Thursday, October 26, 2023

Thursday at the Natioinal

As usual I am here early. Irv is here setting up the video and when I left my room, Rick Olanski was coming out of the room opposite us. He and I were always early to the National and with Bob filming it was often the three of us in an empty venue.

This is a great location were it not so far away. If we hadn't sent our dog with the handlers, we would not be here with a dog. I won't fly one any more, and we can't drive that far. I can't get that much time off and Tedi won't spend that much time in a car with me.

Candy is here, and what a great job she has done putting this together.  I can't imagine what a job it is. The building is large, clean and easy to be in, and the food just across the drive is great, inexpensive and everything if fried. I have had three corn dogs, a pork sandwich and a hamburger, not to mention fried mushrooms.  the ground is some sort of compacted dirt with sawdust.  Not dusty and good footing. Even the sound system is good.  Parking is right next to the arena, and I am not sure where the other events are.

If only this were on the West Coast it would be perfect.  I miss some of the California folks.  Celeste can't be here, but I did see Pat made it. He retired and drove. Twyla isn't here and that means I laugh a lot less. I doubt Carolyn Martello will be here and I know we all miss Nancy.

Lots of my friends, and too many missing, but that is my curse for living this long. A young girl in the Chicago restaurant came by and asked Tedi and I how old we were. When we said she was shocked and asked our advice to live that long. I gave her the advice my aunt gave me when we did a magic stage show together when she was 102.  I asked to what did she attribute living that long?  She replied without missing a beat. "I didn't die".  That works.

Tedi's sister and her husband drove in from Michigan yesterday and they will be at the show for the rest of the week.

Justice, (our Levi son) will be in the 15-18 class. He has already gotten a 5, 4, 3 point majors.  I don't expect he will do much since he is the youngest in the class. But, he is fun to be around.  All the Levi stuff has great personalities.  Levi has 29 in his stud dog class. We missed the entry with our two. Justice's sister Judicate, (Cate) has a five point major as well.  Lindsey said she want to double Justice rather than handle him, so she got Kelly to show him.  It will be interesting, and I will be on the  floor for his class.  Six in there.

Lindsey is here talking to Channing, and only  six or so people here. Tedi will come later with her sister.   they are playing oldies on the  sound system. I can't accept music from the 70s as oldies. I want Elvis, Little Richard, The Killer, Patsy Cline, for my oldies. Age has it's privileges.

Zoe said she would put this on the Facebook page, and I don't know where it is showing up.  I never did understand where people read this, but I guess some do.  Half an hour to go to SHOWTIME, and I am ready.  Mike Moran is here, and tells me his black is being shown. He just had back surgery and is doing well.  Zac is here too, who is looking after Justice?  They brought Justice with them, and I miss him, Justice not Zac.

Tony is talking to me and some folks are filing in. They are going to hold off the start to 8:15 to be sure people are here for the National anthem.  In come the ribbons and Ben is here with a big box.  The box has lais in it and he is giving them out to the women.  Evidently they were sent by Pat, and Ben said there was one for Tedi.  He didn't offer me one. Vickey just came by, and I am at the entry steps so I get to see everyone as they come in. Vickey came by and we were talking about what she did. She agreed with me that when we are done judging, we don't remember what we did.

Bob (the voice of the national) is here now with me and Tony. Candy is telling us what is going on.  Mike Metz is here sitting with me,  Now the crowd is filling in and we are going to start a bit late since no one is here, and they have decided to start at 8:15.  I doubt it will make a difference.

I will send this and pretend anyone reads it.