tart (Steve is in a suit – he cleans up nice when he has to go into the ring). Next is Bill Tank with Lyzza Jane; next is Joanne Corbine with Penny; next is Jose Iglesias with Winning Colors; next is Christy Heiman with Bets on Me; and last is Kimono. 6 of 12 entered are here.
Michael takes them around as a group, and starts on the individuals. Evan came back, looked at the remnants of food on his plate, decided he needed more, and left again. The crowd is mostly quite, and I see quite a few people went to get some food during the break and have brought it back to eat while watching the show; but for the most part, the crowd is quite.
Each of the bitches seems to have brought some fans, and there is some applause as each one goes around after the individual.
I’M BACK! Did you miss me?
I talked to Peggy Douglas at the surprise party. Tons of food, fried chicken, cake, melon, and good company. I got it all cleared up with Jane, her dog is not called Dexter, his name if Bugsy. Now, would you want that posted were he your dog? Pam Stoesser has a great puppy here. We own the sister.
There goes the class, (remember the dog show), and all six. Michele has his arms crossed and looks them over. Kelly Sevelas came by, and looks just great.
He moves up front Bets On Me, then Lyzza Jane, and the rest. And that’s the way they finish, third is Sweet Tart, then Penny For Your Thoughts.
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