Many thanks to all of you who have entered your wonderful dogs in the
Parade of Greats at this year's Nationals. We have a record entry of
43!!!! Because we have such a large entry, the Parade will be divided into
3 Groups:
Group 1: will be comprised of the first 14 performance entries.
Group 2: the second 14 entries of the performance group.
Group 3: 15 conformation entries.
As the group is presented, each dog's resume will be read. They will make
their beautiful run around the ring and then be dismissed.
The groups will be posted prior to the Parade in order to let people know
when they should be at the ready ring.
Just a reminder: Each dog must be presented by a single handler. Any
dog who has problems gaiting will not be required to use the full ring
but will be able to exit the ring opposite the entrance ring.
The pictures submitted with your entry will be returned to you as you
leave the ring. Please remember to pick them up.
Again, thanks for supporting the Parade of Greats and allowing the German
Shepherd Dog fancy the opportunity to view your wonderful dogs!
Looking forward to seeing you and your dogs at the Nationals.
Best regards,
"Sam" Colvin
Chairman: Parade of Greats