Saturday, October 15, 2022

And then, the end is near

Bob, (the voice of the National), and I want to congratulate all the Select males.  We agree, we have never seen such deep quality in both sexes. The males were so deep in quality Jimmie could have gone with twice the Selects. The bitches are in there now, I have picked ten who could go Grand Victrix.

I want to say that the breeders are doing an incredible job, as the results are astounding. Rita and Jack are sitting in front of Me, and I am sure Jack enjoyed seeing his GV do it in two countries..  And Rita, who hit 45 years old and stopped aging kept laughing for the whole show.

The computer is going to go dark about the same time I do.

We are headed to Orlando, so as to catch our flight Sunday morning. Thanks for being here to share the National.

If you don't buy the tapes you will regret it, as I doubt you will ever see this quality again.

Next year I want to see Pat and Celest, Twyla, Art Sinclair, and so many others who didn't make it to Florida. They were all missed.