Novice Dogs
It’s a small class, and she is done with the individual. OK, I took a comfort break and saw Ed Barrit, and I am back. She has the individuals done, and has two groups of four. The first goes around, and now the second group.
Three female handlers and Bill Tank. Diane Brown never gets older. There they go. Debbie Hokanan just told me a very funny joke. I did get to talk to Tedi for a minute, but she is busy. I saw Bob Eaton, and Cappy is standing looking.
She tells them to go again, three male handlers in this group and Cindi. I wonder if Bob Grady set this up this way? There they go, I like a couple of them. I think Monte Carlo looks good in this ring, and now the other four. I saw Molly again, the club is doing a fantastic job. Lou just came by, and it is always good to see him.
The crowd is alive, and Diane has a real moving dog, it Marquis Victor. Victor. She pulls out Archangel, Temple’s Santiago, Monte Carlo, Josh Turnbear, Victor and Templer’s Firestorm. There they go, he top five. Still in catalog order, and some real stud dogs and I am blown away by the last one, Victor.
In front goes Santiago, then Monte Carlo, Archangel and Turnbear. Cappy is looking them over, and she moves Turnbear to third and Victor to fourth. Cappy asks the rest of the class, three, to go around one more time. I think they aren’t long for the show today. But I do like all three of them, Carter is a star, and on another day, who knows? They all get to go home.
Then there were five Cappy folds her arms, walks back, and is at the end of the ring. She tells them to take a trip, and off they go, all good looking dogs, and she walks towards them and walks, and looks and looks and no, not yet. She is giving some directions and wants to see each of the first three in front one time, it is Santiago, Monte Carlo, and Turnbear. First was Jeff, Now Cindy, and last for now, Bill. Cheryll Brocket is working the outside of the ring, and clearly by a large margin, the crowd loves Monte Carlo. They are also high on Turnbear. He is such an easy moving dog. I am surprised he isn’t finished. And yes, Monte Carlo goes to the front, then Turnbear, next is Santiago, and fourth is Victor. And another lap. They are getting a good look. The crowd loves that one, and Cappy is doing it, that is how it goes.