Friday, October 27, 2023


Tony and I are talking. Vicky did come by to talk, and it makes me feel important.

I got to talk to Linn Ferguson and that always makes my day, (hell, it makes my year).  I love her dog, what a masculine head. Rita is here talking to Greg, her outfit is fantastic.  It is all black with sleeves that are see through and sparkly lines on then. She looks great, as she always does. I miss being able to talk to her,.

Everyone knows I am a hard ass, but when they sing the National Anthem. I get a catch in my chest.

Tony Monk was telling me about his dog. Evidently the breeder didn't want him, so Tony got him. He took him to Boston and took two Five Point Majors and needs one point to finish. I got to see him, he will be with Bill in Open and needs one point to finish. He looks fantastic and should be hard to beat.

The Miami Connection just came by. If we had a contest for the best mustache Joey would win hands down.  

I just had a high point of the National for me. Two important people came by. 

Amateur Owner Handlers are in. Three entered and three here.  Vicky is doing her thing and I can easily pre-pick the winner but no one asked me.  First was Dawnhill's Let Your Light Shine CGVA Second was Jaydee's Who Shi Wusuoweiju AT 3xc RA FDC FCAT THDX CGCA TKI Third was Camareigh Almar'sDark Vacer V Winsome. Don't ask me what those letters mean, I am lucky I know what the V stands for.

On to Bred-By-Exhibitor.

I am taking a break to contact the AKC to find out why I failed the test.