Wednesday, October 09, 2019

Pablo fixed my computer

We are in Bitch Futurity, and I am behind.

Bob is doing well, as always.

The Bemonts give their best to everyone. They sure look great.  I guess the marriage is working.  Vickie's dog was the Futurity winner.

Bob is doing the in

Individual.  Bob is doing American Ferera. 

I was talking to John and Vickie, so I missed most of the class, but there they go around. Now with the second group with Mike with Kalah.  I am impressed with her, but there are so many great bitches in there.

Ileana is here talking to everyone, and I saw Danya yesterday, looking great.
Now Shannon with Seychelles. Tedi came by and and was looking for Twyla.

She rocks is out there and Bob is going over her.  Zac is handling her and I do like that one too.

Art with Dancing The Moonlight.  Nice looking type. I wonder if she can move.  Owned by Bill Peterson, and Cappy by Leo. That takes the joy out of the show for me.  Everyone stay healthy, I don't want to hear the bill ring for you. Ask not for whom the bill tolls.  I see Gloria watching her.

Arabella with Lindsey.    Sandy Anderson is the breeder. Sandy just waved to us.  That should be a winner, as well.

Nancy now with Leona. Another Leo daughter. Sharon Avery's dog with Pam O'Dell.  Pam gave us some chairs, so I am indebted to her.

I hope to be able to send this. Pablo didn't tell me what was wrong with the computer, he just make it work.

Seven in this group, 14 in all. Art has Dancing, and again, I like her.

He puts Lenny, then Stifferman, then a third, and Bob looks over the rest of the group and takes Mike, and checks his notes and walks down, and seems to be having trouble finding another but pulls Art,and then the rest.  Now off go these with June Carter Cash in front.  And Bob sets them aside and brings out the next group.

George is in front,and Bob sends them out, with June in front, and we can't see the numbers but incredible bitches, Honeycomb in second, and seven out there.  Savahah in third. and Bob walks down and back to the front. And he moves the second to first,

Bob has his arms crossed and I think he is looking at everyone in front, now Mike.

My computer just went dark.  Pablo was in front so I asked what is happening and he looked at the power strip and told me to turn it on.  I am not a computer person. 

Now Nancy in front. Everyone in front so figuring it out that is seven passes.

Now Bob lines therm up in the center so we can see them. Honeycomb in second and June Carter in  front, and he gives a temperament test as that is big for Bob.

He walks back looks them over  he sends June carter to the side, and puts Dancing in The moon and he walks to the group, and give directions and off they go with Lenny in front with June Carter in front and what a beautiful bitch, and he moves Wonderland in third and the first two are amazing.

Bob has his arms folded and this is not an easy pick. He talks to Honeycomb in fourth, and she is telling the owners to move and he takes her alone and she is a super star any place but Bob sends her out.  And off they go. He moves Saviah V. Wonderland to second.

Gary (President) came by to sit with us. That's it, June Carter Cash handled by Lennie.

More to come.


It is still quiet, and Sergio with Nakita.  I would have a lot of trouble picking a winner, so much to pick from.