Saturday, October 28, 2023


The bitches are in there, and it is so cold that I can't type.  

The bitches are in, Deb is judging, she excused some, kept some, and that is all I know. Tomorrow the low is going to be in the 20s, so, I am glad we are getting out of here.

I am sorry I didn't let you know what is going on, but I am too cold to type, too tired to care, too old to help and too orinary to give a damn.
It has been a fun national. We got on our puppies a Best of Dump, (but he has at 15 month a 5, 4, and 3 point major, so he will do fine. And his sister went second in the 15 - 18 month puppy, so that too was fun.

Deb is on her last class and I like the Veteran.  I see Levy had three Selects and he already had two.  I suspect he will be the top stud dog this year, and if not, then next year.

It is so quiet. They should do the bitches first because it is the Grand Victor that everyone wants to see. But the catalog had dogs first and Deb felt she had to judge that way. Next year, maybe the board will put bitches first.  And tonight someone will know who will be judging in Reno. Maybe we should start taking odds.

I would like to thank Debbie and Sheryll for giving me a heater to use, Tony for providing me with a blanket and Ill. for causing me to need them.

Sharon Avery came by and wanted to unload some dinner tickets.  I hear it is a full house, but I am not going to go. I want to go back to our motel and set the room on fire and sit in the middle of it. So, if you hear a motel burned down, you can blame me.

Now there are 28. I doubt they will all  go Select, but who knows what Deb will do.  Groups of seven.

It is interesting that Deb takes them down and back and arranges them at that time.  I think that is but one factor, but it appears that is how she cuts the classes.

In comes the second group. Seven more.  It is now dark cold and gloomy and the dog show goes on.  It has now been nine hours.  

Four down and three in the keepers, the chosen people, I mean dogs, I mean bitches.  Whatever, they are chosen, so far.  

New blood.  Next group of seven.  Deb is wasting no time. It is just a big entry. Maybe our breed entries will be coming back.  She moves up two bitches. I doubt you care who it is, or you would have gotten the streaming video.

I can type, I can watch, or I can shiver.  I chose to shiver.  Not really my choice.

Now, the unkindest cut of them all, four go to the outskirts of the arena.

Now the cold is not the problem, it is raining.  Now the last group, who were out of order, but in there anyway,

Now the keepers, 14.  Now seven and seven, and the first group goes. Off to the side, and the second group. I was told earlier Mercedes was going to go Grand Victrix.  One in fourteen chance  WOW, she just went to the front. Take my word for it; I didn't know.  And she takes the last seven.  Six off to the side while Deb talks to Tom.  Eight standing who look like Selects.  Now Deb comes back and walks to the front, looks them all over walking down the group. A good looking bunch of bitches.  

She brings the rest out.  What a nice job of judging.  The Winner's Bitch is in there and the rest go Select ALL OF THEM.

1. Grand Victrix  GCH CHG CH Kaleef's Mercedes 

2.  GR GCHB Franken's Some Like It Hot Of Tara

3.  CH Windsong's What The Hail

4.   AOE DAE AM CAN Select EX CRCH Windfalls National 

5.   CH Gomez La Bartola Von Loar Of Karizma

6.  DAE BOF GCHB CH Frankenhaus Heart Of Fire v Foothills
It's too cold to finish, so you will have to find it elsewhere  Sorry about that, but not that much


#6 select male Ch Data

Kaitlin Heiman and Data #6 select
Doc Zoe
Excuse my typos
Sent from my iPhone

The Select males 11 total

1.   GCH CH Candia's Redneck Crazy V Surigo RN EX

2.   CH Legacy's Redemption of Breauhausen

3.   GCH CH Osor Bow And Arrow of Imperial

4.   GCHB CH Clayfield Gizmo v Eklectic Jimeni

5.   GCHB Hammersmith Heathcliff Heathcliff

6.   CH FV MD3 Norberge's Inertial Dampener of Clayfield

7.   GCH CH Kenlyn Marquis' Here Comes The Rain v RO

8.   GCH CH Frankenhaus Afterburner

9.   CH Signature's Kingsley von Springrock

10.   GCHB CH Cross Timbers Gunnison Long's Peak

11.   Kenlyn Marquis' Scorpion King 

Tedi helped me do this and it is how they are in the catalog,

Here come the clowns

It is an hour before show time. And Al came by and had me talk on the phone to Caesar, and more people are here and starting to find a place. Candy came by and working hard. What a great job she is doing for putting on the show. It is starting to look like a dog show might break out at any minute.  

I just figured out how to make the type bigger, so now I can see what I am typing. That might not be a good thing.  I see a lot of activity from the next door venue, where the stalls are. I guess people are getting ready.  

I spent some time talking to Tony Monk.  Lamar Fredricks and I spent some time talking about the Judge's test. I am taking the third version and he failed the third time.

The bitches are in the ring and the ring isn't big enough to check them all in. They fill it. It is so cold I am shivering and I may have to stop typing.  I don't remember ever seeing this large an entry before. Tom is counting and it is good he is here to keep order.

The bitches leave and now the males. Zoe is sitting with me and someone turned in a lost camisole,  I am interested to see who comes for it.  The males fill the ring. It is going to be a long cold day. the camisole owner came by and she was as pretty as I expected.  I am a man after all.  

She kept four and excused three.  New group.   Six in there. Sheri (Moses)* brought me warmers.  Zoe gave gloves.  It is good to have friends.  But with gloves I type with one finger.    Three more and four gone for this year. A new group of seven.  She is doing a  great job and taking no time to do it.  One pass and she decides.  Then she looks again before she excuses them. On the last group she saved one.  

It started with 50 and she is keeping two or three from each group and next will have 25 or so.  What a great job of judging.  From on my high post, she is doing just what I would do.  That might not be  a good thing.  One from this group, Sophia. Just what I thought.  She fell and got up, with Comeback Kid, and now the judge excuses six.                                                  

Deb keeps three and excuses four. New group. She moved up three, looked again kept one more and excused three.  In with a new group.  Next to the last  group.  Two hours so far. She pulls four and off they go.  Keeps five.  Two leave with  dreams of Reno.

Now the last group, eight with winner's dog veteran, etc.  Gunner looks great.  She pulls out three and has five more to consider and off they go. One last chance.   Deb gives every one a good look, takes three and asks the other five to take a lap, and now for the keepers, or the chosen ones, or the selected dogs, or those with dreams of going Grand Victor still in their heads.

In they come. What a spectacular group of dogs.  Twenty three, if anyone cares.  I like 513 and 522.  I won't give you the names until the second cut.  jDeb is talking to them in groups and has the last 10 or so stand back and has 15 stacked.  She gives directions to one and she goes off to the others and now so do all but seven.  So that looks like who she is going to start with. I am off to eat lunch. Talk among yourselves.

There are keepers and not-keepers./ So far four in the "next year" group.And I have another corn dog.  Winnes dog one more two more three leave.  Seven with dreams  about to be dashed.  Pulls one and dismisses the rest.  17 so far left.

Down and back.  So far two go to the side. She is them on the down and back. Her sixed dog went to second.
She has 17 out there and they look great and she breaks out the first seven and of they  go.  Sets them aside and takes the rest of them.  It would be heart breaking to be cut now.  Moves one to the front and off they go.  Moves Sylvan up. takes the next to last to third.  She sends three to the Wonder Group and moves seven. She puts those seven aside and brings out the others,  the first ten Redemption in front. Now Redneck in front.  They get to rest. And she brings back the lowly ones.  Seven in there wondering what she is doing. Now all they want is to go Select.  Deb walks down the line,a nd they all set up and she goes to the front.  She looks at themall again walkiing back and then back to the front. She is looking at her first two, now her next two, then the next, and down the line back to the front now down to the back and they all line up she pulls one and moves him up four places to number 13l  And, that' it. Grand Victor is GCH CH Candia's Redneck Crazy V Surigo RN.

Saturday the Big Cahuna, The Great Day, Champion showdogs, All the marvles

I don't care what you hardy MidWesterners say, four degrees above freezing is cold.  The arena is a bit warmer but all the doors are open and the breeze is a real eye opener.

Some reflections on the show:  It has been fun with a great venue to get to, (two miles from our motel), good footing and the sound system works.   We announcers are separated from the little people, and I prefer to be down were I can talk to my few remaining friends.  That points out one thing I don't like. So many who no longer are with us, and also those who didn't make it to the show. Twyla, Nancy Hubble, Celeste, and so many others who make me laugh. But, we are next to the stairs to go to the food shack, so it seems everyone does come by at some point.

Only the lonely are here an hour before show time.  I see six of us here, including Channing. So far I have seen some fantastic dogs and I know the best is yet to come. But, the parade of first Levi with 29 offspring, then River and Gunner showed that the breed continues to improve.

The judging has been as good as expected. I found that Sam showed great ring control and was decisive and got the best dogs up front. I know Rita always does a great job and did again. I so enjoyed Vickey who had no problem sorting out the classes and should do Specials in three years.

Irv just came in, and I am thinking of going to the car and turning on the heat.  Speaking of heat, (I have no idea what the connection is), the food is fantastic and only maybe 20 freed from the ring. To give an example of the costs, the corn dogs are $2.00, (I have had five).  They have something called funnel fries which look like french frys, but are funnel cakes covered with powdered sugar.  The fried pork cutlet is wonderful, (I have had three, so far). The breakfast raps for $5.00 are as good as you can get.  So different from Florida.

Today is the big day with all the champions. The entry is larger than normal and with the low temperature it should be great for the dogs, and also the handlers. The ring is large and the footing is great.  

I just talked to Tom Mesdag who met with the Judge for today.  He says they will bring in the bitches at 8:30, check them in, then excuse them and bring in the dogs. Deb is going to judge the dogs first and then the bitches.  I prefer they do the bitches first, but it is understandable that Deb wants to follow the catalog. Don't you just hate it when people follow the rules? Tom, Irv and me are the only men here with six woman. That works for me. Tedi is coming later with her sister.

I am off to find some heat and will return at a propitious time.

Friday, October 27, 2023

The end of a long day

They are doing the raffle now, and it is a long time at the end of the show. Nancy Hubbell just won a state.

Novice bitches, First and Reserve winner's Bitch is Tazzman's Mercedes Benz, Second if Signture's Venus in Blue Jeans, Third is Krystal's Mariah, and Fourth is Marquis I WalkThe line.

American Bred Bitches is First Tindrock's Revalation, Second is Aramist Express yuoiurself Marathon Troipp[hill-Ark, Third is Cherpa's Promissory Note, and Forth is Seven Hills Uptown Girl Of Legend.

Open Bitch, First is and Winner's Bitch is Tazzman's Without Limits, Second is Donata's Sandy's Envyme From Stone, Third is Tazzman's Jewel Elite Design, and fourth is Seven Hills Uptown Girl of Legend.

I don't promise to have it right, but I am exhausted, so this is what you get.  

I will be back tomorrow.

Veteran Dogs

I just spent some time talking to Ann Schultz. We solved all of the world problems, but we didn't get into Israel or Ukraine.  We will discuss that tomorrow.

I don't see a lot of interest in the class.   I do like some of those dogs and First is Ch Timberline's Dust Bowl Dance, Second is GCHS CH  Covy-Tucker-Hills Compass-PP (I do think that has always been a super dog, and since this is my unofficial Blog, I can give my opinion), Third was Ch Go9lden Breed's Sup[erstar, and Fourth is GCHP CH Gerans Solitary Man BCAT.

Now in with the older Veterans 9+ Dogs. If those three are my age, in dog years, they didn't want to get up this morning.  They ae 9, 9 and 10.  I could have brought Kirk here at 13.  He died at 14, and what a time we shared.  I will always miss him.

Vickey is looking the tree over and they don't seem like puppies, but all three are not giving up the show quality.  He puts GCH Campaigners Seamar Bearing It All in Vegas in front and YES, First is Campaigners Seamar Bearing It All in Vegas, Second is DAE GCHS Marcato's Fire Lake HT PT TC and third is GCH CH Marcator's Katmandu Katmandu RI FDC CAA BCATDNACGCA CGCU TKA ATT TC.  No, I have no idea what the letters mean, but all three are Grand Champions. That I know.

Butch Loeb came by and it is good to see him. He doesn't seem to age. 

Sylvan and his daughter with Melody his daughter. It is so good to see some of these people we haven't seen in years.  What amazes me is how they don't change.  

I am going to go eat, so I will post the winners of the Amateur Owner Handled Bitch, Bred-By Exhibitor- Puppy butch then Bred-By Exhibiter Adult Bitch. Maybe next year we can have an Amateur, Owner uner 18, female handler long coat bitch class.

Another pork sandwiich. don't tell the Rabbi.

OK the American Bred Bitch class is in there.  

Bred-By Exhibitor Adult Bitch First Pinebuck's Halley's Comet Of Breauhausen, Second Aramist's What I like About Rue V Marathon, Third krystal's Mila V Poncer-HJill-Tantara. and that is the class.

13 in the American Bred class. and so it will  be a while.  I just saw a bitch I like with Kent. I looked her up and it was Cherpa's Promissory Note, Pat and Celeste's bitch. She is going to be hard to beat.  Some nice bitches in there. The Victory dinner is at our motel, but we probably won't go. 

She sends out the first group.  Cate just came by to see me. Either she love me or hates me, she jumps on me whenever she sees me. She is something special.

In comes the next group.  Seven in the first group, six in there now..  Rita tells them :"walk" and off they go.  Keven Renolds is talking to Liz Oster who looks intence watching Kent.  He has Seven Hills Don't You Forget Me and that is who she is working on.

Sharon Avery came by and forced me to by fifty dollars in raffle tickets. she promised me she would put my name on them and put them in a basket. Should I have done that and trusted her?

Dogs, then Bitches

It was so good to talk to Kenen Renolds,a nd he is talking to Tony Monk. Bob, (the voice of the National) has the 12-15 dog to compete with Winners.  Lots of tension right now, and it is clear that no one knows what is going to happen.  The Winner's Class will be the largest class other than puppies 2-4.  It is going to be interesting.

In come the dog winners,  Vicky is standing out there. She looks great and seems to be having a good time.  Knee high boots and a short black dress.  And, in they come.  I have to admit this is an impressive group of dogs.

They come in in order, and I have my winner picked. I wonder how I can let Vicky know what I want her to do.  12 in there and off goes the first six. Tony just said something that I hadn't thought of.  If you have an older entry, the top quality has finished. Now the second group.  And they all stack.  She walks down the line to put her hand on each one.  She pulls out two, then three more and takes the rest around seven, and I don't think they have a future today and Vicky applauds them and moves them over to the side..  Yes, she has them stand back and goes to the five she pulled out. they stack and lots of concern by at least five owners.  I am so fortunate my dog went Best of Dump.  She has not placed these five yet, and takes the first two, and now the last three.  Good looking five dogs.  Then there were three. Lenny Liz and Kent, and dogs.  The crowd has an opinion.

Each goes down and back and one of these three will be WD.

The crowd likes the Open Dog best, but now it is in that order andKent in second is yelling aat the owners and Vicky gives them a good look.  Kent and Liz are still  in the running and now Kent in front. Everyone gets a turn in front.  I see three great dogs, and now Liz in front.  I would probably go with Kent, but I am a long way away. I think those are three superior dogs. She checks temperament and the crowd favorite is Lenny.  they stand, she is talking to them 

Vicky goes tot he table to get the marking, and she has decided, but we don't know. She brings out the ribbbon. what tension and they all stand and get a round of applause. Vicky tells thecrowd what she wants and YES, it is Kent with the American Bred Dog  Marneet Marquis Pipe Bomb v Kenlyn.

Now to Reserve, and it is the Open Dog Trattino's Barefoot Blue Jean Night v Peters' Elite.

On to Open Dogs

I took off to get on line to finish the Judges exam. I could not figure out how to do that so between Tony  and Gloria I may be able to get on line later. In the mean time the five Open dogs are in there.  Lots of cheers for the Open dogs, and some great ones from what I can see.  Onlhy five, but I want to watch then I will Post American Bred and Open after the losers are selected.  That is sort of negative, but let's see who wins. she brings King of The Seven Seas to the front and  that's it. Number one is Gable Hill's V. Woodside, then Second was Krystal's King of The Seven Seas, Third is Ch Raylex's Celeb Chablis, and Fourth is Kenlyn Marwquis' Scorpion King.

Going back to American Bred, First was Marqui's I Am Batman, Second was Elite Design's Vader V Timberlinr. Third is Krystal's Alexander and Fourth was Pinebuck's Draco Of Breaiuhjausen.

All the mistakes are due to Bob (the Voice of the national) and Tony who caused the mistakes.

On to the Long Coat Dog.  Two entered and two in there.  I think they should compete with the rest of the entries, but again, no one asked me.  I do like the black coated dog, and they go around together neither of them are excited about being here. First is SG1 Otto VonDen Baren, and second is Tacora's Rocky Top of Justrock Merivern.

On to Winner's Dog with a break.

And, the show goes on.

We have the Bred By Exhibitor Adult Dog. Four entered and four in the ring.  I am not sure with the two classes.  Bob (the voice of the National) is talking to Bill Basu in front of me and Mike Metz as well.  Not much going on, and actually some nice dogs in there. the second one is with Mickie so it should be interesting with the third with Liz.  I see Autumn in front of me now and they go down and back, the dogs, not Autumn.  

Liz to the front with I Am Batman, and around they go. First is Marquis' I Am Batman, Second is Elite Design's Vater V Timberline,  Third is Krystal's Alexander and Fourth is Pinebuck's Draco of Breauhausen.

Now on to American Bred. I see no reason to have two Bred By classes.  It was so good to see Kevin Renolds, and he is doing great.  There are four in the American Bred Dogs.  Not what I call an impresive entry. A nice black in front and these are all good dogs.  The quality is there if not the quantity.  


Tony and I are talking. Vicky did come by to talk, and it makes me feel important.

I got to talk to Linn Ferguson and that always makes my day, (hell, it makes my year).  I love her dog, what a masculine head. Rita is here talking to Greg, her outfit is fantastic.  It is all black with sleeves that are see through and sparkly lines on then. She looks great, as she always does. I miss being able to talk to her,.

Everyone knows I am a hard ass, but when they sing the National Anthem. I get a catch in my chest.

Tony Monk was telling me about his dog. Evidently the breeder didn't want him, so Tony got him. He took him to Boston and took two Five Point Majors and needs one point to finish. I got to see him, he will be with Bill in Open and needs one point to finish. He looks fantastic and should be hard to beat.

The Miami Connection just came by. If we had a contest for the best mustache Joey would win hands down.  

I just had a high point of the National for me. Two important people came by. 

Amateur Owner Handlers are in. Three entered and three here.  Vicky is doing her thing and I can easily pre-pick the winner but no one asked me.  First was Dawnhill's Let Your Light Shine CGVA Second was Jaydee's Who Shi Wusuoweiju AT 3xc RA FDC FCAT THDX CGCA TKI Third was Camareigh Almar'sDark Vacer V Winsome. Don't ask me what those letters mean, I am lucky I know what the V stands for.

On to Bred-By-Exhibitor.

I am taking a break to contact the AKC to find out why I failed the test.

Friday at the fairgrounds

It is early, but Bob and Zac are here and the rest of the world is asleep.

I have to thank Tony for taking over on the computer.  Well, I don't have to he took over when I was out there watching my bitch,  So now Tony is here too and so  I will give you the sad results of the 15-18 bitch class.  No, she looked good, so that was satisfying.

First was Candia's Mimosa Time V Surigo, Second was Asgard's Judicate, then Third was Mojave's Little Miss Honkytonk Bmeer and Fourth New Era's Puck Ya'll V Taja.  I was fine but had we gone first, I would have still have meaningless dreams of Winner's Bitch and Grand Victor. so, now I can relax and enjoy the show.

Alex is here talking to Zac and Bob and Tony are dividing up who gets to announce.  I am indeed "chopped liver" and just get to sit at the announcer's table and look pretty. That works for me.

Also, I didn't see the Novice Bitch class on my computer so First was Tazznan's Mercedes Benz, Second was Signature's Venus in Blue Jeans, Third wasKrystal's Marian, and Fourth is Marquis' I Walk the Line. I would call her Johnny.

Tony and I are talking now. 

I don't know if anyone can or even wants to read this, but I will continue to babble so long as no one complains.  Last night we went to dinner with Gloria and Tedi's sister and brother-in-law. Everyone who means anything was at the same place.  I saw Joan Fox and her crowd at another table. I did some card tricks for Irv and his wife, and so that was fun. I also did a few things at the dinner.  Bill Basu came by and I was glad to see him. He hasn't been at the shows lately as he retired and sold his business and has been traveling the world so it is nice he gets to spend time with us little people.  Bill is talking to Zac and one of them told a joke, or they are laughing at me.

Tony  Monk came by and told me who he was. I wish everyone would do that.   I still want name tags.  People are starting to filter in, and Vicky just walked by. They have us way above the little people. I don't like that, but I have power, a comfortable seat, and a great view, so I shouldn't complain.

I saw some great dogs so far, and expect to see more today.  I know Saturday is THE BIG DAY, but it is still fun to see everyone with remaining dreams.  I will now send this, it is ten minute to the singing, so I will be bakc.

Thursday, October 26, 2023

The end

I should not say "the end" when speaking of an old person, but I am done.  They are doing the presentation class, and Bob is doing the announcing, so I am going to end my posts for today.

They said it went to Facebook and so I am not needed.

More tomorrow, so long as this old person is still around. I have to keep reminding myself I can't do what I used to do when I was 80.

12-15 bitches & 15-18 Bitches & Novice Bitches

12-15 Bitches
Here they come, Five in there.

Even just wandered off (some excuse about having a dog in the next class).  

Just before they start around, we have a late dog, so six in this class.  Once around the ring, and Rita starts on individuals.  First up is Dream of Glory.  Next up is Goldikova.  Followed by One Moment in Time with Mike.  Next is Blue Jean Baby with Lenny.  Then Zenyatta.  And finally I'm All In with George.

It's about 12:30 here, and some applause for the dogs, but the coliseum is fairly quiet.  About half the people in the building are watching the young dogs; and the other half are catching up with friends they haven't seen since the last National.

Now that Rita is done with Individuals, the crowd is starting to pay more attention.  Rita takes the group around, looks them over, moves the group around again, looks them over again, and moves Blue Jean Baby to front followed by Goldikova, then One Moment in Time and fourth I'm All In.  She then moves Goldikova to first and I'm All In to third.  And that's the way it ends.

15-18 Bitches
Eight in this class.  Rita checks them in, and sends half the class out for now.  Rita has the first group of four go around the ring.  And then she starts individuals.  First up is Judicate with Cindy. Followed by Mimosa Time with Nancy; then Moon Child and Run Woman Run.  Then she takes the group around, looks them over.  And she moved Mimosa Time to the front.  One more look, and she sends them out and asks for the next group.

Once around, and she starts individuals.  First up is Little Miss Honkytonk with Diane, then Puck It with Ileana, then Puck Ya'll with Lenny, and finally Let Freedom Ring with Olivia. 

I can hear people making plans for dinner tonight with friends they haven't seen in a while.  Springfield is a big enoough city to have several nice restaurants including a Steak House and Seafood Restaurant.  

OK, individuals are done, and Rita takes them around, takes a good look, and moves Puck Ya'll to second.  Then she brings the first group back in the ring.  Rita lines up all eight, looks them over, and starts some movements.  She keeps Mimosa Time in front followed by Judicate then Little Miss Honkytonk and Puck Ya'll.  And thats how it ends.

This may be screwed up but First was

Novice Bitches
6 bitches in this class.  

The dogs come in and line up.  Rita takes a look at the class, and then has all go around the ring, and starts individuals.

First up is Herminator.  Next is Mariah with Mike.  Then  Tony left so I am back.

That class is over and First waskTazzman's Mercedes Benz, Second Signaure's Venus of Blue Jeans, Third Crpsswomd's I'm all in.

15-18 month bitches First is Candua;s Mimosa Time V Sergio, Second is Asgard's Jidiocate, Third  is Mojave's Little Miss Honkytonk Bmeer, Fourth is New Era Puck Ya'll V Teja.

9-12 Only eleven entered

Eight in the ring, and those who aren't here, can't place. That isn't much different than what my dog Justice did, but they didn't pay to be here. Of course they did pay the entry fees.

She split them into two groups. Off go the first four.  Martha and Bob are talking to someone who is holding a bunch of ribbons, for scent work.  

Now a Kis daughter out there with Kent.  Rita takes her down and back twice, Kent tried going sideways.  Nice bitch Eklectic Juju Of Clayfield, the group breeding  Now zac with Annie Jimeni, same thing a Kiss daugher with the breeder from the last dog.

I like those bitches and they are litter mates, and hard to pick one over the other but from her I like Zac's best, but Scott No Ordinary Love, then Annie with Zac, then Juju with Kent and Kayla with My Ashes.  Another Levi bitch.  Annie goes to the front and goes out and in comes the second group.  I see more people whose names I can't remember than I ever remember seeing at any time that I can remember.

I always wanted name tags at the National, and even offered to pay for them. But no one ever agreed with me, which shows how smart the board is.

She has the last in the group with Olivia.  She moves My Name is Teater with Liz and Olivia to third with Gomez.  Rita holds them and is taking to the ring steward and in came three of the four from the last group. Kayla is missing, something must have happened, and around go the other four and new there are seven.

They line up and Rita gives everyone a good look and she checks temperament on each of the, and walks down the line and not to the middle again.  Now there goes all of them with Annie in front.  Teter to second with Liz. sonme serious double handling going on.  Zac and Liz, and Rita looks at the last two but makes no changes I think that might be how it goes, but I see double handlers running and off goes the seven adn I do like what she has the way it is and YES, that is it,

Annie in front, then Teter, the No Ordinary Love and Scarab.  Nice bitches.

More from the National

Bob and I are separated by the stairs.  Martha is here talking to Bob now. His dog just went second out of three. At least he got a ribbon.  I talked to Jimmie a bit this morning and Gloria is in front of me discussing the world.  I won't listen, that would be rude.  And, you know how politically correct I am at all times. 

We have a half hour break now, so Toni and I are going to go off to find trouble.

In come the 6-9 puppy bitches. Now we will see what Rita is made of.  Of course she did Specials at the National so this shouldn't be a problem.  16 in there.  We used to have classes like that. When I did a Futurity, in the old days when you had to bring the dogs on horse back, I had a class of 19.

I just went with Gloria to get a coffee, and had another corn dog. Lew Bunch is her and Rick Olosky is talking to tony.  Lew is talking to Kelly and Gloria is back watching.  Rita walk the first six.  Rita is resplendent in a full long dress and leggings of the same blue color.  

Al Martin came by and the bitches are going around. Now much excitement, compared to the males. Doing individuals and it is boring.  Rita know what she is doing and always does a great job. I did get to talk to Frank Fasano for a bit and saw Ann Schultz again. Just got to howdy, but didn't shake.  Her bitch just went by with Mikie, Hello It's Me Rosie of Hylowe Edan.

Rita is placing them. The crowd seems underwhelmed.  This is the end of this group and some people like Love at First Sight.  Another group to go.  I like that one too.  And she goes to second.  In front of this group is Here's Your One Chance.  She is a black and I like the second one better but that is not an easy decision.  Out they go and in comes the third group. Five in there and a number out of order due to litter mates.  I sort of like Evbearything I Hoped 4 Winsome.  I don't have to guess who the breeder is.

Rita is looking at them and I see Gloria is back with Joan and Tedi.  I suspect they are talking to me.

Rita sends them to the corner by the entry ring and they keep the bibs, so they are still in the running, or gaiting as it may be.

Now Rita is in the ring by herself.  I see Butch sitting talking to Ben. I think he might do the National next year.

Rita brings in the first group of six. Now the next second group.  And now, the third group.  The first group goes around and Rita looks them over, and walks to the front and tells them to stand back.  She keeps two and dismisses the rest.  Now she takes the second group and they go around.  She keeps Georgie and Lindsey and another and lets the rest go home for now. And not the third group, and she has four keepers so far.  And keeps three and now there are eight.  Sort of line little Indians.  Now she gets rid of one more of the second group. You can't fool Rita, and now there are seven.  Off they go, all seven.  Georgie in third with a black. Autum in front then the rest.  I think there is a lot more judging to do in this class.  Down and back.  Very little crowd reaction.  They like Love at First Sight, but Rita doesn't seem to notice.  She is nice. Both the bitch and Rita, but maybe I repeat myself.

Off they go.  Lindsey is second from the end and I like the bitch from up here.  Now she has Red Ruby in front with Autum and then the black with George and I think that is it.  YES. First is Legacy
s Red ruby, Second is Semar Peter's Here's You One Chance V Raintree Third is Karma's See Yooui Next Tuesday and Fourth is jSeamnar Peters' I CanBuy Myself Flowers V Raintree.

More to come.

Thursday with a real dog show.

Gloria came by and John is talking to Greg, a battle of the husbands.  They are doing the dogs first, then the bitches. 

Iwon't be here long as I want to get my dog ready.  Like I have anything to do with it. Ben just asked if I was blogging and i said yes, but I didn't know where iit goes. Pat just came by and Tedi and her sister are here and Lew Bunch just came by to say  howdy.

We are ready for the first class, and the seats are filling up. And in they come. Mikei with a good looking put, then Alex, then Diane, First is Good Looki, then Exclisive and finally Wyatt Earp.  I just heard someone's husband shot himself. I won't mention who it is as that is not my place.

Three absent for a class of six. This show could go fast.  Exclusive is one of those Levi sons.  Not too much to deal with three puppies.  That is it, First is Exclusive, sencond is Wyatt Earp and third is Good Looki. 

On to the next class.

Evan is back. Justice got Best of Dump, so I am proud of him.

Now on to Novice Dogs..  Three in there Heart and Soul;, Falls and Morgan.  Nice looking dogs, as are most of the entries.  No real losers.  Three in, three absent.  I  got to talk to Lynn Ferguson, so my National is a success.

Gloria is sitting with Joan Fox and Linda is telling them what to do.  Not much enthusiasm here, and the quiet is astounding.   Now first is Morgan, the Shamrock Falls and last is heart and Soul.  That is the decision of the Judge, and they finish in that order.

I will send this before we get to Owner Handled Dog as that always is an exciting class. Yes, Leonard, that is sarcasm.  

Education seminar

Excellent attendance
Standing room only

Thursday at the Natioinal

As usual I am here early. Irv is here setting up the video and when I left my room, Rick Olanski was coming out of the room opposite us. He and I were always early to the National and with Bob filming it was often the three of us in an empty venue.

This is a great location were it not so far away. If we hadn't sent our dog with the handlers, we would not be here with a dog. I won't fly one any more, and we can't drive that far. I can't get that much time off and Tedi won't spend that much time in a car with me.

Candy is here, and what a great job she has done putting this together.  I can't imagine what a job it is. The building is large, clean and easy to be in, and the food just across the drive is great, inexpensive and everything if fried. I have had three corn dogs, a pork sandwich and a hamburger, not to mention fried mushrooms.  the ground is some sort of compacted dirt with sawdust.  Not dusty and good footing. Even the sound system is good.  Parking is right next to the arena, and I am not sure where the other events are.

If only this were on the West Coast it would be perfect.  I miss some of the California folks.  Celeste can't be here, but I did see Pat made it. He retired and drove. Twyla isn't here and that means I laugh a lot less. I doubt Carolyn Martello will be here and I know we all miss Nancy.

Lots of my friends, and too many missing, but that is my curse for living this long. A young girl in the Chicago restaurant came by and asked Tedi and I how old we were. When we said she was shocked and asked our advice to live that long. I gave her the advice my aunt gave me when we did a magic stage show together when she was 102.  I asked to what did she attribute living that long?  She replied without missing a beat. "I didn't die".  That works.

Tedi's sister and her husband drove in from Michigan yesterday and they will be at the show for the rest of the week.

Justice, (our Levi son) will be in the 15-18 class. He has already gotten a 5, 4, 3 point majors.  I don't expect he will do much since he is the youngest in the class. But, he is fun to be around.  All the Levi stuff has great personalities.  Levi has 29 in his stud dog class. We missed the entry with our two. Justice's sister Judicate, (Cate) has a five point major as well.  Lindsey said she want to double Justice rather than handle him, so she got Kelly to show him.  It will be interesting, and I will be on the  floor for his class.  Six in there.

Lindsey is here talking to Channing, and only  six or so people here. Tedi will come later with her sister.   they are playing oldies on the  sound system. I can't accept music from the 70s as oldies. I want Elvis, Little Richard, The Killer, Patsy Cline, for my oldies. Age has it's privileges.

Zoe said she would put this on the Facebook page, and I don't know where it is showing up.  I never did understand where people read this, but I guess some do.  Half an hour to go to SHOWTIME, and I am ready.  Mike Moran is here, and tells me his black is being shown. He just had back surgery and is doing well.  Zac is here too, who is looking after Justice?  They brought Justice with them, and I miss him, Justice not Zac.

Tony is talking to me and some folks are filing in. They are going to hold off the start to 8:15 to be sure people are here for the National anthem.  In come the ribbons and Ben is here with a big box.  The box has lais in it and he is giving them out to the women.  Evidently they were sent by Pat, and Ben said there was one for Tedi.  He didn't offer me one. Vickey just came by, and I am at the entry steps so I get to see everyone as they come in. Vickey came by and we were talking about what she did. She agreed with me that when we are done judging, we don't remember what we did.

Bob (the voice of the national) is here now with me and Tony. Candy is telling us what is going on.  Mike Metz is here sitting with me,  Now the crowd is filling in and we are going to start a bit late since no one is here, and they have decided to start at 8:15.  I doubt it will make a difference.

I will send this and pretend anyone reads it. 

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

On a break

I have to admit, I am not sure what is going on.  We are on a break, no, not like Ross and Monica.  Youi young people don't get that reference.

I got to talk to Carolyn Rose, and although I saw her last year, it is good to see her back at the shows. She and her daughter are here and loving the show.

Evidently the Performance event, (I have no idea what that is), was going to go before the 4-6 puppies. But, they aren't ready so they are doing the puppies first. Bob's Maturity Maturity Bitch Ch Carlyn's Gunn Brook Falls of Anne-Isle Malibar is a real super star.  National competition is so different from normal shows, and anything can happen, and often does.

I got to talk to Joan Fox for just a bit, she has so much going on and Linda is too busy to talk to anyone.  It is hard to believe what hey did with the baskets. I don't know what one would do if they won one. They are so large, one is in a red wagon. 

There is a lot of milling around and I am back at my  station.  Tony and I are here, but here comes Bob.  I see Michael Cheeks working the crowd and there goes Candy.  I just realized that 4-6 is not part of the classes for the show, so I am not sure what the motivation is to bring puppies to a National at that age.  I see Vicky and Rita in the ring, and Greg is there too, Rita's husband.  I took an instant like to Greg, he is not a shepherd person, but fun to talk to.  I did get to speak to Paul Johnson.

Candy and Connie came by with a puppy with bat wings.  Bat Dog if ever I saw one.

And here they come into the ring. Carolyn came by to sit with me. The dogs and bitches together Carolyn says 19 in there.  I remember when this was a normal class. She excused the bitches and now has nine dogs in there.  

OK, now Vicky is judging.  There are some nice looking pups in there, and no handler's allowed.  It is interesting as you only see the puppies not how the handler wants them to look.  Some of then are well trained and know what they are doing and some have not a clue. That goes for the puppies too.    I do miss handling and being in the ring. But, I miss my Harley, poker games at a penny a point, and black hair.

I was able to say hello to Jennifer Root. I would tell you what I like, but with puppies, I let Tedi tell me what I like. The last male is in there, and then on to the bitches.  I like the way Vickey approaches the puppies.

OK, they are going one by one. Here is my opinion.  No, No, Yes, Yes, No, No, No, Yes!, No, and that's all of them. I know you didn't ask, but that's my opinion.  Yes, she pulls out Don Knight's Levi pup and he is super and they go out of the ring.  

Now here come the clowns, I mean the bitches.  One at a time, and some of them are just nuts.  Females are often like that.  Here comes my opinion again.  To be candid, it is also based on how they are shown, act, and with my true old eyes.  No, No, Yes, Yes, Yes, very nice, the Fasano's pup, No, No, Yes, No, and the last one, Yes.  Now, you can compare with the catalog, but it would need to be very important for you to do that.  

Now they go around and the judge is clapping for them all.  Now she has to pick and first is Belive, the Fasano's bitch.  then Serena, and more to go.

Now in come in the males.  MVP in front. Now they are all there and YES the male is Best 310 and Best Opposite 318.  MVP and the bitch is Your Beariter Believe, and Best Puppy is Wonderland''s MVP jokieV Knight's Gambit and Best Opposite Steadfast You You Beariater Believe V Winsome, my pick from the beginning.  

VERSATILITY COMPETITION.  Tony explained it to me. that evidently there are points for the performance events, then they compete in confirmation, then the winner is presented at the banquet on Saturday.

I will determine if I can figure it out, then I will post. If you don't see anything else from me today, that will indicate I am too confused to type;. There were twenty dogs entered.  No Champions from what I cansee.

Early AM

Doc Zoe
Excuse my typos
Sent from my iPhone

Best and Best Opposite

I could not decide on this They are both great examples of the breed.  The dog is Walk This way, a Reserve winner and the bitch is Lieia, and the bitch goes in front and YES,it is Leia for Best in Maturity. Time for lunch.

Thanks for reading this drivel and if  you didn't read it, then you have no idea what I said.  So, who cares.

Maturity bitches

We have a ten minute break but the only jokes I can think of would get me thrown off. Of course this is the unofficial Blog, so I  don't know who I would answer to anyway.

I am remembering some past Nationals. I remember one where the treasurer who I won't name, but his initials match one of  the major oil companies, said the band width was not enough for me to post, so I had to go to a coffee shop after each class.

Then there was the year they had us on a stand that was so narrow that Bob sat back and fell off.

Last year we didn't have any  electricity so I could only post long enough to run down my battery.

It is great to have Tony back after a few years of only Bob and me. This year both Bob and I are showing dogs, so Tony is essential. Tony and I are comparing our kidney stones.  Getting old is an adventure.  And we all spend time talking about our medical events..

I got to talk to Judy Tiedel.   It was good to see her back.  I also saw Ann Schultz, so I don't feel I am the only old fart at the dog show. There is some comfort in knowing that.

Vicky looks great in the ring, and in come the bitches. OK, Moon Dancer a Grand Champion is out of an Asgard bitch.  And around they go.  She keeps the whole group and looks them over.  Now she divides them and keeps six and lets the rest og, but I think she will bring them back. but, what do I know?

Three around and three standing still.  Vicky ooks them over and now take her next three, at a walk.  

Out comes Merrideth.  She might be a sable. That shows you how bad my eyesight it. Tony and Tedi disagree.  Nice head, and great topline as she moves and a smooth mover.

Now Love is in the Air,  Deffinitly a black and tan, and stands like a  rock.  the crowd likes her.

Now Mikie with Whiskey in A Tea Cup.  I love these names. All we came up with is Justice, Judicate and Judge.  That dog is too wild but when Mikek got her calmed down she looks great, and now Tasia is up to her individual.

Nice typie bitch and a good side gater. Of couse I don't see the teeth, or the temperament, but the crowd likes her.

Diane Brown is up with a sable Obsession. I think she is a sable.. I love to judge a sable, you get to see every muscle and tendon.  I love the front reach on that bitch.

Maria has Love on The Brain.  Clean coming and going.  That bitch loves Vicie. And a nice standard mover and Maria is such a great handler.

And they stack.  A very good looking number of bitches.  Now one at a time. I admit I am partial to that sable.  Very quiet in here.  This is a great facility a big domed building with a big ring, but narrow so the dogs have to turn often.  

OK, that isn't Diane Brown, just another good looking blonde lady and Maria at the end.

She puts Marideth then Tecorios and Obsession.  Love on The Brain was also moved up and around they go to lots of cheers. Vicky looks them over well and sends them out. In come the second group.

Irv has high definition screens and watching them is as good as looking at the dogs. He does a fantastic job of filming.

Five in this group. Lennie in front with Leia, Then Ohura andnext is Gun Brook Falls then Moon Dancer with Robert Shepherd and Fire Fly Lane with Zac.  She takes the first three at a walk and now the last two walking. Handlers have learned to walk fast.  Bob has a  Gunner daughter with Kelly.  Lindsey got Kelly to show our dog in 15 to 18 so she can double handle him.  

First is Laie, next Ohura, Full name Communication Officer Ohura.  That is a bitch that can move. I see so much good movement. 

Now it is the Gunner daughter. I know Bob is off someplace with Martha to double her. I like what Gunner is producing, and he will have a parade, but I don't think they are showing him.  She is a super star, no matter what Vicky thinks.  She is so sound both ends and the crowd knows it. Vickie does not spend a long time looking, maybe she doesn't need to.

Now Moon Dancer.  And Asgard bitch daughter, so of course I think she is fantastic.  Tedi requires me to say so.  She is a crowd favorite.

Last is Fire Fly Lane with Zac. Zac and Lindsey drove here with 22 dogs. Not my idea of a fun trip.  Ghey had to stop every few hours to set up X-pens for the dogs. WOW that is one nice bitch, a dark sable.  And they stack.

Off go the first three.  I think I like the last two best, but no one asked me.

Now the last two.  Bob and Zac, and the crowd likes them also.  I wanted to say too, but I didn't want to confuse with two.

Now the first group and the first three go around and now the other three from the first group.  She lets the last there go and has five from the second group. I am confused but I doubt if Vicky is.  kkThree go around and three stand.  Now the last two that I like the last sable with Zac.

Yes, she keeps the sable and excuses Fir Fly and keeps Moon Dancer, my  favorite so far.  The Gunner daughter is in six, but should be up front.  She hasn't placed them yet, so lots more to go, and she takes rour and holds three. She has her hand on her chin and is giving everyone  agood look.  She steps back and looks at the seven in the ring.  She points at each onea nd they are confused as to what she wants, and off go three.  She sends them back tot he fence and tells the next four to take a run, and off they go.  Lindsey is doubling the sable and I think she likes her too.  Abnd uyp front goes Lia, then Tacoras, Merideth, Wood fire lane.  And one at a time.  Tacoras is the crowd favorite.  The Gunner daughter in in third for now, and there goes the other keepers.  She goes over my favorite and takes the first one down and back. Now the second, and I ssume the rest. Yes, the crowd is behind Tasia.  Vicky goes over the back of the sable Ilke so mcu and off they all go, and I think thisis it.  YES. 

First is Lia, then Taasia, then Brook Falls, and Firelane.  What fantastic bitches.

After Best and Best Opposite is Versitility, (don't ask, I have no idea what that is) then 4-6 puppies. 

Maturity males

Paul Johnson came by, and everyone is below me, not metaphysically, but level wise.

They are in the ring now, seven of them. Rita looks great and is in a long gold dress.  Martha, Jimmy and I had lunch with Karena and a little tiny dog, that was so damn cute.  Rita divides the class in half and sends four out and tells the other four to take them around.

She walks them with three men and then two women.  I see Al in front then Kent, Georgie then Diane Brown, (isn't she ever going to age) and Liz in fourth place.  I may be wrong with those names, or all others, but you aren't  here to tell me or criticize. If you are watching the filming you shouldn't be reading this anyway.

Al in front with Finius, a champion.  Now Kent with Viper.  Now Georgie with Redemption.  Then Diane Brown is up next wtth Last Man Standing.  Last is Liz with Walk This way, and that is the first group.  

And there they go, a group of dogs that look fantastic.  Lots of crowd  Walk this Way to the Front and Last Man Standing to third.  Now for the next group.  

Vader in front, then Armstrong, then After burner with Lenny, and at the end is a good looking dog Vigor with a name that escapes me but take my word for it, I know who that is. Would I lie to you?

Tedi has joined me at the Egle's Nest up above the madding crowd. So it is Tony Tedi and me.

Vader goes out first, a bi-color, you don't see that many of them any more, and a good one.  Now Armstrong, a very mature looking dog.  Handsum dog.  A very put together dog and a nice mover.

Now it is After burner with Lenny.  I am so impressed with the Levi prodgeny.  That is a great moving dog and shoild be hard to miss.

Now Viggo.  Don't blame me, I didn't name him.  That's the four. Another group anbd she pulls Armstrong out and test temperament, and he is fine.  Now she wants them to go around, and off they go. I know I have my favorite, but I like all four.  She moves Armstrong then After Burner then Viggo. Off they go for another pass and Rita looks at them as they go by and she seems to want to, yess, she moves After Burner in front.

Now Rita brings the first group in. So far, Bob and Tony have done all the announcing.  I can deal with that.

Now the first group with Liz with Walk this way. Rita is wasting no time, as she always does in judging, and it is great to see someone who is that good at judging and she excuses two and then there were seven and off go the first four.  Away with the last two, and then there were five.

Liz still  in front then Al, Diane Brown Lennyt and Armstrong.  Off they go and YES that is It, Walk This Way, Finius and then Last Man Standing and Afterburner.  

Ten minjute breatk and then on to Maturity Bitches.

On to Futurity bitches, or if you are Canadian, Futurity females

I got to talk to Jimmie for a few minutes.  Martha came by, (and I am not going to tell you the "catalog scandal).

I was just told by "she who must be obeyed" that I have to double handle my Futurity bitch. so I will do so.

Georgie is here talking about his dog.  And Jimmie and George are here now.  I have the keys but don't have to go do my thing until they are in the ring.  Given a choice I would not double Cate, (Judicate), but she is not consistant yet. Her brother Justice is going to be in the show later in the week.  

In they go, so off I go.


They all come in (14 bitches); and once around the ring, and Vicki keeps 7 in the ring.

Now Vicki has them go around one at a time.  And now for individuals.  First up is Hersheys Kiss with George.  Some nice applause.

Next is Athena.  After that is Mila.  Followed by Jewel.  

Had a short chat with Alex Muse - he used to show for us, and I haven't seen him in several years.

Nest is Haley's Comet and a bit more applause for her.  Next is Mardi Gras with Lenny  The crowd is starting to wake up with some applause for Mardi Gras.

Next up is Please don't stop loving me.  Again some nice applause.  And last for this class is Flair; a smattering of applause.

Vicki looks at the entire group, She has the first 3 go around; and then the next 4.  One more time with the first 3, and then again with the next 4.Vicki moves Jewel to the front followed by Halley's Comet, then Please don't' stop loving me, and Flair.  They all leave the ring, and the second group comes in.

Vicki takes the whole group around.  and then just the first 3 followed by the remaining 4.   And now for individuals.

First up is Mercedes Benz with Alex.  And some nice applause that increases as she goes around.  Next is Valedictorian with Maria.  Follwed by Promissory Note with Scott.  Next is Lollipop.  Some nice appluase for Lollipop.  Next is Mila with Mike (I thought she was in the first group - must have missed someone.  Looks like Mila moved to second group).  

Next is Judicate.  And around she goes with some applause.  Last bitch in the group  is Uptown Girl.  

Vicki is now looking at the group, and takes the first 3 around; and then the next 4 around.

And now some movement.  Mercedez Benz is in front followed by Valedictorian, then Lollipop and Mila.

Vicki brings the first group back in the ring.  She looks at the entire first group again, and keeps 5 and lets the last two go.  Then she looks at the second group; she keeps 5 and lest the last two go.  She also moves Valedictorian, Lollipop and Mila ahead of Uptown Girl.  She is now merging groups.  In the first group is Uptown Girl then Halley's Comet then , then Jewel then Mila, then Mercedez Benz.  Vicki keeps 6 and dismissed the rest.  But that is how it ends.

I am back, (Evan) and my double handling was not sufficient.  Thanks to  Tony for filling in.  I only had to make one correction.  Al is here talking to us.  Now a half hour break before Maturity.

I need that to go have a short nervous breakdown, and then come back for Maturity.

Beautiful bitches and she did a nice job. Our bitch was last and it is understandable, she didn't look as great as she is, but she is 15 months old, and will learn.  

Now, best and best opposite in Maturity.  Tony came up and had to decide to sit with me or Bob. He made the right decision.

I like the style on the dog better and the movement on the  Bitch.

Best in Futurity was Barefoot Jean Night V Peter's Elite and Best Opposite is Uptown Girl of Legend.  Great quality and now half an hour break.

On to the Maturity.

Al is here now, and I'm off for more fried food for lunch. I hear they are offering fried lard.  I might try that. 

Now it begins

It is early.  Sheila was here to help set up, and so was Zoe.  They  said this would go to the list, and they will copy to the Facebook location.  I don't know where the Blog goes, but I hope this gets out.

The adventure started when we got in too late to get a car. They all close in Springfield at 8:00. So we were going to get a cab. I went out and went to the cab stand. There were not cars there.  Tedi and I stood around and decided to use Uber, but I could not figure out what the phone wanted.  A black pick-up drove up and a man asked if we were looking for a cab?  I said yes, and he said you can't get cabs in this town. He said throw your suitcases in the back and I will take you to your motel.  Being from LA, I figured at best we would lose our luggage, and at worse, we would be kidnapped.

He was with his wife, so I figured, what the hell. He took us to the ;motel even going by the fair grounds to show us where we would be. A nice way to start the National.

The next day National called to see if I still wanted the car.   said I would be by later.  When we got there, they told us they had no cars.  I just laughed, but Tedi was pissed.  We walked over to the Hert's counter.  The man was there, and we told him the story, and he said he had a pick-up we could rent. Tedi broke her knee so can't get into a high car.  We went to find one with a running board. He said he would rent us a van if we wanted to drive one. We drive a Town and Country, so he gave us a new Pasifica.  So, we have to fill it with gas when we return it, but so far, after a day, all we used was the battery.

Here we go with the Futurity.

We are isolated again.  Toni, Bob and me. I doubt I will do much announcing, they both like the mike,  and I don't care.

Rita just walked by and I was talking to her husband, who is a great guy, as expected, and I met Greg years ago. It is good to see him, but I can't imagine being at a National and not a dog fan.

I am at one side of the stand, and Bob and Toni on the other, so I won't have much to joke about. But, I may go visit them at times.  Not many people here yet, I did see Mike Metz, and Zoe and Sheila were here to help me set up. 

Diane Brown just walked by, and Bob is working the crowd.  I am amazed how good she looks, but she always did. John Beamont came by to talk, and if they are on the stairs which are right next to us.  What a nice line-up of dogs in the ring,

Reta walks down the line and checks them in. Kent just came by and said he appreciates when I gave him my Harley to ride.  I  think that was in Datonna, Florida. And the first four go around, not, it is all of them.

Still nine regions, and next year there will be two less.

I was worried about the motel since Tedi told me it was rated with 2 stars.  But it is great, two rooms, clean and very plush.

Clint is here now, and talkiing to us.  First was CR7, a real nice dog. Now Protege and a real handsome dog.

Next up ;Pipe Bomb. These dogs all look like champions. I like Pipe, (ow whatever they call him), and Rita does the individual, and from my view I get not only the screen, but see the dogs down and back. I am right in line.  Kent is double handling, and very subtle,. He doesn't look like he needs much, and round he goes. It is real quiet, and Liz is handling. He is a crowd favorite.

Now Blue Jean Night. The catalog is set up so you can't see where and who they won under, unless you go back and forth. A lot of applause for that one as well.

Now Kobee Bearyant.  No need to see who the owner is, with that name.  The Florida mafia, (or is it the connection), I get confused;

Next up is Eclipse of the Heart.  I love the quality of this group of dogs. It says a lot about our breed.  They line up and Rita says, take it easy and take them around, and off they go.

I would have trouble picking from these dogs. I see the quality but I also have favorite styles. In front goes Blue Jean Night, and in second is Piper Bomb and off they go.   Rita puts Pipe Bomb in front and takes the out of the ring.  

That was the first group, and in come the rest. Rita is such a consumate judge, it takes her little time to place the dogs.

Yesterday Sam did a nice job.  He was easy to follow, and got the best dogs up.  His winner's dog, is going to be a real challenge for Grand Victor. I can't spell his name but it is Cese Ce Bongue, or something close to that. I gave him BOS in Oregon, but he could have easiiy gone BOB. He is a great one, and will be hard to beat. Don't blame me for spelling, I can't spell easy stuff.

The first dog handler has no number so I have asked Bob who it is.  He is on his phone.  First dog was Elijah with Maria.  Her bib with number (811) fell off during her first trip around the ring.  After individuals, the ring steward put it back on.

Now in there is Spirit of the North with Zac.  Our dog Justice loves Zac, and Lindsey where he has been for four weeks.   They are going to have Kelly  show him in the show.

Next is Lux with George.  Some nice applause as he went around.

Next is My heart is on the rebound (not certain what they call him since that seems to be a long name.  And last for this class is Bet of my Heart (litter mate to the previous dog).  And some nice applause as the last dog goes around.  

Around as a group, and then Rita makes some movements.  Elijah stays in front followed by Lux and the rest.

First group is back in.  Rita takes a look down the line, and then asked them to go around as a group.  She keeps the first three.  Then she looks at the second group, has them go around, and keeps the first 3.  We are down to 6 dogs.  Rita is looking at all 6 now, and has them go around as a group.  

Rita does some movement; she moved Barefoot Blue Jeans in front of Pipe Bomb.  And thats how it ends.  Barefoot Blue Jeans, then Pipe Bomb  then Protege and finally Elijah.

That last part was Tony so again, do not blame me.

More to come

  Here they come and iot is looking like a dog show.  the handler are still dressed, and Rita looks spectacular.