Wednesday, November 05, 2008

6-9 puppy Bitches


13 in the ring, and they are going around twice. There they go, all wound up. I see a sable I like a lot, and a couple of black and tans. Jimmie has a puppy, and he is on Kaleef Caterina V Kenlyn a good looking puppy. I also like a couple of others in there, but they are all so up and down, it is hard to tell at this point.

Michele is counting and wants everyone in line. Now the first four. Michael calls the first one out. She is Lady Guinevere. Jeff is showing her, and down and back, then around.

Now Mike with As You Like It. I am not going to write every name. Not because I don’t want to, but I don’t want to. Ben Bigornia is here behind me, yelling at some dog. I guess it is Mike’s she sure is listening. Yup, a California dog. Bitch.

Now in the middle is Zoom Zoom. OK, I have nothing else to do, so I will tell you every bitch as they come in. You might as well be as bored as I am. It is 4:00 p.m. and we are on this class. Zoe called the office to say my internet isn’t working, but the Blog says it is. I am saving it all on Bob’s computer, so if necessary, I will send it again.

We have Celine Dion, just the name of the bitch, don’t get too excited. Tonight I will work on the new computer, and hope to have it working tomorrow. I think Bob may be sick of me using his.

You could hear a pin drop in here, and they all line up again. The first four. Michael is writing and walks towards the four and takes them around, “nice and easy”. The next four line up.

Around and around, and they take off. I liked the dogs better, but then again, what do I know?

The next four, Laurie, Tiffany, Greg and Nick. And they take off.

I like the location, everyone seems satisfied, the food isn’t great, but what to be expected. And more individuals. In the middle is All Eyez On Me. Down and back.

Tiffany has SNKNOCKNACNPADDYWHACK. I don’t want to have to type that again. We probably can blame the Bartleys. I like the puppy, I just don’t want to have to type the name.

Now, Sen-Der. Greg has him and he is a handsome sable.

I do hope Bob gets some of the national next year. I know the votes are in, but I am not sure enough people are aware of all he has done over the years to sit here at the announcer’s table.

All My lovin is out there with Nick, and a dark black and tan.

They line up and there they go. They are all lined up,and there go four of them. I see Bart Bartley is here now and talking to us. And they all line up in a big line.

Michele walks up to the front, and walks down the line. He is working the gum,and looks at everyone and then tells them to take them around. Only five of them. What excitement.

Lookaliker is out ther with Loir Hathaway, a great looking dark, (and I mean dark) sable. The crowd liked that one.

Now Kent with Pochahontas. This is an Arias daughter. Dania is sitting behind us with a puppy on her lap. I did get to talk to her for a minute.

Love Remembears is taking a lap. And another crowd favorite, and now Jimmy. You would think he would age out, but evidently not. He has Pochahontas. And Michele tells him to line up on the tape. He probably hasn’t done this stuff before. That dog has a lot of style. The crowd is applauding, and she is a good one, but too fast, and not a loose lead.

All The Right Moves is in there and another nice one. The puppies have been impressive. JR has her, and I don’t remember seeing her before.

They line up, and all five together. Kent is talking to his double and Michael says, all around again. I see Dave Colman talking to Sheryll Brocket. Michael takes some notes and looks them all over, and takes some more notes, tells them to take them around and stop at the end of the line, and here comes the first groups.

All still in the ring, but probably not for long. Michael looks at his notes and walks over and pulls Lady Guinevere, goes down a bit and pulls Celine Dion, and skips a few, and points to Sen-Der, and Love Remembers, Catrina and that seems to be his keepers, and yes, there are six to leave for the day. Seven left.

He takes the first four. And there they go, still in order. Now the last three. Some applause there, but don’t know for whom the hands clap. I do know for whom the bill tolls.

Now he places them, Catrina in fron with Jimmy, then Lookalker, Love Remembers and Lady Guenievere. Now, each down and back. I do like Jimmy’s puppy. On a loose lead, she is a real star. One at a time, and the crowd likes her too.

Down and back with Lookaliker, and around. A very nice dark sable bitch, and one that would win any show. Lori has her and takes her around. The crowd does go wild and she deserves it. Michele is doing a great job on this group. Now Kristy with Love Remembears, and Kris Fasano is behind me. That is another star. I could never pick between these three, and what a nice moving puppy.

The next one is Lady Guinevere. Jeff has her, and should be tired, but two more classes to go. I do think it will be between the first two, but now we have All My Lovin, and that is a good one too.

The next to the final keeper is Celin Dion, and he has he good ones, and at least three that would be winners in any class. The entry may be small, but the quality sure isn’t.

Last in this group is Sen-Der. Also a good one.

Now for the rough stuff. Michel stands and looks them over, the crowd tells him who they like, and I think they seem to like Lookaliker best, but Caterina would be who I would want to take home. Jimmie takes the whole ring and gets cut out, so Michale stops them and sends themaround again, and YES, THAT’S IT.

First is Caterina, second is Lookaliker, 3rd is Love Remembears and fourth isFaithrock Lady Guinevere.

More to come.