Wednesday, October 14, 2009

9-12 Dogs

The 9-12 Puppy dogs are in.
Ginny Altman is here and actually has her hands on my shoulder. That is the high point o f the national for me so far.  I am easy.  She did say to say hello to everyone, and she looks terrific. She wants me to say my t-shirt says BM on the front. They don't believe it is for Blog Man, and think it has to be a comment on my regularity.  I live such a sheltered life, and at my age, that works for me.
I have been talking to Ginny and Gloria is down to six and they are the best ones. They go around and Gloria hasn't placed them yet, so she looks them over, and are stacked against the white wall.  I am wrong that is all there were in the class. Patty Szyncyk  corrected me. Elizabeth is in front then Steve Larosa Kent Ariela, and one more.

Now Kent is moved to second with Anne-Isles Promise Keeper, and in front is Robinhaus Apollo, and third is Frohlich's Mario JDM Tanglewood and fouth is Breezewood's Genuine Damascus Steele.
They pose and take another run with just the second and third one, Apollo and Mario JDM.  They stay the way they are, and stack the dogs. And, that's the way it is.
First is Anne-Isle's Promise Keeper, Second is Robinhaus Apollo, third is Frohlich's Mario JDM Tanglewood and fourth is Breezewood's Genuine Damascus Steele.
Now for the last class of the day.  And, just in time.
Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come  together