Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Another voice from Colorado

 I am Evan Ginsburg, and I approve this message
It's Summertime!
 Summer posting here (under Mr. Evans permission). I can't believe a whole year has gone by. It seems like it was only yesterday that I was at my first national. It is a joy to see the amazing people that, sadly, I only get to see once a year. I, so far, saw: Miss. Jane Kerner, Miss. Pam Stoesser, and, Miss. Karen Wagner. Of course I saw lots of people where I am from, California, including: Miss. Cindy Telefson, Miss. Twyla Minor, and Miss. Paula Cook and her lovely dog Harley Davidson. I am so excited to meet and see more people, these are just a few. One of the best parts aside from showing are the wonderful people. See you at the shows!
Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds 
Where Type Movement and Temperament come  together