Thursday, October 13, 2022

9-12 puppy Dogs

Only two absent, and Bob's dog is in there with Kelly, so he has left the table.  I think it is nerves more than anything else.  Seven in there.  A Megabucks son in front, Diego, and he is a good one.  power is at 47% so if I can find Gail, maybe I will move and Blog instead of announce. Now a difficult choice for me.  I see Courti outside the ring, doing a good job and that is a good one. You normally don't want to start in front, but with Michelle, I doubt it makes any difference.  now it's Itsadogshownotthreapy.  That is the name.  I didn't make it up.  Now destiny's Dream.  I do like sables.  That looks to me like a good one. A nice easy moving dog.  Now Elija, The Fasano's dog with Diane Brown as owners.   He is not happy about showing his teeth, but sound.  Good down and back.  Diane is here doubling and Michele checks him again and he is sound. And off he goes, slow and easy.  the crowd appreciates a correct and solid dog.  Now Lennie has Elite Design in there.  He stacks like a pro.  And the dog does well too.  The owners are Kathy, Debbie, Ingrid, Naomi and Cheryl.  Not a man involved.

Now it is Shamrock Falls, Bob and Martha's breeding.  Kelly is handling and she always does a great job. Big masculine pup, and full of life.  Kelly is trying to get him a bit down. And she comes back and tell the double handle to "STOP".   He does look better on his own. Kelly tell Martha to be quiet. and that is a good sound dog.

Last is Kobee Bearyant.  Owned by Manny and Joey, and spouses.  Scott is handling.  He looks fully matured.  A real good looking dog. This is not going to be an easy decision.  Scotty is having trouble getting what he want, and yes, that is a great example of our breed.

I would not want to judge this group, too many good ones, and off they go. Now I have my pics and yes, up front is Kobee and then iItsadogshwnot therapy Jimeni, and Shamrock Falls and in fourth Elite Design.  And off go the first four, and that is a great group.  Michelle sets the last two aside to work his first. I can see either of them winning and he brings them all out, and I think that is it and YES, that's it. Great decion.

First is Kobee, Second is Itsadpgshownot therapy, Third is Falls of Anneisle-Malibar and Fourth is Elite Design. I think were I judging I would have put up the shortest names, just  to help those who post.  I am at 35% so until I find Gail, I will stop posting. Aren't you glad?