Another class. I got to talk to Ed Barritt. I realized one of the reasons I enjoy going to the national is I get to see Ed again. I enjoy talking to him, he has a great perspective on life, and we agree on many things, but not all. He always makes me laugh.
Lee is back in the ring, and I notice outside the ring there is a lot of hostility, and frustration. I think it might be the weather. Jimmie and Sheree are standing in front of me. I don't understand how Jimmie can have so much gray hair, and she has none. Debbie Hokanan was by a little earlier,and now everyone is out getting lunch and missing the Novice Bitch class.
Sheree Moses is talking to us. She lost her dinner tickets and it was a full table. They were turned in, so all is well. I talked to Randy Chessnut today, and he is still grinning. I spent some time with Lew Bunch. We solved a lot of the world problems, at least as they affect us.
Lee is doing a good job again, and he has a brown suit that must have been tailored it fits so well. Donna Callibrese is talking to Lew and Nicky Bunch now,a nd Kevin Renolds came by to chat. I see that the seats are full again with Novice Bitches in the ring. They enlarged the ring and have one big ring and one smaller one. They take all the dogs and bitches in the small ring and bring them out one at a time.
Lee is done with the individuals and now is working with half the class seven bitches. It is quiet now and there goes Linda, Diane, Jody, Scott, and three more. When they get to the other side of the ring, I can't see them as well. The ring is about 2/3 of the full ring with a white side. Lee approaches them and gives some instruction with Linda in front and she tells the double handler to be quiet, and takes a lap by herself. I guess he said a loose lead because that is what she give him. Now Diane, and she does the same. She always does a good job, and slows her bitch down.
I just got a picture of my Best of Breed Bitch from Canada. Now I know why I put her up.
Lee has half the class go around. Bob Dresher is getting some flack about announcing, and the upcoming Parade of Greats, or Stud Dog class or something. Joanie Tuthill came by. I see Lee has his dogs lined up. There is a big conference in front of us, Lew Bunch, Gail and The Guz as to the schedule.
I was so involved in talking that they finished the class. First is Regency's Pochahontas V Kiridler, Second is Kebre's Pop Fly Of Bon Jen, Third is Windy Acres Capital Gains V J-Lyn and Fourth is Long-Peak Chantilly V Windsong.
Frank Fazano is here and adding to the confusion. When the break is has everyone confused. I guess we will just wait and see when it is.
On to Bred By.
Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come together
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come together