Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Last from Wednesday in Colorado

Carmen is in there now with his last class for the day.  He has 12 in there, and the class did have 19 entered so only seven absent, that is about 1/3, and not a message.
It is starting to get cold now and seems to be they aren't going to turn on the heat.  I see Bill VanWinkle is here, and I have to find time to talk to him, I always enjoy him, and he has good ideas. I think a lot of people have left and so it is quiet again. Leana New came by, and her bitch won.  There goes Karen Briggs O'Brian.
Carmen is watching and looking them over, and he took the entire class with Bill Basu in front. Now he is doing the individuals. Kevin Renolds came by.   He was looking for his ride.  Still more individuals, and no one seems too excited about what is going on.  I see Sharee Moses doubling the dog Jimmie has, and Jimmie never seems to age. He is either as old as I am, or close, and yet, he is still out ther.
Carmen has them in two groups and his first group has Kent, Diane, Jimmie and Bill Basu. Not a bunch I would want to try to outhandle.  Now Kent is moving Winsome's Ray Bearone V Ekolan.  There goes Jimmy with Tazzman's Aregon.  There goes Diane with Todorhaus Heart Of Gold, and that's the group. Carmen looks them over, puts Kent in front and bring sout the next group, Tiffany, Bill Basu, Sergio, and others. I just can't see that far.
I am sitting at the announcer's table, and so far, no one has told me to leave. I think a few might want to, but I serve the Little People, and so, here I sit.  More double handling now, maybe people are just getting cold.  Also, this is an older class, so maybe looking to promote a stud dog.
Carm3en has taken a group of five, and sent the rest out of the ring. Kent is still in front, then Tiffany, then Bill Basu, and Sergio in fourth.  Diane is in last place, so far. Down and back with them again.  He moved Jimmy to second, and takes Sergio down and back and moves him to second in front of Jimmy.    I am probably wrong about these places, Jimmy just went back in second. He was just testing us.  Carmen is talking to Diane in last place, moves up the line and puts her in fifth, Best of Dump.  And, there they go, the first two, Kent and Jimmie, and Jimmie is covering Kent, and Kent is tryong to cut inside. Kent did say something to Jimmy and they both laughed, and now Jimmie in front and covered well by Kent.  Kent then pulled back. They are both laughing and Jimmy clasped Kent on the shoulder.
Ther go the second and third.  Lenny and Bill and now the other way around with Lenny in front.  The last three, Diane, Sergeo,  and Tiffany.  He moves Diane to third.  And he asks for Jimmy and Kent to bring them out to stand.  Carmen stands back looks them over and looks at the next two, out from the side, standing natural.  Like any of these handlers would allow that.  Now Carmen takes the last three to look at them standing.  He puts them all back in line iwth Jimmy leading, then Kent, Diane, and Lenny.  He walks up to the line, looks at the fist dog, then tells them all to take them around and there they go. Now the crowd wakes up,. Carmen walks over watches hem and that's it.
First is Tazzmsan's Aregon, Second Winsome's Ray Bearone V Ekolan, Third was Todorhaus Heart of Gold, and Fourth is Winsome's Star of the Silbear Screen.
I am beat, and I can imagine Tedi is ready to crash.  More dog show tomorrow, and I hope you enjoyed it through my warped eyes.  Dania is here, so my day is complete.
Asgard German Shepherds
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