Sunday, November 02, 2008

Topics I should never talk about

I did get some messages on the List, that I should avoid politics. That does not go well for me, since I send this Blog without thinking, (I know that is how I seem most of my life), and therefore, before I leave for Beaumont, let me give you my position on those topics that some think I should avoid.

I hope to god that everyone has a great time at the national, and finds new friends, great dogs, and good food. If I had a dog entered, I might even pray for a placing. I understand there are no atheists while their dog is in the ring. That may or may not be true.

In two days we will elect a president, notwithstanding something our Supreme Court may do. That person, whoever he is, will take on a job that seems impossible to me, and for that we should be greatful. Whoever is elected will be a tribute to the strength of our nation, and makes me proud of our freedom.

I have great faith in our board. What a tremendous job they have done for us this year, and what a blessing we have to be given Gail for our President. (See Politics, above).

I am in favor of it. I have always been so, and think it is one of our god, (see Religion above) given rights.

I believe in government. It exists even when I try to deny it. If you don't believe in government, run a lot of red lights, and a governmental representative will meet with you to discuss their existence.

Gay Marriage.
At my wedding reception, we had a gay old time. I hope that is true of everyone, and I don't know why California has us voting on it, as a political issue (see Politics above). But, each of us will have an opinion on how gay our weddings will be, and that is an opinion for everyone to make on their own.

I believe in taxes. I didn't believe in them for years, up to the time I was 13. Then I got a job, and our government, (see Government above) explained to me how important to my continued freedom taxes were. So, I pay them every year. I believe, (see Religion above).

Now you know all the opinions I was not supposed to talk about. From here on in, it will be dogs, dog shows, judging, and perhaps more on the above. (See above)