Friday, October 12, 2012

Last Class of the Day

I don't like the German Shepherd Dogs Open Other Dogs.
I guess the Other is to mean they aren't coated. But, hell, I can see that.  I see Joanna Rand, so I don't see Al, so maybe she is here without him.  Carl Anderson is watching the show. 
The Reserve seats are taken.  Boy, Frank never stops moving.
In come the Open dogs.  Nine in there. Ben Bergonia is here.  There is so much confusion that we have to set the schedual.  Now Jen is here.
Sam is in another class with Somerset Rose's Total Package.  An old friend came by, so I will back after the winners.
I was talking to Bob and Maryellen Kish and Fran Ford.  I am fortunate those folks talk to me.
In front is an Aries son, and it is Scott, then Kent, Sean, That is one handsom dog in front. He is barking like crazy at his owner.  She takes the rest of the class and Scott and Kent stand off. Those are fantastic dogs in front, and Leslie moves to fourth.  Cappy says, move the first two.  Megabucks in front, and that is a Select quality dog.  Now Scott tries to move up, but Cappy catchs him.  Kent again with Scott just behind.  Very close between those two.  Scott goes to the front with Megabucks again, and I would think that is the way it is going to go.  She stands back and watches and there they go. Now the crowd is into it. And she looks and stomping in the stand AND YES!
First is Woodsides Megabucks
Second is WeLove DuChien's Captain America
Third is Kohlein's Enduro
Fourth is Athena's Trouble On The Autobahn
On to the presentation classes.
Evan L. Ginsburg
Asgard German Shepherds
Where Type Movement and Temperament come  together