Pres - Tish Walker
VP - Lanalee Jorgensen Law
Rec Sec - Ginny Altman
Gary Szymczak
Dorothy Linn
Dean Wylie
Ken Downing
Bill Burggraaf
Carmen Battaglia
Zoe Backman
Nancy Harper - to fill Lana's term
I - Barbara Amidon
Dan Smith
Bob Drescher
(Gary S. is doing the Canadian National)
I understand Dan will judge dogs.
Jamie Walker
Joe LaRosa
Bob Slay
Debbie Hokkanen
Nancy Glabicki*
Joanna Yund*
Agility - Lisa Rieves
Dorothy DeLisle
Dana Mackenzie
James DeKieffer
*There was confusion on the date of obedience and Pat Krause who was
elected had a previous assignment for the correct date.
All the by-law changes and the Code of Conduct passed.
The Showgsd-l Administration
Email Changes: http://showgsd.org/mail.html
Admin: admin@showgsd.org
ANNOUNCE NEW LITTERS: http://showgsd.org/goodlitterbox.html
THE NATIONAL BLOG http://gsdnational.blogspot.com/
NOTO BENE: DOC ZOE is not a voting member of the Admin Panel