Saturday, October 17, 2009


The picks are lining up.   The first 7 are lined up.   Apparently 1 more was pulled, Sean with Look Ma.
The rest of the special bitches have been excused.  And now the owners and doublers of the remaining bitches are on the move.
Now onto the second group - nothing was done yet.  The crows is awake now - caffeine must have kicked in. Zoe sitting here and trying to type.. Praise be, Molly is back.  Thanks Zoe.  All the picks have been brought in for another look.
We are lined up with next set of picks.   Magic Marker is at the front of the bus...Evan may not survive!
14 are now in, 6 picks have left China among them.   Numbers we have left are 'george with Kallie Alex with Annie Mike with Mystique, Kent with Heiress Bill with Magic Marker, Scott

with Cherry, Christy, Kelly, Arield Lenny Art Liz Jamie and Diane.  Dave has the 2 Wolf Creek dogs in front......both sisters and sable.    The breeder is one of my closest friends and now i am getting nervous!
Mike just got pulled with Mystique and Kent with Heiress to 1 and 2.    The 2 sisters are taking off again.  Mike is in front with Mystique    
The last 7 are round, and Dave is looking to change their order.    Mike is in front with Mystique, kent with Heiress, Alex with Annie
en Christy with Sienna, George with kallie, Kelly with Miami, Bill with Magic Marker, Scott with Cherry Crush.  First 3 went around, no changes.   Next 3 around, and Kelly is pulled and moved to 3rd.      Bill Scott and Ariel with Marker, Cherry and Liker are going around.  Dave is putting Scott behind Kallie Bill and Ariel bringing up the end.   Lenny, Art, Liz Jamie and Diane are at end end.  Dave is looking hard and there are 14 in the ring.  The group from Kallie on is going around. Dave is working the front 5 now and Christy has moved up 1 with .   Dave is keeping Mystique in front after a coming and go.   Kent is staying in 2nd with Heiress.  Kelly with Miami is doing the down and bak and the crowd went nuts.  She is staying in 3. Christy stays in 4th, Alex stys in 5 and Dave just said we are getting to the exciting part.  He wants them walked at loose lead.  Mike did not walk, Dave noticed    LOL    Kent is going around with Heiress, not Kelly with Miami, and she moved into 2nd.  Christy with Sienna did a go around and has stayed in 4th...Annie is doing a go round with Alex......and moved to the head of the 2nd group.  He is considering the first 4 again.      Dave said we have 4 REALLY good bitches.    He just moved MIAMI to the front of the line. Now Kent is in front with Heiress......
Christy is taking a round in the front.     Miami got pulled again and is at the front. We have Miami as GVX!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come  together