Saturday, October 17, 2009

Tony's rambling and Best Junior Handler

Juniors are on the lunch break, dog specials to start at 1 PM.   And hopefully Evan will be back and I will be a voice in his ear only. 
Since the computer is sitting here vacant, I (Tony Szczuka) thought I would babble a bit.  Juniors are still going on, but it is quiet here (like the lull before the storm).  However, there are a good number of people still in the stands watching juniors and applauding everyone..  I can see the Gold Page lunch going on upstairs; and a lot of people coming back from lunch.  It may be quiet in the stands, but every time the doors open behind us, we can here the sounds of bathing, grooming, blow drying, and the like coming from the stall area.  A lot of the clubs are starting to close their tables.  Rescue has had their raffle and are packing up.  The foundation has finished their auction and are calling for people to pick up their items.  I don't know how all the vendors did, but Sally Hayden seems to have run out of shirts & jackets.
I always enjoy watching the juniors.  Maybe it's because they listen to the judge and follow her instructions.  Maybe it's because they haven't turned arrogant and cynical.  Or maybe it's just because after 5 days of a National, they still have energy.  Regardless of the reason, I look out there and wonder which one will be the next big handler (or breeder).
Leana New came by trying to sell more raffle tickets.  We are now on the last class of Juniors, and the stands are starting to fill back up.  There were 17 juniors entered, and every one is here.  The Open Senior class just went in the ring.  This is the biggest class (7 juniors), and these are the oldest and most experienced of the juniors – some look better then the professional handlers.
The younger juniors were Katelyn Mayle, Blake Irysh, Trevor Scott Golden, Andrew Doerrman, Debra Vlietstra, Jasmin Smith, Crystal Branham, Maria Oster, and Stephanie Irysh.  The older juniors are Megan White, Lauren Gerloff, Duane Sibley, Taylor Petry, Jessica Ball, Lora Long, Caitlin Ricker.
Gloria has been a good judge for the juniors - she has used the same ring procedure for every class.  She brought them in, did individuals, gaited them as a group, and then had them all stack their dogs facing the center (toward the judge).  After that she arranged them, gaited them as a group and mad the final placement.
Gloria seemed to have an easy time placing the earlier classes, but the senior's class is making her think about it.  Lauren Gerloff won the class with Pinecrest's In My Fatehr's Image. 
Now all the junior winners are coming in the ring, and Gloria is asking the crowd for their applause.  Gloria is going over the juniors are talking to them.  She is now having each do a Triangle pattern (not seen much in the specialty ring, but common in the All-Breed ring).
The best Junior Handler is KATELYN MAYLE
Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come  together