Thursday, October 15, 2009

Bred By Bitches

Bred By Bitches. Twelve in the class. It has slowed down in here. He just finish the individuals on the first group.   There they go around.  Now the second group is in there.  I ran into Ed Barritt and I won't say where we were. I wonder why Fasonos don't name a dog Ed Bearitt?
I need more to occupy my mind. Clearly I have lost interest in the show. Gloria did a great job of judging and Lee is doing well too. It is me, not them.
Fred Freemen is on the first dog, Fantasyy-Landsend Patchaground. Now Tiffany with her pink jacket.  She has Joelle's Aramist Tanbarks Kia.  Katelyn Mayle has Stone Gait's Chasing The Wind. The crowd loves that little girl and the bitch looks good too.   Next is Jodi Belanger with Fonseca's Serendipity.  Kent has Kaleef's Alexis V Kenlyn.  Last is Steve Grainger with Hickory Hills Elektra. 
Bill Burggraaf came by and mentioned ice cream - a few minutes later Evan left and asked me (Tony Szczuka) to fill in; he looked like he had ice cream on his mind.
Lee is done with individuals, and is looking over all of the dogs.  He is having the entire group go around.  Is is after 2pm here, and we still haven't had a lunch break; but the stands are still full.  Lee looked at the first group once again; and then sent them back and brought the first group back in.  Once around as a group; and then once around individually . . . He pulled out 3 from the first group; and pulled 3 from the second group.  Once around as a group; a quick shuffle, and he is done.  First is Jeff Pyle with Foxhaven Myjoy Good Girl; Second is Kent Boyles with Kaleef's Alexis V Kenlyn; Third is Steve Grainger with Hickory Hills Elektra; and fourth is Jodi Belanger with Fonseca's Serendipity.
Evan is back with a Taco Salad - he seems to be enjoying himself.  Is is now 2:40pm and we are setting up for Stud Dog / Brood Bitch (only about 2 ½ hours behind schedule).  The only thing on the schedule for the afternoon is Am Bred Dogs & Bitches.  Hopefully it will go quicker than the morning.
Thanks to Tony for doing this, and don't tell anyone I ate a salad. It is not good for my image.
Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come  together