6-9 puppy dogs
Molly just took me to Best Buy, and I purchased a computer. I am asking everyone to send me $1.25, and to pay for it. That way Bob can have his back.
I got back in time for 6-9 puppy dogs, and they are in the ring, so I haven’t missed too much. Bob is helping me see these dogs, and there are some good ones so far. I didn’t get all the names, so maybe I will wait until the end to name the winners. Nancy Hubble has a great screen saver, and ask her to show it to you. I said hello to Carmen, and also Michael brought his cousins again, and they even remembered me. Amazing.
Twelve in the class and nmber ten is in there, so it won’t be that long. I missed all the presentation classes, but other than that, I have all the entries.
Paula got the first leg on herding on Harley. I had to hear it from the rumor mill, she never mentioned it. Strange thing. I know she is pleased.
I see a good looking sable puppy in the ring, and after looking him up, it is Kenlyns Diamond Joe. I did see Sandy Anderson, and it is always good to see her. Loren is talking to Scottie, and there is a couple that failed to age at all.
Lenny has Karizma’s Sambuca Di Amore, and a nice young male. It is silent in here now, and I talked to Helen Lianopolis for just a minute. The are offering massages, but I think it is legitimate. Not what you think.
I did see Paul Root, but need to find time to talk to him. I did talk to Jennifer, but everyone is so busy. Nadine Grady came \by and sat for a while and Loretta White is here too. I just saw Jammie, and would love to see Barbara here again. Cappy is smiling and takes the first four, and is having fun now. Or at least she sounds that way. She said to take them around and then go to the end. Now the next four. I see Mike Sherman at the end of the ring, talking to Bob Grady, who has a blue blazer on. I hope he has a new white suit.
There they go, a real mix of quality, but some nice ones. And now the last three, and I seem to favor Diamond Joe, but that is just me. No one asked me to judge. That is a smart move.
She asks again for the first four.
Up goes Krytonie, then Law and Order, and she sends Beaulolais and Jagermeister to the side. Now the next four. She looks them over,and asks that they go around.
Cappy looks them over, and the last three line up, and she keeps Patrick and looks at the other three. She wants to see them around again, and she tells the two off to the side to stand back, and there they go. She pulls Sawyer Bearown. The Frasansos are having a good day.
Three more to consider, Mojito Red, Diamond Joe and Sambuca Di Amore. They take a pass, three young males and I like one of them. Cappy pulls Sambuca and looks at the other two, and she is thinking and sends them to the other group, there are six there now, and lots of hope yet remaining. They line up, and Diamond Joe is in front, and being looked over, and Cappy tells them she wants to see them, moves Steers & Stripes to the third place and is talking to them, and explaining what she is doing. There they go, one last chance. Make them look good! Lots of different types and she pulls Diamond Jim and lets the other five go.
Now here comes the important stuff. Six left, and the crowd applauds what Cappy has done, and indeed, she has done a great job.
The doublers get ready and THERE THEY GO. Lots of cheers and I like the one in front, Krytonite, and he looks young, and she moves him to first and puts Patrick behind, with Law and Order in third,a nd then Sambuca DiAmore in fourth, and there they go again and Cappy is looking and NO, she stops them and goes to the end and moves Diamond Joe to Best Of Dump. I like him, but this is the National. Around again. The ring is open, but they are not using it all. Yes, that is a great placings and she looks and looks,and NO, she is moving Patrick to the front. The crowd likes it.
There they go with Patrick in front, AND YES, Patrick is first, with second going to Krytonite, third is Sambuca and fourth is Law and Order.