I said a gret deal of real interesting stuff, but for some reason my computer shut down. In the ring is Abby, Linda, Moris, Kent, Lenny and Al. Barbara and Stacy came by. I saw Ken and Bill Tank, so Ken just got in. Charley Mardez is here, and I see Sharoon Avery is doubling her dog. Gloria has the first class in the ring, and has divided them in half, and is working the first half.
I see Carolyn Martello here and the seats are full already, and there they go around in a group of four. Lots of yelling and bells. I heard that Leslie was treated and released from the hospital yesterday. If I get more new, I will let you know. Morris goes to the front , then Ken, then Al, Linda, Abby and Lenny. Morris Sanhedrin's Learning To Fly, Kent has Signature's Hell's Kitchen V Kaleef.
It's a new group. Art Sinclair with Morberge's GI Joe of Clayfield, then Adelhunds Pocket Full of Gold with Liz Oser, then Tiffany with Chablis Stylistic Custom Design V Sugartree Joelle, then Olivia with Gretchanya's The Matador, Saddlecreeks Tall Dark and Handsom with Graig Eschette, Jimmie with Karizma's Born To Run Kaleef Von Loar. Now Liz is up, (I will leave it up to you to know who the dog is.) Hunter Tank just said hello to me. Tiffany is up with a pink top and a sable dog. Born To Run. Now the class is over. Now the class.
There goes Art in front, Liz, Tiffany, Olivia and Jimmie. I know way too many people. Gloria tells them to set them up and they lookd great. Three sables, Liz, Tiffany and Jimmie. She goes over Art's dog, then down the line, and checks what seems to interest her. She pushs the croup of the second dog, and runs the court of Tiffany's and Just looks at Jimmie's . I remember how Ralph used to show us everything he didn't like.
And off they go for another pass. Gloria Rice came by and I just saw Charlonna. Now Gloria has Liz in front, then Jimmie and Tiffany. Sables in the first three places.
Now, in comes the next group. Morris, Kent, Al, Linda, Abby and Lennie. There they go. Pat Ayres came by and gave a lei to Tedi, and he is one of the best of them all. Gloria is looking over the group, and goes over each of them. No one can say everyone didn't get a great look bot by Gloria and Lee. Ed Barrit is here to abuse me, and it is as I expected. I saw Charlie and Kate Mardez, and he told me he put up the same bitch to breed as I did in Canada. Norma Hansburg is her. \Jammie came by looking beautiful as always and said to say hello to mom Barb. It is when I see kids like Jammie all grown up that I feel this old. They go down and back in front of us, but I don't "Soria yells at them, slow, loose, and she gets it, and they looks better that way. She goes over to the group and looks and moves Morris to the front, then Al, and Kent. They go to the corner, and she leaves three against the wall, and turns to the next group. Liz goes around the other group,a nd the three sables rule. She walks to them and sets the sables over to the corner, and sends the other two to the wall group,a nd pulls them out. There are five of them. She sends them to the other ring to think about what might have been, (I think). And works with who she kept in the other groups, Morris, Kent, Al, Liz, Jimmie and Tiffany. And they take a pass and stop at the white wall. They stack them up. I love the outline of Kent's dog. And Jimmie, Al and Tiffany go around. I just got a phone call from Tedi's sister to tell Tedi to turn her phone on. So I gave her the message.
It is Morris, Kent, Liz, Jimmie, Al and Tiffany, but Al and Tiffany are against the wall. The Sable with Liz was Bob's reserve dog. Pam O'Dell came by and said the Blog wasn't going out yesterday. And there they go again and I think this might be it, but Gloria has her arms folded, and is looking hard at these four, Morris still in front, Kent, Liz and Jimmie. She goes over to them and looks and talks to Liz and says something to her, and Liz is talking to her and Liz takes her by herself and now the Crowd goes nuts, and there is a 20 foot loose lead, and Liz stops and takes him again,a nd he takes some great and some good steps. Gloria moves her to second. Gloria gives some direction to Morris,and there they go, again as a group. Walking now, and Morris goes by himself, He has Learning To Fly. Now Liz. I think Gloria is giving us all a chance to see each one and she applauds them as they go,a nd now Jimmie with Born to Run. And that is the first four. Glooria sends Kient with Hell's Kitchen, and we have them all. Gloria walks over to the four, and has her hands behind her back. She goes up to Morris and looks at the dog. He breaks his stance, but she looks hard at him. Now she looks at Liz's and now walks up to them and talks to them both. Liz nods, and it looks like sh is thining about the two of them. Gloria gestures and wants just the two fo them to take a lap,a nd there they go. Morris in Front, and Gloria bends down to look and looks and looks and Liz is taking him against the back wall. She stands in front of Morris and has her arms crossed and looks and looks. The dog is a dark Black and tan. Now she looks at the sagle and the crowd is into it. She walks around the dog and Liz stacks him and Gloria looks and looks. Now Gloria walks away, turns around and walks back and tells them to take another pass, and this time with Liz in front. WOW is this a crowd and Gloria looks at them in this way and she walks faster and leans down and shakes her head.
When they stand, the Sable is terrific. The sable sits and the crowd and Gloria laughs. They are both great dogs, Gloria brings them all together with Liz in front. They stack And, That's it.
That waw exciting. First was Adelhund's Pocket Full Of Gold, Second was Sanhedrin's Learning To Fly, Third was Karzma's Born To Run, and Fourth was Signature's Hel's Kitche V Kaleef.
More to come.
Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come together
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come together