Next to the last day. The mood is great, everyone is rested, the election is over, and we are tanned, rested and ready to go. I am sitting next to the first place vote getter, Gary Szymczak, (he told me how to spell it). I saw Rita this morning and got to hug Jane Kerner. I talked for just a minute , Daphane just came by and I talked to Ken Downing for a minute on the phone. I sure do miss them.
I saw Gloria at breakfast and we run into Bobbie and Sandy at Bob Evans every day. I see Channing Sheets sitting now and they are in the ring.
I see The Open Dog Class. Twelve in the ring and I see one I like a lot with Mike and also a couple of others I like. I see Linda, Kent, Cindy fJeff, All, Morris, Suan, Diane, Mike, George and Alex. I see another handler, I think it is Raul, (Kent's assistant). I see Dave Rinke is here now and Gloria is cold, she is rubbing her hands. The stands are about half full. I got to talk to Jane Kerner for a minute, and also said hello to Liz.
I miss Twyla Miner, but she e-mailed me that she is getting the Blog, so at least she sees it through my eyes. What a twisted life that is.
People are milling around yet, and Dave is making the round and talking to us already. I see Amy Riely come by and she waved. Dent is in the ring with Carettis Archangel. Now it is Jeff with Shadyrock's Andalusa Tango. Gloria does her individuals and takes them around the entire ring is opened, but there is a space at both ends for double handlers. If you have two, it is perfect. If you are alone, not so good.
Stacy and her mom Barbara came by and look great. There goes Cindy with Mariners Black Angus, and Now it is Al with Shepland's Grayson Camareigh. Fran Ford was at breakfast with us and is here looking younger than ever. He is talking to Rita, and she is already sitting. They are moving the chairs around and you have to hunt down your seat. Al has Shebland's Grayson Camareigh. Debbie Hokanan just walked by. I like Al's dog. I see Morris in ther with Zimsuy's Samuel Adams. Donna is going by and smiling at us. She says it is going to be a better day. Tom Mesdag came by to say hello.
There go the first six, and I like Morris's dog, and not so much the others. Gloria goes to the end of the line and tells them to set them up. Big Bergraff came by and is standing in the command center. Now Linda, Kent, Jeff, Cindy, Al and Morris. There they go and all slow and on a loose lead. I like Kent's dog as well. Rick Olinski is here.
Gloria walks over to them,a nd looks them over with her hands behind her back She is wearing all black with a Bling jacket. Black boots. I know she got last night. She goes over every dog,and talks to the handlers. There they go agains as a group and Gloria stands in the middle and watchs them, no expression on her face. A few yells and some double handlers. Greg Harrison is here and came to see us. She moves Kent to first, then Jeff, Cindy, Morris, Linda and Al. They are standing while she looks and takes the last three, Morris, Linda and Al, the applause is underwhelming. Sally Haden is here now and Gloria sends the first group out, and in come new fresh handlers. Raul in Sylvane, Diane, Mike, George and Alex. Now there is some talent. With Diane in the middle for beauty. She always amazes me. Mike's dog can sure move and is a good looking dog. Now Raul is out there for stacking for the camera. Speaking of cameras, what a job they are doing filming for all those unwashed at home watching it on film. Sylvain is out there, Gloria is smiling as he goes around. Edie Troki is her looking great in a pink jacket.
Now she has Diane out here in a long ponytail with a big dog. Gloria stands back to look him over and sends her down and back. She or her dogs gets some applause, and Gloria is walking about more. Now Mike with his dog, a good one. I know that Gloria got her feet frozen yesterday so I think the boots will help. It is warmer today.
I miss Twyla Miner here, it seems like a different show without her laugh, and I notice that there are a lot of those who are normally here, missing.
There goes Mike and the crowd starts with some noise but then it grows. Norma comes by. George is in ther with a very dark bi-colored dog. I got to walk Markie and feed her last night. I do like that bitch, she is so dam cute, in personality. However at 1:00 a.m ths decided to go out. I don't want to say it was cold, but my eyes froze solid, I lost three fingers to frostbite, my toes turned black and I fell into a snow drift and passed out. OK, it wasn't that cold, but from some a Jew from California, it was cold. My people are desert people.
Randy Chessnut is sitting in front of us. He just came by and said that no one should e-mail him, he forgot to set no mail.
Gloria has the group standing and there they go, Raul, Savain, Diane Mike, George and Alex. I wonder how I know all these people and how long I will remember who they are. Gloria says to line them up at the white wall. Up against the wall MF. Oh wait, that is another event, she walks to the front looking at each of them as she walks down the line. Now she sends them around againa nd Mike takes a lot of space, she does slow his dog downa dn he looks better from up here. Paula Cook just came by and gave me some money. There is a long story behind that. That's my story and I am sticking to it. She goes down the line and talks a long time to Mike. He doesn't look happy, and I bet she told him to slow him down.
Gloria walks back and Alex went to get his owner to pet and there he goes at the end and they all go around, and yes, Mike is trying to slow down his dog and get a loose lead. He does and Gloria walks over to the class, and has her arms crossed.
She looks them over, (notice how there is not reason for my parargraphs?) She is standing still, looking and they call for clean-up, so she looks at the ring stewards and Bob Grady goes out in a full blown purple suit. Now where do you buy those. I see Gloria tells them to stand them, vement in the ring. Sylvain, Diane, Mike, George Raul and Alex. There they go and Gloria is walking looking, and leaning and she keeps looking at Mike's dog, but he is workingtoo hard. She walks over to the group and she approaches Mike and looks and looks at the dog. I think she likes him, I sure do. Mike stacks him and she says something to Mike and he seems intent on what she is saying and she takes the last four with Mike in front and the crowd loves that, and she looks at them and she is walking and Mike has him slower and on a loose lead.
She sends that group over to the end of the ring, and brings out the first group. Now they are lined up with Kent, Jeff Cindy, Morris, Linda and Al. Mike Cheeks is talking to us and how we can strange everything. He doesn't like the way we have to view the dogs. It isn't the best situation. Now they all come into the ring.
She moves them around and there is some confussion from our point but I think those in the ring are under control. She wants to see Cindy, Morris, Linda Al, Raul and Alex. I suspect it might be over for open dogs with that group. She wants them to stop and she walks to them and takes Morris to second and tells them to tack and she moves Raul and Alex to second and third. There they go and They take a pass and she moves Alex to second. Cindy in front, Alex, Raul, Morris, Linda and Al, and she keeps Cindy, and sends the rest to Open Dog Hell. There they are, Kent, Jeff Sylvain, Diane Mike, (whot the hell do I know?), George and Cindy. She walks over to them and is swinging her arms,and looks them over and now crosses her arms. I would hate to play poker with her. She moves Diane up one and wants to see her last four, Sylvain, Mike, George and Cindy,a nd off they go, not that hopeful. I think someone is going to go fourth. Tose are four nice dogs, but evidently not enough. BenMdGovern just came by and I talked to him last night for a bit.
Gloria goes tothe front of these four, touches each dog, and talks to everyone. Linda Bankhead came by and now back to the show. Gloria is lookng at the four and wants them to take another pass and they each leave a lot of room this time, and there they are and Gloria is applauding and this might be the last time for someone. There are three against the wall. And she walks to the last four and says something to them and moves George and Cindy up so Mike is last in the class. She takes the tow and one of them should be Best Of Dump. Two up there Mike is still last. She is only looking at Sylvain and George, and they go back the way they were, and Mike goes to the ring of dispair, and she looks at her first three. There are now two Against the White Wall, George and Cindy. The three, Kent, Jeff and Diane are about to fight it out for the class. Gloria is walking as she looks and they all take a slow easy pass. I do like wht Kent is doing with his dog. Gloria tells them to applaud and stand.
Down and back for the first three. Diane first, then Jeff, and now Kent. They all look clean from here, and I am in direct line with them. Boy is Jeff's dog smooth.
Dottie Bowman came by and reminded me I am doing there next year. After she reads this nonsense she may change her mind. I had to take a break, we are drinking a lot of water up here, and she has three in there.
Kent is in front with and Oscar son, owned by Ellen, they cal him Eli. Then Jeff and Diane, they are fighting for the class, and they are working the dogs and Gloria is swinging her arms and I think that has meaning but she stops them and is walking faster. She looks at the three of them standing and goes to the front and puts her arms on her hips. She brings the rest out there and Sylvain is in fourth and there are seven in ther, Kient in front. Lots of cheers now, and there they go and Gloria looks determined and NO, she stops thema nd everyone thought that was. Diane goes to second Georgie to fourth, and there they go, maybe YES? And YES, That's it.
First is EJM N'Eko-Lan's Eli, Second is Upton's I Walk The Line, Third is Shadyrock's Andalusa Tango and Fourth is Hillkrest's Smooth Operader. Again, blame Flower Boy for any mistakes.
On to Open Bitches.
Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come together
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come together