Tuesday, October 23, 2007

From the Handler's Point of View

So here i am on Sunday, sitting at the Computer with an ice pack on my left knee and enough Advil in me to choke a horse. I am back from the National and it is still all a blur, let me share with you some random events and thoughts. This not a cohesive essay, but just some random thoughts!!!!

General Comments:

-Firstly the National is just a great event,period!!!! If you want to see great dogs and visit with all your old friends and make new one's, there is no better venue.

-As Jerry Guzman expressed eloquently to group of us the National is a "showcase" for your dogs. There are three judges in the ring, but 500 in the stands, each with their own point of view.

-The Loveland Ranch is a lovely site and from a handler's point of view the sod and arena were fantastic. Thank you to the Rocky Mountain Club for putting on a first class event.

- Injured Handlers perserved and showed their passion for the sport. Kent, Jerry,I and others were noticibly hurting, but adrenaline when you have good dog at the end of the lead takes over.

- The new group of Handler's of on the verge of taking over(they are talented, young and the breed is in good hands with them). Trust them with your good dogs.

- Army of One is one of the greatest GV that i have witnessed.

Personal Comments:

- My close friends Ed Hill, Martello's,Ileana,Thurban Warrick,Richard and Liz Sottile,Shirley O'Brien. What would i do without them. My National was made by sharing our experiences TOGETHOR!!! Thank you for a life experience that will be hard to forget.

- Thank you to Doris Easterbrook for supporting Black Orchid and me.

- I was mistaken in the ring by one judge as "Sergio". It helped my placing and i will gladly take it. This is a funny story, not something that should be taken in the wrong vein. Mexican, Indians, Power to the Brown People, we have arrived. I believe Susan Casey will report more.

- Richard Sottile saved my national. Richard is the world's greatest Chiropractor and every day he would adjust my knees and legs twice a day, so i could make it thru the day. On Friday night before specials it was not looking too good that i could go on Saturday. But an early morning visit on
Saturday to Richard took care of me. The lesson for the day! Every Handler over the age of 40(and there are plenty) should put a Chiropractor on their Xmas list as a Client.

- I went to the Cracker Barrel with Ed, Thurban, Richard/Liz and Ileana and we were having a rollicking good time until the poor waiter poured "Collard Greens" over my Head. The group had a great laugh and i looked like a Giant Chicken and "SH*T" all over me and i smelled worse.

- When Ed Barritt put the Black Bitch Black Orchid in the Front from 8th or 9th. The crowd was going wild, Carloyn was crying but good old Mr. Barritt he put things in perspective. He calmly walked over to me and gave me some very sage advice. He put his arm on my shoulder and said calmly "Bill,
Don't F**K it up". It will be a sentance i will take to my grave.

- Art Sinclair who handled Army and I go way back and share our roots with a man, most of you won't know. His name is Robert Sisemore, his kennel name is Suboja. He introduced both of us to GSD's, he allowed us both the opportunity to handle and he has been a dear friend and supporter for all
these years. After the end of the day i called Bob and told him protege's had had a hell of a good day, it was really satisfying to thank him for all he had done.

- Having handled the GVX has not really sunk in yet. All i can say, is having a great black bitch that can sidegait with the best against a white wall that is 200 feet long can't hurt. To go GVX, you have to have everything come togethor. Black Orchid was completely out of coat but Carolyn did a
great grooming judge. Ed Barritt did not need coat to appreciate her virtues, thank god. We were fortunate, there were great bitches behind us and you appreciate your win that much more because of that.

Thank you to Mr. Barritt, Thank You to the Crowd for their support and Thank You to all my Friends that shared in this special moment.

Life is good today!!!!

Bill <color><param>0000,0000,8000</param>Basu