Saturday, October 15, 2022

The unkindness cut of all

Jim brings in the first group, keeps four and sends six out to dream of next year. And in comes the next group. There is no questions about him keeping the best, but it sure is fast

In comes the second group. He got the best to the front with each group, and off they go for one round.  Gunner is in second and Jim pulls five and takes the other five around and out they go with one more Youtalkingtome at the last minute for a dream reserved. The rest will wait for next year.

In they come with Matt in front. Man, this is fast, but Jim put his top dogs in front when he did the individuals, so he is checking out what he didn't like.No Crying in Baseball in front and the last six have one last dream as they go around, lots of crowd support and Jim is  looking and he pull The Comeback Kid and the rest get to rest.

Now the fourth is there. Ceasar is going to help spot for me so I can get names. Lennie in front with Levi. He takes four. He is picking faster than I can type and takes the last six for a final trip.  And, they are gone.

Now the real thing. 18 in there, I doubt he will give them all Selects, but they are all great examples of the breed.

Ceasar just fell off the stand but he is OK.  Gizmo in front, then Oh What a Night, then Perigen, Gunner, Jack Danniel, Stormy Weather.  Now he is doing Down and back, and Ceasar isn't falling again. Hermes is in front.  Each goes down and back.  He has them in two groups eight in each.  Correction, Gizmo is in front and he goes to his second group.

In front is Elite No Crying in Baseball. This is his second quality group, from what I can tell, and there are some in here I would be proud to own.  And he stops them.  He moves Levi to the front.  This is great judging and off they go.  I have a Levi litter and I am pleased with what I see. Jim looks them over and takes them around again and he is looking and has them stop.  He takes them down and back. Second is Bow and Arrow. I think the top dog in the two groups is who is going to win it all.  But, what do I know. He moves No Crying in Baseball to second.  He Sofia moves up with The Comeback Kid.  Lennie in front with Levi. I think it is Levi, Gunner and Gizmo.  Jim takes the group to the back of his other group.  But keeps them separate and takes his first group with Gizmo in front.  Two groups of great dogs.

Jim walks to his first group and takes the first four and from his second group, one Lexi and then there are five. Gizmo What a Night ten Peregrin, Gunner and then Levi who now goes to Number ONE.

He pulls two more and he leave four off to the side and takes the group of twelve. I think that may be his Selects and he takes the other seven and they stop.  And out they go.

What fantastic job of judging. Jim is my new hero. Levi in first Gizmo and then Frankie, Penegrin, Gunner, Jack Daniels, Stormy Weather, No Crying In Baseball, Heathcliff.  And the rest.  He sets them up in the center of the ring, and shows what he has wraught.   OFF they go and YES, that's it.

ONE Grand Victor Levi
TWO Gizmo
THREE Oh What a Night
FOUR Peregrin
FIVE Gunner
SIX Jack Daniels
SEVEN Stormy Weather
EIGHT No Crying in Baseball
NINE Heathcliff
TEN Bow and Arrow

Thank Tedi and Ceasar for help with the names.